----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.SBV.Utils.CrackNum -- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- -- Crack internal representation for numeric types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Data.SBV.Utils.CrackNum ( crackNum ) where import Data.SBV.Core.Concrete import Data.SBV.Core.Kind import Data.SBV.Core.SizedFloats import Data.SBV.Utils.Numeric import Data.SBV.Utils.PrettyNum (showFloatAtBase) import Data.Char (intToDigit, toUpper, isSpace) import Data.Bits import Data.List import LibBF hiding (Zero, bfToString) import Numeric -- | A class for cracking things deeper, if we know how. class CrackNum a where -- | Convert an item to possibly bit-level description, if possible. crackNum :: a -> Bool -> Maybe Integer -> Maybe String -- | CVs are easy to crack instance CrackNum CV where crackNum cv verbose mbIV = case kindOf cv of -- Maybe one day we'll have a use for these, currently cracking them -- any further seems overkill KBool {} -> Nothing KUnbounded {} -> Nothing KReal {} -> Nothing KUserSort {} -> Nothing KChar {} -> Nothing KString {} -> Nothing KList {} -> Nothing KSet {} -> Nothing KTuple {} -> Nothing KMaybe {} -> Nothing KEither {} -> Nothing KRational {} -> Nothing -- Actual crackables KFloat{} -> Just $ let CFloat f = cvVal cv in float verbose mbIV f KDouble{} -> Just $ let CDouble d = cvVal cv in float verbose mbIV d KFP{} -> Just $ let CFP f = cvVal cv in float verbose mbIV f KBounded sg sz -> Just $ let CInteger i = cvVal cv in int sg sz i -- How far off the screen we want displayed? Somewhat experimentally found. tab :: String tab = replicate 18 ' ' -- Make splits of 4, top one has the remainder split4 :: Int -> [Int] split4 n | m == 0 = rest | True = m : rest where (d, m) = n `divMod` 4 rest = replicate d 4 -- Convert bits to the corresponding integer. getVal :: [Bool] -> Integer getVal = foldl (\s b -> 2 * s + if b then 1 else 0) 0 -- Show in hex, but pay attention to how wide a field it should be in mkHex :: [Bool] -> String mkHex bin = map toUpper $ showHex (getVal bin) "" -- | Show a sized word/int in detail int :: Bool -> Int -> Integer -> String int signed sz v = intercalate "\n" $ ruler ++ info where splits = split4 sz ruler = map (tab ++) $ mkRuler sz splits bitRep :: [[Bool]] bitRep = split splits [v `testBit` i | i <- reverse [0 .. sz - 1]] flatHex = concatMap mkHex bitRep iprec | signed = "Signed " ++ show sz ++ "-bit 2's complement integer" | True = "Unsigned " ++ show sz ++ "-bit word" signBit = v `testBit` (sz-1) s | signed && signBit = "-" | True = "" av = abs v info = [ " Binary layout: " ++ unwords [concatMap (\b -> if b then "1" else "0") is | is <- bitRep] , " Hex layout: " ++ unwords (split (split4 (length flatHex)) flatHex) , " Type: " ++ iprec ] ++ [ " Sign: " ++ if signBit then "Negative" else "Positive" | signed] ++ [ " Binary: " ++ s ++ "0b" ++ showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit av "" , " Octal: " ++ s ++ "0o" ++ showOct av "" , " Decimal: " ++ show v , " Hex: " ++ s ++ "0x" ++ showHex av "" ] -- | What kind of Float is this? data FPKind = Zero Bool -- with sign | Infty Bool -- with sign | NaN | Subnormal | Normal deriving Eq -- | Show instance for Kind, not for reading back! instance Show FPKind where show Zero{} = "FP_ZERO" show Infty{} = "FP_INFINITE" show NaN = "FP_NAN" show