cabal-version: 2.2 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.6. -- -- see: name: spade version: synopsis: A simple programming and debugging environment. description: A simple weakly typed, dynamic, interpreted programming langauge and terminal IDE. category: language, interpreter, ide author: Sandeep.C.R maintainer: copyright: 2022 Sandeep.C.R license: GPL-3.0-only build-type: Simple extra-source-files: docs/ docs/ docs/ docs/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ docs/functions/ stack.yaml stack.yaml.lock samples/mandelbrot.spd samples/paratrooper.spd samples/snake.spd library exposed-modules: Common Compiler.AST Compiler.AST.Common Compiler.AST.Expression Compiler.AST.FunctionDef Compiler.AST.FunctionStatement Compiler.AST.Parser.Common Compiler.AST.Program Compiler.Lexer Compiler.Lexer.Comments Compiler.Lexer.Delimeters Compiler.Lexer.Identifiers Compiler.Lexer.Keywords Compiler.Lexer.Literals Compiler.Lexer.Operators Compiler.Lexer.Tokens Compiler.Lexer.Whitespaces Compiler.Parser Highlighter.Highlighter IDE.Common IDE.Help IDE.Help.Contents IDE.Help.Parser IDE.IDE Interpreter Interpreter.Common Interpreter.Initialize Interpreter.Interpreter Interpreter.Lib.Concurrency Interpreter.Lib.Math Interpreter.Lib.Misc Interpreter.Lib.SDL Interpreter.Lib.String Parser Parser.Lib Parser.Parser Test Test.Common UI.Chars UI.Terminal.IO UI.Widgets UI.Widgets.AutoComplete UI.Widgets.BorderBox UI.Widgets.Common UI.Widgets.Editor UI.Widgets.Editor.Cursor UI.Widgets.Layout UI.Widgets.LogWidget UI.Widgets.MenuContainer UI.Widgets.NullWidget UI.Widgets.TextContainer UI.Widgets.TitledContainer UI.Widgets.WatchWidget other-modules: Paths_spade hs-source-dirs: src default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes DeriveLift NumericUnderscores DerivingStrategies BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FunctionalDependencies FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NegativeLiterals NumDecimals OverloadedLabels OverloadedStrings PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes RecordWildCards ImpredicativeTypes RecursiveDo ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns PackageImports InstanceSigs ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-type-defaults build-depends: Decimal >=0.5.2 && <0.6 , WAVE >=0.1.6 && <0.2 , aeson >=2.0.2 && <2.1 , ansi-terminal >=0.11.1 && <0.12 , base >=4.9 && <5 , bytestring >=0.10.12 && <0.11 , constraints >=0.13.2 && <0.14 , containers >=0.6.4 && <0.7 , exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11 , file-embed >=0.0.15 && <0.1 , hedgehog >=1.0.5 && <1.1 , hex-text >=0.1.0 && <0.2 , hspec >=2.9.4 && <2.10 , hspec-hedgehog >=0.0.1 && <0.1 , monad-loops >=0.4.3 && <0.5 , mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , ordered-containers >=0.2.2 && <0.3 , process >=1.6.11 && <1.7 , random >=1.2.1 && <1.3 , scientific >=0.3.7 && <0.4 , sdl2 >=2.5.3 && <2.6 , sdl2-mixer >=1.2.0 && <1.3 , stm >=2.5.0 && <2.6 , template-haskell >=2.17.0 && <2.18 , terminal >=0.2.0 && <0.3 , text >=1.2.4 && <1.3 , time >=1.9.3 && <1.10 , unordered-containers >=0.2.16 && <0.3 , vector >=0.12.3 && <0.13 default-language: Haskell2010 autogen-modules: Paths_spade executable spade main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Paths_spade hs-source-dirs: app default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes DeriveLift NumericUnderscores DerivingStrategies BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FunctionalDependencies FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NegativeLiterals NumDecimals OverloadedLabels OverloadedStrings PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes RecordWildCards ImpredicativeTypes RecursiveDo ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns PackageImports InstanceSigs ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-type-defaults -threaded -fPIC build-depends: Decimal >=0.5.2 && <0.6 , WAVE >=0.1.6 && <0.2 , aeson >=2.0.2 && <2.1 , ansi-terminal >=0.11.1 && <0.12 , base >=4.9 && <5 , bytestring >=0.10.12 && <0.11 , constraints >=0.13.2 && <0.14 , containers >=0.6.4 && <0.7 , exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11 , file-embed >=0.0.15 && <0.1 , hedgehog >=1.0.5 && <1.1 , hex-text >=0.1.0 && <0.2 , hspec >=2.9.4 && <2.10 , hspec-hedgehog >=0.0.1 && <0.1 , monad-loops >=0.4.3 && <0.5 , mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , ordered-containers >=0.2.2 && <0.3 , process >=1.6.11 && <1.7 , random >=1.2.1 && <1.3 , scientific >=0.3.7 && <0.4 , sdl2 >=2.5.3 && <2.6 , sdl2-mixer >=1.2.0 && <1.3 , spade , stm >=2.5.0 && <2.6 , template-haskell >=2.17.0 && <2.18 , terminal >=0.2.0 && <0.3 , text >=1.2.4 && <1.3 , time >=1.9.3 && <1.10 , unordered-containers >=0.2.16 && <0.3 , vector >=0.12.3 && <0.13 default-language: Haskell2010 autogen-modules: Paths_spade test-suite spade-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Spec.hs other-modules: Common Compiler.AST.ParserSpec Compiler.Lexer.CommentsSpec Compiler.Lexer.DelimeterSpec Compiler.Lexer.IdentifierSpec Compiler.Lexer.KeywordSpec Compiler.Lexer.LiteralSpec Compiler.Lexer.OperatorSpec Compiler.Lexer.TokenSpec Interpreter.InterpreterSpec UI.EditorSpec UI.WidgetSpec Paths_spade autogen-modules: Paths_spade hs-source-dirs: test default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes DeriveLift NumericUnderscores DerivingStrategies BangPatterns ConstraintKinds DataKinds DefaultSignatures DeriveDataTypeable DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveGeneric DeriveTraversable EmptyCase FunctionalDependencies FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving LambdaCase MultiParamTypeClasses MultiWayIf NamedFieldPuns NegativeLiterals NumDecimals OverloadedLabels OverloadedStrings PatternSynonyms PolyKinds QuasiQuotes RankNTypes RecordWildCards ImpredicativeTypes RecursiveDo ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneDeriving TemplateHaskell TupleSections TypeApplications TypeFamilies TypeOperators UndecidableInstances ViewPatterns PackageImports InstanceSigs ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-type-defaults build-depends: Decimal >=0.5.2 && <0.6 , WAVE >=0.1.6 && <0.2 , aeson >=2.0.2 && <2.1 , ansi-terminal >=0.11.1 && <0.12 , base >=4.9 && <5 , bytestring >=0.10.12 && <0.11 , constraints >=0.13.2 && <0.14 , containers >=0.6.4 && <0.7 , exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11 , file-embed >=0.0.15 && <0.1 , hedgehog , hex-text >=0.1.0 && <0.2 , hspec , hspec-discover , hspec-hedgehog , monad-loops >=0.4.3 && <0.5 , mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , neat-interpolation , ordered-containers >=0.2.2 && <0.3 , process >=1.6.11 && <1.7 , random >=1.2.1 && <1.3 , scientific >=0.3.7 && <0.4 , sdl2 >=2.5.3 && <2.6 , sdl2-mixer >=1.2.0 && <1.3 , spade , stm >=2.5.0 && <2.6 , strip-ansi-escape , template-haskell >=2.17.0 && <2.18 , terminal >=0.2.0 && <0.3 , text >=1.2.4 && <1.3 , time >=1.9.3 && <1.10 , unordered-containers >=0.2.16 && <0.3 , vector >=0.12.3 && <0.13 default-language: Haskell2010