{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, BangPatterns, TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, RoleAnnotations #-} {- | Module : SDP.Prim.SArray Copyright : (c) Andrey Mulik 2019-2021 License : BSD-style Maintainer : work.a.mulik@gmail.com Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) "SDP.Prim.SArray" provides lazy boxed array pseudo-primitive types 'SArray#', 'STArray#' and 'IOArray#'. -} module SDP.Prim.SArray ( -- * Exports module SDP.IndexedM, module SDP.SortM, module SDP.Sort, -- * Pseudo-primitive types MIOArray# (..), IOArray#, STArray#, SArray#, -- ** Safe (copy) unpack fromSArray#, fromSTArray#, -- ** Unsafe unpack unpackSArray#, offsetSArray#, unpackSTArray#, offsetSTArray#, -- ** Unsafe pack packSArray#, packSTArray#, -- ** Coerce coerceSArray#, coerceSTArray# ) where import Prelude () import SDP.SafePrelude import SDP.IndexedM import SDP.SortM import SDP.Sort import SDP.Scan import SDP.SortM.Tim import qualified GHC.Exts as E import GHC.Exts ( Array#, MutableArray#, State#, Int#, newArray#, indexArray#, readArray#, writeArray#, thawArray#, unsafeThawArray#, freezeArray#, unsafeFreezeArray#, copyArray#, copyMutableArray#, cloneArray#, cloneMutableArray#, sameMutableArray#, (+#), (-#), (==#) ) import GHC.Types import GHC.ST ( ST (..), STRep ) import Data.Default.Class import Data.Typeable import Data.Coerce import Data.String import Text.Read import Foreign ( Ptr, Storable, callocArray, peekElemOff, pokeElemOff ) import Control.Exception.SDP default () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | 'SArray#' is immutable pseudo-primitive 'Int'-indexed lazy boxed array type. 'SArray#' isn't real Haskell primitive (like "GHC.Exts" types) but for reliability and stability, I made it inaccessible to direct work. -} data SArray# e = SArray# {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Element count (not a real size) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Offset (is elements) !(Array# e) -- ^ Real primitive array deriving ( Typeable ) type role SArray# representational -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Eq and Eq1 instances. -} instance (Eq e) => Eq (SArray# e) where (==) = eq1 instance Eq1 SArray# where liftEq eq xs@(SArray# c1 _ _) ys@(SArray# c2 _ _) = let eq' i = i == c1 || eq (xs !^ i) (ys !^ i) && eq' (i + 1) in c1 == c2 && eq' 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Ord and Ord1 instances. -} instance (Ord e) => Ord (SArray# e) where compare = compare1 instance Ord1 SArray# where liftCompare f xs@(SArray# c1 _ _) ys@(SArray# c2 _ _) = let f' i = i == (c1`min`c2) ? c1 <=> c2 $ (xs!^i) `f` (ys!^i) <> f' (i+1) in f' 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Show and Read instances. -} instance (Show e) => Show (SArray# e) where showsPrec p = showsPrec p . listL instance (Read e) => Read (SArray# e) where readPrec = fromList <$> readPrec -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Overloaded Lists and Strings support. -} instance IsString (SArray# Char) where fromString = fromList instance E.IsList (SArray# e) where type Item (SArray# e) = e fromListN = fromListN fromList = fromList toList = toList -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Semigroup, Monoid, Nullable, Default and Estimate instances. -} instance Nullable (SArray# e) where lzero = runST $ filled 0 (unreachEx "lzero") >>= done isNull = \ (SArray# c _ _) -> c == 0 instance Semigroup (SArray# e) where (<>) = (++) instance Monoid (SArray# e) where mempty = Z; mappend = (<>) instance Default (SArray# e) where def = Z instance Estimate (SArray# e) where (<==>) = on (<=>) sizeOf (.<=.) = on (<=) sizeOf (.>=.) = on (>=) sizeOf (.>.) = on (>) sizeOf (.<.) = on (<) sizeOf (<.=>) = (<=>) . sizeOf (.>=) = (>=) . sizeOf (.<=) = (<=) . sizeOf (.>) = (>) . sizeOf (.<) = (<) . sizeOf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Functor, Zip and Applicative instances. -} instance Functor SArray# where fmap f arr@(SArray# n@(I# n#) _ _) = runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# (unreachEx "fmap") s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> let go i@(I# i#) s3# = if i == n then case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s3# of (# s4#, arr# #) -> (# s4#, SArray# n 0 arr# #) else case writeArray# marr# i# (f $ arr ! i) s3# of s5# -> go (i + 1) s5# in go 0 s2# instance Zip SArray# where all2 f as bs = go (sizeOf as bs) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) go 0 = True go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' && go i' all3 f as bs cs = go (sizeOf as bs cs) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) go 0 = True go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' && go i' all4 f as bs cs ds = go (sizeOf as bs cs ds) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) (ds!