# The `stack build` command and its synonyms ~~~text stack build [TARGET] [--dry-run] [--pedantic] [--fast] [--ghc-options OPTIONS] [--flag PACKAGE:[-]FLAG] [--dependencies-only | --only-snapshot | --only-dependencies | --only-locals] [--file-watch | --file-watch-poll] [--watch-all] [--exec COMMAND [ARGUMENT(S)]] [--only-configure] [--trace] [--profile] [--no-strip] [--[no-]library-profiling] [--[no-]executable-profiling] [--[no-]library-stripping] [--[no-]executable-stripping] [--[no-]haddock] [--haddock-arguments HADDOCK_ARGS] [--[no-]open] [--[no-]haddock-deps] [--[no-]haddock-internal] [--[no-]haddock-hyperlink-source] [--[no-]haddock-for-hackage] [--[no-]copy-bins] [--[no-]copy-compiler-tool] [--[no-]prefetch] [--[no-]keep-going] [--[no-]keep-tmp-files] [--[no-]force-dirty] [--[no-]test] [--[no-]rerun-tests] [--ta|--test-arguments TEST_ARGS] [--coverage] [--no-run-tests] [--test-suite-timeout ARG] [--[no-]tests-allow-stdin] [--[no-]bench] [--ba|--benchmark-arguments BENCH_ARGS] [--no-run-benchmarks] [--[no-]reconfigure] [--cabal-verbosity VERBOSITY | --[no-]cabal-verbose] [--[no-]split-objs] [--skip ARG] [--[no-]interleaved-output] [--ddump-dir ARG] ~~~ `stack build` and its synonyms (`stack test`, `stack bench`, `stack haddock` and `stack install`) are Stack's primany command. The command provides a simple interface for simple tasks and flexibility for more complicated goals. See the introductory part of Stack's [user's guide](GUIDE.md#the-stack-build-command) for an introduction to the command. ## Synonyms The synonym commands for `stack build` are: |Synonym command|Equivalent `stack build` command flag| |---------------|-------------------------------------| |`stack test` |`stack build --test` | |`stack bench` |`stack build --bench` | |`stack haddock`|`stack build --haddock` | |`stack install`|`stack build --copy-bins` | The advantage of the synonym commands is that they are convenient and short. The advantage of the flags is that they compose. See the examples below. ## Components Every Cabal package is made up of one or more components. It can have an optional public library component, one or more optional executable components, one or more optional test suite components, and one or more optional benchmark components. Stack allows you to identify a specific component to be built. For example, `stack build mypackage:test:mytests` will build (and run - see further below) the `mytests` component of the `mypackage` package. `mytests` must be a test suite component. By default, if a test suite component is targeted, the component is built and run. The running behaviour can be disabled with the `--no-run-tests` flag. Similarly, if a benchmark component is targeted, it is built and run unless the running behaviour is disabled with the `--no-run-benchmarks` flag. This ability to specify a component applies only to a project package. With dependencies, Stack will *always* build the library (if present) and all executables (if any), and ignore test suites and benchmarks. If you want more control over a package, you must add it to your `packages` setting in your project-level configuration file (`stack.yaml`, by default). ## Target syntax `stack build` takes a list of one or more optional *targets* to be built. The supported syntaxes for targets are as follows: * no targets specified * *package* * *package identifier* * project package *component* * *local directory* ### No targets specified Example: `stack build` `stack build` with no targets specified will build all project packages. ### Target: *package* Example: `stack build foobar` Stack will try to find the package in the following locations: * project packages, * extra-deps, * the snapshot, and * the package index (e.g. Hackage). If the package is found in the package index, then the latest version of that package from the index is implicitly added as an extra-dep. If the package is a project package, the library and executable components are selected to be built. If the `--test` and `--bench` flags are set, then all of the test suite and benchmark components, respectively, are selected to be built. If *package* is a GHC boot package (packages that come with GHC and are included in GHC's global package database), the behaviour can be complex: * If the boot package has not been 'replaced', then `stack build` will, effectively, do nothing. * If the boot package has been 'replaced' then `stack build` will specify the latest version of that package in the package index, which may differ from the version provided by the version of GHC specified by the snapshot. A boot package will be treated as 'replaced' if the package is included directly in the Stackage snapshot or it depends on a package included directly in the snapshot. !!! note Stackage snapshots do not include directly most boot packages but some snapshots may include directly some boot packages. In particular, some snapshots include directly `Win32` (which is a boot package on Windows) while others do not. For example, if `Cabal` (a boot package) is not a project package or an extra-dep, then `stack build Cabal` with Stackage snapshot LTS Haskell 20.25 will: * on Windows, try to build the latest version of `Cabal` in the package index (because that snapshot includes `Win32` directly, and `Cabal` depends on `Win32` and so is treated as 'replaced'); and * on non-Windows, effectively, do nothing (because `Cabal` is not 'replaced'). ### Target: *package identifier* Example: `stack build foobar-1.2.3` If the package name is that of a project package, then Stack fails with an error. If the package version is in the package index (e.g. Hackage) then Stack will use the latest revision of that version from the package index. If the package is an extra-dep or in the snapshot, Stack will behave as if only the package name had been specified as the target (that is, ignoring the specified version). Otherwise, Stack will fail with an error, reporting that the package name is unknown. ### Target: project package *component* Examples: * `stack build my-package:lib` * `stack build my-package:exe:my-executable` * `stack build my-package:test:my-test-suite` * `stack build my-package:bench:my-benchmark` * `stack build my-package:my-test-suite` * `stack build :my-test-suite` You can select individual components from inside a project package to be built. This can be done for more fine-grained control over which test suites to run, or to have a faster compilation cycle. There are multiple ways to refer to a specific component: * `:lib` or `::` (where the component type, ``, is one of `exe`, `test`, or `bench`) is the most explicit. The library component type (`lib`) does not have an associated component name, ``. * `:` allows you to leave out the component type, as that will often be unique for a given component name. * `:` is a useful shortcut, saying "find the component`` in all of the project packages". This will result in an error if more than one package has a component with the specified name. For further information about available targets, see the [`stack ide targets` command](ide_command.md). ### Target: *local directory* Examples: * `stack build foo/bar` * `stack build ./foo` * `stack build .` Stack will find all project packages that exist in the given directory hierarchy and then follow the same procedure as passing in package names as mentioned above. `stack build .` will target project packages in the current working directory or its subdirectories. !!! note If the directory name is parsed as one of the other target types, it will be treated as that. Explicitly starting the target with `./` can avoid that. For example, `stack build ./foo`. ## Controlling what gets built Stack will automatically build the necessary dependencies. See the introductory part of Stack's [user's guide](GUIDE.md#the-stack-build-command) for information about how these dependencies get specified. In addition to specifying targets, you can also control what gets built, or retained, with the flags and options listed below. You can also affect what gets built by specifying Cabal (the library) options for the configure step of the Cabal build process (for further information, see the documentation for the [configure-options](yaml_configuration.md#configure-options) configuration option). ### `--bench` flag Pass the flag to add benchmark components to the targets, if specific components are not identified. The `stack bench` synonym sets this flag. ### `--dependencies-only` flag Pass the flag to skip building the targets. The flag `--only-dependencies` has the same effect. ### `--[no-]dry-run` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to build nothing and output information about the build plan. ### `--flag` option `stack build --flag :[-]` sets (or unsets) the specified Cabal flag for the specified package. This option can be specified multiple times to set (or unset) multiple Cabal flags. The same Cabal flag name can be set (or unset) for multiple packages (at the command line only) with: ~~~text stack build --flag *:[-] ~~~ In order to set a Cabal flag for a GHC boot package, the package must be specified as an extra-dep. ### `--[no-]force-dirty` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to force rebuild of packages even when it doesn't seem necessary based on file dirtiness. ### `--[no-]haddock` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to build Haddock documentation. This may cause a lot of packages to get re-built, so that the documentation links work. The `stack haddock` synonym sets this flag. Stack applies Haddock's `--gen-contents` and `--gen-index` flags to generate a single HTML contents and index for multiple sets of Haddock documentation. !!! warning On Windows, the values for the `haddock-interfaces` and `haddock-html` keys in the `*.conf` files for boot packages provided with certain versions of GHC (in its `lib\package.conf.d` directory) can be corrupt and refer to non-existent files and directories. For example, in the case of GHC 9.0.1 to GHC 9.8.1 the references are to `${pkgroot}/../../docs/html/libraries/...