{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Provides all the necessary types and functions for running cabal Setup.hs -- commands. Only used in the "Execute" and "ExecutePackage" modules module Stack.Build.ExecuteEnv ( ExecuteEnv (..) , withExecuteEnv , withSingleContext , ExcludeTHLoading (..) , KeepOutputOpen (..) , ExecutableBuildStatus (..) , OutputType (..) ) where import Control.Concurrent.Companion ( Companion, withCompanion ) import Control.Concurrent.Execute ( ActionContext (..), ActionId (..), Concurrency (..) ) import Crypto.Hash ( SHA256 (..), hashWith ) import Data.Attoparsec.Text ( char, choice, digit, parseOnly ) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P ( string ) import qualified Data.ByteArray as Mem ( convert ) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64URL import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder ( toLazyByteString ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.Char ( isSpace ) import Conduit ( ConduitT, awaitForever, sinkHandle, withSinkFile , withSourceFile, yield ) import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding ( decodeUtf8 ) import Data.Time ( ZonedTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, getZonedTime ) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as C import qualified Distribution.Simple.Build.Macros as C import Distribution.System ( OS (..), Platform (..) ) import Distribution.Types.PackageName ( mkPackageName ) import Distribution.Verbosity ( showForCabal ) import Distribution.Version ( mkVersion ) import Path ( PathException, (), parent, parseRelDir, parseRelFile ) import Path.Extra ( forgivingResolveFile, toFilePathNoTrailingSep ) import Path.IO ( doesDirExist, doesFileExist, ensureDir, ignoringAbsence , removeFile, renameDir, renameFile ) import RIO.Process ( eceExitCode, proc, runProcess_, setStdout, useHandleOpen , withWorkingDir ) import Stack.Config ( checkOwnership ) import Stack.Constants ( cabalPackageName, relDirDist, relDirSetup , relDirSetupExeCache, relDirSetupExeSrc, relFileBuildLock , relFileSetupHs, relFileSetupLhs, relFileSetupLower , relFileSetupMacrosH, setupGhciShimCode, stackProgName ) import Stack.Constants.Config ( distDirFromDir, distRelativeDir ) import Stack.Package ( buildLogPath ) import Stack.Prelude import Stack.Types.ApplyGhcOptions ( ApplyGhcOptions (..) ) import Stack.Types.Build ( ConvertPathsToAbsolute (..), ExcludeTHLoading (..) , KeepOutputOpen (..), TaskType (..), taskTypeLocation , taskTypePackageIdentifier ) import Stack.Types.Build.Exception ( BuildException (..), BuildPrettyException (..) ) import Stack.Types.BuildOpts ( BuildOpts (..) ) import Stack.Types.BuildOptsCLI ( BuildOptsCLI (..) ) import Stack.Types.BuildOptsMonoid ( CabalVerbosity (..) ) import Stack.Types.Compiler ( ActualCompiler (..), WhichCompiler (..) , compilerVersionString, getGhcVersion, whichCompilerL ) import Stack.Types.CompilerPaths ( CompilerPaths (..), HasCompiler (..), cabalVersionL , getCompilerPath ) import Stack.Types.Config ( Config (..), HasConfig (..), stackRootL ) import Stack.Types.ConfigureOpts ( BaseConfigOpts (..) ) import Stack.Types.Dependency ( DepValue(..) ) import Stack.Types.DumpLogs ( DumpLogs (..) ) import Stack.Types.DumpPackage ( DumpPackage (..) ) import Stack.Types.EnvConfig ( HasEnvConfig (..), actualCompilerVersionL , platformGhcRelDir, shouldForceGhcColorFlag ) import Stack.Types.EnvSettings ( EnvSettings (..) ) import Stack.Types.GhcPkgId ( GhcPkgId, ghcPkgIdString ) import Stack.Types.Installed ( InstallLocation (..), Installed (..) ) import Stack.Types.Package ( LocalPackage (..), Package (..), packageIdentifier ) import Stack.Types.Platform ( HasPlatform (..) ) import Stack.Types.Version ( withinRange ) import qualified System.Directory as D import System.Environment ( lookupEnv ) import System.FileLock ( SharedExclusive (..), withFileLock, withTryFileLock ) -- | Has an executable been built or not? data ExecutableBuildStatus = ExecutableBuilt | ExecutableNotBuilt deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data ExecuteEnv = ExecuteEnv { installLock :: !