^i) go 0 = True go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' && go i' all5 f as bs cs ds es = go (sizeOf as bs cs ds es) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) (ds!^i) (es!^i) go 0 = True go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' && go i' all6 f as bs cs ds es fs = go (sizeOf as bs cs ds es fs) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) (ds!^i) (es!^i) (fs!^i) go 0 = True go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' && go i' any2 f as bs = go (sizeOf as bs) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) go 0 = False go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' || go i' any3 f as bs cs = go (sizeOf as bs cs) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) go 0 = False go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' || go i' any4 f as bs cs ds = go (sizeOf as bs cs ds) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) (ds!^i) go 0 = False go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' || go i' any5 f as bs cs ds es = go (sizeOf as bs cs ds es) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) (ds!^i) (es!^i) go 0 = False go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' || go i' any6 f as bs cs ds es fs = go (sizeOf as bs cs ds es fs) where apply i = f (as!^i) (bs!^i) (cs!^i) (ds!^i) (es!^i) (fs!^i) go 0 = False go i = let i' = i - 1 in apply i' || go i' zipWith f as bs = fromListN sz $ apply <$> range (0, sz - 1) where apply i = f (as !^ i) (bs !^ i) sz = minimum [sizeOf as, sizeOf bs] zipWith3 f as bs cs = fromListN sz $ apply <$> range (0, sz - 1) where apply i = f (as !^ i) (bs !^ i) (cs !^ i) sz = minimum [sizeOf as, sizeOf bs, sizeOf cs] zipWith4 f as bs cs ds = fromListN sz $ apply <$> range (0, sz - 1) where apply i = f (as !^ i) (bs !^ i) (cs !^ i) (ds !^ i) sz = minimum [sizeOf as, sizeOf bs, sizeOf cs, sizeOf ds] zipWith5 f as bs cs ds es = fromListN sz $ apply <$> range (0, sz - 1) where apply i = f (as !^ i) (bs !^ i) (cs !^ i) (ds !^ i) (es !^ i) sz = minimum [sizeOf as, sizeOf bs, sizeOf cs, sizeOf ds, sizeOf es] zipWith6 f as bs cs ds es fs = fromListN sz $ apply <$> range (0, sz - 1) where apply i = f (as !^ i) (bs !^ i) (cs !^ i) (ds !^ i) (es !^ i) (fs !^ i) sz = minimum [sizeOf as, sizeOf bs, sizeOf cs, sizeOf ds, sizeOf es, sizeOf fs] instance Applicative SArray# where pure = single fs@(SArray# fn _ _) <*> es@(SArray# en _ _) = runST $ do xs <- filled (fn * en) $ unreachEx "in SDP.Prim.SArray.(<*>) :: SArray# e" let go (-1) _ _ = return () go i (-1) k = go (i - 1) (en - 1) k go i j k = writeM xs k (fs!^i $ es!^j) >> go i (j - 1) (k - 1) go (fn - 1) (en - 1) (upper xs) done xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Foldable and Traversable instances. -} instance Foldable SArray# where foldr f base = \ arr -> let go i = arr .== i ? base $ f (arr !^ i) (go $ i + 1) in go 0 foldl f base = \ arr -> let go i = -1 == i ? base $ f (go $ i - 1) (arr !^ i) in go (sizeOf arr - 1) foldr' f base = \ arr -> let go i !a = -1 == i ? a $ go (i - 1) (f (arr !^ i) a) in go (sizeOf arr - 1) base foldl' f base = \ arr -> let go i !a = arr .== i ? a $ go (i + 1) (f a $ arr !^ i) in go 0 base foldr1 f = \ arr -> let go i = arr .== (i + 1) ? e $ f e (go $ i + 1) where e = arr !^ i in null arr ? pfailEx "foldr1" $ go 0 foldl1 f = \ arr -> let go i = 0 == i ? e $ f (go $ i - 1) e where e = arr !^ i in null arr ? pfailEx "foldl1" $ go (sizeOf arr - 1) length = sizeOf null = isNull instance Traversable SArray# where traverse f es = fromListN (sizeOf es) <$> foldr (liftA2 (:) . f) (pure Z) es -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Linear, Split and Bordered instances. -} instance Linear (SArray# e) e where replicate n e = runST $ filled n e >>= done single e = runST $ filled 1 e >>= done toHead e (SArray# (I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) = let n# = c# +# 1# in runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# e s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# arr# o# marr# 1# c# s2# of s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s3# of (# s4#, res# #) -> (# s4#, SArray# (I# n#) 0 res# #) toLast (SArray# (I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) e = let n# = c# +# 1# in runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# e s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# arr# o# marr# 0# c# s2# of s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s3# of (# s4#, res# #) -> (# s4#, SArray# (I# n#) 0 res# #) head es = es !