{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-} -- Deprecations warnings turned off due to ErrorT deprecation -- -- It's a pain that this setting is per-module, because we might end up hiding -- deprecation warnings that we want to see. TODO: move any code that emits -- these warnings to isolated modules. {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Snap.Core.Tests ( tests ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>)), Applicative ((<*>), pure), (<$>)) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq) import Control.Exception.Lifted (ErrorCall (..), Exception, SomeException (..), catch, fromException, mask, throwIO, try) import Control.Monad (Functor (fmap), Monad ((>>), (>>=), return), MonadPlus (mplus, mzero), forM_, liftM, void) import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase (liftBase)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) #if !MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,6,0) import Control.Monad.Trans.Error (ErrorT (runErrorT)) #endif import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString) #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT) #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,6,0) import Control.Monad.Trans.List (ListT (runListT)) #endif import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (runReaderT)) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as LRWS (RWST (runRWST)) import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict (RWST (runRWST)) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as LState (evalStateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (evalStateT) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as LWriter (WriterT (runWriterT)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict (WriterT (runWriterT)) import Control.Parallel.Strategies (rdeepseq, using) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S (length, pack, replicate) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L (ByteString, fromChunks, isPrefixOf) import qualified Data.IntMap as IM (toList) import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import qualified Data.Map as Map (empty, fromList) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Monoid (mappend) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T (encodeUtf8) import Data.Text.Lazy () import Prelude (Bool (..), Either (..), Enum (..), Eq (..), IO, Int, Maybe (Just, Nothing), Num (..), Show (..), String, const, either, fail, flip, id, map, maybe, not, seq, undefined, ($), ($!), (&&), (++), (.)) import Snap.Internal.Core (EscapeSnap (..), MonadSnap (..), NoHandlerException (NoHandlerException), Snap, addToOutput, bracketSnap, catchFinishWith, dir, escapeHttp, evalSnap, finishWith, getParam, getParams, getPostParam, getPostParams, getQueryParam, getQueryParams, getRequest, getResponse, getsResponse, ifTop, ipHeaderFilter, localRequest, logError, method, methods, modifyResponse, pass, path, pathArg, putRequest, putResponse, readRequestBody, redirect, redirect', runRequestBody, runSnap, setTimeout, terminateConnection, transformRequestBody, updateContextPath, withRequest, withResponse, writeBS, writeLBS, writeLazyText, writeText) import Snap.Internal.Http.Types (Cookie (Cookie), Method (..), Request (rqBody, rqClientAddr, rqContextPath, rqIsSecure, rqURI), Response (rspContentLength, rspStatus, rspStatusReason, rspTransformingRqBody), addHeader, deleteHeader, emptyResponse, getHeader, rqRemoteAddr, setContentLength, setHeader, setResponseCode, setResponseStatus, statusReasonMap) import Snap.Internal.Parsing (urlDecode, urlEncode) import qualified Snap.Test as Test (RequestType (RequestWithRawBody), buildRequest, evalHandler, get, getResponseBody, postRaw, runHandler, setRequestType) import Snap.Test.Common (coverEqInstance, coverOrdInstance, coverReadInstance, coverShowInstance, coverTypeableInstance, expectExceptionH, forceSameType, waitabit) import