(MVar ()) , buildOpts :: !BuildOpts , buildOptsCLI :: !BuildOptsCLI , baseConfigOpts :: !BaseConfigOpts , ghcPkgIds :: !(TVar (Map PackageIdentifier Installed)) , tempDir :: !(Path Abs Dir) , setupHs :: !(Path Abs File) -- ^ Temporary Setup.hs for simple builds , setupShimHs :: !(Path Abs File) -- ^ Temporary SetupShim.hs, to provide access to initial-build-steps , setupExe :: !(Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- ^ Compiled version of eeSetupHs , cabalPkgVer :: !Version -- ^ The version of the compiler's Cabal boot package. , totalWanted :: !Int , locals :: ![LocalPackage] , globalDB :: !(Path Abs Dir) , globalDumpPkgs :: !(Map GhcPkgId DumpPackage) , snapshotDumpPkgs :: !(TVar (Map GhcPkgId DumpPackage)) , localDumpPkgs :: !(TVar (Map GhcPkgId DumpPackage)) , logFiles :: !(TChan (Path Abs Dir, Path Abs File)) , customBuilt :: !(IORef (Set PackageName)) -- ^ Stores which packages with custom-setup have already had their -- Setup.hs built. , largestPackageName :: !(Maybe Int) -- ^ For nicer interleaved output: track the largest package name size , pathEnvVar :: !Text -- ^ Value of the PATH environment variable } -- | Type representing setup executable circumstances. data SetupExe = SimpleSetupExe !(Path Abs File) -- ^ The build type is Simple and there is a path to an existing setup -- executable. | OtherSetupHs !(Path Abs File) -- ^ Other circumstances with a path to the source code for the setup -- executable. buildSetupArgs :: [String] buildSetupArgs = [ "-rtsopts" , "-threaded" , "-clear-package-db" , "-global-package-db" , "-hide-all-packages" , "-package" , "base" , "-main-is" , "StackSetupShim.mainOverride" ] simpleSetupCode :: Builder simpleSetupCode = "import Distribution.Simple\nmain = defaultMain" simpleSetupHash :: String simpleSetupHash = T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ S.take 8 $ B64URL.encode $ Mem.convert $ hashWith SHA256 $ toStrictBytes $ Data.ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString $ encodeUtf8Builder (T.pack (unwords buildSetupArgs)) <> setupGhciShimCode <> simpleSetupCode -- | Get a compiled Setup exe getSetupExe :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs File -- ^ Setup.hs input file -> Path Abs File -- ^ SetupShim.hs input file -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ temporary directory -> RIO env (Maybe (Path Abs File)) getSetupExe setupHs setupShimHs tmpdir = do wc <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL . whichCompilerL platformDir <- platformGhcRelDir config <- view configL cabalVersionString <- view $ cabalVersionL . to versionString actualCompilerVersionString <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL . to compilerVersionString platform <- view platformL let baseNameS = concat [ "Cabal-simple_" , simpleSetupHash , "_" , cabalVersionString , "_" , actualCompilerVersionString ] exeNameS = baseNameS ++ case platform of Platform _ Windows -> ".exe" _ -> "" outputNameS = case wc of Ghc -> exeNameS setupDir = view stackRootL config relDirSetupExeCache platformDir exePath <- (setupDir ) <$> parseRelFile exeNameS exists <- liftIO $ D.doesFileExist $ toFilePath exePath if exists then pure $ Just exePath else do tmpExePath <- fmap (setupDir ) $ parseRelFile $ "tmp-" ++ exeNameS tmpOutputPath <- fmap (setupDir ) $ parseRelFile $ "tmp-" ++ outputNameS ensureDir setupDir let args = buildSetupArgs ++ [ "-package" , "Cabal-" ++ cabalVersionString , toFilePath setupHs , toFilePath setupShimHs , "-o" , toFilePath tmpOutputPath ] compilerPath <- getCompilerPath withWorkingDir (toFilePath tmpdir) $ proc (toFilePath compilerPath) args (\pc0 -> do let pc = setStdout (useHandleOpen stderr) pc0 runProcess_ pc) `catch` \ece -> prettyThrowM $ SetupHsBuildFailure (eceExitCode ece) Nothing compilerPath args Nothing [] renameFile tmpExePath exePath pure $ Just exePath -- | Execute a function that takes an 