{-| Some simple String wrappers of `readProcess`, `readProcessWithExitCode`, `rawSystem` from the Haskell library. Simplest is @cmd_ :: String -> [String] -> IO ()@ which outputs to stdout. For example: @cmd_ "git" ["clone", url]@ Then @cmd :: String -> [String] -> IO String@ returns stdout as a @String@. There are also @cmdBool@, @cmdMaybe@, @cmdLines@, @shell@, and others. Other examples: @grep_ pat file :: IO Bool@ @sudo c args :: IO ()@ -} module SimpleCmd ( cmd, cmd_, cmdBool, cmdIgnoreErr, {- badly named -} cmdLines, cmdMaybe, cmdLog, cmdlog {-TODO: remove for 0.3 -}, cmdN, cmdQuiet, cmdSilent, cmdStdIn, cmdStdErr, cmdTry_, cmdStderrToStdout, error', egrep_, grep, grep_, ifM, logMsg, needProgram, removePrefix, removeStrictPrefix, removeSuffix, shell, shell_, shellBool, sudo, sudo_, warning, PipeCommand, pipe, pipe_, pipeBool, pipe3_, pipeFile_, whenM, (+-+)) where #if (defined(MIN_VERSION_base) && MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)) #else import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) #endif import Control.Monad.Extra import Data.List (stripPrefix) import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe) import System.Directory (findExecutable) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.IO (hGetContents, hPutStrLn, IOMode(ReadMode), stderr, stdout, withFile) import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserID) import System.Process (createProcess, proc, ProcessHandle, rawSystem, readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode, runProcess, showCommandForUser, std_err, std_in, std_out, StdStream(CreatePipe, UseHandle), waitForProcess, withCreateProcess) removeTrailingNewline :: String -> String removeTrailingNewline "" = "" removeTrailingNewline str = if last str == '\n' then init str else str quoteCmd :: String -> [String] -> String quoteCmd = showCommandForUser -- | Alias for errorWithoutStackTrace (for base >= 4.9) -- -- @since 0.1.4 error' :: String -> a #if (defined(MIN_VERSION_base) && MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)) error' = errorWithoutStackTrace #else error' = error #endif -- | @cmd c args@ runs a command in a process and returns stdout cmd :: String -- ^ command to run -> [String] -- ^ list of arguments -> IO String -- ^ stdout cmd c args = cmdStdIn c args "" -- | @cmd_ c args@ runs command in a process, output goes to stdout and stderr cmd_ :: String -> [String] -> IO () cmd_ c args = do ret <- rawSystem c args case ret of ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure n -> error' $ quoteCmd c args +-+ "failed with exit code" +-+ show n boolWrapper :: IO ExitCode -> IO Bool boolWrapper pr = do ret <- pr case ret of ExitSuccess -> return True ExitFailure _ -> return False -- | @cmdBool c args@ runs a command, and return Boolean status cmdBool :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool cmdBool c args = boolWrapper (rawSystem c args) -- | @cmdMaybe c args@ runs a command, maybe returning output if it succeeds cmdMaybe :: String -> [String] -> IO (Maybe String) cmdMaybe c args = do (ret, out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode c args "" case ret of ExitSuccess -> return $ Just $ removeTrailingNewline out ExitFailure _ -> return Nothing -- | @cmdLines c args@ runs a command, and returns list of stdout lines -- -- @since 0.1.1 cmdLines :: String -> [String] -> IO [String] cmdLines c args = lines <$> cmd c args -- | @cmdStdIn c args inp@ runs a command, passing input string as stdin, and returns stdout cmdStdIn :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO String cmdStdIn c args inp = removeTrailingNewline <$> readProcess c args inp -- | @shell cs@ runs a command string in a shell, and returns stdout shell :: String -> IO String shell cs = cmd "sh" ["-c", cs] -- | @shell_ cs@ runs a command string in a shell, output goes to stdout shell_ :: String -> IO () shell_ cs = cmd_ "sh" ["-c", cs] -- | @shellBool cs@ runs a command string in a