^ 0 last es@(SArray# c _ _) = es !^ (c - 1) init (SArray# c o arr#) = SArray# (max 1 c - 1) o arr# tail (SArray# c o arr#) = SArray# (max 1 c - 1) (o + 1) arr# fromList = fromFoldable fromListN n es = runST $ newLinearN n es >>= done fromFoldable es = runST $ fromFoldableM es >>= done -- [internal]: always return new array, even if (at least) one is empty SArray# (I# n1#) (I# o1#) arr1# ++ SArray# (I# n2#) (I# o2#) arr2# = runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# (unreachEx "(++)") s1# of (#s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# arr1# o1# marr# 0# n1# s2# of s3# -> case copyArray# arr2# o2# marr# n1# n2# s3# of s4# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s4# of (# s5#, arr# #) -> (# s5#, SArray# (I# n#) 0 arr# #) where n# = n1# +# n2# force (SArray# n@(I# n#) (I# o#) arr#) = runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# (unreachEx "force") s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# arr# o# marr# 0# n# s2# of s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s3# of (# s4#, copy# #) -> (# s4#, SArray# n 0 copy# #) listL = toList listR = flip (:) `foldl` [] (!^) (SArray# _ (I# o#) arr#) = \ (I# i#) -> case indexArray# arr# (i# +# o#) of (# e #) -> e write es n e = not (indexIn es n) ? es $ runST $ do es' <- thaw es writeM es' n e done es' reverse es = runST $ do es' <- fromIndexed' es; reversed' es'; done es' -- [internal]: always return new array, even if only one is nonempty concat ess = runST $ do let n = foldr' ((+) . sizeOf) 0 ess marr@(STArray# _ _ marr#) <- filled n (unreachEx "concat") let writeBlock# (SArray# (I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) (I# i#) = ST $ \ s1# -> (# copyArray# arr# o# marr# i# c# s1#, I# (i# +# c#) #) void $ foldl (\ b a -> writeBlock# a =<< b) (return 0) ess done marr before es@(SArray# c@(I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) n@(I# n#) e | n >= c = es :< e | n <= 0 = e :> es | True = runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# (c# +# 1#) e s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# arr# o# marr# 0# n# s2# of s3# -> case copyArray# arr# (o# +# n#) marr# (n# +# 1#) (c# -# n#) s3# of s4# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s4# of (# s5#, res# #) -> (# s5#, SArray# (c + 1) 0 res# #) remove n@(I# n#) es@(SArray# c@(I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) = n < 0 || n >= c ? es $ runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# (c# -# 1#) (unreachEx "remove") s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# arr# o# marr# 0# n# s2# of s3# -> case copyArray# arr# (o# +# n# +# 1#) marr# n# (c# -# n# -# 1#) s3# of s4# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s4# of (# s5#, res# #) -> (# s5#, SArray# (c - 1) 0 res# #) select f = foldr (\ o es -> case f o of {Just e -> e : es; _ -> es}) [] extract f = let g = \ o -> case f o of {Just e -> first (e :); _ -> second (o :)} in second fromList . foldr g ([], []) selects fs = second fromList . selects fs . listL ofoldr f base = \ arr@(SArray# c _ _) -> let go i = c == i ? base $ f i (arr !^ i) (go $ i + 1) in go 0 ofoldl f base = \ arr@(SArray# c _ _) -> let go i = -1 == i ? base $ f i (go $ i - 1) (arr !^ i) in go (c - 1) o_foldr = foldr o_foldl = foldl instance Split (SArray# e) e where -- | O(1) 'take', O(1) memory. take n es@(SArray# c o arr#) | n <= 0 = Z | n >= c = es | True = SArray# n o arr# -- | O(1) 'drop', O(1) memory. drop n es@(SArray# c o arr#) | n <= 0 = es | n >= c = Z | True = SArray# (c - n) (o + n) arr# -- | O(1) 'split', O(1) memory. split n es@(SArray# c o arr#) | n <= 0 = (Z, es) | n >= c = (es, Z) | True = (SArray# n o arr#, SArray# (c - n) (o + n) arr#) -- | O(1) 'keep', O(1) memory. keep n es@(SArray# c o arr#) | n <= 0 = Z | n >= c = es | True = SArray# n (o + c - n) arr# -- | O(1) 'sans', O(1) memory. sans n es@(SArray# c o arr#) | n <= 0 = es | n >= c = Z | True = SArray# (c - n) o arr# -- | O(1) 'divide', O(1) memory. divide n es@(SArray# c o arr#) | n <= 0 = (Z, es) | n >= c = (es, Z) | True = (SArray# n (o + c - n) arr#, SArray# (c - n) o arr#) splitsBy f es = dropWhile f <$> f *$ es `parts` es justifyL n@(I# n#) e es@(SArray# c@(I# c#) (I# o#) src#) = case c <=> n of EQ -> es GT -> take n es LT -> runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# e s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# src# o# marr# 0# c# s2# of s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s3# of (# s4#, arr# #) -> (# s4#, SArray# n 0 arr# #) justifyR n@(I# n#) e es@(SArray# c@(I# c#) (I# o#) src#) = case c <=> n of EQ -> es GT -> take n es LT -> runST $ ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# e s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> case copyArray# src# o# marr# (n# -# c#) c# s2# of s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s3# of (# s4#, arr# #) -> (# s4#, SArray# n 0 arr# #) combo _ Z = 0 combo f es@(SArray# n _ _) = let go e i = let e' = es !^ i in i == n || not (f e e') ? i $ go e' (i + 1) in go (head es) 1 each n es@(SArray# c _ _) = let go i = i < c ? es!^i : go (i + n) $ [] in case n <=> 1 of {LT -> Z; EQ -> es; GT -> fromList $ go (n - 1)} isPrefixOf xs@(SArray# c1 _ _) ys@(SArray# c2 _ _) = let eq i = i == c1 || (xs !^ i) == (ys !^ i) && eq (i + 1) in c1 <= c2 && eq 0 isSuffixOf xs@(SArray# c1 _ _) ys@(SArray# c2 _ _) = let eq i j = i == c1 || (xs !^ i) == (ys !^ j) && eq (i + 1) (j + 1) in c1 <= c2 && eq 0 (c2 - c1) selectWhile f es@(SArray# c _ _) = let go i = i == c ? [] $ maybe [] (: go (i + 1)) $ f (es !^ i) in go 0 selectEnd g xs@(SArray# c _ _) = let go i es = i == 0 ? [] $ maybe [] (: go (i - 1) es) $ g (es !^ i) in reverse $ go (c - 1) xs instance Bordered (SArray# e) Int where lower _ = 0 sizeOf (SArray# c _ _) = c upper (SArray# c _ _) = c - 1 bounds (SArray# c _ _) = (0, c - 1) indices (SArray# c _ _) = [0 .. c - 1] indexOf (SArray# c _ _) = index (0, c - 1) offsetOf (SArray# c _ _) = offset (0, c - 1) indexIn (SArray# c _ _) = \ i -> i >= 0 && i < c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Set, SetWith, Scan and Sort instances. -} instance (Ord e) => Set (SArray# e) e instance SetWith (SArray# e) e where setWith f = nubSorted f . sortBy f insertWith f e es = case (\ x -> x `f` e /= LT) .$ es of Just i -> e `f` (es!^i) == EQ ? es $ before es i e _ -> es :< e deleteWith f e es = memberWith f e es ? except (\ x -> f e x == EQ) es $ es {-# INLINE intersectionWith #-} intersectionWith f xs@(SArray# n1 _ _) ys@(SArray# n2 _ _) = fromList $ go 0 0 where go i j = i == n1 || j == n2 ? [] $ case x `f` y of EQ -> x : go (i + 1) (j + 1) LT -> go (i + 1) j GT -> go i (j + 1) where x = xs !^ i y = ys !^ j {-# INLINE unionWith #-} unionWith f xs@(SArray# n1 _ _) ys@(SArray# n2 _ _) = fromList $ go 0 0 where go i j | i == n1 = (ys !^) <$> [j .. n2 - 1] | j == n2 = (xs !^) <$> [i .. n1 - 1] | True = case x `f` y of EQ -> x : go (i + 1) (j + 1) LT -> x : go (i + 1) j GT -> y : go i (j + 1) where x = xs !^ i y = ys !^ j {-# INLINE differenceWith #-} differenceWith f xs@(SArray# n1 _ _) ys@(SArray# n2 _ _) = fromList $ go 0 0 where go i j | i == n1 = [] | j == n2 = (xs !^) <$> [i .. n1 - 1] | True = case x `f` y of EQ -> go (i + 1) (j + 1) LT -> x : go (i + 1) j GT -> go i (j + 1) where x = xs !^ i y = ys !^ j {-# INLINE symdiffWith #-} symdiffWith f xs@(SArray# n1 _ _) ys@(SArray# n2 _ _) = fromList $ symdiff' 0 0 where symdiff' i j | i == n1 = (ys !^) <$> [j .. n2 - 1] | j == n2 = (xs !^) <$> [i .. n1 - 1] | True = case x `f` y of EQ -> symdiff' (i + 1) (j + 1) LT -> x : symdiff' (i + 1) j GT -> y : symdiff' i (j + 1) where x = xs !^ i y = ys !^ j memberWith = binaryContain lookupLTWith _ _ Z = Nothing lookupLTWith f o es | GT <- o `f` last' = Just last' | GT <- o `f` head' = look' head' 0 u' | True = Nothing where head' = es .! 0 last' = es .! u' u' = upper es look' r l u = l > u ? Just r $ case o `f` e of EQ -> Just $ j < 1 ? r $ es !^ (j - 1) LT -> look' r l (j - 1) GT -> look' e (j + 1) u where j = l + (u - l) `div` 2 e = es !^ j lookupLEWith _ _ Z = Nothing lookupLEWith f o es | GT <- o `f` last' = Just last' | LT <- o `f` head' = Nothing | True = look' head' 0 u' where head' = es .! 0 last' = es .! u' u' = upper es look' r l u = l > u ? Just r $ case o `f` e of LT -> look' r l (j - 1) _ -> look' e (j + 1) u where j = l + (u - l) `div` 2 e = es !^ j lookupGTWith _ _ Z = Nothing lookupGTWith f o es | LT <- o `f` head' = Just head' | LT <- o `f` last' = look' last' 0 u' | True = Nothing where head' = es .! 0 last' = es .! u' u' = upper es look' r l u = l > u ? Just r $ case o `f` e of LT -> look' e l (j - 1) EQ -> j >= u' ? Nothing $ Just (es !