# The `stack exec` command ~~~text stack exec COMMAND [-- ARGUMENT(S) (e.g. stack exec ghc-pkg -- describe base)] [--[no-]ghc-package-path] [--[no-]stack-exe] [--package PACKAGE] [--rts-options RTSFLAG] [--cwd DIR] ~~~ `stack exec` executes the specified executable as a command in the Stack environment. If an executable is not specified, the first argument after `--` is taken to be the executable. Otherwise, all arguments after `--` are taken to be command line arguments for the specified executable. By default: * the `GHC_PACKAGE_PATH` environment variable is set for the command's process. Pass the flag `--no-ghc-package-path` to not set the environment variable; * the `STACK_EXE` environment variable is set for the command's process. Pass the flag `--no-stack-exe` to not set the environment variable; and * the specified executable is executed in the current directory. Pass the option `--cwd ` to execute the executable in the specified directory. The option `--package ` has no effect for the `stack exec` command. For further information about its use, see the [`stack ghc` command](ghc_command.md) documentation or the [`stack runghc` command](runghc_command.md) documentation. Pass the option `--rts-option ` to specify a GHC RTS flag or option. The option can be specified multiple times. All specified GHC RTS flags and options are added to the arguments for the specified executable between arguments `+RTS` and `-RTS`. Specified GHC RTS flags and options are separated by spaces. Items can be unquoted (if they do not contain space or `"` characters) or quoted (`""`). Quoted items can include 'escaped' characters, escaped with an initial `\` character. Account may need to be taken of the shell's approach to the processing of command line arguments. For example, to pass `'a single quoted string'`: === "Unix-like (Bash or Zsh)" In Bash, or Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option not set): `stack exec -- \''a single quoted string'\'` Outside of single quotes, `\'` escapes a single quote. The content of single quotes is taken literally, but cannot contain a single quote. In Zsh (if `RC_QUOTES` option set): `stack exec -- '''a single quoted string'''` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote. === "Windows (PowerShell)" `stack exec -- '''a single quoted string'''` The content of single quotes is taken literally. Within single quotes, `''` escapes a single quote.