{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} module Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.StartWebDriver where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Control.Retry import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Default import Data.Function import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.String.Interpolate import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import GHC.Stack import Lens.Micro import Lens.Micro.Aeson import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Process import Test.Sandwich import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Binaries import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Binaries.DetectChrome (detectChromeVersion) import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Ports import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Types import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.Util import qualified Test.WebDriver as W import qualified Test.WebDriver.Firefox.Profile as FF #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import Test.Sandwich.WebDriver.Internal.StartWebDriver.Xvfb #endif #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as A import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as HM fromText :: T.Text -> A.Key fromText = A.fromText #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM fromText :: T.Text -> T.Text fromText = id #endif type Constraints m = (HasCallStack, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadMask m) -- | Spin up a Selenium WebDriver and create a WebDriver startWebDriver :: Constraints m => WdOptions -> FilePath -> m WebDriver startWebDriver wdOptions@(WdOptions {..}) runRoot = do -- Create a unique name for this webdriver so the folder for its log output doesn't conflict with any others webdriverName <- ("webdriver_" <>) <$> liftIO makeUUID -- Directory to log everything for this webdriver let webdriverRoot = runRoot (T.unpack webdriverName) liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True webdriverRoot let downloadDir = webdriverRoot "Downloads" liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True downloadDir -- Get selenium and chromedriver debug [i|Preparing to create the Selenium process|] seleniumPath <- obtainSelenium toolsRoot seleniumToUse >>= \case Left err -> error [i|Failed to obtain selenium: '#{err}'|] Right p -> return p driverArgs <- case W.browser capabilities of W.Firefox {} -> do obtainGeckoDriver toolsRoot geckoDriverToUse >>= \case Left err -> error [i|Failed to obtain geckodriver: '#{err}'|] Right p -> return [[i|-Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=#{p}|] -- , [i|-Dwebdriver.gecko.logfile=#{webdriverRoot "geckodriver.log"}|] -- , [i|-Dwebdriver.gecko.verboseLogging=true|] ] W.Chrome {} -> do obtainChromeDriver toolsRoot chromeDriverToUse >>= \case Left err -> error [i|Failed to obtain chromedriver: '#{err}'|] Right p -> return [[i|-Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=#{p}|] , [i|-Dwebdriver.chrome.logfile=#{webdriverRoot "chromedriver.log"}|] , [i|-Dwebdriver.chrome.verboseLogging=true|]] x -> error [i|Browser #{x} is not supported yet|] debug [i|driverArgs: #{driverArgs}|] (maybeXvfbSession, javaEnv) <- case runMode of #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS RunInXvfb (XvfbConfig {..}) -> do (s, e) <- makeXvfbSession xvfbResolution xvfbStartFluxbox webdriverRoot return (Just s, Just e) #endif _ -> return (Nothing, Nothing) -- Retry up to 10 times -- This is necessary because sometimes we get a race for the port we get from findFreePortOrException. -- There doesn't seem to be any way to make Selenium choose its own port. let policy = constantDelay 0 <> limitRetries 10 recoverAll policy $ \retryStatus -> do when (rsIterNumber retryStatus > 0) $ warn [i|Trying again to start selenium server|] -- Create a distinct process name webdriverProcessName <- ("webdriver_process_" <>) <$> (liftIO makeUUID) let webdriverProcessRoot = webdriverRoot T.unpack webdriverProcessName liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True webdriverProcessRoot startWebDriver' wdOptions webdriverName webdriverProcessRoot downloadDir seleniumPath driverArgs maybeXvfbSession javaEnv startWebDriver' wdOptions@(WdOptions {capabilities=capabilities', ..}) webdriverName webdriverRoot downloadDir seleniumPath driverArgs maybeXvfbSession javaEnv = do port <- liftIO findFreePortOrException let wdCreateProcess = (proc "java" (driverArgs <> ["-jar", seleniumPath , "-port", show port])) { env = javaEnv } -- Open output handles let seleniumOutPath = webdriverRoot seleniumOutFileName hout <- liftIO $ openFile seleniumOutPath AppendMode let seleniumErrPath = webdriverRoot seleniumErrFileName herr <- liftIO $ openFile seleniumErrPath AppendMode -- Start the process and wait for it to be ready debug [i|Starting the Selenium process|] (_, _, _, p) <- liftIO $ createProcess $ wdCreateProcess { std_in = Inherit , std_out = UseHandle hout , std_err = UseHandle herr , create_group = True } -- Normally Selenium prints the ready message to stderr. However, when we're running under -- XVFB the two streams get combined and sent to stdout; see -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1059947 -- As a result, we poll both files let readyMessage = "Selenium Server is up and running" -- Retry every 60ms, for up to 60s before admitting defeat let policy = constantDelay 60000 <> limitRetries 1000 success <- retrying policy (\_retryStatus result -> return (not result)) $ const $ liftIO (T.readFile seleniumErrPath) >>= \case t | readyMessage `T.isInfixOf` t -> return True _ -> liftIO (T.readFile seleniumOutPath) >>= \case t | readyMessage `T.isInfixOf` t -> return True _ -> return False unless success $ liftIO $ do interruptProcessGroupOf p >> waitForProcess p error [i|Selenium server failed to start after 60 seconds|] capabilities <- configureHeadlessCapabilities wdOptions runMode capabilities' >>= configureDownloadCapabilities downloadDir -- Make the WebDriver WebDriver <$> pure (T.unpack webdriverName) <*> pure (hout, herr, p, seleniumOutPath, seleniumErrPath, maybeXvfbSession) <*> pure wdOptions <*> liftIO (newMVar mempty) <*> pure (def { W.wdPort = fromIntegral port , W.wdCapabilities = capabilities , W.wdHTTPManager = httpManager , W.wdHTTPRetryCount = httpRetryCount }) <*> pure downloadDir -- | TODO: expose this as an option gracePeriod :: Int gracePeriod = 30000000 stopWebDriver :: Constraints m => WebDriver -> m () stopWebDriver (WebDriver {wdWebDriver=(hout, herr, h, _, _, maybeXvfbSession)}) = do gracefullyStopProcess h gracePeriod liftIO $ hClose hout liftIO $ hClose herr whenJust maybeXvfbSession $ \(XvfbSession {..}) -> do whenJust xvfbFluxboxProcess $ \p -> do gracefullyStopProcess p gracePeriod gracefullyStopProcess xvfbProcess gracePeriod -- * Util seleniumOutFileName, seleniumErrFileName :: FilePath seleniumOutFileName = "stdout.txt" seleniumErrFileName = "stderr.txt" -- | Add headless configuration to the Chrome browser configureHeadlessCapabilities :: Constraints m => WdOptions -> RunMode -> W.Capabilities -> m W.Capabilities configureHeadlessCapabilities wdOptions (RunHeadless (HeadlessConfig {..})) caps@(W.Capabilities {W.browser=browser@(W.Chrome {..})}) = do headlessArg <- liftIO (detectChromeVersion (chromeBinaryPath wdOptions)) >>= \case Left err -> do warn [i|Couldn't determine chrome version when configuring headless capabilities (err: #{err}); passing --headless|] return "--headless" Right (ChromeVersion (major, _, _, _)) -- See https://www.selenium.dev/blog/2023/headless-is-going-away/ | major >= 110 -> return "--headless=new" | otherwise -> return "--headless" let browser' = browser { W.chromeOptions = headlessArg:resolution:chromeOptions } return (caps { W.browser = browser' }) where resolution = [i|--window-size=#{w},#{h}|] (w, h) = fromMaybe (1920, 1080) headlessResolution -- | Add headless configuration to the Firefox capabilities configureHeadlessCapabilities _ (RunHeadless (HeadlessConfig {..})) caps@(W.Capabilities {W.browser=(W.Firefox {..}), W.additionalCaps=ac}) = return (caps { W.additionalCaps = additionalCaps }) where additionalCaps = case L.findIndex (\x -> fst x == "moz:firefoxOptions") ac of Nothing -> ("moz:firefoxOptions", A.object [("args", A.Array ["-headless"])]) : ac Just i -> let ffOptions' = snd (ac !! i) & ensureKeyExists "args" (A.Array []) & ((key "args" . _Array) %~ addHeadlessArg) in L.nubBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) (("moz:firefoxOptions", ffOptions') : ac) ensureKeyExists :: T.Text -> A.Value -> A.Value -> A.Value ensureKeyExists key _ val@(A.Object (HM.lookup (fromText key) -> Just _)) = val ensureKeyExists key defaultVal (A.Object m@(HM.lookup (fromText key) -> Nothing)) = A.Object (HM.insert (fromText key) defaultVal m) ensureKeyExists _ _ _ = error "Expected Object in ensureKeyExists" addHeadlessArg :: V.Vector A.Value -> V.Vector A.Value addHeadlessArg xs | (A.String "-headless") `V.elem` xs = xs addHeadlessArg xs = (A.String "-headless") `V.cons` xs configureHeadlessCapabilities _ (RunHeadless {}) browser = error [i|Headless mode not yet supported for browser '#{browser}'|] configureHeadlessCapabilities _ _ browser = return browser configureDownloadCapabilities downloadDir caps@(W.Capabilities {W.browser=browser@(W.Firefox {..})}) = do case ffProfile of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ userError [i|Can't support Firefox profile yet.|] profile <- FF.defaultProfile & FF.addPref "browser.download.folderList" (2 :: Int) & FF.addPref "browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting" False & FF.addPref "browser.download.dir" downloadDir & FF.addPref "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk" ("*" :: String) & FF.prepareProfile return (caps { W.browser = browser { W.ffProfile = Just profile } }) configureDownloadCapabilities downloadDir caps@(W.Capabilities {W.browser=browser@(W.Chrome {..})}) = return $ caps { W.browser=browser' } where browser' = browser { W.chromeExperimentalOptions = options } basePrefs :: A.Object basePrefs = case HM.lookup "prefs" chromeExperimentalOptions of Just (A.Object hm) -> hm Just x -> error [i|Expected chrome prefs to be object, got '#{x}'.|] Nothing -> mempty prefs :: A.Object prefs = basePrefs & foldl (.) id [HM.insert k v | (k, v) <- downloadPrefs] options = HM.insert "prefs" (A.Object prefs) chromeExperimentalOptions downloadPrefs = [("profile.default_content_setting_values.automatic_downloads", A.Number 1) , ("profile.content_settings.exceptions.automatic_downloads.*.setting", A.Number 1) , ("download.prompt_for_download", A.Bool False) , ("download.directory_upgrade", A.Bool True) , ("download.default_directory", A.String (T.pack downloadDir))] configureDownloadCapabilities _ browser = return browser