{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, BangPatterns, DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy, CPP, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints, RankNTypes #-} #endif {- | Module : SDP.Linear Copyright : (c) Andrey Mulik 2019-2021 License : BSD-style Maintainer : work.a.mulik@gmail.com Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) "SDP.Linear" is a module that provides several convenient interfaces for working with various linear data structures. -} module SDP.Linear ( -- * Exports module SDP.Nullable, module SDP.Index, module SDP.Sort, module SDP.Zip, -- * Bordered class Bordered (..), Bordered1, Bordered2, -- * Linear class Linear (..), Linear1, Linear2, pattern (:>), pattern (:<), #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806 -- ** Rank 2 quantified constraints -- | GHC 8.6.1+ only Bordered', Bordered'', Linear', Linear'', #endif -- ** Split class Split (..), Split1, -- * Related functions stripPrefix, stripSuffix, stripPrefix', stripSuffix', intercalate, tails, inits, ascending ) where import Prelude () import SDP.SafePrelude import SDP.Nullable import SDP.Index import SDP.Sort import SDP.Zip import qualified Data.List as L import Control.Exception.SDP default () infix 8 `filter`, `except` infixr 5 :>, ++ infixl 5 :< infixl 9 !^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Class of bordered data structures. class (Index i, Estimate b) => Bordered b i | b -> i where {-# MINIMAL (bounds|(lower, upper)) #-} {-# INLINE bounds #-} {- | Returns the exact 'upper' and 'lower' bounds of given structure. If the structure doesn't have explicitly defined boundaries (list, for example), use the @'defaultBounds' . 'sizeOf'@. -} bounds :: b -> (i, i) bounds es = (lower es, upper es) {-# INLINE lower #-} -- | Returns lower bound of structure lower :: b -> i lower = fst . bounds {-# INLINE upper #-} -- | Returns upper bound of structure upper :: b -> i upper = snd . bounds {-# INLINE sizeOf #-} -- | Returns actual size of structure. sizeOf :: b -> Int sizeOf = size . bounds -- | Returns actual sizes of structure. sizesOf :: b -> [Int] sizesOf = sizes . bounds {-# INLINE indexIn #-} -- | Checks if an index falls within the boundaries of the structure. indexIn :: b -> i -> Bool indexIn = inRange . bounds {-# INLINE indices #-} -- | Returns index range list. indices :: b -> [i] indices = range . bounds {-# INLINE indexOf #-} -- | Returns index by offset in structure. indexOf :: b -> Int -> i indexOf = index . bounds {-# INLINE offsetOf #-} -- | Returns index offset in structure bounds. offsetOf :: b -> i -> Int offsetOf = offset . bounds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (Index i) => Bordered (i, i) i where bounds = id lower = fst upper = snd indices = range indexIn = inRange sizeOf = size indexOf = index offsetOf = offset instance Bordered [e] Int where sizeOf = length lower = const 0 upper es = length es - 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# RULES "select/Just" select Just = listL; "select'/Just" select' Just = id; #-} {- | Class of list-like data structures, which * can be converted to and from list * can be created from singleton or 'Foldable' stream * support filter operations, separation, concatenation and selection * It can be represented as 'head', 'tail', 'init' and 'last' elements and constructed from 'head' and 'tail' or 'init' and 'last'. -} class (Nullable l) => Linear l e | l -> e where {-# MINIMAL (listL|listR), (fromList|fromFoldable), (head,tail|uncons), (init,last|unsnoc) #-} -- | Separates line to 'head' and 'tail', deconstructor for ':>' pattern. uncons :: l -> (e, l) uncons xs = (head xs, tail xs) -- | Same as @'isNull' '?