System.IO.Streams (InputStream) import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams (fromList, makeInputStream, nullInput, nullOutput, read, throwIfTooSlow, toList, write) import Test.Framework (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.HUnit (Assertable (assert), assertBool, assertEqual, assertFailure) import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, arbitrary, elements, oneof, variant) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: [Test] tests = [ testFail , testAlternative , testEarlyTermination , testEscapeHttp , testCatchFinishWith , testRqBody , testRqBodyException , testRqBodyTermination , testRqBodyTooLong , testRqBodyTooSlow , testTrivials , testMethod , testMethods , testMethodEq , testMethodNotEq , testDir , testCatchIO , testWrites , testParam , testURLEncode1 , testURLEncode2 , testDir2 , testIpHeaderFilter , testMZero404 , testEvalSnap , testLocalRequest , testRedirect , testBracketSnap , testCoverInstances , testPathArgs , testStateTAndExceptions , test304Fixup , testChunkedFixup ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ expectSpecificException :: Exception e => e -> IO a -> IO () expectSpecificException e0 m = do r <- try m let b = either (\se -> isJust $ forceSameType (Just e0) (fromException se)) (const False) r assertBool ("expected specific exception: " ++ show e0) b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ expect404 :: IO (Request,Response) -> IO () expect404 m = do (_,r) <- m assertBool "expected 404" (rspStatus r == 404) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ expectNo404 :: IO (Request,Response) -> IO () expectNo404 m = do (_,r) <- m assertBool ("expected 200, got " ++ show (rspStatus r)) (rspStatus r /= 404) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkRequest :: ByteString -> IO Request mkRequest uri = Test.buildRequest $ Test.get uri Map.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkRequestQuery :: ByteString -> ByteString -> [ByteString] -> IO Request mkRequestQuery uri k v = Test.buildRequest $ Test.get uri $ Map.fromList [(k,v)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkZomgRq :: IO Request mkZomgRq = Test.buildRequest $ Test.get "/" Map.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkMethodRq :: Method -> IO Request mkMethodRq m = Test.buildRequest $ do Test.get "/" Map.empty Test.setRequestType $ Test.RequestWithRawBody m "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkIpHeaderRq :: IO Request mkIpHeaderRq = do rq <- mkZomgRq return $ setHeader "X-Forwarded-For" "" $ deleteHeader "X-Forwarded-For" $ setHeader "X-Forwarded-For" "" rq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkRqWithBody :: IO Request mkRqWithBody = Test.buildRequest $ Test.postRaw "/" "text/plain" "zazzle" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkRqWithEnum :: (InputStream ByteString) -> IO Request mkRqWithEnum str = do rq <- Test.buildRequest $ Test.postRaw "/" "text/plain" "" return $! rq { rqBody = str } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testCatchIO :: Test testCatchIO = testCase "core/catchIO" $ do (_,rsp) <- go f (_,rsp2) <- go g assertEqual "catchIO 1" (Just "bar") $ getHeader "foo" rsp assertEqual "catchIO 2" Nothing $ getHeader "foo" rsp2 where f :: Snap () f = (mask $ \restore -> restore $ throwIO $ NoHandlerException "") `catch` h g :: Snap () g = return () `catch` h h :: SomeException -> Snap () h e = e `seq` modifyResponse $ addHeader "foo" "bar" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ go :: Snap a -> IO (Request,Response) go m = do zomgRq <- mkZomgRq runSnap m dummy timeoutModifier zomgRq where dummy !x = return $! (show x `using` rdeepseq) `seq` () timeoutModifier !f = return $! f 0 `seq` () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goMeth :: Method -> Snap a -> IO (Request,Response) goMeth m s = do methRq <- mkMethodRq m runSnap s dummy