{-| Module : Data.List.Scroll Description : Reordering an item within a list Copyright : (c) Felpe Santa-Cruz, 2021 License : BSD3 Maintainer : fesanmar@gmail.com Stability : stable Portability : POSIX This module provides functions for relocate an item within a list. -} module Data.List.Scroll ( up , down ) where {-| The 'up' function moves an element 'n' positions to the beginning of a list. If the index provided is out of range, the list is returned without any modification. On the other hand, extra steps will be ignored. Some examples are given below: >>> up 2 2 ["one", "two", "three"] ["three", "one", "two"] >>> up 4 1 ["one", "two", "three"] ["one", "two", "three"] >>> up 2 3 ["one", "two", "three"] ["three", "one", "two"] -} up :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] up index steps items | steps <= 0 || index <= 0 || index >= length items = items | otherwise = up prev (steps -1) oneStepUpList where oneStepUpList = take prev items ++ (items !! index) : items !! prev : drop next items prev = index - 1 next = index + 1 {-| The 'down' function moves an element 'n' positions to the end of a list. If the index provided is out of range, the list is returned without any modification. On the other hand, extra steps will be ignored. Some examples are given below: >>> down 0 1 ["one", "two", "three"] ["two", "one", "three"] >>> down 4 1 ["one", "two", "three"] ["one", "two", "three"] >>> down 0 4 ["one", "two", "three"] ["two", "three", "one"] -} down :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] down index steps items = reverse . up reverseIndex steps $ reverse items where reverseIndex = length items - index - 1