-' 'uncons'@ uncons' :: l -> Maybe (e, l) uncons' = isNull ?- uncons -- | Prepends element to line, constructor for ':>' pattern. toHead :: e -> l -> l toHead = (++) . single -- | Returns first element of line, may fail. head :: l -> e head = fst . uncons -- | Returns line except first, may fail. tail :: l -> l tail = snd . uncons -- | Separates line to 'init' and 'last', deconstructor for ':<' pattern. unsnoc :: l -> (l, e) unsnoc xs = (init xs, last xs) -- | Same as @'isNull' '?-' 'unsnoc'@ unsnoc' :: l -> Maybe (l, e) unsnoc' = isNull ?- unsnoc -- | Appends element to line, constructor for ':<' pattern. toLast :: l -> e -> l toLast es = (es ++) . single -- | Returns line except 'last' element, may fail. init :: l -> l init = fst . unsnoc -- | Returns last element, may fail. last :: l -> e last = snd . unsnoc -- | Just singleton. single :: e -> l single = fromList . pure -- | Concatenation of two lines. (++) :: l -> l -> l (++) = fromList ... on (++) listL -- | @replicate n e@ returns a line of @n@ repetitions of the element @e@. replicate :: Int -> e -> l replicate n = fromListN n . replicate n -- | Creates line from list. fromList :: [e] -> l fromList = fromFoldable -- | Create finite line from (possibly infinite) list. fromListN :: Int -> [e] -> l fromListN = fromList ... take -- | Right to left view of line. listR :: l -> [e] listR = listL . reverse -- | Left to right view of line, same to 'toList'. listL :: l -> [e] listL = reverse . listR -- | Generalized 'fromList'. fromFoldable :: (Foldable f) => f e -> l fromFoldable = fromList . toList {- | Returns the element of a sequence by offset, may be completely unsafe. This is an optimistic read function and shouldn't perform checks for efficiency reasons. If you need safety, use (!) or (!?). The generalization of this function by index type (.!). > es !^ i = listL es !! i -} (!^) :: l -> Int -> e (!^) = (L.!!) . listL {- | @write es n e@ writes value @e@ in position @n@ (offset), returns new structure. If @n@ is out of range, returns equal structure (@es@ or copy). -} write :: l -> Int -> e -> l write es = fromList ... write (listL es) -- | Generalized concat. concat :: (Foldable f) => f l -> l concat = foldr (++) Z -- | Generalized concatMap. concatMap :: (Foldable f) => (a -> l) -> f a -> l concatMap f = concat . foldr ((:) . f) [] -- | Generalized intersperse. intersperse :: e -> l -> l intersperse e = fromList . intersperse e . listL -- | Generalized filter. filter :: (e -> Bool) -> l -> l filter p = fromList . filter p . listL -- | Inverted filter. except :: (e -> Bool) -> l -> l except p = filter (not . p) -- | Generalization of partition. partition :: (e -> Bool) -> l -> (l, l) partition p es = (filter p es, except p es) -- | Generalization of partition, that select sublines by predicates. partitions :: (Foldable f) => f (e -> Bool) -> l -> [l] partitions ps es = let f = \ (x : xs) -> (\ (y, ys) -> (ys : y : xs)) . (`partition` x) in reverse $ foldl f [es] ps -- | @select f es@ is selective map of @es@ elements to new list. select :: (e -> Maybe a) -> l -> [a] select f = foldr (\ x es -> case f x of {(Just e) -> e : es; _ -> es}) [] . listL -- | @select' f es@ is selective map of @es@ elements to new line. select' :: (t e ~ l, Linear1 t a) => (e -> Maybe a) -> l -> t