timeoutModifier methRq where dummy !x = return $! (show x `using` rdeepseq) `seq` () timeoutModifier !f = return $! f 0 `seq` () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goIP :: Snap a -> IO (Request,Response) goIP m = do rq <- mkIpHeaderRq runSnap m dummy timeoutModifier rq where timeoutModifier !f = return $! f 0 `seq` () dummy = const $ return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goPath :: ByteString -> Snap a -> IO (Request,Response) goPath s m = do rq <- mkRequest s runSnap m dummy timeoutModifier rq where timeoutModifier !f = return $! f 0 `seq` () dummy = const $ return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goPathQuery :: ByteString -> ByteString -> [ByteString] -> Snap a -> IO (Request,Response) goPathQuery s k v m = do rq <- mkRequestQuery s k v runSnap m dummy (const (return ())) rq where dummy = const $ return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goBody :: Snap a -> IO (Request,Response) goBody m = do rq <- mkRqWithBody runSnap m dummy (const (return ())) rq where dummy = const $ return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ goEnum :: InputStream ByteString -> Snap b -> IO (Request,Response) goEnum enum m = do rq <- mkRqWithEnum enum runSnap m logerr tout rq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testFail :: Test testFail = testCase "failure" $ expect404 (go pass) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ setFoo :: ByteString -> Snap () setFoo s = do modifyResponse (addHeader "Foo" s) fmap id $ pure () pure id <*> (liftIO $ return ()) !x <- liftBase $! return $! () return $! x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testAlternative :: Test testAlternative = testCase "core/alternative" $ do (_,resp) <- go (pass <|> setFoo "Bar") assertEqual "foo present" (Just "Bar") $ getHeader "Foo" resp (_,resp2) <- go (fail "fail should not error" <|> fail2 <|> setFoo "Bar" <|> setFoo "Baz") assertEqual "alternative chooses correct branch" (Just "Bar") $ getHeader "Foo" resp2 where fail2 :: Snap () fail2 = pass >>= \_ -> return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sampleResponse :: Response sampleResponse = addHeader "Foo" "Quux" $ emptyResponse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testEarlyTermination :: Test testEarlyTermination = testCase "core/earlyTermination" $ do (_,resp) <- go (finishWith sampleResponse >>= \_ -> setFoo "Bar") assertEqual "foo" (Just "Quux") $ getHeader "Foo" resp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testStateTAndExceptions :: Test testStateTAndExceptions = testCase "core/stateT_exceptions" $ do Test.evalHandler (return ()) h1 >>= assertEqual "h1" True Test.evalHandler (return ()) h2 >>= assertEqual "h2" True Test.evalHandler (return ()) h3 >>= assertEqual "h3" True Test.evalHandler (return ()) h4 >>= assertEqual "h4" True Test.evalHandler (return ()) h5 >>= assertEqual "h5" True where useState = do rq <- getRequest return (rqURI rq == "/") h1 = do let m = ((try mzero) :: Snap (Either SomeException Int)) (m >> return False) <|> useState h2 = do catchFinishWith (getResponse >>= finishWith) useState h3 = do catchFinishWith (return ()) useState h4 = do (void (catchFinishWith mzero)) <|> return () useState h5 = do let m1 = (void (getResponse >>= finishWith)) `mplus` return () void (catchFinishWith m1) useState ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testEscapeHttp :: Test testEscapeHttp = testCase "core/escapeHttp" $ flip catch catchEscape $ do (_, _) <- go (escapeHttp escaper) assertFailure "HTTP escape was ignored" where escaper _ _ _ = liftIO $ assert True tickle _ = return () catchEscape (ex :: EscapeSnap) = case ex of EscapeHttp e -> do input <- Streams.nullInput output <- Streams.nullOutput e tickle input output _ -> assertFailure "got TerminateConnection" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool isLeft (Left _) = True isLeft _ = False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ isRight :: Either a b -> Bool isRight (Right _) = True isRight _ = False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ logerr :: ByteString -> IO () logerr !