Subnormal = "FP_SUBNORMAL" show Normal = "FP_NORMAL" -- | Find out what kind this float is. We specifically ask -- the caller to provide if the number is zero, neg-inf, and pos-inf. Why? -- Because the FP type doesn't have those recognizers that also work with Float/Double. getKind :: RealFloat a => a -> FPKind getKind fp | fp == 0 = Zero (isNegativeZero fp) | isInfinite fp = Infty (fp < 0) | isNaN fp = NaN | isDenormalized fp = Subnormal | True = Normal -- Show the value in different bases showAtBases :: FPKind -> (String, String, String, String) -> Either String (String, String, String, String) showAtBases k bvs = case k of Zero False -> Right ("0b0.0", "0o0.0", "0.0", "0x0") Zero True -> Right ("-0b0.0", "-0o0.0", "-0.0", "-0o0") Infty False -> Left "Infinity" Infty True -> Left "-Infinity" NaN -> Left "NaN" Subnormal -> Right (dropSuffixes bvs) Normal -> Right (dropSuffixes bvs) where dropSuffixes (a, b, c, d) = (bfRemoveRedundantExp a, bfRemoveRedundantExp b, bfRemoveRedundantExp c, bfRemoveRedundantExp d) -- | Float data for display purposes data FloatData = FloatData { prec :: String , eb :: Int , sb :: Int , bits :: Integer , fpKind :: FPKind , fpVals :: Either String (String, String, String, String) } -- | A simple means to organize different bits and pieces of float data -- for display purposes class HasFloatData a where getFloatData :: a -> FloatData -- | Float instance instance HasFloatData Float where getFloatData f = FloatData { prec = "Single" , eb = 8 , sb = 24 , bits = fromIntegral (floatToWord f) , fpKind = k , fpVals = showAtBases k (showFloatAtBase 2 f "", showFloatAtBase 8 f "", show f, showFloatAtBase 16 f "") } where k = getKind f -- | Double instance instance HasFloatData Double where getFloatData d = FloatData { prec = "Double" , eb = 11 , sb = 53 , bits = fromIntegral (doubleToWord d) , fpKind = k , fpVals = showAtBases k (showFloatAtBase 2 d "", showFloatAtBase 8 d "", show d, showFloatAtBase 16 d "") } where k = getKind d -- | Find the exponent values, (exponent value, exponent as stored, bias) getExponentData :: FloatData -> (Integer, Integer, Integer) getExponentData FloatData{eb, sb, bits, fpKind} = (expValue, expStored, bias) where -- | Bias is 2^(eb-1) - 1 bias :: Integer bias = (2 :: Integer) ^ ((fromIntegral eb :: Integer) - 1) - 1 -- | Exponent as stored is simply bit extraction expStored = getVal [bits `testBit` i | i <- reverse [sb-1 .. sb+eb-2]] -- | Exponent value is stored exponent - bias, unless the number is subnormal. In that case it is 1 - bias expValue = case fpKind of Subnormal -> 1 - bias _ -> expStored - bias -- | FP instance instance HasFloatData FP where getFloatData v@(FP eb sb f) = FloatData { prec = case (eb, sb) of ( 5, 11) -> "Half (5 exponent bits, 10 significand bits.)" ( 8, 24) -> "Single (8 exponent bits, 23 significand bits.)" (11, 53) -> "Double (11 exponent bits, 52 significand bits.)" (15, 113) -> "Quad (15 exponent bits, 112 significand bits.)" ( _, _) -> show eb ++ " exponent bits, " ++ show (sb-1) ++ " significand bit" ++ if sb > 2 then "s" else "" , eb = eb , sb = sb , bits = bfToBits (mkBFOpts eb sb NearEven) f , fpKind = k , fpVals = showAtBases k (bfToString 2 True True v, bfToString 8 True True v, bfToString 10 True False v, bfToString 16 True True v) } where opts = mkBFOpts eb sb NearEven k | bfIsZero f = Zero (bfIsNeg f) | bfIsInf