a select' = fromList ... select {- | @extract f es@ returns a selective map of @es@ elements to new list and the remaining elements of the line. -} extract :: (e -> Maybe a) -> l -> ([a], l) extract f = let g = \ b -> second (b :) `maybe` (first . (:)) $ f b in fmap fromList . foldr g ([], []) . listL {- | @extract' f es@ returns a selective map of @es@ elements to new line and the remaining elements of the line. -} extract' :: (t e ~ l, Linear1 t a) => (e -> Maybe a) -> l -> (t a, l) extract' = first fromList ... extract {- | @selects fs es@ sequentially applies the functions from @fs@ to the remainder of @es@, returns a list of selections and the remainder of the last selection. -} selects :: (Foldable f) => f (e -> Maybe a) -> l -> ([[a]], l) selects fs es = let g = \ as -> first (: as) ... flip extract in foldl (uncurry g) ([], es) fs {- | @selects' fs es@ sequentially applies the functions from @fs@ to the remainder of @es@, returns a line of selections and the remainder of the last selection. -} selects' :: (Foldable f, t e ~ l, Linear1 t a) => f (e -> Maybe a) -> l -> ([t a], l) selects' = first (map fromList) ... selects {- | The @isSubseqOf xs ys@ checks if all the elements of the @xs@ occur, in order, in the @ys@. The elements don't have to occur consecutively. -} isSubseqOf :: (Eq e) => l -> l -> Bool isSubseqOf = isSubseqOf `on` listL -- | Generalized reverse. reverse :: l -> l reverse = fromList . listR -- | O(1) 'force', same as 'id'. force :: l -> l force = fromList . listL {- | @since 0.2.1 @'before' es i e@ insert @e@ to @es@ before element with offset @i@. If @i@ goes beyond the lower or upper bounds, @e@ is prepended or appended to @es@ respectively. > before [0 .. 5] (-1) 7 == [7,0,1,2,3,4,5] > before [0 .. 5] 0 7 == [7,0,1,2,3,4,5] > before [0 .. 5] 3 7 == [0,1,2,7,3,4,5] > before [0 .. 5] 5 7 == [0,1,2,3,4,7,5] > before [0 .. 5] 19 7 == [0,1,2,3,4,5,7] -} before :: l -> Int -> e -> l before es = fromList ... before (listL es) {- | @since 0.2.1 @'after' es i e@ insert @e@ to @es@ after element with offset @i@. > after es i e == before es (i + 1) e -} after :: l -> Int -> e -> l after es i e = before es (i + 1) e {- | @since 0.2.1 @'remove' es i@ delete element with offset @i@ from @es@. > remove (-1) [0 .. 5] == [0 .. 5] > remove 6 [0 .. 5] == [0 .. 5] > remove 0 [0 .. 5] == [1,2,3,4,5] > remove 3 [0 .. 5] == [0,1,2,4,5] > remove 5 [0 .. 5] == [0,1,2,3,4] -} remove :: Int -> l -> l remove n = fromList . remove n . listL -- | Generalized 'subsequences'. subsequences :: l -> [l] subsequences = (Z :) . go where go (x :> xs) = single x : foldr (\ ys r -> ys : (x :> ys) : r) [] (go xs) go _ = Z {- | @iterate n f x@ returns sequence of @n@ applications of @f@ to @x@. Note that @iterate@ returns finite sequence, instead "Prelude" prototype. -} iterate :: Int -> (e -> e) -> e -> l iterate n = fromListN n ... iterate n -- | Same as @nubBy ('==')@. nub :: (Eq e) => l -> l nub = nubBy (==) -- | Generalization of nubBy. nubBy :: Equal e -> l -> l nubBy f = fromList . nubBy f . listL {- Folds with offset. -} -- | 'ofoldr' is right fold with offset. ofoldr :: (Int -> e -> b -> b) -> b -> l -> b ofoldr f base = ofoldr f base . listL -- | 'ofoldl' is left fold with offset. ofoldl :: (Int -> b -> e -> b) -> b -> l -> b ofoldl f base = ofoldl f base . listL -- | 'ofoldr'' is strict version of 'ofoldr'. ofoldr' :: (Int -> e -> b -> b) -> b -> l -> b ofoldr' f = ofoldr (\ !i e !b -> f i e b) -- | 'ofoldl'' is strict version of 