import Common import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Monad (when) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO import Debug import DirectSqlite import Errors import Fold import ParamConv import QQ import Simple import Function import Statement import TestImports() import TestImports import UserInstances import Utf8Strings tests :: [TestEnv -> Test] tests = [ TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleSelect , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleOnePlusOne , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleParams , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleTime , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleTimeFract , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleInsertId , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleMultiInsert , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleUTCTime , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleUTCTimeTZ , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleUTCTimeParams , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleQueryCov , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleStrings , TestLabel "Simple" . testSimpleChanges , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvNull , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvInt , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvIntWidths , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvIntWidthsFromField , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvFloat , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvDateTime , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvBools , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvToRow , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvFromRow , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamConvComposite , TestLabel "ParamConv" . testParamNamed , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsColumns , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsInvalidParams , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsInvalidNamedParams , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsWithStatement , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsColumnName , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsTransaction , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsImmediateTransaction , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsExclusiveTransaction , TestLabel "Errors" . testErrorsSavepoint , TestLabel "Utf8" . testUtf8Simplest , TestLabel "Utf8" . testBlobs , TestLabel "Instances" . testUserFromField , TestLabel "Instances" . testSQLDataFromField , TestLabel "Fold" . testFolds , TestLabel "Statement" . testBind , TestLabel "Statement" . testDoubleBind , TestLabel "Statement" . testPreparedStatements , TestLabel "Statement" . testPreparedStatementsColumnCount , TestLabel "Debug" . testDebugTracing , TestLabel "Functions" . testExternalAddition , TestLabel "Direct" . testDirectSqlite , TestLabel "Imports" . testImports , TestLabel "QQ" . testSimpleQQ , TestLabel "QQ" . testMultiLinedQQ ] -- | Action for connecting to the database that will be used for testing. -- -- Note that some tests, such as Notify, use multiple connections, and assume -- that 'testConnect' connects to the same database every time it is called. testConnect :: IO Connection testConnect = open ":memory:" withTestEnv :: (TestEnv -> IO a) -> IO a withTestEnv cb = withConn $ \conn -> cb TestEnv { conn = conn } where withConn = bracket testConnect close main :: IO () main = do mapM_ (`hSetBuffering` LineBuffering) [stdout, stderr] Counts{cases, tried, errors, failures} <- withTestEnv $ \env -> runTestTT $ TestList $ map ($ env) tests when (cases /= tried || errors /= 0 || failures /= 0) $ exitFailure