_ = return $! () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tout :: (Int -> Int) -> IO () tout !f = let !_ = f 2 in return $! () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testBracketSnap :: Test testBracketSnap = testCase "core/bracketSnap" $ do rq <- mkZomgRq ref <- newIORef 0 expectSpecificException (NoHandlerException "") $ evalSnap (act ref) logerr tout rq y <- readIORef ref assertEqual "bracketSnap/after1" (1::Int) y expectSpecificException (ErrorCall "no value") $ evalSnap (act ref <|> finishWith emptyResponse) logerr tout rq y' <- readIORef ref assertEqual "bracketSnap/after" 2 y' expectSpecificException (ErrorCall "foo") $ evalSnap (act2 ref) logerr tout rq y'' <- readIORef ref assertEqual "bracketSnap/after" 3 y'' where act ref = bracketSnap (liftIO $ readIORef ref) (\z -> liftIO $ writeIORef ref $! z+1) (\z -> z `seq` mzero) act2 ref = bracketSnap (liftIO $ readIORef ref) (\z -> liftIO $ writeIORef ref $! z+1) (\z -> z `seq` liftIO $ throwIO $ ErrorCall "foo") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testCatchFinishWith :: Test testCatchFinishWith = testCase "core/catchFinishWith" $ do rq <- mkZomgRq x <- evalSnap (catchFinishWith $ finishWith emptyResponse) logerr tout rq assertBool "catchFinishWith" $ isLeft x let (Left resp) = x assertEqual "code" 200 (rspStatus resp) y <- evalSnap (catchFinishWith $ return $! ()) logerr tout rq assertBool "catchFinishWith" $ isRight y let (Right val) = y assertEqual "val" () val expectExceptionH $ evalSnap (catchFinishWith pass) logerr tout rq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRqBody :: Test testRqBody = testCase "core/requestBodies" $ do mvar1 <- newEmptyMVar mvar2 <- newEmptyMVar _ <- goBody $ f mvar1 mvar2 v1 <- takeMVar mvar1 v2 <- takeMVar mvar2 assertEqual "rq body" "zazzle" v1 assertEqual "rq body 2" "" v2 (_,rsp) <- goBody (g >> putResponse emptyResponse) bd <- getBody rsp assertEqual "detached rq body" "zazzle" bd assertBool "transforming" (rspTransformingRqBody rsp) where f mvar1 mvar2 = do readRequestBody 100000 >>= liftIO . putMVar mvar1 readRequestBody 100000 >>= liftIO . putMVar mvar2 g = transformRequestBody (return . id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRqBodyTooLong :: Test testRqBodyTooLong = testCase "core/requestBodyTooLong" $ do expectExceptionH $ goBody $ f 2 (_, rsp) <- goBody $ f 200000 bd <- getBody rsp assertEqual "detached rq body" "zazzle" bd where f sz = readRequestBody sz >>= writeLBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRqBodyException :: Test testRqBodyException = testCase "core/requestBodyException" $ do str <- Streams.fromList listData (req,resp) <- goEnum str hndlr bd <- getBody resp b' <- Streams.toList $ rqBody req assertEqual "request body was consumed" [] b' assertEqual "response body was produced" "OK" bd where listData = ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"] h0 = runRequestBody $ \str -> do !_ <- Streams.read str throwIO $ ErrorCall "foo" hndlr = h0 `catch` \(_::SomeException) -> writeBS "OK" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRqBodyTooSlow :: Test testRqBodyTooSlow = testCase "core/requestBodyTooSlow" $ do str <- Streams.makeInputStream strFunc >>= Streams.throwIfTooSlow (return ()) 100000.0 1 expectExceptionH (goEnum str hndlr) where strFunc = waitabit >> return (Just "1") hndlr = runRequestBody $ \_ -> throwIO $ ErrorCall "foo" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRqBodyTermination :: Test testRqBodyTermination = testCase "core/requestBodyTermination" $ do str <- Streams.fromList ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"] expectExceptionH $ goEnum str h0 where h0 = (runRequestBody $ \str -> do !