'ofoldl'. ofoldl' :: (Int -> b -> e -> b) -> b -> l -> b ofoldl' f = ofoldl (\ !i !b e -> f i b e) {- 'Foldable' crutches. -} -- | 'o_foldr' is just 'foldr' in 'Linear' context. o_foldr :: (e -> b -> b) -> b -> l -> b o_foldr = ofoldr . const -- | 'o_foldl' is just 'foldl' in 'Linear' context. o_foldl :: (b -> e -> b) -> b -> l -> b o_foldl = ofoldl . const -- | 'o_foldr'' is just 'foldr'' in 'Linear' context. o_foldr' :: (e -> b -> b) -> b -> l -> b o_foldr' = ofoldr' . const -- | 'o_foldl'' is just 'foldl'' in 'Linear' context. o_foldl' :: (b -> e -> b) -> b -> l -> b o_foldl' = ofoldl' . const {- | @since 0.2.1 'o_foldr1' is just 'Data.Foldable.foldr1' in 'Linear' context. -} o_foldr1 :: (e -> e -> e) -> l -> e o_foldr1 f = \ (es :< e) -> o_foldr f e es {- | @since 0.2.1 'o_foldl1' is just 'Data.Foldable.foldl1' in 'Linear' context. -} o_foldl1 :: (e -> e -> e) -> l -> e o_foldl1 f = \ (e :> es) -> o_foldl f e es {- | @since 0.2.1 'o_foldr1'' is just strict 'Data.Foldable.foldr1' in 'Linear' context. -} o_foldr1' :: (e -> e -> e) -> l -> e o_foldr1' f = \ (es :< e) -> o_foldr' f e es {- | @since 0.2.1 'o_foldl1'' is just 'Data.Foldable.foldl1'' in 'Linear' context. -} o_foldl1' :: (e -> e -> e) -> l -> e o_foldl1' f = \ (e :> es) -> o_foldl' f e es -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Split - class of splittable data structures. class (Linear s e) => Split s e | s -> e where {-# MINIMAL (take|sans), (drop|keep) #-} -- | @take n es@ takes first @n@ elements of @es@. take :: Int -> s -> s default take :: (Bordered s i) => Int -> s -> s take n es = sans (sizeOf es - n) es -- | @drop n es@ drops first @n@ elements of @es@. drop :: Int -> s -> s default drop :: (Bordered s i) => Int -> s -> s drop n es = keep (sizeOf es - n) es -- | @keep n es@ takes last @n@ elements of @es@. keep :: Int -> s -> s default keep :: (Bordered s i) => Int -> s -> s keep n es = drop (sizeOf es - n) es -- | @sans n es@ drops last @n@ elements of @es@. sans :: Int -> s -> s default sans :: (Bordered s i) => Int -> s -> s sans n es = take (sizeOf es - n) es {- | @save n es@ takes first @n@ elements of @es@ if @n > 0@ and last @-n@ elements otherwise. -} save :: Int -> s -> s save n = n > 0 ? take n $ keep (-n) {- | @skip n es@ drops first @n@ elements of @es@ if @n > 0@ and last @-n@ elements otherwise. -} skip :: Int -> s -> s skip n = n > 0 ? drop n $ sans (-n) -- | @split n es@ is same to @(take n es, drop n es)@. split :: Int -> s -> (s, s) split n es = (take n es, drop n es) -- | @divide n es@ is same to @(sans n es, keep n es)@. divide :: Int -> s -> (s, s) divide n es = (sans n es, keep n es) {- | Splits line into sequences of given sizes (left to right). > splits [5, 3, 12] ['a'..'z'] = ["abcde","fgh","ijklmnopqrst","uvwxyz"] -} splits :: (Foldable f) => f Int -> s -> [s] splits ns es = let f = \ (r : ds) n -> let (d, r') = split n r in r' : d : ds in reverse $ foldl f [es] ns {- | Splits line into sequences of given sizes (right to left). > divides [5,3,12] ['a'..'z'] == ["abcdef","ghijk","lmn","opqrstuvwxyz"] -} divides :: (Foldable f) => f Int -> s -> [s] divides ns es = let f = \ n (r : ds) -> let (r', d) = divide n r in r' : d : ds in foldr f [es] ns {- | Splits structures into parts by given offsets. > parts [0,5,6,12,26] ['a'..'z'] = ["","abcde","f","ghijkl","mnopqrstuvwxyz",""] > -- if previous offset is equal or greater, subline is empty and next > begins from previous: > parts [0, 5, 4, 12, 26] ['a' .. 