f = Infty (bfIsNeg f) | bfIsNaN f = NaN | bfIsSubnormal opts f = Subnormal | True = Normal -- | Show a float in detail. mbSurface is the integer equivalent if this is a NaN; so we -- can represent it faithfully to the original given. Used by crackNum executable. float :: HasFloatData a => Bool -> Maybe Integer -> a -> String float verbose mbSurface f = intercalate "\n" $ ruler ++ legend : info where fd@FloatData{prec, eb, sb, bits = bitsAsStored, fpKind, fpVals} = getFloatData f nanKind = case fpKind of Zero{} -> False Infty{} -> False NaN -> True Subnormal -> False Normal -> False (nanClassifier, bits, nanChanged) | nanKind, Just i <- mbSurface = (extraClassifier i, i, i /= bitsAsStored) | True = ("", bitsAsStored, False) -- Is this surface representation a signaling NaN or a quiet nan? -- The test is that the tip bit of the significand is high: If so, quiet. If top bit is low, then signaling. extraClassifier :: Integer -> String extraClassifier i | sb < 2 = "" -- I don't think this can happen, but just in case | i `testBit` (sb - 2) = " (Quiet)" | True = " (Signaling)" splits = [1, eb, sb] ruler = map (tab ++) $ mkRuler (eb + sb) splits legend = tab ++ "S " ++ mkTag ('E' : show eb) eb ++ " " ++ mkTag ('S' : show (sb-1)) (sb-1) mkTag t len = take len $ replicate ((len - length t) `div` 2) '-' ++ t ++ repeat '-' allBits :: [Bool] allBits = [bits `testBit` i | i <- reverse [0 .. eb + sb - 1]] storedBits :: [Bool] storedBits = [bitsAsStored `testBit` i | i <- reverse [0 .. eb + sb - 1]] flatHex = concatMap mkHex (split (split4 (eb + sb)) allBits) sign = bits `testBit` (eb+sb-1) (exponentVal, storedExponent, bias) = getExponentData fd esInfo = "Stored: " ++ show storedExponent ++ ", Bias: " ++ show bias chunks bs = unwords [concatMap (\b -> if b then "1" else "0") is | is <- split splits bs] isSubNormal = case fpKind of Subnormal -> True _ -> False info = [ " Binary layout: " ++ chunks allBits] ++ [ " Calculated bits: " ++ chunks storedBits ++ " (Surface NaN value differs from calculated)" | verbose && nanChanged] ++ [ " Hex layout: " ++ unwords (split (split4 (length flatHex)) flatHex) , " Precision: " ++ prec , " Sign: " ++ if sign then "Negative" else "Positive" ] ++ [ " Exponent: " ++ show exponentVal ++ " (Subnormal, with fixed exponent value. " ++ esInfo ++ ")" | isSubNormal ] ++ [ " Exponent: " ++ show exponentVal ++ " (" ++ esInfo ++ ")" | not isSubNormal] ++ [ " Classification: " ++ show fpKind ++ nanClassifier] ++ (case fpVals of Left val -> [ " Value: " ++ val] Right (bval, oval, dval, hval) -> [ " Binary: " ++ bval , " Octal: " ++ oval , " Decimal: " ++ dval , " Hex: " ++ hval ]) ++ [ " Note: Representation for NaN's is not unique" | fpKind == NaN] -- | Build a ruler with given split points mkRuler :: Int -> [Int] -> [String] mkRuler n splits = map (trimRight . unwords . split splits . trim Nothing) $ transpose $ map pad $ reverse [0 .. n-1] where len = length (show (n-1)) pad i = reverse $ take len $ reverse (show i) ++ repeat '0' trim _ "" = "" trim mbPrev (c:cs) | mbPrev == Just c = ' ' : trim mbPrev cs | True = c : trim (Just c) cs trimRight = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse split :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]] split _ [] = [] split [] xs = [xs] split (i:is) xs = case splitAt i xs of (pre, []) -> [pre] (pre, post) -> pre : split is post