` or `${pkgroot}/../../doc/html/libraries/...` instead of `${pkgroot}/../docs/html/libraries/...` or `${pkgroot}/../doc/html/libraries/...`. Until those values are corrected, Haddock documentation will be missing links to what those packages expose. ### `--haddock-arguments` option `stack haddock --haddock-arguments ` passes the specified arguments to the Haddock tool. Specified arguments are separated by spaces. Arguments can be unquoted (if they do not contain space or `"` characters) or quoted (`""`). Quoted arguments can include 'escaped' characters, escaped with an initial `\` character. !!! note Haddock's `--latex` flag is incompatible with the Haddock flags used by Stack to generate a single HTML contents and index. ### `--[no-]haddock-deps` flag Default: Enabled (if building Haddock documnentation) Unset the flag to disable building Haddock documentation for dependencies. ### `--[no-]haddock-for-hackage` flag :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental [:octicons-tag-24: 2.15.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.15.1) Default: Disabled Set the flag to build project packages with flags to generate Haddock documentation suitable for upload to Hackage. The form of the Haddock documentation generated for other packages is unaffected. For each project package: * the generated Haddock documentation files are in directory `doc\html\-docs\`, relative to Stack's dist work directory (see [`stack path --dist-dir`](path_command.md)); and * an archive of the `-docs` directory and its contents is in Stack's dist work directory. If the flag is set: * the [`--[no-]haddock-hyperlink-source`](#-no-haddock-hyperlink-source-flag) flag is ignored and `--haddock-hyperlink-source` is implied; * the [`--[no-]haddock-deps`](#-no-haddock-deps-flag) flag is ignored and the default value for the flag is implied; * the [`--[no-]haddock-internal`](#-no-haddock-hyperlink-internal-flag) flag is ignored and `--no-haddock-internal` is implied; * the [`--[no-]open`](#-no-open-flag) flag is ignored and `--no-open` is implied; and * the [`--[no-]force-dirty`](#-no-force-dirty-flag) flag is ignored and `--force-dirty` is implied. !!! info Stack does not distinguish the building of Haddock documentation for Hackage from the building of Haddock documentation generally, which is why the `--force-dirty` flag is implied. !!! note If set, Haddock will warn that `-source-*` options are ignored when `--hyperlinked-source` is enabled. That is due to a known bug in Cabal (the libiary). !!! note If set, Cabal (the library) will report that documentation has been created in `index.html` and `.txt` files. Those files do not exist. That false report is due to a known bug in Cabal (the library). ### `--[no-]haddock-hyperlink-source` flag Default: Enabled Unset the flag to disable building building hyperlinked source for Haddock. If the [`--haddock-for-hackage`](#-no-haddock-for-hackage-flag) flag is passed, this flag is ignored. ### `--[no-]haddock-internal` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable building Haddock documentation for internal modules. If the [`--haddock-for-hackage`](#-no-haddock-for-hackage-flag) flag is passed, this flag is ignored. ### `--[no-]keep-going` flag Default (`stack build`): Disabled Default (`stack test` or `stack bench`): Enabled Set the flag to continue building packages even after some build step fails. The packages which depend upon the failed build won't get built. ### `--[no-]keep-tmp-files` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to keep intermediate files and build directories that would otherwise be considered temporary and deleted. It may be useful to inspect these, if a build fails. By default, they are not kept. ### `--only-configure` flag [:octicons-tag-24:](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v0.1.4.0) Pass the flag to perform only the configure step, not any builds. This is intended for tool usage. It may break when used on multiple packages at once. !!! note If there are downstream actions that require a package to be built then a full build will occur, even if the flag is passed. ### `--only-dependencies` flag Pass the flag to skip building the targets. The flag `--dependencies-only` has the same effect. ### `--only-locals` flag Pass the flag to build only packages in the local database. Fails if the build plan includes packages in the snapshot database. ### `--only-snapshot` flag Pass the flag to build only snapshot dependencies, which are cached and shared with other projects. ### `--[no-]reconfigure` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to force reconfiguration even when it doesn't seem necessary based on file dirtiness. This is