'z'] = ["","abcde","","fghijklm","nopqrstuvwxyz",""] -} parts :: (Foldable f) => f Int -> s -> [s] parts = splits . go . toList where go is = zipWith (-) is (0 : is) {- | Splits structures into chunks of size @n@ and the rest. > chunks x [] = [] -- forall x > chunks 0 es = [] -- forall es > chunks 3 [1 .. 10] == [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10]] -} chunks :: Int -> s -> [s] chunks _ Z = [] chunks n es = n < 1 ? [] $ let (x, xs) = split n es in x : chunks n xs {- | Split line by first (left) separation element. If there is no such element, @splitBy es = (es, Z)@. > splitBy (== '.') "foo" == ("foo","") > splitBy (== '.') "foo." == ("foo","") > splitBy (== '.') ".foo" == ("","foo") > splitBy (== '.') "foo.bar" == ("foo","bar") > splitBy (== '.') "foo.bar.baz" == ("foo","bar.baz") -} splitBy :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> (s, s) splitBy f = bimap fromList fromList . splitBy f . listL {- | Split line by last (right) separation element. If there is no such element, @divide es = (Z, es)@. > divideBy (== '.') "foo" == ("","foo") > divideBy (== '.') ".foo" == ("","foo") > divideBy (== '.') "foo." == ("foo","") > divideBy (== '.') "foo.bar" == ("foo","bar") > divideBy (== '.') "foo.bar.baz" == ("foo.bar","baz") -} divideBy :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> (s, s) divideBy f = bimap fromList fromList . divideBy f . listL -- | Splits line by separation elements. splitsBy :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> [s] splitsBy e = map fromList . splitsBy e . listL {- | @splitsOn sub line@ splits @line@ by @sub@. > splitsOn "fo" "foobar bazfoobar1" == ["","obar baz","obar1"] -} splitsOn :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> [s] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 820 default splitsOn :: (Eq e, Bordered s i) => s -> s -> [s] splitsOn sub line = drop (sizeOf sub) <$> parts (infixes sub line) line -- ghc-8.0.1 has bug in default signatures, so this can be used with it #else {- Not tested, but should be significantly slower than the definitions below. If you plan to support ghc-8.0.1, override splitsOn in all your instances. -} splitsOn sub line = fromList <$> splitsOn (listL sub) (listL line) #endif {- | @replaceBy sub new line@ replace every non-overlapping occurrence of @sub@ in @line@ with @new@. > replaceBy "foo" "bar" "foobafoorbaz" == "barbabarrbaz" -} replaceBy :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> s -> s replaceBy sub new = intercalate new . splitsOn sub {- | Removes every non-overlapping occurrence of @sub@ with 'Z'. > removeAll = concat ... splitsOn > (`replaceBy` Z) = removeAll -} removeAll :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> s removeAll = concat ... splitsOn {- | @combo f es@ returns the length of the @es@ subsequence (left to tight) whose elements are in order @f@. > combo (<) [] == 0 > combo (<) [1] == 1 > combo (<) [7, 4, 12] == 1 > combo (<) [1, 7, 3, 12] == 2 -} combo :: Equal e -> s -> Int combo f = combo f . listL {- | @justifyL n e es@ appends @e@ elements if the @es@ is shorter than @n@, @justifyL n e es@ prepends @(n - sizeOf es)@ elements @e@ to @es@ from the takes @n@ elements if longer. left side if @(sizeOf es < n)@. Otherwise returns the first @n@ elements of @es@, like @'take' n es@ do. -} justifyL :: Int -> e -> s -> s justifyL n e = take n . (++ replicate n e) {- | @justifyR n e es@ appends @(n - sizeOf es)@ elements @e@ to @es@ from the right side if @(sizeOf es < n)@. Otherwise returns the first @n@ elements of @es@, like @'keep' n es@ do. -} justifyR :: Int -> e -> s -> s justifyR n e = keep n . (replicate n e ++) {- | @each n es@ returns each @n@-th element of structure. If @n == 1@, returns @es@. If @n < 1@, returns 'Z'. -} each :: Int -> s -> s each n = fromList . each n . listL {- | @eachFrom o n es@ returns each nth element of structure, beginning from o. > eachFrom o n = each n . drop o > eachFrom 0 2 [1 .. 