module Main where import qualified Data.Spreadsheet as Sheet import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT import System.Console.GetOpt (getOpt, ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), usageInfo, ) import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName, ) import qualified System.Exit as Exit import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Asynchronous as AExc import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as Exc import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift, ) import Control.Monad (when, ) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import Data.Foldable (forM_, ) data Flags = Flags { optMultiFile :: Maybe FilePath, optQuotation, optDelimiter :: Char } defltFlags :: Flags defltFlags = Flags { optMultiFile = Nothing, optQuotation = '"', optDelimiter = ',' } exitFailureMsg :: String -> IO a exitFailureMsg msg = do IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr msg Exit.exitFailure options :: [OptDescr (Flags -> IO Flags)] options = Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg (\_ -> do programName <- getProgName putStrLn $ flip usageInfo options $ "Usage: " ++ programName ++ " [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE-FILE\n" ++ "The CSV file is read from standard input.\n" Exit.exitSuccess)) "show options" : Option [] ["multifile"] (flip ReqArg "FILEPATTERN" $ \str flags -> return $ flags{optMultiFile = Just str}) "generate one file per CSV row" : Option ['d'] ["delimiter"] (flip ReqArg "CHAR" $ \str flags -> do case str of [c] -> return $ flags{optDelimiter = c} _ -> exitFailureMsg $ "delimiter must be one character, which " ++ show str ++ " is not") "field delimiter character" : Option ['q'] ["quotation"] (flip ReqArg "CHAR" $ \str flags -> do case str of [c] -> return $ flags{optQuotation = c} _ -> exitFailureMsg $ "quotation mark must be one character, which " ++ show str ++ " is not") "quotation mark character" : [] replaceRow :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> String replaceRow template names row = ListHT.multiReplace (filter (not . null . fst) $ zip names row) template replace :: String -> [String] -> Sheet.T -> String replace template names = concatMap (replaceRow template names) main :: IO () main = Exc.resolveT (\e -> exitFailureMsg $ "Aborted: " ++ e) $ do argv <- lift getArgs let (opts, files, errors) = getOpt RequireOrder options argv when (not (null errors)) $ Exc.throwT $ concat $ errors flags <- lift $ foldr (=<<) (return defltFlags) opts case files of [templateName] -> do template <- lift $ readFile templateName sheet <- Sheet.fromString (optQuotation flags) (optDelimiter flags) <$> lift getContents case AExc.result sheet of [] -> Exc.throwT "empty CSV input" names:rows -> lift $ case optMultiFile flags of Nothing -> putStr $ replace template names rows Just filePattern -> forM_ rows $ \row -> writeFile (replaceRow filePattern names row) $ replaceRow template names row Fold.mapM_ Exc.throwT $ AExc.exception sheet _ -> Exc.throwT "I need exactly one template file."