sometimes useful with custom `Setup.hs` files, in particular when they depend on external data files. ### `--skip` option `stack build --skip ` skips building the specified components of a project package. It allows you to skip test suites and benchmark without specifying other components (e.g. `stack test --skip long-test-suite` will run the tests without the `long-test-suite` test suite). Be aware that skipping executables won't work the first time the package is built due to an issue in [Cabal](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3229). This option can be specified multiple times to skip multiple components. ### `--test` flag Pass the flag to add test suite components to the targets, if specific components are not identified. The `stack test` synonym sets this flag. ## Controlling when building occurs ### `--file-watch` flag Pass the flag to rebuild your project every time a file changes. By default it will take into account all files belonging to the targets you specify. See also the `--watch-all` flag. ### `--file-watch-poll` flag Like the `--file-watch` flag, but based on polling the file system instead of using events to determine if a file has changed. ### `--watch-all` flag [:octicons-tag-24: 2.5.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.5.1) Pass the flag to rebuild your project every time any local file changes (from project packages or from dependencies located locally). See also the `--file-watch` flag. ## Controlling what happens after building ### `--benchmark-arguments`, `--ba` option `stack build --bench --benchmark-arguments=` will pass the specified argument, or arguments, to each benchmark when it is run. Specified arguments are separated by spaces. Arguments can be unquoted (if they do not contain space or `"` characters) or quoted (`""`). Quoted arguments can include 'escaped' characters, escaped with an initial `\` character. Account may need to be taken of the shell's approach to the processing of command line arguments. For example, to pass `'a single quoted string'`: === "Unix-like (Bash or Zsh)" In Bash, or Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option not set): `stack bench --benchmark-arguments \"\''a single quoted string'\'\"` Outside of single quotes, `\"` escapes a double quote and `\'` escapes a single quote. The content of single quotes is taken literally, but cannot contain a single quote. In Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option set): `stack bench --benchmark-arguments '"''a single quoted string''"'` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. === "Windows (PowerShell)" `stack bench --benchmark-arguments '"''a single quoted string''"'` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. ### `--exec` option `stack build --exec ' []'` will run the specified command after a successful build. Specified arguments are separated by spaces. Arguments can be unquoted (if they do not contain space or `"` characters) or quoted (`""`). Quoted arguments can include 'escaped' characters, escaped with an initial `\` character. Account may need to be taken of the shell's approach to the processing of command line arguments. For example, to pass `'a single quoted string'`: === "Unix-like (Bash or Zsh)" In Bash, or Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option not set): `stack build --exec ' '\"\''a single quoted string'\'\"` Outside of single quotes, `\"` escapes a double quote and `\'` escapes a single quote. The content of single quotes is taken literally, but cannot contain a single quote. In Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option set): `stack build --exec ' "''a single quoted string''"'` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. === "Windows (PowerShell)" `stack build --exec ' "''a single quoted string''"'` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. ### `--test-arguments`, `--ta` option `stack build --test --test-arguments=` will pass the specified argument, or arguments, to each test when it is run. This option can be specified multiple times. Specified arguments are separated by spaces. Arguments can be unquoted (if they do not contain space or `"` characters) or quoted (`""`). Quoted arguments can include 'escaped' characters, escaped with an initial `\` character. Account may need to be taken of the shell's approach to the processing of command line arguments. For example, to pass `'a single quoted string'`: === "Unix-like (Bash or Zsh)" In Bash, or Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option not set): `stack test --test-arguments \"\''a single quoted string'\'\"` Outside of single quotes, `\"` escapes a double quote and `\'` escapes a single quote. The content of single quotes is taken literally, but cannot contain a single quote. In Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option set): `stack bench --benchmark-arguments '"''a single quoted