20] == [2, 4 .. 20] > eachFrom 1 2 [1 .. 20] == [3, 5 .. 19] -} eachFrom :: Int -> Int -> s -> s eachFrom o n = each n . drop o -- | @sub `'isPrefixOf'` es@ checks if @sub@ is beginning of @es@. isPrefixOf :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> Bool isPrefixOf (x :> xs) (y :> ys) = x == y && xs `isPrefixOf` ys isPrefixOf xs ys = isNull xs && isNull ys -- | @sub `'isSuffixOf'` es@ checks if @sub@ is ending of @es@. isSuffixOf :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> Bool isSuffixOf (xs :< x) (ys :< y) = x == y && xs `isSuffixOf` ys isSuffixOf xs ys = isNull xs && isNull ys -- | isInfixOf checks whether the first line is the substring of the second isInfixOf :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> Bool isInfixOf _ Z = False isInfixOf xs ys = xs `isPrefixOf` ys || xs `isInfixOf` tail ys -- | prefix gives length of init, satisfying preducate. prefix :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> Int prefix p = o_foldr' (\ e c -> p e ? succ c $ 0) 0 -- | suffix gives length of tail, satisfying predicate. suffix :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> Int suffix p = o_foldl' (\ c e -> p e ? succ c $ 0) 0 {- | @infixes inf es@ returns a list of @inf@ positions in @es@, without intersections. > "" `infixes` es = [] > "abba" `infixes` "baababba" == [4] > "abab" `infixes` "baababab" == [2] > "aaaa" `infixes` "aaaaaaaa" == [0, 4] -} infixes :: (Eq e) => s -> s -> [Int] infixes = on infixes listL -- | @dropSide f = dropWhile f . dropEnd f@. dropSide :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> s dropSide f = dropWhile f . dropEnd f -- | Takes the longest init by predicate. takeWhile :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> s takeWhile p es = take (prefix p es) es -- | Drops the longest init by predicate. dropWhile :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> s dropWhile p es = drop (prefix p es) es -- | Takes the longest suffix by predicate. takeEnd :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> s takeEnd p es = keep (suffix p es) es -- | Drops the longest prefix by predicate. dropEnd :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> s dropEnd p es = sans (suffix p es) es -- | Left-side span. spanl :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> (s, s) spanl p es = (takeWhile p es, dropWhile p es) -- | Left-side break. breakl :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> (s, s) breakl p es = (takeWhile (not . p) es, dropWhile (not . p) es) -- | Right-side span. spanr :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> (s, s) spanr p es = (dropEnd p es, takeEnd p es) -- | Right-side break. breakr :: (e -> Bool) -> s -> (s, s) breakr p es = (dropEnd (not . p) es, takeEnd (not . p) es) {- | @selectWhile f es@ selects results of applying @f@ to @es@ (left to right) untill first fail. -} selectWhile :: (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> [a] selectWhile f = selectWhile f . listL {- | @selectEnd f es@ selects results of applying @f@ to @es@ (right