^ (j + 1)) GT -> look' r (j + 1) u where j = l + (u - l) `div` 2 e = es !^ j lookupGEWith _ _ Z = Nothing lookupGEWith f o es | GT <- o `f` last' = Nothing | GT <- o `f` head' = look' last' 0 u' | True = Just head' where head' = es .! 0 last' = es .! u' u' = upper es look' r l u = l > u ? Just r $ case o `f` e of LT -> look' e l (j - 1) EQ -> Just e GT -> look' r (j + 1) u where j = l + (u - l) `div` 2 e = es !^ j instance Scan (SArray# e) e instance Sort (SArray# e) e where sortBy cmp es = runST $ do es' <- thaw es; timSortBy cmp es'; done es' sortedBy f es = all2 f es (tail es) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Indexed instance. -} instance Map (SArray# e) Int e where toMap' e ascs = isNull ascs ? Z $ assoc' (ascsBounds ascs) e ascs Z // ascs = toMap ascs es // ascs = runST $ fromFoldableM es >>= (`overwrite` ascs) >>= done (*$) p = ofoldr (\ i e is -> p e ? (i : is) $ is) [] (.!) = (!^) kfoldr = ofoldr kfoldl = ofoldl instance Indexed (SArray# e) Int e where assoc' bnds defvalue ascs = runST $ fromAssocs' bnds defvalue ascs >>= done fromIndexed es = runST $ do let n = sizeOf es copy <- filled n (unreachEx "fromIndexed") updateM copy (\ i _ -> es!^i) >>= done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Thaw (ST s) (SArray# e) (STArray# s e) where thaw (SArray# c@(I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) = ST $ \ s1# -> case thawArray# arr# o# c# s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, STArray# c 0 marr# #) unsafeThaw (SArray# c o arr#) = ST $ \ s1# -> case unsafeThawArray# arr# s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, STArray# c o marr# #) instance Freeze (ST s) (STArray# s e) (SArray# e) where freeze (STArray# c@(I# c#) (I# o#) marr#) = ST $ \ s1# -> case freezeArray# marr# o# c# s1# of (# s2#, arr# #) -> (# s2#, SArray# c 0 arr# #) unsafeFreeze = done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'STArray#' is mutable preudo-primitive 'Int'-indexed lazy boxed array type. data STArray# s e = STArray# {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Element count (not a real size) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Offset (in elements) !(MutableArray# s e) -- ^ Real primitive array deriving ( Typeable ) type role STArray# nominal representational -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Eq (STArray# s e) where (STArray# c1 o1 marr1#) == (STArray# c2 o2 marr2#) = let same = isTrue# (sameMutableArray# marr1# marr2#) in c1 == c2 && (c1 == 0 || o1 == o2 && same) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Estimate, Bordered, BorderedM, LinearM and SplitM instances. -} instance Estimate (STArray# s e) where (<==>) = on (<=>) sizeOf (.<=.) = on (<=) sizeOf (.>=.) = on (>=) sizeOf (.>.) = on (>) sizeOf (.<.) = on (<) sizeOf (<.=>) = (<=>) . sizeOf (.>=) = (>=) . sizeOf (.<=) = (<=) . sizeOf (.>) = (>) . sizeOf (.<) = (<) . sizeOf instance Bordered (STArray# s e) Int where lower _ = 0 sizeOf (STArray# c _ _) = c upper (STArray# c _ _) = c - 1 bounds (STArray# c _ _) = (0, c - 1) indices (STArray# c _ _) = [0 .. c - 1] indexOf (STArray# c _ _) = index (0, c - 1) offsetOf (STArray# c _ _) = offset (0, c - 1) indexIn (STArray# c _ _) = \ i -> i >= 0 && i < c instance BorderedM (ST s) (STArray# s e) Int where nowIndexIn (STArray# c _ _) = return . inRange (0, c - 1) getIndices (STArray# c _ _) = return [0 .. c - 1] getBounds (STArray# c _ _) = return (0, c - 1) getUpper (STArray# c _ _) = return (c - 1) getSizeOf (STArray# c _ _) = return c getLower _ = return 0 instance LinearM (ST s) (STArray# s e) e where newNull = ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# 0# (unreachEx "newNull") s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, STArray# 0 0 marr# #) nowNull es = return (sizeOf es < 1) getHead es = es >! 0 getLast es = es >! upper es newLinear = fromFoldableM newLinearN c es = ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# err s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> let go y r = \ i# s3# -> case writeArray# marr# i# y s3# of s4# -> if isTrue# (i# ==# n# -# 1#) then s4# else r (i# +# 1#) s4# in done' n marr# ( if n == 0 then s2# else foldr go (\ _ s# -> s#) es 0# s2# ) where err = undEx "newLinearN" !n@(I# n#) = max 0 c fromFoldableM es = ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# err s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> let go y r = \ i# s3# -> case writeArray# marr# i# y s3# of s4# -> if isTrue# (i# ==# n# -# 1#) then s4# else r (i# +# 1#) s4# in done' n marr# ( if n == 0 then s2# else foldr go (\ _ s# -> s#) es 0# s2# ) where err = unreachEx "fromFoldableM" !n@(I# n#) = length es getLeft es@(STArray# n _ _) = (es !