{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds,DataKinds,ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Language.SMTLib2.Debug
        debugBackend') where

import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Backend
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type hiding (Constr,Field)
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List as List
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Expression (Expression(Let),LetBinding(..),mapExpr)
import Language.SMTLib2.Pipe.Internals

import qualified Data.AttoLisp as L
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Typeable
import Data.GADT.Show
import Data.GADT.Compare

import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap

debugBackend :: (Backend b,MonadIO (SMTMonad b)) => b -> DebugBackend b
debugBackend b = DebugBackend b stderr (Just 0) Nothing True
                 Map.empty DMap.empty DMap.empty DMap.empty
                 DMap.empty DMap.empty Map.empty emptyTypeRegistry

namedDebugBackend :: (Backend b,MonadIO (SMTMonad b)) => String -> b -> DebugBackend b
namedDebugBackend name b = DebugBackend b stderr (Just 0) (Just name) True
                           Map.empty DMap.empty DMap.empty DMap.empty
                           DMap.empty DMap.empty Map.empty emptyTypeRegistry

debugBackend' :: (Backend b,MonadIO (SMTMonad b))
              => Bool -- ^ Display line number
              -> Bool -- ^ Use color codes
              -> Maybe String -- ^ Prefix name
              -> Handle -- ^ Output handle
              -> b
              -> DebugBackend b
debugBackend' lines color name h b
  = DebugBackend b h (if lines then Just 0 else Nothing) name color
    Map.empty DMap.empty DMap.empty DMap.empty
    DMap.empty DMap.empty Map.empty emptyTypeRegistry

data DebugBackend (b :: *)
  = (Backend b,MonadIO (SMTMonad b))
    => DebugBackend { debugBackend'' :: b
                    , debugHandle :: Handle
                    , debugLines :: Maybe Integer
                    , debugPrefix :: Maybe String
                    , debugUseColor :: Bool
                    , debugNames :: Map String Int
                    , debugVars :: DMap (Var b) (UntypedVar T.Text)
                    , debugQVars :: DMap (QVar b) (UntypedVar T.Text)
                    , debugFuns :: DMap (Fun b) (UntypedFun T.Text)
                    , debugFVars :: DMap (FunArg b) (UntypedVar T.Text)
                    , debugLVars :: DMap (LVar b) (UntypedVar T.Text)
                    , debugCIds :: Map (ClauseId b) T.Text
                    , debugDatatypes :: TypeRegistry T.Text T.Text T.Text
  deriving Typeable

outputLisp :: DebugBackend (b:: *) -> L.Lisp -> SMTMonad b (DebugBackend b)
outputLisp b lsp
  = outputLines b False (lines $ show lsp)

outputLines :: DebugBackend b -> Bool -> [String]
            -> SMTMonad b (DebugBackend b)
outputLines b@(DebugBackend {}) isComment
  = foldlM (\b' line -> outputLine b' isComment line) b

outputLine :: DebugBackend b -> Bool -> String
           -> SMTMonad b (DebugBackend b)
outputLine b@(DebugBackend {}) isComment str = do
  case debugPrefix b of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just prf -> do
      when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset,SetColor Foreground Dull Cyan]
      liftIO $ hPutStr (debugHandle b) prf
  nline <- case debugLines b of
             Nothing -> return Nothing
             Just line -> do
               when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset,SetColor Foreground Dull Red]
               let line_str = show line
                   line_str_len = length line_str
                   line_str' = replicate (4-line_str_len) ' '++line_str++" "
               liftIO $ hPutStr (debugHandle b) line_str'
               return (Just (line+1))
  if isComment
    then do
      when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset,SetColor Foreground Dull White]
      liftIO $ hPutStrLn (debugHandle b) $ ';':' ':str
    else do
      when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset,SetColor Foreground Dull Green]
      liftIO $ hPutStrLn (debugHandle b) str
  when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset]
  liftIO $ hFlush (debugHandle b)
  return $ b { debugLines = nline }

outputResponse :: DebugBackend b -> String -> SMTMonad b ()
outputResponse b@(DebugBackend {}) str = do
  when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset,SetColor Foreground Dull Blue]
  liftIO $ hPutStrLn (debugHandle b) str
  when (debugUseColor b) $ liftIO $ hSetSGR (debugHandle b) [Reset]
  liftIO $ hFlush (debugHandle b)

deriving instance Backend b => GShow (Expr (DebugBackend b))
deriving instance Backend b => GEq (Expr (DebugBackend b))
deriving instance Backend b => GCompare (Expr (DebugBackend b))
deriving instance Backend b => GetType (Expr (DebugBackend b))