to left) untill first fail. -} selectEnd :: (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> [a] selectEnd f = selectEnd f . listL {- | @extractWhile f es@ selects results of applying @f@ to @es@ (left to right) untill first fail. Returns selected results and rest of line. -} extractWhile :: (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> ([a], s) extractWhile f es = let as = selectWhile f es in (as, length as `drop` es) {- | @extractEnd f es@ selects results of applying @f@ to @es@ (right to left) untill first fail. Returns rest of line and selected results. -} extractEnd :: (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> (s, [a]) extractEnd f es = let as = selectEnd f es in (length as `sans` es, as) -- | @selectWhile'@ is 'selectWhile' version for generalized structures. selectWhile' :: (t e ~ l, Split1 t a) => (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> t a selectWhile' = fromList ... selectWhile -- | @selectEnd'@ is 'selectEnd' version for generalized structures. selectEnd' :: (t e ~ l, Split1 t a) => (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> t a selectEnd' = fromList ... selectEnd -- | @extractWhile'@ is 'extractWhile' version for generalized structures. extractWhile' :: (t e ~ l, Split1 t a) => (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> (t a, s) extractWhile' = first fromList ... extractWhile -- | @extractEnd'@ is 'extractEnd' version for generalized structures. extractEnd' :: (t e ~ l, Split1 t a) => (e -> Maybe a) -> s -> (s, t a) extractEnd' = second fromList ... extractEnd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Pattern @(':>')@ is left-size view of line. Same as 'uncons' and 'toHead'. pattern (:>) :: (Linear l e) => e -> l -> l pattern x :> xs <- (uncons' -> Just (x, xs)) where (:>) = toHead -- | Pattern @(':<')@ is right-size view of line. Same as 'unsnoc' and 'toLast'. pattern (:<) :: (Linear l e) => l -> e -> l pattern xs :< x <- (unsnoc' -> Just (xs, x)) where (:<) = toLast -- | 'Linear' contraint for @(Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Linear1 l e = Linear (l e) e -- | 'Linear' contraint for @(Type -> Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Linear2 l i e = Linear (l i e) e -- | 'Bordered' contraint for @(Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Bordered1 l i e = Bordered (l e) i -- | 'Bordered' contraint for @(Type -> Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Bordered2 l i e = Bordered (l i e) i -- | Kind @(Type -> Type)@ 'Split' structure. type Split1 s e = Split (s e) e #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806 -- | 'Linear' contraint for @(Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Linear' l = forall e . Linear (l e) e -- | 'Linear' contraint for @(Type -> Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Linear'' l = forall i e . Linear (l i e) e -- | 'Bordered' contraint for @(Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Bordered' l i = forall e . Bordered (l e) i -- | 'Bordered' contraint for @(Type -> Type -> Type)@-kind types. type Bordered'' l = forall i e . Bordered (l i e) i #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# COMPLETE [], (:>) #-} {-# COMPLETE [], (:<) #-} instance Linear [e] e where toHead = (:) single = pure (++) = (L.++) (!^) = (L.!!) fromList = id fromListN = take fromFoldable = toList write es n e = n < 0 ? es $ go n es where go i (x : xs) = i == 0 ? e : xs $ x : go (i - 1) xs go _ _ = [] toLast = flip (foldr' (:) . pure) listR = L.reverse listL = toList nubBy = L.nubBy -- | O(1) force, same as 'id'. force = id uncons [] = throw $ PatternMatchFail "in SDP.Linear.