string''"'` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. === "Windows (PowerShell)" `stack test --test-arguments '"''a single quoted string''"'` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. ## Flags affecting GHC's behaviour ### `--[no-]executable-profiling` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable executable profiling for TARGETs and all its dependencies. ### `--[no-]executable-stripping` flag Default: Enabled Unset the flag to disable executable stripping for TARGETs and all its dependencies. ### `--fast` flag GHC has many flags that specify individual optimisations of the compiler. GHC also uses its `-O*` flags to specify convenient 'packages' of GHC optimisation flags. GHC's flags are evaluated from left to right and later flags can override the effect of earlier ones. If no GHC `-O*` type flag is specified, GHC takes that to mean "Please compile quickly; I'm not over-bothered about compiled-code quality." GHC's `-O0` flag reverts to the same settings as if no `-O*` flags had been specified. Pass Stack's `--fast` flag to add `-O0` to the flags and options passed to GHC. The effect of `--fast` can be overriden with Stack's [`--ghc-options`](#-ghc-options-option) command line options. !!! note With one exception, GHC's `-O` flag is always passed to GHC first (being Cabal's default behaviour). The exception is if Cabal's `--disable-optimization` flag or `--enable-optimization[=n]`, `-O[n]` options are used during the configure step of the Cabal build process; see Stack's [`configure-options`](yaml_configuration.md#configure-options) YAML configuration option. ### `--ghc-options` option GHC command line options can be specified for a package in its Cabal file (including one created from a `package.yaml` file). This option augments and, if applicable (see below), overrides any such GHC command line options and those specified in Stack's YAML configuration files - see the [`ghc-options`](yaml_configuration.md#ghc-options) configuration option. `stack build --ghc-options ` passes the specified command line options to GHC, depending on Stack's [`apply-ghc-options`](yaml_configuration.md#apply-ghc-options) YAML configuration option. This option can be specified multiple times. GHC's command line options are _order-dependent_ and evaluated from left to right. Later options can override the effect of earlier ones. Any GHC command line options for a package specified at Stack's command line are applied after those specified in Stack's YAML configuration files. ### `--[no-]library-profiling` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable library profiling for TARGETs and all its dependencies. ### `--[no-]library-stripping` flag Default: Enabled Unset the flag to disable library stripping for TARGETs and all its dependencies. ### `--pedantic` flag Pass the flag to build your project with the GHC options `-Wall` and `-Werror`. `-Wall` turns on all warning options that indicate potentially suspicious code. `-Werror` makes any warning into a fatal error. ### `--profile` flag Pass the flag to enable profiling in libraries, executables, etc. for all expressions, and generate a profiling report in tests or benchmarks. ### `--[no-]split-objs` flag :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable the GHC option `--split-objs`. This will reduce output size (at the cost of build time). !!! note The behaviour of this feature may be changed and improved. You will need to clean your project's Stack working directory before use. If you want to compile all dependencies with split-objs, you will need to delete the snapshot (and all snapshots that could reference that snapshot). ### `--no-strip` flag Pass the flag to disable DWARF debugging symbol stripping in libraries, executables, etc. for all expressions, producing larger executables but allowing the use of standard debuggers/profiling tools/other utilities that use debugging symbols. ### `--trace` flag Pass the flag to enable profiling in libraries, executables, etc. for all expressions, and generate a backtrace on exception. ## Flags affecting other tools' behaviour ### `--PROG-option` options [:octicons-tag-24: 2.11.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.11.1) `PROG` is a program recognised by Cabal (the library) and one of `alex`, `ar`, `c2hs`, `cpphs`, `gcc`, `greencard`, `happy`, `hsc2hs`, `hscolour`, `ld`, `pkg-config`, `strip` and `tar`. `stack build --PROG-option ` passes the specified command line argument to `PROG`, if it used by Cabal during the configuration step. This option can be specified multiple times. For example, if the program `happy` is used by Cabal during the configuration step, you could command `stack build --happy-option=--ghc` or `stack build --happy-option --ghc` to pass to `happy` its `--ghc` flag. By default, all and any `--PROG-option` options on Stack's command line are applied to all project packages (targets or otherwise). This behaviour can be changed. See