shell, output goes to stdout -- -- @since 0.2.0 shellBool :: String -> IO Bool shellBool cs = boolWrapper (rawSystem "sh" ["-c", cs]) -- FIXME cmdLog_ -- | @cmdLog c args@ logs a command with a datestamp -- -- @since 0.1.4 cmdLog :: String -> [String] -> IO () cmdLog c args = do logMsg $ unwords $ c:args cmd_ c args -- | @cmdlog@ deprecated alias for 'cmdLog' (will be removed in 0.3) cmdlog :: String -> [String] -> IO () cmdlog = cmdLog -- | @logMsg msg@ outputs message with a timestamp logMsg :: String -> IO () logMsg msg = do date <- cmd "date" ["+%T"] putStrLn $ date +-+ msg -- | @cmdN c args@ dry-runs a command: prints command to stdout - more used for debugging cmdN :: String -> [String] -> IO () cmdN c args = putStrLn $ unwords $ c:args -- | @cmdStdErr c args@ runs command in a process, returning stdout and stderr cmdStdErr :: String -> [String] -> IO (String, String) cmdStdErr c args = do (_ret, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode c args "" return (removeTrailingNewline out, removeTrailingNewline err) -- -- | @cmdAssert msg c args@ runs command, if it fails output msg as error'. -- cmdAssert :: String -> String -> [String] -> IO () -- cmdAssert msg c args = do -- ret <- rawSystem c args -- case ret of -- ExitSuccess -> return () -- ExitFailure _ -> error' msg -- | @cmdQuiet c args@ runs a command hiding stderr, if it succeeds returns stdout cmdQuiet :: String -> [String] -> IO String cmdQuiet c args = do (ret, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode c args "" case ret of ExitSuccess -> return $removeTrailingNewline out ExitFailure n -> error' $ quoteCmd c args +-+ "failed with status" +-+ show n ++ "\n" ++ err -- | @cmdSilent c args@ runs a command hiding stdout: stderr is only output if it fails. cmdSilent :: String -> [String] -> IO () cmdSilent c args = do (ret, _, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode c args "" case ret of ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure n -> error' $ quoteCmd c args +-+ "failed with status" +-+ show n ++ "\n" ++ err -- | @cmdIgnoreErr c args inp@ runs a command with input, drops stderr, and return stdout cmdIgnoreErr :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO String cmdIgnoreErr c args input = do (_ret, out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode c args input return out -- | @cmdTry_ c args@ runs the command if available -- -- @since 0.2.1 cmdTry_ :: String -> [String] -> IO () cmdTry_ c args = do have <- findExecutable c when (isJust have) $ cmd_ c args -- | Redirect stderr to stdout, ie with interleaved output -- -- @since 0.2.2 cmdStderrToStdout :: String -> [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String) cmdStderrToStdout c args = do (_, Just hout, _, p) <- createProcess ((proc c args) {std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = UseHandle stdout}) ret <- waitForProcess p out <- hGetContents hout return (ret,out) -- | @grep pat file@ greps pattern in file, and returns list of matches -- -- @since 0.1.2 (fixed not to error in 0.2.2) grep :: String -> FilePath -> IO [String] grep pat file = do mres <- cmdMaybe "grep" [pat, file] return $ maybe [] lines mres -- | @grep_ pat file@ greps pattern in file and returns Boolean status grep_ :: String -- ^ pattern -> FilePath -- ^ file -> IO Bool -- ^ result grep_ pat file = cmdBool "grep" ["-q", pat, file] -- | @egrep_ pat file@ greps extended regexp in file, and returns Boolean status egrep_ :: String -> FilePath -> IO Bool egrep_ pat file = cmdBool "grep" ["-q", "-e", pat, file] -- | @sudo c args@ runs a command as sudo returning stdout -- -- Result type changed from IO () to IO String in 0.2.0 sudo :: String -- ^ command -> [String] -- ^ arguments -> IO String sudo = sudoInternal cmd -- | @sudo_ c args@ runs a command as sudo -- -- @since 0.2.0 sudo_ :: String -- ^ command -> [String] -- ^ arguments -> IO () sudo_ = sudoInternal cmdLog sudoInternal :: (String -> [String] -> IO a) -> String -> [String] -> IO a sudoInternal exc c args = do uid <- getEffectiveUserID sd <- if uid == 0 then return Nothing else findExecutable "sudo" let noSudo = isNothing sd when (uid /= 0 && noSudo) $ warning "'sudo' not found" exc (fromMaybe c sd) (if noSudo then args else c:args) -- | Combine two strings with a single space infixr 4 +-+ (+-+) :: String -> String -> String "" +-+ s = s s +-+ "" = s s +-+ t | last s == ' ' = s ++ t | head t == ' ' = s ++ t s +-+ t = s ++ " " ++ t -- singleLine :: String -> String -- singleLine "" = "" -- singleLine s = (head . lines) s -- | @removePrefix prefix original@ removes prefix from string if present removePrefix :: String -> String-> String removePrefix prefix orig = fromMaybe orig $ stripPrefix prefix orig -- | @removeStrictPrefix prefix original@ removes prefix, or fails with error' removeStrictPrefix :: String -> String -> String removeStrictPrefix prefix orig = fromMaybe (error' prefix +-+ "is not prefix of" +-+ orig) $ stripPrefix prefix orig -- | @removeSuffix suffix original@ removes suffix from string if present removeSuffix :: String -> String -> String removeSuffix suffix orig = fromMaybe orig $ stripSuffix suffix orig where stripSuffix sf str = reverse <$> stripPrefix (reverse sf) (reverse str) -- | @warning@ outputs to stderr -- -- @since 0.2.0 warning :: String -> IO () warning = hPutStrLn stderr -- | Type alias for a command in a pipe -- -- @since 0.2.0 type PipeCommand = (String,[String]) -- | Return stdout from piping the output of one process to another -- -- @since 0.2.0 pipe :: PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> IO String pipe (c1,args1) (c2,args2) = withCreateProcess ((proc c1 args1) { std_out = CreatePipe }) $ \ _si (Just ho1) _se p1 -> do (_, Just ho2, _, p2) <- createProcess ((proc c2 args2) {std_in = UseHandle ho1, std_out = CreatePipe}) out <- hGetContents ho2 void $ waitForProcess p1 void $ waitForProcess p2 return out -- | Pipe two commands without returning anything -- -- @since 0.2.0 pipe_ :: PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> IO () pipe_ (c1,args1) (c2,args2) = void $ pipeInternal (c1,args1) (c2,args2) >>= waitForProcess -- | Bool result of piping of commands -- -- @since 0.2.0 pipeBool :: PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> IO Bool pipeBool (c1,args1) (c2,args2) = boolWrapper $ pipeInternal (c1,args1) (c2,args2) >>= waitForProcess pipeInternal :: PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> IO ProcessHandle pipeInternal (c1,args1) (c2,args2) = -- nicer with process-typed: -- withProcess_ (setStdout createPipe proc1) $ \ p -> runProcess (setStdin (useHandleClose (getStdout p)) proc2) withCreateProcess ((proc c1 args1) { std_out = CreatePipe }) $ \ _si so _se p1 -> do p2 <- runProcess c2 args2 Nothing Nothing so Nothing Nothing void $ waitForProcess p1 return p2 -- | Pipe 3 commands, no returning anything -- -- @since 0.2.0 pipe3_ :: PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> IO () pipe3_ (c1,a1) (c2,a2) (c3,a3) = withCreateProcess ((proc c1 a1) { std_out = CreatePipe }) $ \ _hi1 (Just ho1) _he1 p1 -> withCreateProcess ((proc c2 a2) {std_in = UseHandle ho1, std_out = CreatePipe}) $ \ _hi2 ho2 _he2 p2 -> do p3 <- runProcess c3 a3 Nothing Nothing ho2 Nothing Nothing void $ waitForProcess p1 void $ waitForProcess p2 void $ waitForProcess p3 -- | Pipe a file to the first of a pipe of commands -- -- @since 0.2.0 pipeFile_ :: FilePath -> PipeCommand -> PipeCommand -> IO () pipeFile_ infile (c1,a1) (c2,a2) = withFile infile ReadMode $ \ hin -> withCreateProcess ((proc c1 a1) { std_in = UseHandle hin, std_out = CreatePipe }) $ \ _si so _se p1 -> do p2 <- runProcess c2 a2 Nothing Nothing so Nothing Nothing void $ waitForProcess p1 void $ waitForProcess p2 -- | Assert program in PATH -- -- @needProgram progname@ -- -- @since 0.2.1 needProgram :: String -> IO () needProgram prog = do mx <- findExecutable prog unless (isJust mx) $ error' $ "missing program: " ++ prog