#>) `mapM` [0 .. n - 1] getRight es@(STArray# n _ _) = (es !#>) `mapM` [n - 1, n - 2 .. 0] {-# INLINE (!#>) #-} (!#>) (STArray# _ (I# o#) marr#) = \ (I# i#) -> ST $ readArray# marr# (o# +# i#) writeM = writeM' copied (STArray# n@(I# n#) (I# o#) marr#) = ST $ \ s1# -> case cloneMutableArray# marr# o# n# s1# of (# s2#, copy# #) -> (# s2#, STArray# n 0 copy# #) copied' (STArray# c (I# o#) marr#) l@(I# l#) n@(I# n#) | l >= 0 && n >= 0 && c >= l + n = ST $ \ s1# -> case cloneMutableArray# marr# (o# +# l#) n# s1# of (# s2#, copy# #) -> (# s2#, STArray# n 0 copy# #) | True = unreachEx "copied'" reversed es = do es' <- copied es; reversed' es'; return es' reversed' es = let go i j = when (i < j) $ go (i + 1) (j - 1) >> swapM es i j in go 0 (sizeOf es - 1) filled n e = let !n'@(I# n#) = max 0 n in ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# e s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, STArray# n' 0 marr# #) copyTo src sc trg tc n@(I# n#) = when (n > 0) $ do when (sc < 0 || tc < 0) $ underEx "copyTo" when (sc + n > n1 || tc + n > n2) $ overEx "copyTo" ST $ \ s1# -> case copyMutableArray# src# so# trg# to# n# s1# of s2# -> (# s2#, () #) where !(STArray# n1 o1 src#) = src; !(I# so#) = o1 + sc !(STArray# n2 o2 trg#) = trg; !(I# to#) = o2 + tc merged ess = do marr <- filled n (unreachEx "merged") let writer arr@(STArray# c _ _) i = (i + c) <$ copyTo arr 0 marr i c void $ foldr ((=<<) . writer) (return 0) ess return marr where n = foldr' ((+) . sizeOf) 0 ess ofoldrM f base = \ arr@(STArray# n _ _) -> let go i = n == i ? return base $ (arr !#> i) >>=<< go (i + 1) $ f i in go 0 ofoldlM f base = \ arr@(STArray# n _ _) -> let go i = -1 == i ? return base $ go (i - 1) >>=<< (arr !#> i) $ f i in go (n - 1) foldrM f base = \ arr@(STArray# n _ _) -> let go i = n == i ? return base $ (arr !#> i) >>=<< go (i + 1) $ f in go 0 foldlM f base = \ arr@(STArray# n _ _) -> let go i = -1 == i ? return base $ go (i - 1) >>=<< (arr !#> i) $ f in go (n - 1) instance SplitM (ST s) (STArray# s e) e where takeM n es@(STArray# c o marr#) | n <= 0 = newNull | n >= c = return es | True = return (STArray# n o marr#) dropM n es@(STArray# c o marr#) | n >= c = newNull | n <= 0 = return es | True = return (STArray# (c - n) (o + n) marr#) keepM n es@(STArray# c o marr#) | n <= 0 = newNull | n >= c = return es | True = return (STArray# n (c - n + o) marr#) sansM n es@(STArray# c o marr#) | n >= c = newNull | n <= 0 = return es | True = return (STArray# (c - n) o marr#) splitM n es@(STArray# c o marr#) | n <= 0 = do e' <- newNull; return (e', es) | n >= c = do e' <- newNull; return (es, e') | True = return (STArray# n o marr#, STArray# (c - n) (o + n) marr#) divideM n es@(STArray# c o marr#) | n <= 0 = do e' <- newNull; return (es, e') | n >= c = do e' <- newNull; return (e', es) | True = return (STArray# n (c - n + o) marr#, STArray# (c - n) o marr#) prefixM p es@(STArray# c _ _) = let go i = i >= c ? return c $ do e <- es !#> i; p e ? go (succ i) $ return i in go 0 suffixM p es@(STArray# c _ _) = let go i = i < 0 ? return c $ do e <- es !#> i; p e ? go (pred i) $ return (c - i - 1) in go (max 0 (c - 1)) mprefix p es@(STArray# c _ _) = let go i = i >= c ? return c $ do e <- es !#> i; p e ?^ go (succ 1) $ return i in go 0 msuffix p es@(STArray# c _ _) = let go i = i < 0 ? return c $ do e <- es !#> i; p e ?^ go (pred i) $ return (c - i - 1) in go (max 0 (c - 1)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- MapM, IndexedM and SortM instances. -} instance MapM (ST s) (STArray# s e) Int e where newMap' defvalue ascs = fromAssocs' (ascsBounds ascs) defvalue ascs (>!) = (!#>) overwrite es@(STArray# c _ _) ascs = let ies = filter (inRange (0, c - 1) . fst) ascs in mapM_ (uncurry $ writeM es) ies >> return es kfoldrM = ofoldrM kfoldlM = ofoldlM instance IndexedM (ST s) (STArray# s e) Int e where fromAssocs' bnds defvalue ascs = size bnds `filled` defvalue >>= (`overwrite` ascs) {-# INLINE writeM' #-} writeM' (STArray# _ (I# o#) marr#) = \ (I# i#) e -> ST $ \ s1# -> case writeArray# marr# (o# +# i#) e s1# of s2# -> (# s2#, () #) fromIndexed' es = do let n = sizeOf es copy <- filled n (unreachEx "fromIndexed'") forM_ [0 .. n - 1] $ \ i -> writeM copy i (es !^ i) return copy fromIndexedM es = do n <- getSizeOf es copy <- filled n (unreachEx "fromIndexedM") forM_ [0 .. n - 1] $ \ i -> es !