'ExecuteEnv'. withExecuteEnv :: forall env a. HasEnvConfig env => BuildOpts -> BuildOptsCLI -> BaseConfigOpts -> [LocalPackage] -> [DumpPackage] -- ^ global packages -> [DumpPackage] -- ^ snapshot packages -> [DumpPackage] -- ^ local packages -> Maybe Int -- ^ largest package name, for nicer interleaved output -> (ExecuteEnv -> RIO env a) -> RIO env a withExecuteEnv buildOpts buildOptsCLI baseConfigOpts locals globalPackages snapshotPackages localPackages largestPackageName inner = createTempDirFunction stackProgName $ \tempDir -> do installLock <- liftIO $ newMVar () ghcPkgIds <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Map.empty config <- view configL customBuilt <- newIORef Set.empty -- Create files for simple setup and setup shim, if necessary let setupSrcDir = view stackRootL config relDirSetupExeSrc ensureDir setupSrcDir let setupStub = "setup-" ++ simpleSetupHash setupFileName <- parseRelFile (setupStub ++ ".hs") setupHiName <- parseRelFile (setupStub ++ ".hi") setupOName <- parseRelFile (setupStub ++ ".o") let setupHs = setupSrcDir setupFileName setupHi = setupSrcDir setupHiName setupO = setupSrcDir setupOName setupHsExists <- doesFileExist setupHs unless setupHsExists $ writeBinaryFileAtomic setupHs simpleSetupCode -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/6267. Remove any -- historical *.hi or *.o files. This can be dropped when Stack drops -- support for the problematic versions of GHC. ignoringAbsence (removeFile setupHi) ignoringAbsence (removeFile setupO) let setupShimStub = "setup-shim-" ++ simpleSetupHash setupShimFileName <- parseRelFile (setupShimStub ++ ".hs") setupShimHiName <- parseRelFile (setupShimStub ++ ".hi") setupShimOName <- parseRelFile (setupShimStub ++ ".o") let setupShimHs = setupSrcDir setupShimFileName setupShimHi = setupSrcDir setupShimHiName setupShimO = setupSrcDir setupShimOName setupShimHsExists <- doesFileExist setupShimHs unless setupShimHsExists $ writeBinaryFileAtomic setupShimHs setupGhciShimCode -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/6267. Remove any -- historical *.hi or *.o files. This can be dropped when Stack drops -- support for the problematic versions of GHC. ignoringAbsence (removeFile setupShimHi) ignoringAbsence (removeFile setupShimO) setupExe <- getSetupExe setupHs setupShimHs tempDir cabalPkgVer <- view cabalVersionL globalDB <- view $ compilerPathsL . to (.globalDB) let globalDumpPkgs = toDumpPackagesByGhcPkgId globalPackages snapshotDumpPkgs <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (toDumpPackagesByGhcPkgId snapshotPackages) localDumpPkgs <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (toDumpPackagesByGhcPkgId localPackages) logFiles <- liftIO $ atomically newTChan let totalWanted = length $ filter (.wanted) locals pathEnvVar <- liftIO $ maybe mempty T.pack <$> lookupEnv "PATH" inner ExecuteEnv { buildOpts , buildOptsCLI -- Uncertain as to why we cannot run configures in parallel. This -- appears to be a Cabal library bug. Original issue: -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/84. Ideally -- we'd be able to remove this. , installLock , baseConfigOpts , ghcPkgIds , tempDir , setupHs , setupShimHs , setupExe , cabalPkgVer , totalWanted , locals , globalDB , globalDumpPkgs , snapshotDumpPkgs , localDumpPkgs , logFiles , customBuilt , largestPackageName , pathEnvVar } `finally` dumpLogs logFiles totalWanted where toDumpPackagesByGhcPkgId = Map.fromList . map (\dp -> (dp.ghcPkgId, dp)) createTempDirFunction | buildOpts.keepTmpFiles = withKeepSystemTempDir | otherwise = withSystemTempDir dumpLogs :: TChan (Path Abs Dir, Path Abs File) -> Int -> RIO env () dumpLogs chan totalWanted = do allLogs <- fmap reverse $ liftIO $ atomically drainChan case allLogs of -- No log files generated, nothing to dump [] -> pure () firstLog:_ -> do toDump <- view $ configL . to (.dumpLogs) case toDump of DumpAllLogs -> mapM_ (dumpLog "") allLogs DumpWarningLogs -> mapM_ dumpLogIfWarning allLogs DumpNoLogs | totalWanted > 1 -> prettyInfoL [ flow "Build output has been captured to log files, use" , style Shell "--dump-logs" , flow "to see it on the console." ] | otherwise -> pure () prettyInfoL [ flow "Log files have been written to:" , pretty (parent (snd firstLog)) ] -- We only strip the colors /after/ we've dumped logs, so that we get pretty -- colors in our dump output on the terminal. colors <- shouldForceGhcColorFlag when colors $ liftIO $ mapM_ (stripColors . snd) allLogs where drainChan :: STM [(Path Abs Dir, Path Abs File)] drainChan = do mx <- tryReadTChan chan case mx of Nothing -> pure [] Just x -> do xs <- drainChan pure $ x:xs dumpLogIfWarning :: (Path Abs Dir, Path Abs File) -> RIO env () dumpLogIfWarning (pkgDir, filepath) = do firstWarning <- withSourceFile (toFilePath filepath) $ \src -> runConduit $ src .| CT.decodeUtf8Lenient .| CT.lines .| CL.map stripCR .| CL.filter isWarning .| CL.take 1 unless (null firstWarning) $ dumpLog " due to warnings" (pkgDir, filepath) isWarning :: Text -> Bool isWarning t = ": Warning:" `T.isSuffixOf` t -- prior to GHC 8 || ": warning:" `T.isInfixOf` t -- GHC 8 is slightly different || "mwarning:" `T.isInfixOf` t -- colorized output dumpLog :: String -> (Path Abs Dir, Path Abs File) -> RIO env () dumpLog msgSuffix (pkgDir, filepath) = do prettyNote $ fillSep ( ( fillSep ( flow "Dumping log file" : [ flow msgSuffix | not (L.null msgSuffix) ] ) <> ":" ) : [ pretty filepath <> "." ] ) <> line compilerVer <- view actualCompilerVersionL withSourceFile (toFilePath filepath) $ \src -> runConduit $ src .| CT.decodeUtf8Lenient .| mungeBuildOutput ExcludeTHLoading ConvertPathsToAbsolute pkgDir compilerVer .| CL.mapM_ (logInfo . display) prettyNote $ fillSep [ flow "End of log file:" , pretty filepath <> "." ] <> line stripColors :: Path Abs File -> IO () stripColors fp = do let colorfp = toFilePath fp ++ "-color" withSourceFile (toFilePath fp) $ \src -> withSinkFile colorfp $ \sink -> runConduit $ src .| sink withSourceFile colorfp $ \src -> withSinkFile (toFilePath fp) $ \sink -> runConduit $ src .| noColors .| sink where noColors = do CB.takeWhile (/= 27) -- ESC mnext <- CB.head case mnext of Nothing -> pure () Just x -> assert (x == 27) $ do -- Color sequences always end with an m CB.dropWhile (/= 109) -- m CB.drop 1 -- drop the m itself noColors -- | Make a padded prefix for log messages packageNamePrefix :: ExecuteEnv -> PackageName -> String packageNamePrefix ee name' = let name = packageNameString name' paddedName = case ee.largestPackageName of Nothing -> name Just len -> assert (len >= length name) $ take len $ name ++ L.repeat ' ' in paddedName <> "> " announceTask :: HasLogFunc env => ExecuteEnv -> TaskType -> Utf8Builder -> RIO env () announceTask ee taskType action = logInfo $ fromString (packageNamePrefix ee (pkgName (taskTypePackageIdentifier taskType))) <> action prettyAnnounceTask :: HasTerm env => ExecuteEnv -> TaskType -> StyleDoc -> RIO env () prettyAnnounceTask ee taskType action = prettyInfo $ fromString (packageNamePrefix ee (pkgName (taskTypePackageIdentifier taskType))) <> action -- | Ensure we're the only action using the directory. See -- withLockedDistDir :: forall env a. HasEnvConfig env => (StyleDoc -> RIO env ()) -- ^ A pretty announce function -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ root directory for package -> RIO env a -> RIO env a withLockedDistDir announce root inner = do distDir <- distRelativeDir let lockFP = root distDir relFileBuildLock ensureDir $ parent lockFP mres <- withRunInIO $ \run -> withTryFileLock (toFilePath lockFP) Exclusive $ \_lock -> run inner case mres of Just res -> pure res Nothing -> do let complainer :: Companion (RIO env) complainer delay = do delay 5000000 -- 5 seconds announce $ fillSep [ flow "blocking for directory lock on" , pretty lockFP ] forever $ do delay 30000000 -- 30 seconds announce $ fillSep [ flow "still blocking for directory lock on" , pretty lockFP <> ";" , flow "maybe another Stack process is running?" ] withCompanion complainer $ \stopComplaining -> withRunInIO $ \run -> withFileLock (toFilePath lockFP) Exclusive $ \_ -> run $ stopComplaining *> inner -- | How we deal with output from GHC, either dumping to a log file or the -- console (with some prefix). data OutputType = OTLogFile !