instance (Backend b) => Backend (DebugBackend b) where
  type SMTMonad (DebugBackend b) = SMTMonad b
  newtype Expr (DebugBackend b) t = DebugExpr (Expr b t)
  type Var (DebugBackend b) = Var b
  type QVar (DebugBackend b) = QVar b
  type Fun (DebugBackend b) = Fun b
  type FunArg (DebugBackend b) = FunArg b
  type LVar (DebugBackend b) = LVar b
  type ClauseId (DebugBackend b) = ClauseId b
  type Model (DebugBackend b) = Model b
  type Proof (DebugBackend b) = Proof b
  setOption opt b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (renderSetOption opt)
    ((),nb) <- setOption opt (debugBackend'' b1)
    return ((),b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  getInfo info b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (renderGetInfo info)
    (res,nb) <- getInfo info (debugBackend'' b1)
    outputResponse b1 (case info of
                        SMTSolverName -> res
                        SMTSolverVersion -> res)
    return (res,b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  declareVar tp name b = do
    let (sym,req,nnames) = renderDeclareVar (debugNames b) tp name
        b1 = b { debugNames = nnames }
    b2 <- outputLisp b1 req
    (rvar,nb) <- declareVar tp name (debugBackend'' b2)
    return (rvar,b2 { debugBackend'' = nb
                    , debugVars = DMap.insertWith const rvar
                                  (UntypedVar sym tp) (debugVars b2) })
  defineFun name args (DebugExpr body) b = do
    let (sym,req,nnames) = renderDefineFun
                           (\fv -> case DMap.lookup fv (debugFVars b) of
                             Just (UntypedVar n _) -> L.Symbol n)
                           (renderExpr b)
                           (debugNames b) name args body
        b1 = b { debugNames = nnames }
    b2 <- outputLisp b1 req
    (rvar,nb) <- defineFun name args body (debugBackend'' b2)
    let (argtp,rtp) = getFunType rvar
    return (rvar,b2 { debugBackend'' = nb
                    , debugFuns = DMap.insertWith const rvar
                                  (UntypedFun sym argtp rtp) (debugFuns b2) }) 
  createFunArg tp name b = do
    let name' = case name of
          Just n -> n
          Nothing -> "fv"
        (name'',nnames) = genName' (debugNames b) name'
    (fv,nb) <- createFunArg tp name (debugBackend'' b)
    return (fv,b { debugBackend'' = nb
                 , debugNames = nnames
                 , debugFVars = DMap.insert fv (UntypedVar name'' tp) (debugFVars b) })
  toBackend expr b = do
    (expr',nb) <- toBackend (runIdentity $ mapExpr return return return return return (\(DebugExpr e) -> return e) expr)
                  (debugBackend'' b)
    return (DebugExpr expr',b { debugBackend'' = nb })
  fromBackend b (DebugExpr e) = runIdentity $ mapExpr return return return return return (return.DebugExpr) $
                                fromBackend (debugBackend'' b) e
  assert (DebugExpr expr) b = do
    let l = renderExpr b expr
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "assert",l])
    ((),nb) <- assert expr (debugBackend'' b1)
    return ((),b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  assertPartition (DebugExpr expr) part b = do
    let l = renderExpr b expr
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "assert"
                               ,L.List [L.Symbol "!"
                                  ,L.Symbol ":interpolation-group"
                                  ,L.Symbol (case part of
                                               PartitionA -> "partA"
                                               PartitionB -> "partB")]])
    ((),nb) <- assertPartition expr part (debugBackend'' b1)
    return ((),b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  assertId (DebugExpr expr) b = do
    let l = renderExpr b expr
        (name,nnames) = genName' (debugNames b) "cid"
        b1 = b { debugNames = nnames }
    b2 <- outputLisp b1 (L.List [L.Symbol "assert"
                                ,L.List [L.Symbol "!",l
                                        ,L.Symbol ":named"
                                        ,L.Symbol name]])
    (cid,nb) <- assertId expr (debugBackend'' b2)
    return (cid,b2 { debugBackend'' = nb
                   , debugCIds = Map.insert cid name (debugCIds b2) })
  interpolate b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "get-interpolant",L.List [L.Symbol "partA"]])
    (res,nb) <- interpolate (debugBackend'' b)
    outputResponse b1 (show $ renderExpr b1 res)
    return (DebugExpr res,b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  checkSat tactic limits b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (renderCheckSat tactic limits)
    (res,nb) <- checkSat tactic limits (debugBackend'' b)
    outputResponse b1 $ case res of
      Sat -> "sat"
      Unsat -> "unsat"
      Unknown -> "unknown"
    return (res,b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  getValue (DebugExpr expr) b = do
    let l = renderExpr b expr
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "get-value"
                               ,L.List [l]])
    (res,nb) <- getValue expr (debugBackend'' b1)
    str <- valueToLisp (\dt con -> case Map.lookup (AnyConstr dt con) (revConstructors $ debugDatatypes b1) of
                          Just sym -> return $ L.Symbol sym) res
    outputResponse b1 (show str)