#> i >>= writeM copy i return copy instance SortM (ST s) (STArray# s e) e where sortedMBy f es@(STArray# n _ _) = let go i e1 = i == n ? return True $ do e2 <- es !#> i; e1 `f` e2 ? go (i + 1) e2 $ return False in n < 2 ? return True $ go 1 =<< getHead es sortMBy = timSortBy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'MIOArray#' is mutable preudo-primitive 'Int'-indexed lazy boxed array. newtype MIOArray# (io :: Type -> Type) e = MIOArray# (STArray# RealWorld e) deriving ( Eq ) -- | 'IOArray#' is mutable preudo-primitive 'Int'-indexed lazy boxed array. type IOArray# = MIOArray# IO {-# INLINE unpack #-} unpack :: MIOArray# io e -> STArray# RealWorld e unpack = coerce {-# INLINE pack #-} pack :: (MonadIO io) => ST RealWorld (STArray# RealWorld e) -> io (MIOArray# io e) pack = stToMIO . coerce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Estimate, Bordered and BorderedM instances. -} instance Estimate (MIOArray# io e) where (<==>) = on (<=>) sizeOf (.<=.) = on (<=) sizeOf (.>=.) = on (>=) sizeOf (.>.) = on (>) sizeOf (.<.) = on (<) sizeOf (<.=>) = (<=>) . sizeOf (.>=) = (>=) . sizeOf (.<=) = (<=) . sizeOf (.>) = (>) . sizeOf (.<) = (<) . sizeOf instance Bordered (MIOArray# io e) Int where lower _ = 0 sizeOf (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = c upper (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = c - 1 bounds (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = (0, c - 1) indices (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = [0 .. c - 1] indexOf (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = index (0, c - 1) offsetOf (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = offset (0, c - 1) indexIn (MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = \ i -> i >= 0 && i < c instance (MonadIO io) => BorderedM io (MIOArray# io e) Int where getIndexOf = return ... indexOf . unpack getIndices = return . indices . unpack getSizeOf = return . sizeOf . unpack getBounds = return . bounds . unpack getUpper = return . upper . unpack getLower _ = return 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- LinearM and SplitM instances. -} instance (MonadIO io) => LinearM io (MIOArray# io e) e where newNull = pack newNull singleM = pack . singleM nowNull = stToMIO . nowNull . unpack getHead = stToMIO . getHead . unpack getLast = stToMIO . getLast . unpack prepend e = pack . prepend e . unpack append es = pack . append (unpack es) newLinear = pack . newLinear newLinearN = pack ... newLinearN fromFoldableM = pack . fromFoldableM writeM = writeM' (!#>) = stToMIO ... (!#>) . unpack copied = pack . copied . unpack reversed = pack . reversed . unpack getLeft = stToMIO . getLeft . unpack getRight = stToMIO . getRight . unpack reversed' = stToMIO . reversed' . unpack copied' es = pack ... copied' (unpack es) merged = pack . merged . foldr ((:) . unpack) [] filled = pack ... filled copyTo src so trg to = stToMIO . copyTo (unpack src) so (unpack trg) to ofoldrM f base = \ arr@(MIOArray# (STArray# n _ _)) -> let go i = n == i ? return base $ (arr !#> i) >>=<< go (i + 1) $ f i in go 0 ofoldlM f base = \ arr@(MIOArray# (STArray# n _ _)) -> let go i = -1 == i ? return base $ go (i - 1) >>=<< (arr !#> i) $ f i in go (n - 1) foldrM f base arr = let go i = sizeOf arr == i ? return base $ (arr !#> i) >>=<< go (i + 1) $ f in go 0 foldlM f base arr = let go i = -1 == i ? return base $ go (i - 1) >>=<< (arr !#> i) $ f in go (sizeOf arr - 1) instance (MonadIO io) => SplitM io (MIOArray# io e) e where takeM n = pack . takeM n . unpack dropM n = pack . dropM n . unpack keepM n = pack . keepM n . unpack sansM n = pack . sansM n . unpack prefixM f = stToMIO . prefixM f . unpack suffixM f = stToMIO . suffixM f . unpack mprefix p es@(MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = let go i = i >= c ? return c $ do e <- es !#> i; p e ?^ go (succ 1) $ return i in go 0 msuffix p es@(MIOArray# (STArray# c _ _)) = let go i = i < 0 ? return c $ do e <- es !#> i; p e ?^ go (pred i) $ return (c - i - 1) in go (max 0 (c - 1)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- MapM, IndexedM and SortM instances. -} instance (MonadIO io) => MapM io (MIOArray# io e) Int e where newMap' defvalue ascs = fromAssocs' (ascsBounds ascs) defvalue ascs (>!) = (!