(Path Abs File) !Handle | OTConsole !(Maybe Utf8Builder) -- | This sets up a context for executing build steps which need to run -- Cabal (via a compiled Setup.hs). In particular it does the following: -- -- * Ensures the package exists in the file system, downloading if necessary. -- -- * Opens a log file if the built output shouldn't go to stderr. -- -- * Ensures that either a simple Setup.hs is built, or the package's -- custom setup is built. -- -- * Provides the user a function with which run the Cabal process. withSingleContext :: forall env a. HasEnvConfig env => ActionContext -> ExecuteEnv -> TaskType -> Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId -- ^ All dependencies' package ids to provide to Setup.hs. -> Maybe String -> ( Package -- Package info -> Path Abs File -- Cabal file path -> Path Abs Dir -- Package root directory file path -- Note that the `Path Abs Dir` argument is redundant with the -- `Path Abs File` argument, but we provide both to avoid recalculating -- `parent` of the `File`. -> (KeepOutputOpen -> ExcludeTHLoading -> [String] -> RIO env ()) -- Function to run Cabal with args -> (Utf8Builder -> RIO env ()) -- An plain 'announce' function, for different build phases -> OutputType -> RIO env a) -> RIO env a withSingleContext ac ee taskType allDeps msuffix inner0 = withPackage $ \package cabalFP pkgDir -> withOutputType pkgDir package $ \outputType -> withCabal package pkgDir outputType $ \cabal -> inner0 package cabalFP pkgDir cabal announce outputType where pkgId = taskTypePackageIdentifier taskType announce = announceTask ee taskType prettyAnnounce = prettyAnnounceTask ee taskType wanted = case taskType of TTLocalMutable lp -> lp.wanted TTRemotePackage{} -> False -- Output to the console if this is the last task, and the user asked to build -- it specifically. When the action is a 'ConcurrencyDisallowed' action -- (benchmarks), then we can also be sure to have exclusive access to the -- console, so output is also sent to the console in this case. -- -- See the discussion on #426 for thoughts on sending output to the console --from concurrent tasks. console = ( wanted && all (\(ActionId ident _) -> ident == pkgId) (Set.toList ac.remaining) && ee.totalWanted == 1 ) || ac.concurrency == ConcurrencyDisallowed withPackage inner = case taskType of TTLocalMutable lp -> do let root = parent lp.cabalFP withLockedDistDir prettyAnnounce root $ inner lp.package lp.cabalFP root TTRemotePackage _ package pkgloc -> do suffix <- parseRelDir $ packageIdentifierString $ packageIdentifier package let dir = ee.tempDir suffix unpackPackageLocation dir pkgloc -- See: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/157 distDir <- distRelativeDir let oldDist = dir relDirDist newDist = dir distDir exists <- doesDirExist oldDist when exists $ do -- Previously used takeDirectory, but that got confused -- by trailing slashes, see: -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/216 -- -- Instead, use Path which is a bit more resilient ensureDir $ parent newDist renameDir oldDist newDist let name = pkgName pkgId cabalfpRel <- parseRelFile $ packageNameString name ++ ".cabal" let cabalFP = dir cabalfpRel inner package cabalFP dir withOutputType pkgDir package inner -- Not in interleaved mode. When building a single wanted package, dump -- to the console with no prefix. | console = inner $ OTConsole Nothing -- If the user requested interleaved output, dump to the console with a -- prefix. | ee.buildOpts.interleavedOutput = inner $ OTConsole $ Just $ fromString (packageNamePrefix ee package.name) -- Neither condition applies, dump to a file. | otherwise = do logPath <- buildLogPath package msuffix ensureDir (parent logPath) let fp = toFilePath