the [`apply-prog-options`](yaml_configuration.md#apply-prog-options) configuration option. Stack can also be configured to pass Cabal's `--PROG-option`, `--PROG-options` or other options to Cabal during the configuration step. For further information, see the documentation for the [configure-options](yaml_configuration.md#configure-options) configuration option. ## Flags relating to build outputs ### `--[no]-cabal-verbose` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable verbose output from Cabal (the library). This flag is an alternative to the `--cabal-verbosity` option. ### `--[no]-cabal-verbosity` option `stack build --cabal-verbosity ` sets the specified verbosity level for output from Cabal (the library). It accepts Cabal's numerical and extended syntax. This option is an alternative to setting the `--cabal-verbose` flag. ### `--[no-]copy-bins` flag [:octicons-tag-24:](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v0.1.3.0) Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable copying of built executable files (binaries) of targets to Stack's local binary directory (see `stack path --local-bin`). The `stack install` synonym sets this flag. ### `--[no-]copy-compiler-tool` flag [:octicons-tag-24: 1.6.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v1.6.1) Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable copying of built executable files (binaries) of targets to Stack's compiler tools binary directory (see `stack path --compiler-tools-bin`). ### `--coverage` flag Pass the flag to generate a code coverage report. For further information, see the [code coverage](hpc_command.md) documentation. ### `--ddump-dir` option GHC has a number of `ddump-*` flags and options to allow dumping out of intermediate structures produced by the compiler. They include the `-ddump-to-file` flag that causes the output from other flags to be dumped to a file or files. `stack build --ddump_dir ` causes Stack to copy `*.dump-*` files to subdirectories of the specified directory, which is relative to Stack's working directory for the project. For example: ~~~text stack build --ghc-options "-ddump-to-file -ddump-timings" --ddump-dir my-ddump-dir ~~~ ### `--[no-]interleaved-output` flag [:octicons-tag-24: 2.1.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.1.1) Default: Enabled Set the flag for interleaved output. With interleaved output, each line of output from each package being built (targets and dependencies) is sent to the console as it happens and output relating to different packages can be interleaved. Each line will be prefixed with the name of the relevant package. The spacing between the prefix and the output will be set based on the longest relevant package name, so that the start of the output itself aligns. For example (extract): ~~~text hpack > build mustache > configure hpack > Preprocessing library for hpack-0.35.0.. hpack > Building library for hpack-0.35.0.. mustache > Configuring mustache-2.4.1... hpack > [ 1 of 29] Compiling Data.Aeson.Config.Key hpack > [ 2 of 29] Compiling Data.Aeson.Config.KeyMap mustache > build hpack > [ 3 of 29] Compiling Data.Aeson.Config.Util mustache > Preprocessing library for mustache-2.4.1.. mustache > Building library for mustache-2.4.1.. hpack > [ 4 of 29] Compiling Hpack.Haskell hpack > [ 5 of 29] Compiling Hpack.Utf8 mustache > [1 of 8] Compiling Paths_mustache hpack > [ 6 of 29] Compiling Imports hpack > [ 7 of 29] Compiling Hpack.Util mustache > [2 of 8] Compiling Text.Mustache.Internal ~~~ Unset the flag for non-interleaved output. With non-interleaved output, the build output from GHC (as opposed to from Stack) in respect of dependencies is ignored. The behaviour then depends whether there is one target package or more than one. There can be one target if the project has a single package or if one package is targetted in a multi-package project (for example, using `stack build `). * **One target package:** The build output for the target package is sent to the standard error stream of the console as it happens. * **More than one target package:** The build output from GHC (as opposed to from Stack) for each target package is sent to a log file for that package, unless an error occurs that prevents that. If color in output is in use, there will be two files, one with extension `.log` without color codes and one with extension `.log-color` with color codes. At the end of the build, the location of the directory containing the log files is reported. To also output the contents of the log files to the standard error output stream of the console at the end of the build, use Stack's `dump-logs` option. For further information about that option, see the [YAML configuration](yaml_configuration.md#dump-logs) documentation. The default `dump-logs` mode is to output the contents of any log files that include GHC warnings. ### `--[no]-open` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable opening the local Haddock documentation in the browser. ## Other flags and options ### `--[no]-prefetch` flag Default: Disabled Set the flag to enable fetching packages necessary for the build immediately. This can be useful with `stack build --dry-run`. ### `--progress-bar` option [:octicons-tag-24: 2.13.1](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.13.1) Default: `capped` `stack build --progress-bar ` sets the format of the progress bar, where `` is one of `none` (no bar), `count-only` (only the package count is displayed), `capped` (the bar showing package builds in progress is capped to a length equal to the terminal width), and `full` (the bar is uncapped). On terminals where 'backspace' has no effect if the cursor is in the first column, bars longer than the terminal width will not be 'sticky' at the bottom of the screen. ### `--tests-allow-stdin` flag [:octicons-tag-24: 2.9.3](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/releases/tag/v2.9.3) Default: Enabled Cabal defines a test suite interface ['exitcode-stdio-1.0'](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Cabal-syntax- where the test suite takes the form of an executable and the executable takes nothing on the standard input stream (`stdin`). Pass this flag to override that specification and allow the executable to receive input on that stream. If you pass `--no-tests-allow-stdin` and the executable seeks input on the standard input stream, an exception will be thown. ## Examples All the following examples assume that: * if `stack build` is commanded outside of a project directory, there is no `stack.yaml` file in the current directory or ancestor directory and, consequently, the project-level configuration will be determined by a `stack.yaml` file in the `global-project` directory in the [Stack root](stack_root.md) (for further information, see the [YAML configuration](yaml_configuration.md) documentation); and * if `stack build` is commanded in a project directory, there is a `stack.yaml` file in that directory. Examples: * In the project directory, `stack build --test --copy-bins` or, equivalently, `stack test --copy-bins` or `stack install --test`, will build libraries, executables, and test suites, run the test suites, and then copy the executables to Stack's local binary directory (see `stack path --local-bin`). This is an example of the flags composing. * The following example uses a clone of the `wai` [repository](https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/). The `wai` project comprises a number of packages, including `wai-extra` and `warp`. In the `wai` project directory, the command: ~~~text stack build --file-watch --test --copy-bins --haddock wai-extra :warp warp:doctest --exec 'echo Yay, it worked!' ~~~ will start Stack up in file watch mode, waiting for files in your project to change. When first starting, and each time a file changes, it will do all of the following. * Build the `wai-extra` package and its test suites * Build the `warp` executable * Build the `warp` package's `doctest` component (which is a test site) * Run all of the `wai-extra` package's test suite components and the `doctest` test suite component * If all of that succeeds: * Copy generated executables to Stack's local binary directory (see `stack path --local-bin`) * Run the command `echo Yay, it worked!` * The following example uses the `Adga` package and assumes that `Adga-2.6.3` is the latest version in the package index (e.g. Hackage) and is not a version in the snapshot specified by the `stack.yaml` in the `global-project` directory in the Stack root. Outside a project directory, `stack build Adga-2.6.3 --copy-bins` or, equivalently, `stack install Agda-2.6.3`, will attempt to build the libraries and executables of the identified version of the package in the package index (using the `stack.yaml` file in the `global-project` directory in the Stack root), and then copy the executables to Stack's local binary directory (see `stack path --local-bin`). If a different snapshot is required to build the identified version of the package, then that can be specified at the command line. For example, to use the most recent Stackage Nightly snapshot: ~~~text stack --snapshot nightly install Agda-2.6.3 ~~~ Alternatively, Stack can be used to unpack the package from the package index into a local project directory named after the package identifier (for further infomation, see the [`stack unpack` command](unpack_command.md) documentation) and, if the package does not provide its own Stack configuration file (`stack.yaml`, by default), to attempt to initialise that configuration (for further information, see the [`stack init` command](init_command.md) documentation). For example: ~~~text stack unpack Agda-2.6.3 cd Agda-2.6.3 # Change to the project directory stack init # Attempt to create a project stack.yaml file stack install # Equivalent to stack build --copy-bins ~~~