#>) overwrite = pack ... overwrite . unpack kfoldrM = ofoldrM kfoldlM = ofoldlM instance (MonadIO io) => IndexedM io (MIOArray# io e) Int e where fromAssocs bnds = pack . fromAssocs bnds fromAssocs' bnds = pack ... fromAssocs' bnds writeM' es = stToMIO ... writeM' (unpack es) fromIndexed' = pack . fromIndexed' fromIndexedM es = do n <- getSizeOf es copy <- filled n (unreachEx "fromIndexedM") forM_ [0 .. n - 1] $ \ i -> es !#> i >>= writeM copy i return copy instance (MonadIO io) => SortM io (MIOArray# io e) e where sortedMBy f = stToMIO . sortedMBy f . unpack sortMBy = timSortBy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (MonadIO io) => Thaw io (SArray# e) (MIOArray# io e) where unsafeThaw = pack . unsafeThaw thaw = pack . thaw instance (MonadIO io) => Freeze io (MIOArray# io e) (SArray# e) where unsafeFreeze = stToMIO . unsafeFreeze . unpack freeze = stToMIO . freeze . unpack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (Storable e) => Freeze IO (Int, Ptr e) (SArray# e) where freeze (n, ptr) = do let !n'@(I# n#) = max 0 n es' <- stToIO . ST $ \ s1# -> case newArray# n# err s1# of (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, MIOArray# (STArray# n' 0 marr#) #) forM_ [0 .. n' - 1] $ \ i -> peekElemOff ptr i >>= writeM es' i freeze es' where err = undEx "freeze {(Int, Ptr e) => SArray# e}" `asProxyTypeOf` ptr instance (Storable e) => Thaw IO (SArray# e) (Int, Ptr e) where thaw (SArray# n o arr#) = do ptr <- callocArray n forM_ [o .. n + o - 1] $ \ i@(I# i#) -> let (# e #) = indexArray# arr# i# in pokeElemOff ptr i e return (n, ptr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Primitive operations on SArray# and and STArray#. -} -- | 'unpackSArray#' returns 'MutableArray#' field of 'SArray#'. unpackSArray# :: SArray# e -> Array# e unpackSArray# = \ (SArray# _ _ arr#) -> arr# -- | 'offsetSArray#' returns 'SArray#' offset in elements. offsetSArray# :: SArray# e -> Int# offsetSArray# = \ (SArray# _ (I# o#) _) -> o# -- | 'packSArray#' creates new 'SArray#' from sized 'Array#'. packSArray# :: Int -> Array# e -> SArray# e packSArray# n arr# = SArray# (max 0 n) 0 arr# -- | 'fromSArray#' returns new 'Array#' (uses 'cloneArray#'). fromSArray# :: SArray# e -> Array# e fromSArray# (SArray# (I# c#) (I# o#) arr#) = cloneArray# arr# o# c# -- | 'coerceSArray#' is 'coerce' alias. coerceSArray# :: (Coercible a b) => SArray# a -> SArray# b coerceSArray# = coerce -- | 'unpackSTArray#' returns 'MutableArray#' field of 'STArray#' or fails. unpackSTArray# :: STArray# s e -> MutableArray# s e unpackSTArray# = \ (STArray# _ _ marr#) -> marr# -- | 'offsetSTArray#' returns 'STArray#' offset in elements. offsetSTArray# :: STArray# s e -> Int# offsetSTArray# = \ (STArray# _ (I# o#) _) -> o# -- | 'packSTArray#' creates new 'STArray#' from sized 'MutableArray#'. packSTArray# :: Int -> MutableArray# s e -> STArray# s e packSTArray# n marr# = STArray# (max 0 n) 0 marr# -- | 'fromSTArray#' returns new 'MutableArray#'. fromSTArray# :: STArray# s e -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArray# s e #) fromSTArray# (STArray# (I# c#) (I# o#) marr#) = cloneMutableArray# marr# o# c# -- | 'coerceSTArray#' is 'coerce' alias. coerceSTArray# :: (Coercible a b) => STArray# s a -> STArray# s b coerceSTArray# = coerce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# INLINE done #-} done :: STArray# s e -> ST s (SArray# e) done (STArray# n o marr#) = ST $ \ s1# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s1# of (# s2#, arr# #) -> (# s2#, SArray# n o arr# #) {-# INLINE done' #-} done' :: Int -> MutableArray# s e -> STRep s (STArray# s e) done' n marr# = \ s1# -> (# s1#, STArray# n 0 marr# #) {-# INLINE nubSorted #-} nubSorted :: Compare e -> SArray# e -> SArray# e nubSorted _ Z = Z nubSorted f es = fromList $ foldr fun [last es] ((es !^) <$> [0 .. sizeOf es - 2]) where fun = \ e ls -> e `f` head ls == EQ ? ls $ e : ls ascsBounds :: (Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> (a, a) ascsBounds = \ ((x, _) : xs) -> foldr (\ (e, _) (mn, mx) -> (min mn e, max mx e)) (x, x) xs asProxyTypeOf :: a -> proxy a -> a asProxyTypeOf = const () :: (Bordered b i) => Int -> b -> Int () = (. sizeOf) . min -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- undEx :: String -> a undEx = throw . UndefinedValue . showString "in SDP.Prim.SArray." overEx :: String -> a overEx = throw . IndexOverflow . showString "in SDP.Prim.SArray." underEx :: String -> a underEx = throw . IndexUnderflow . showString "in SDP.Prim.SArray." pfailEx :: String -> a pfailEx = throw . PatternMatchFail . showString "in SDP.Prim.SArray." unreachEx :: String -> a unreachEx = throw . UnreachableException . showString "in SDP.Prim.SArray."