logPath -- We only want to dump logs for local non-dependency packages case taskType of TTLocalMutable lp | lp.wanted -> liftIO $ atomically $ writeTChan ee.logFiles (pkgDir, logPath) _ -> pure () withBinaryFile fp WriteMode $ \h -> inner $ OTLogFile logPath h withCabal :: Package -> Path Abs Dir -> OutputType -> ( (KeepOutputOpen -> ExcludeTHLoading -> [String] -> RIO env ()) -> RIO env a ) -> RIO env a withCabal package pkgDir outputType inner = do config <- view configL unless config.allowDifferentUser $ checkOwnership (pkgDir config.workDir) let envSettings = EnvSettings { includeLocals = taskTypeLocation taskType == Local , includeGhcPackagePath = False , stackExe = False , localeUtf8 = True , keepGhcRts = False } menv <- liftIO $ config.processContextSettings envSettings distRelativeDir' <- distRelativeDir setupexehs <- -- Avoid broken Setup.hs files causing problems for simple build -- types, see: -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/370 case (package.buildType, ee.setupExe) of (C.Simple, Just setupExe) -> pure $ SimpleSetupExe setupExe _ -> liftIO $ OtherSetupHs <$> getSetupHs pkgDir inner $ \keepOutputOpen stripTHLoading args -> do let cabalPackageArg -- Omit cabal package dependency when building -- Cabal. See -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1356 | package.name == mkPackageName "Cabal" = [] | otherwise = ["-package=" ++ packageIdentifierString (PackageIdentifier cabalPackageName ee.cabalPkgVer)] packageDBArgs = ( "-clear-package-db" : "-global-package-db" : map (("-package-db=" ++) . toFilePathNoTrailingSep) ee.baseConfigOpts.extraDBs ) ++ ( ( "-package-db=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep ee.baseConfigOpts.snapDB ) : ( "-package-db=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep ee.baseConfigOpts.localDB ) : ["-hide-all-packages"] ) warnCustomNoDeps :: RIO env () warnCustomNoDeps = case (taskType, package.buildType) of (TTLocalMutable lp, C.Custom) | lp.wanted -> prettyWarnL [ flow "Package" , fromPackageName package.name , flow "uses a custom Cabal build, but does not use a \ \custom-setup stanza" ] _ -> pure () getPackageArgs :: Path Abs Dir -> RIO env [String] getPackageArgs setupDir = case package.setupDeps of -- The package is using the Cabal custom-setup configuration -- introduced in Cabal 1.24. In this case, the package is -- providing an explicit list of dependencies, and we should -- simply use all of them. Just customSetupDeps -> do unless (Map.member (mkPackageName "Cabal") customSetupDeps) $ prettyWarnL [ fromPackageName package.name , flow "has a setup-depends field, but it does not mention \ \a Cabal dependency. This is likely to cause build \ \errors." ] matchedDeps <- forM (Map.toList customSetupDeps) $ \(name, depValue) -> do let matches (PackageIdentifier name' version) = name == name' && version `withinRange` depValue.versionRange case filter (matches . fst) (Map.toList allDeps) of x:xs -> do unless (null xs) $ prettyWarnL [ flow "Found multiple installed packages for \ \custom-setup dep:" , style Current (fromPackageName name) <> "." ] pure ("-package-id=" ++ ghcPkgIdString (snd x), Just (fst x)) [] -> do prettyWarnL [ flow "Could not find custom-setup dep:" , style Current (fromPackageName name) <> "." ] pure ("-package=" ++ packageNameString name, Nothing) let depsArgs = map fst matchedDeps -- Generate setup_macros.h and provide it to ghc let macroDeps = mapMaybe snd matchedDeps cppMacrosFile = setupDir relFileSetupMacrosH cppArgs = ["-optP-include", "-optP" ++ toFilePath cppMacrosFile] writeBinaryFileAtomic cppMacrosFile ( encodeUtf8Builder ( T.pack ( C.generatePackageVersionMacros package.version macroDeps ) ) ) pure (packageDBArgs ++ depsArgs ++ cppArgs) -- This branch is usually taken for builds, and is always taken -- for `stack sdist`. -- -- This approach is debatable. It adds access to the snapshot -- package database for Cabal. There are two possible objections: -- -- 1. This doesn't isolate the build enough; arbitrary other -- packages available could cause the build to succeed or fail. -- -- 2. This doesn't provide enough packages: we should also -- include the local database when building local packages. -- -- Currently, this branch is only taken via `stack sdist` or when -- explicitly requested in the stack.yaml file. Nothing -> do warnCustomNoDeps let packageDBArgs' = case package.buildType of -- The Configure build type is very similar to Simple. As -- such, Stack builds the setup executable in much the -- same way as it would in the case of Simple. C.Configure -> [ "-hide-all-packages" , "-package base" ] -- NOTE: This is different from packageDBArgs above in -- that it does not include the local database and does -- not pass in the -hide-all-packages argument _ -> map (("-package-db=" ++) . toFilePathNoTrailingSep) ee.baseConfigOpts.extraDBs <> [ "-package-db=" <> toFilePathNoTrailingSep ee.baseConfigOpts.snapDB ] pure $ [ "-clear-package-db" , "-global-package-db" ] <> packageDBArgs' <> cabalPackageArg setupArgs = ("--builddir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep distRelativeDir') : args runExe :: Path Abs File -> [String] -> RIO env () runExe exeName fullArgs = do compilerVer <- view actualCompilerVersionL runAndOutput compilerVer `catch` \ece -> do (mlogFile, bss) <- case outputType of OTConsole _ -> pure (Nothing, []) OTLogFile logFile h -> if keepOutputOpen == KeepOpen then pure (Nothing, []) -- expected failure build continues further else do liftIO $ hClose h fmap (Just logFile,) $ withSourceFile (toFilePath logFile) $ \src -> runConduit $ src .| CT.decodeUtf8Lenient .| mungeBuildOutput stripTHLoading makeAbsolute pkgDir compilerVer .| CL.consume prettyThrowM $ CabalExitedUnsuccessfully (eceExitCode ece) pkgId exeName fullArgs mlogFile bss where runAndOutput :: ActualCompiler -> RIO env () runAndOutput compilerVer = withWorkingDir (toFilePath pkgDir) $ withProcessContext menv $ case outputType of OTLogFile _ h -> do let prefixWithTimestamps = if config.prefixTimestamps then PrefixWithTimestamps else WithoutTimestamps void $ sinkProcessStderrStdout (toFilePath exeName) fullArgs (sinkWithTimestamps prefixWithTimestamps h) (sinkWithTimestamps prefixWithTimestamps h) OTConsole mprefix -> let prefix = fromMaybe mempty mprefix in void $ sinkProcessStderrStdout (toFilePath exeName) fullArgs (outputSink KeepTHLoading LevelWarn compilerVer prefix) (outputSink stripTHLoading LevelInfo compilerVer prefix) outputSink :: HasCallStack => ExcludeTHLoading -> LogLevel -> ActualCompiler -> Utf8Builder -> ConduitM S.ByteString Void (RIO env) () outputSink excludeTH level compilerVer prefix = CT.decodeUtf8Lenient .| mungeBuildOutput excludeTH makeAbsolute pkgDir compilerVer .| CL.mapM_ (logGeneric "" level . (prefix <>) . display) -- If users want control, we should add a config option for this makeAbsolute :: ConvertPathsToAbsolute makeAbsolute = case stripTHLoading of ExcludeTHLoading -> ConvertPathsToAbsolute KeepTHLoading -> KeepPathsAsIs exeName <- case setupexehs of SimpleSetupExe setupExe -> pure setupExe OtherSetupHs setuphs -> do distDir <- distDirFromDir pkgDir let setupDir = distDir relDirSetup outputFile = setupDir relFileSetupLower customBuilt <- liftIO $ readIORef ee.customBuilt if Set.member package.name customBuilt then pure outputFile else do ensureDir setupDir compilerPath <- view $ compilerPathsL . to (.compiler) packageArgs <- getPackageArgs setupDir runExe compilerPath $ [ "--make" , "-odir", toFilePathNoTrailingSep setupDir , "-hidir", toFilePathNoTrailingSep setupDir , "-i", "-i." ] <> packageArgs <> [ toFilePath setuphs , toFilePath ee.setupShimHs , "-main-is" , "StackSetupShim.mainOverride" , "-o", toFilePath outputFile , "-threaded" ] -- Apply GHC options -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4526 <> map T.unpack ( Map.findWithDefault [] AGOEverything config.ghcOptionsByCat <> case config.applyGhcOptions of AGOEverything -> ee.buildOptsCLI.ghcOptions AGOTargets -> [] AGOLocals -> [] ) liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' ee.customBuilt $ \oldCustomBuilt -> (Set.insert package.name oldCustomBuilt, ()) pure outputFile let cabalVerboseArg = let CabalVerbosity cv = ee.buildOpts.cabalVerbose in "--verbose=" <> showForCabal cv runExe exeName $ cabalVerboseArg:setupArgs -- | Strip Template Haskell "Loading package" lines and making paths absolute. mungeBuildOutput :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => ExcludeTHLoading -- ^ exclude TH loading? -> ConvertPathsToAbsolute -- ^ convert paths to absolute? -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ package's root directory -> ActualCompiler -- ^ compiler we're building with -> ConduitM Text Text m () mungeBuildOutput excludeTHLoading makeAbsolute pkgDir compilerVer = void $ CT.lines .| CL.map stripCR .| CL.filter (not . isTHLoading) .| filterLinkerWarnings .| toAbsolute where -- | Is this line a Template Haskell "Loading package" line -- ByteString isTHLoading :: Text -> Bool isTHLoading = case excludeTHLoading of KeepTHLoading -> const False ExcludeTHLoading -> \bs -> "Loading package " `T.isPrefixOf` bs && ("done." `T.isSuffixOf` bs || "done.\r" `T.isSuffixOf` bs) filterLinkerWarnings :: ConduitM Text Text m () filterLinkerWarnings -- Check for ghc 7.8 since it's the only one prone to producing -- linker warnings on Windows x64 | getGhcVersion compilerVer >= mkVersion [7, 8] = doNothing | otherwise = CL.filter (not . isLinkerWarning) isLinkerWarning :: Text -> Bool isLinkerWarning str = ( "ghc.exe: warning:" `T.isPrefixOf` str || "ghc.EXE: warning:" `T.isPrefixOf` str ) && "is linked instead of __imp_" `T.isInfixOf` str -- | Convert GHC error lines with file paths to have absolute file paths toAbsolute :: ConduitM Text Text m () toAbsolute = case makeAbsolute of KeepPathsAsIs -> doNothing ConvertPathsToAbsolute -> CL.mapM toAbsolutePath toAbsolutePath :: Text -> m Text toAbsolutePath bs = do let (x, y) = T.break (== ':') bs mabs <- if isValidSuffix y then fmap (fmap ((T.takeWhile isSpace x <>) . T.pack . toFilePath)) $ forgivingResolveFile pkgDir (T.unpack $ T.dropWhile isSpace x) `catch` \(_ :: PathException) -> pure Nothing else pure Nothing case mabs of Nothing -> pure bs Just fp -> pure $ fp `T.append` y doNothing :: ConduitM Text Text m () doNothing = awaitForever yield -- | Match the error location format at the end of lines isValidSuffix = isRight . parseOnly lineCol lineCol = char ':' >> choice [ num >> char ':' >> num >> optional (char '-' >> num) >> pure () , char '(' >> num >> char ',' >> num >> P.string ")-(" >> num >> char ',' >> num >> char ')' >> pure () ] >> char ':' >> pure () where num = some digit -- | Whether to prefix log lines with timestamps. data PrefixWithTimestamps = PrefixWithTimestamps | WithoutTimestamps -- | Write stream of lines to handle, but adding timestamps. sinkWithTimestamps :: MonadIO m => PrefixWithTimestamps -> Handle -> ConduitT ByteString Void m () sinkWithTimestamps prefixWithTimestamps h = case prefixWithTimestamps of PrefixWithTimestamps -> CB.lines .| CL.mapM addTimestamp .| CL.map (<> "\n") .| sinkHandle h WithoutTimestamps -> sinkHandle h where addTimestamp theLine = do now <- liftIO getZonedTime pure (formatZonedTimeForLog now <> " " <> theLine) -- | Format a time in ISO8601 format. We choose ZonedTime over UTCTime -- because a user expects to see logs in their local time, and would -- be confused to see UTC time. Stack's debug logs also use the local -- time zone. formatZonedTimeForLog :: ZonedTime -> ByteString formatZonedTimeForLog = S8.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%6Q" -- | Find the Setup.hs or Setup.lhs in the given directory. If none exists, -- throw an exception. getSetupHs :: Path Abs Dir -- ^ project directory -> IO (Path Abs File) getSetupHs dir = do exists1 <- doesFileExist fp1 if exists1 then pure fp1 else do exists2 <- doesFileExist fp2 if exists2 then pure fp2 else throwM $ NoSetupHsFound dir where fp1 = dir relFileSetupHs fp2 = dir relFileSetupLhs