_ <- Streams.read str throwIO $ TerminateConnection $ SomeException $ ErrorCall "foo") `catch` tc tc (ex :: EscapeSnap) = case ex of TerminateConnection e -> terminateConnection e _ -> throwIO ex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testTrivials :: Test testTrivials = testCase "core/trivials" $ do (rq,rsp) <- go $ do req <- getRequest putRequest $ req { rqIsSecure=True } putResponse $ setResponseStatus 333 "333" sampleResponse r <- getResponse liftIO $ assertEqual "rsp status" 333 $ rspStatus r code <- getsResponse rspStatus liftIO $ assertEqual "rsp status 2" 333 code !_ <- localRequest (\x -> x {rqIsSecure=False}) $ do q <- getRequest liftIO $ assertEqual "localrq" False $ rqIsSecure q return () !_ <- logError "foo" writeText "zzz" writeLazyText "zzz" let req' = updateContextPath 0 req let cp1 = rqContextPath req let cp2 = rqContextPath req' setTimeout 30 !_ <- getParams !_ <- getPostParams !_ <- getQueryParams liftIO $ assertEqual "updateContextPath 0" cp1 cp2 withRequest $ return . (`seq` ()) withResponse $ return . (`seq` ()) return () b <- getBody rsp coverShowInstance b coverShowInstance $ NoHandlerException "" coverShowInstance GET coverReadInstance GET coverEqInstance GET coverEqInstance $ NoHandlerException "" coverOrdInstance GET Prelude.map (\(x,y) -> (x,show y)) (IM.toList statusReasonMap) `deepseq` return () let cookie = Cookie "" "" Nothing Nothing Nothing False False coverEqInstance cookie coverShowInstance cookie assertEqual "rq secure" True $ rqIsSecure rq assertEqual "rsp status" 333 $ rspStatus rsp coverTypeableInstance (undefined :: Snap ()) coverShowInstance (EscapeHttp undefined) -- number serialization forM_ [ 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 10000000000 , 100000000000 ] $ \i -> do let s = show i rsp_cl <- Test.runHandler (return ()) (clHandler i) assertEqual ("number " ++ s) (Just $ S.pack s) (getHeader "content-length" rsp_cl) where clHandler i = do modifyResponse (setContentLength i) writeBS (S.replicate (fromEnum i) ' ') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testMethod :: Test testMethod = testCase "core/method" $ do expect404 $ go (method POST $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (method GET $ return ()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testMethods :: Test testMethods = testCase "core/methods" $ do expect404 $ go (methods [POST,PUT,PATCH,Method "MOVE"] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (methods [GET] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (methods [POST,GET] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (methods [PUT,GET] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (methods [GET,PUT,DELETE] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (methods [GET,PUT,DELETE,PATCH] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ go (methods [GET,Method "COPY"] $ return ()) expect404 $ goMeth PATCH (methods [POST,PUT,GET,Method "FOO"] $ return ()) expect404 $ goMeth (Method "Baz") (methods [GET,POST,Method "Foo"] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goMeth (Method "Baz") (method (Method "Baz") $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goMeth (Method "Foo") (methods [Method "Baz",PATCH,GET,Method "Foo"] $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goMeth GET (method (Method "GET") $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goMeth (Method "GET") (method GET $ return ()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ methodGen :: Int -> Gen Method methodGen n = variant n $ oneof [ elements [ GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE , TRACE, OPTIONS, CONNECT, PATCH ] , Method <$> arbitrary ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testMethodEq :: Test testMethodEq = testProperty "core/Method/eq" $ prop where prop n = do m <- methodGen n return $ m == m && toMeth m == m toMeth GET = Method "GET" toMeth HEAD = Method "HEAD" toMeth POST = Method "POST" toMeth PUT = Method "PUT" toMeth DELETE = Method "DELETE" toMeth TRACE = Method "TRACE" toMeth OPTIONS = Method "OPTIONS" toMeth CONNECT = Method "CONNECT" toMeth PATCH = Method "PATCH" toMeth (Method a) = Method a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testMethodNotEq :: Test testMethodNotEq = testProperty "core/Method/noteq" $ prop where prop n = do m <- methodGen n m' <- methodGen (n + 1) return $ (m /= m') == not (m == m') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testDir :: Test testDir = testCase "core/dir" $ do expect404 $ goPath "foo/bar" (dir "zzz" $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goPath "foo/bar" (dir "foo" $ return ()) expect404 $ goPath "fooz/bar" (dir "foo" $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goPath "foo/bar" (path "foo/bar" $ return ()) expect404 $ goPath "foo/bar/z" (path "foo/bar" $ return ()) expectNo404 $ goPath "" (ifTop $ return ()) expect404 $ goPath "a" (ifTop $ return ()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testParam :: Test testParam = testCase "core/getParam" $ do expect404 $ goPath "/foo" f expectNo404 $ goPathQuery "/foo" "param" ["foo"] f expectNo404 $ goPathQuery "/foo" "param" ["foo"] fQ expect404 $ goPathQuery "/foo" "param" ["foo"] fP where p gp = do mp <- gp "param" maybe pass (\s -> if s == "foo" then return () else pass) mp f = p getParam fQ = p getQueryParam fP = p getPostParam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ getBody :: Response -> IO L.ByteString getBody r = liftM (L.fromChunks . (:[])) $ Test.getResponseBody r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testWrites :: Test testWrites = testCase "core/writes" $ do (_,r) <- go h b <- getBody r assertEqual "output functions" "Foo1Foo2Foo3" b where h :: Snap () h = do addToOutput f writeBS "Foo2" writeLBS "Foo3" f str = do Streams.write (Just $ byteString "Foo1") str return str ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testURLEncode1 :: Test testURLEncode1 = testCase "core/urlEncoding1" $ do let b = urlEncode "the quick brown fox~#" assertEqual "url encoding 1" "the+quick+brown+fox%7e%23" b assertEqual "fail" Nothing $ urlDecode "%" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testURLEncode2 :: Test testURLEncode2 = testProperty "core/urlEncoding2" prop where prop s = (urlDecode $ urlEncode s) == Just s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testDir2 :: Test testDir2 = testCase "core/dir2" $ do (_,resp) <- goPath "foo/bar" f b <- getBody resp assertEqual "context path" "/foo/bar/" b where f = dir "foo" $ dir "bar" $ do p <- liftM rqContextPath getRequest addToOutput $ \s -> do Streams.write (Just $ byteString p) s return s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testIpHeaderFilter :: Test testIpHeaderFilter = testCase "core/ipHeaderFilter" $ do (_,r) <- goIP f b <- getBody r assertEqual "ipHeaderFilter" "" b (_,r2) <- go f' b2 <- getBody r2 assertEqual "ipHeaderFilter" "" b2 where f = do ipHeaderFilter ip <- liftM rqClientAddr getRequest writeBS ip f' = do ipHeaderFilter ip <- liftM rqRemoteAddr getRequest writeBS ip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testMZero404 :: Test testMZero404 = testCase "core/mzero404" $ do (_,r) <- go mzero b <- getBody r assertBool "mzero 404" ("> return ()) where f = do logError "zzz" v <- withResponse (return . rspStatus) liftIO $ assertEqual "evalSnap rsp status" 200 v finishWith emptyResponse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testLocalRequest :: Test testLocalRequest = testCase "core/localRequest" $ do rq1 <- mkZomgRq rq2 <- mkRequest "zzz/zz/z" let h = localRequest (const rq2) mzero (rq',_) <- go (h <|> return ()) let u1 = rqURI rq1 let u2 = rqURI rq' assertEqual "localRequest backtrack" u1 u2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRedirect :: Test testRedirect = testCase "core/redirect" $ do (_,rsp) <- go (redirect "/foo/bar") b <- getBody rsp assertEqual "no response body" "" b assertEqual "response content length" (Just 0) $ rspContentLength rsp assertEqual "redirect path" (Just "/foo/bar") $ getHeader "Location" rsp assertEqual "redirect status" 302 $ rspStatus rsp assertEqual "status description" "Found" $ rspStatusReason rsp (_,rsp2) <- go (redirect' "/bar/foo" 307) assertEqual "redirect path" (Just "/bar/foo") $ getHeader "Location" rsp2 assertEqual "redirect status" 307 $ rspStatus rsp2 assertEqual "status description" "Temporary Redirect" $ rspStatusReason rsp2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testCoverInstances :: Test testCoverInstances = testCase "core/instances" $ do #if !MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,6,0) coverErrorT coverListT #endif #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0) coverExceptT #endif coverRWST coverLRWS coverReaderT coverStateT coverLStateT coverWriterT coverLWriterT where snap :: MonadSnap m => m () snap = liftSnap $ writeBS "OK" cover :: MonadSnap m => (m () -> Snap ()) -> IO () cover runFunc = do !_ <- Test.runHandler (return ()) (runFunc snap) return () rwst :: RWST () () () Snap () -> Snap () rwst m = void $ runRWST m () () lrwst :: LRWS.RWST () () () Snap () -> Snap () lrwst m = void $ LRWS.runRWST m () () wt :: WriterT () Snap () -> Snap () wt m = void $ runWriterT m lwt :: LWriter.WriterT () Snap () -> Snap () lwt m = void $ LWriter.runWriterT m #if !MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,6,0) coverErrorT = cover (\m -> do (_ :: Either String ()) <- runErrorT m return ()) coverListT = cover (void . runListT) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0) coverExceptT = cover (\m -> do (_ :: Either String ()) <- runExceptT m return ()) #endif coverRWST = cover rwst coverLRWS = cover lrwst coverReaderT = cover (flip runReaderT ()) coverStateT = cover (flip evalStateT ()) coverLStateT = cover (flip LState.evalStateT ()) coverWriterT = cover wt coverLWriterT = cover lwt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testPathArgs :: Test testPathArgs = testCase "core/pathArgs" $ do (_, rsp) <- goPath "%e4%b8%ad" m b <- getBody rsp assertEqual "pathargs url- and utf8-decodes" "ok" b Test.evalHandler (Test.get "/%zzzz" Map.empty) m2 >>= assertEqual "m2" True Test.evalHandler (Test.get "/z/foo" Map.empty) m3 >>= assertEqual "m3" "/z/" where m = pathArg f m2 = pathArg (\(_ :: Text) -> return False) <|> return True m3 = pathArg (\(_ :: Text) -> rqContextPath <$> getRequest) f x = if x == ("\x4e2d" :: Text) then writeBS "ok" else writeBS $ "not ok: " `mappend` T.encodeUtf8 x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test304Fixup :: Test test304Fixup = testCase "core/304fixup" $ do rsp1 <- Test.runHandler (return ()) h1 assertEqual "code1" (rspStatus rsp1) 304 assertEqual "cl1" Nothing (rspContentLength rsp1) Test.getResponseBody rsp1 >>= assertEqual "body1" "" assertBool "date" $ getHeader "date" rsp1 /= (Just "zzz") assertEqual "cl-header" Nothing $ getHeader "content-length" rsp1 assertEqual "transfer-encoding" Nothing $ getHeader "transfer-encoding" rsp1 where h1 = do let s = "this should get eaten" modifyResponse (setResponseCode 304 . setContentLength (toEnum $ S.length s) . setHeader "content-length" "zzz" . setHeader "transfer-encoding" "chunked" . setHeader "date" "zzz") writeBS s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testChunkedFixup :: Test testChunkedFixup = testCase "core/chunked-fixup" $ do rsp1 <- Test.runHandler (return ()) h1 Test.getResponseBody rsp1 >>= assertEqual "body1" "OK" assertEqual "transfer-encoding" (Just "chunked") $ getHeader "transfer-encoding" rsp1 assertEqual "baz" (Just "baz") $ getHeader "baz" rsp1 assertEqual "foo" (Just "foo") $ getHeader "foo" rsp1 where h1 = do modifyResponse $ setHeader "baz" "baz" . setHeader "transfer-encoding" "chunked" . setHeader "foo" "foo" . setHeader "bar" "bar" writeBS "OK"