{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {- | Module : SDP.SortM.Insertion Copyright : (c) Andrey Mulik 2019-2021 License : BSD-style Maintainer : work.a.mulik@gmail.com Portability : portable "SDP.SortM.Insertion" provides insertion sort - simple sorting algorithm. -} module SDP.SortM.Insertion ( -- * Insertion Sort insertionSort, insertionSortBy, insertionSortOn, unsafeInsertionSort ) where import Prelude () import SDP.SafePrelude import SDP.IndexedM default () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'insertionSort' is just synonym for @'insertionSortBy' 'compare'@. {-# INLINE insertionSort #-} insertionSort :: (LinearM m v e, BorderedM m v i, Ord e) => v -> m () insertionSort = insertionSortBy compare {- | 'insertionSortOn' is a version of 'insertionSortBy' that uses a cast function to 'compare' elements. -} {-# INLINE insertionSortOn #-} insertionSortOn :: (LinearM m v e, BorderedM m v i, Ord o) => (e -> o) -> v -> m () insertionSortOn = insertionSortBy . comparing {- | 'insertionSortBy' is naive service sorting procedure, that have @O(n^2)@ complexity in all cases. -} {-# INLINE insertionSortBy #-} insertionSortBy :: (LinearM m v e, BorderedM m v i) => Compare e -> v -> m () insertionSortBy cmp es = do n <- getSizeOf es; unsafeInsertionSort cmp es 0 0 (n - 1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | @unsafeInsertionSort cmp es b s e@ is internal sorting procedure, where @cmp@ - compare function, @es@ - data structure, @[b .. s]@ - sorted range, @[b .. e]@ - sortable range. -} unsafeInsertionSort :: (LinearM m v e) => Compare e -> v -> Int -> Int -> Int -> m () unsafeInsertionSort cmp es b s e = forM_ [s + 1 .. e] $ \ i -> do ei <- es !#> i let next' l u j = l > u ? return j $ do let c = (l + u) `div` 2 ec <- es !#> c case ei `cmp` ec of GT -> next' (c + 1) u j LT -> next' l (c - 1) c EQ -> return (c + 1) p <- next' b (i - 1) i lshiftM es p i