Cabal-version: >= 1.8 Name: skein Version: Synopsis: Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions. Includes Skein-MAC as well. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Felipe Lessa , Doug Whiting Maintainer: Felipe Lessa Category: Cryptography Build-type: Simple Homepage: Description: Skein () is a family of fast secure cryptographic hash functions designed by Niels Ferguson, Stefan Lucks, Bruce Schneier, Doug Whiting, Mihir Bellare, Tadayoshi Kohno, Jon Callas and Jesse Walker. . This package uses bindings to the optimized C implementation of Skein. We provide a high-level interface (see module "Crypto.Skein") to some of the Skein use cases. We also provide a low-level interface (see module "Crypto.Skein.Internal") should you need to use Skein in a different way. . Currently we have support for Skein as cryptographic hash function as Skein as a message authentication code (Skein-MAC). For examples of how to use this package, see "Crypto.Skein" module documentation. . This package includes Skein v1.3. Versions of this package before 1.0.0 implemented Skein v1.1. Extra-source-files: c_impl/optimized/skein.c c_impl/optimized/skein.h c_impl/optimized/skein_block.c c_impl/optimized/skein_debug.c c_impl/optimized/skein_debug.h c_impl/optimized/skein_iv.h c_impl/optimized/skein_port.h c_impl/reference/skein.c c_impl/reference/skein.h c_impl/reference/skein_block.c c_impl/reference/skein_debug.c c_impl/reference/skein_debug.h c_impl/reference/skein_port.h tests/runtests.hs Data-files: tests/skein_golden_kat.txt Source-repository head Type: git Location: git:// Flag reference Description: Use the reference implementation instead of the optimized one. Default: False Flag force-endianness Description: Use a manually selected endian when compiling (see flag 'big-endian'). Default: False Flag big-endian Description: When manually selecting the endianness, use big-endian (default is little-endian). Default: False Library Hs-Source-Dirs: src Exposed-modules: Crypto.Skein Crypto.Skein.Internal Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, bytestring >= 0.9, cereal >= 0.3 && < 0.5, tagged >= 0.2 && < 0.8, crypto-api >= 0.6 && < 0.14 Build-tools: hsc2hs GHC-options: -Wall Extensions: BangPatterns CPP ForeignFunctionInterface MultiParamTypeClasses Includes: skein.h if flag(force-endianness) if flag(big-endian) CC-options: "-DSKEIN_NEED_SWAP=1" else CC-options: "-DSKEIN_NEED_SWAP=0" else if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64) CC-options: "-DSKEIN_NEED_SWAP=0" if arch(ppc) || arch(sparc) || arch(s390) || arch(hppa) CC-options: "-DSKEIN_NEED_SWAP=1" if flag(reference) Include-Dirs: c_impl/reference C-sources: c_impl/reference/skein.c c_impl/reference/skein_block.c -- c_impl/reference/skein_debug.c -- not used else Include-Dirs: c_impl/optimized C-sources: c_impl/optimized/skein.c c_impl/optimized/skein_block.c -- c_impl/optimized/skein_debug.c -- not used Test-suite runtests Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, bytestring >= 0.9, cereal >= 0.3 && < 0.5, tagged >= 0.2 && < 0.8, crypto-api >= 0.6 && < 0.14, filepath == 1.*, hspec >= 1.3, -- finally, our own package skein GHC-options: -Wall Hs-source-dirs: tests Main-is: runtests.hs Other-modules: Paths_skein