(:>)" uncons (e : es) = (e, es) unsnoc [ ] = throw $ PatternMatchFail "in SDP.Linear.(:<)" unsnoc [e] = ([], e) unsnoc (e : es) = let (es', e') = unsnoc es in (e : es', e') filter = L.filter reverse = L.reverse replicate = L.replicate partition = L.partition concatMap = L.concatMap intersperse = L.intersperse isSubseqOf = L.isSubsequenceOf before es i e = go (max 0 i) es where go 0 xs = e : xs go n (x : xs) = x : go (n - 1) xs go _ [] = [e] remove i es = i < 0 ? es $ go i es where go 0 (_ : xs) = xs go n (x : xs) = x : go (n - 1) xs go _ [] = [] iterate n f e = n < 1 ? [] $ e : iterate (n - 1) f (f e) ofoldr f base = let go !i es = case es of {(x : xs) -> f i x $ go (i + 1) xs; _ -> base} in go 0 ofoldl f = let go !i base es = case es of {(x : xs) -> go (i + 1) (f i base x) xs; _ -> base} in go 0 o_foldr' = foldr' o_foldl' = foldl' o_foldr = foldr o_foldl = foldl instance Split [e] e where take = L.take drop = L.drop split = L.splitAt each n = case n <=> 1 of {LT -> const []; EQ -> id; GT -> go n} where go i (x : xs) = i == 1 ? x : go n xs $ go (i - 1) xs go _ _ = [] infixes Z = const [] infixes sub = go 0 where go _ [] = [] go i es = sub `isPrefixOf` es ? i : go (i + n) (drop n es) $ go (i + 1) (tail es) n = sizeOf sub combo _ [ ] = 0 combo _ [_] = 1 combo f (e1 : e2 : es) = e1 `f` e2 ? go 2 e2 es $ 1 where go !i p (x : xs) = p `f` x ? go (i + 1) x xs $ i go i _ _ = i splitBy f es = let (as, bs) = breakl f es in isNull bs ? (es, []) $ (as, tail bs) divideBy f es = let (as, bs) = breakr f es in isNull as ? ([], es) $ (init as, bs) splitsBy f es = dropWhile f <$> L.findIndices f es `parts` es isPrefixOf = L.isPrefixOf isSuffixOf = L.isSuffixOf isInfixOf = L.isInfixOf breakl = L.break spanl = L.span selectWhile _ [] = [] selectWhile f (x : xs) = case f x of {(Just e) -> e : select f xs; _ -> []} selectEnd f = reverse . selectWhile f . reverse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @stripPrefix sub line@ strips prefix @sub@ of @line@ (if any). stripPrefix :: (Split s e, Bordered s i, Eq e) => s -> s -> s stripPrefix sub line = sub `isPrefixOf` line ? drop (sizeOf sub) line $ line -- | @stripSuffix sub line@ strips suffix @sub@ of @line@ (if any). stripSuffix :: (Split s e, Bordered s i, Eq e) => s -> s -> s stripSuffix sub line = sub `isSuffixOf` line ? sans (sizeOf sub) line $ line -- | @stripPrefix' sub line@ strips prefix @sub@ of @line@ or returns 'Nothing'. stripPrefix' :: (Split s e, Bordered s i, Eq e) => s -> s -> Maybe s stripPrefix' sub = isPrefixOf sub ?+ drop (sizeOf sub) -- | @stripSuffix sub line@ strips suffix @sub@ of @line@ or returns 'Nothing'. stripSuffix' :: (Split s e, Bordered s i, Eq e) => s -> s -> Maybe s stripSuffix' sub = isSuffixOf sub ?+ sans (sizeOf sub) -- | intercalate is generalization of intercalate intercalate :: (Foldable f, Linear1 f l, Linear l e) => l -> f l -> l intercalate = concat ... intersperse -- | @tails es@ returns sequence of @es@ tails. tails :: (Linear l e) => l -> [l] tails Z = [Z] tails es = es : tails (tail es) -- | tails is generalization of inits. inits :: (Linear l e) => l -> [l] inits Z = [Z] inits es = es : inits (init es) {- | @ascending es lengths@ checks if the subsequences of @es@ of lengths @lengths@ is sorted. -} ascending :: (Split s e, Sort s e, Ord e) => s -> [Int] -> Bool ascending = all sorted ... flip splits