    return (res,b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  declareFun argtp rtp name b = do
    let (sym,req,nnames) = renderDeclareFun (debugNames b) argtp rtp name
        b1 = b { debugNames = nnames }
    b2 <- outputLisp b1 req
    (rvar,nb) <- declareFun argtp rtp name (debugBackend'' b2)
    return (rvar,b2 { debugBackend'' = nb
                    , debugFuns = DMap.insert rvar (UntypedFun sym argtp rtp) (debugFuns b2) })
  declareDatatypes coll b = do
    let (req,nnames,nreg) = renderDeclareDatatype (debugNames b) (debugDatatypes b) coll
        b1 = b { debugNames = nnames
               , debugDatatypes = nreg }
    b2 <- outputLisp b1 req
    (res,nb) <- declareDatatypes coll (debugBackend'' b2)
    return (res,b2 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  createQVar tp name b = do
    let name' = case name of
          Just n -> n
          Nothing -> "qv"
        (name'',nnames) = genName' (debugNames b) name'
    (rvar,nb) <- createQVar tp name (debugBackend'' b)
    return (rvar,b { debugBackend'' = nb
                   , debugNames = nnames
                   , debugQVars = DMap.insert rvar
                                  (UntypedVar name'' tp)
                                  (debugQVars b) })
  exit b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "exit"])
    ((),nb) <- exit (debugBackend'' b1)
    return ((),b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  push b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "push"])
    ((),nb) <- push (debugBackend'' b1)
    return ((),b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  pop b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "pop"])
    ((),nb) <- pop (debugBackend'' b1)
    return ((),b1 { debugBackend'' = nb })
  defineVar name (DebugExpr expr) b = do
    let l = renderExpr b expr
        tp = getType expr
        (sym,req,nnames) = renderDefineVar (debugNames b) tp name l
        b1 = b { debugNames = nnames }
    b2 <- outputLisp b1 req
    (res,nb) <- defineVar name expr (debugBackend'' b2)
    return (res,b2 { debugBackend'' = nb
                   , debugVars = DMap.insert res (UntypedVar sym tp)
                                 (debugVars b2) })
  getUnsatCore b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "get-unsat-core"])
    (res,nb) <- getUnsatCore (debugBackend'' b1)
    let b2 = b1 { debugBackend'' = nb }
    outputResponse b2 (show $ L.List [ L.Symbol ((debugCIds b2) Map.! cid)
                                     | cid <- res ])
    return (res,b2)
  getModel b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "get-model"])
    (mdl,nb) <- getModel (debugBackend'' b1)
    let b2 = b1 { debugBackend'' = nb }
    outputResponse b2 (show mdl)
    return (mdl,b2)
  modelEvaluate mdl (DebugExpr e) b = do
    (res,nb) <- modelEvaluate mdl e (debugBackend'' b)
    return (res,b { debugBackend'' = nb })
  getProof b = do
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "get-proof"])
    (proof,nb) <- getProof (debugBackend'' b1)
    let b2 = b1 { debugBackend'' = nb }
    outputResponse b2 (show proof)
    return (proof,b2)
  simplify (DebugExpr expr) b = do
    let l = renderExpr b expr
    b1 <- outputLisp b (L.List [L.Symbol "simplify",l])
    (res,nb) <- simplify expr (debugBackend'' b1)
    let b2 = b1 { debugBackend'' = nb }
    outputResponse b2 (show $ renderExpr b2 res)
    return (DebugExpr res,b2)
  comment msg b = do
    b1 <- outputLine b True msg
    ((),nb) <- comment msg (debugBackend'' b1)
    let b2 = b1 { debugBackend'' = nb }
    return ((),b2)
renderExpr :: (Backend b) => DebugBackend b -> Expr b tp
           -> L.Lisp
renderExpr b expr
  = runIdentity $ exprToLispWith
    (\v -> case DMap.lookup v (debugVars nb) of
             Just (UntypedVar r _) -> return $ L.Symbol r)
    (\v -> case DMap.lookup v (debugQVars nb) of
             Just (UntypedVar r _) -> return $ L.Symbol r)
    (\v -> case DMap.lookup v (debugFuns nb) of
             Just (UntypedFun r _ _) -> return $ L.Symbol r)
    (\dt con -> case Map.lookup (AnyConstr dt con) (revConstructors $ debugDatatypes nb) of
             Just sym -> return $ L.Symbol sym)
    (\dt con -> case Map.lookup (AnyConstr dt con) (revConstructors $ debugDatatypes nb) of
             Just sym -> return $ L.Symbol $ T.append "is-" sym)
    (\dt f -> case Map.lookup (AnyField dt f) (revFields $ debugDatatypes nb) of
             Just sym -> return $ L.Symbol sym)
    (\v -> case DMap.lookup v (debugFVars nb) of
             Just (UntypedVar r _) -> return $ L.Symbol r)
    (\v -> case DMap.lookup v (debugLVars nb) of
             Just (UntypedVar r _) -> return $ L.Symbol r)
    (return . renderExpr nb) expr'
    expr' = fromBackend (debugBackend'' b) expr
    nb = case expr' of
      Let args _ -> runIdentity $ List.foldM (\cb var -> do
                                                 let (name,nnames) = genName' (debugNames cb) "var"
                                                 return cb { debugNames = nnames
                                                           , debugLVars = DMap.insert (letVar var)
                                                                          (UntypedVar name (getType $ letVar var))
                                                                          (debugLVars cb)
                                             ) b args
      _ -> b