{- HLINT ignore "Redundant if" -} {- | Copyright: (c) 2020 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik Functions to work with @hie@ specific parts. -} module Stan.Hie ( readHieFiles , countLinesOfCode , eqAst , slice ) where import Colourista (errorMessage, infoMessage, warningMessage) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist) import System.Directory.Recursive (getDirRecursive) import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import Stan.Core.List (checkWith) import Stan.Ghc.Compat (RealSrcSpan, srcSpanEndCol, srcSpanStartCol, srcSpanStartLine) import Stan.Hie.Compat (HieAST (..), HieFile (..), HieFileResult (hie_file_result), NameCache, NodeInfo (..), initNameCache, mkSplitUniqSupply, readHieFile) import Stan.Hie.Debug () import Stan.Pattern.Ast (literalAnns) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.Set as Set {- | Returns contents of all @.hie@ files recursively in the given @hie@ directory. -} readHieFiles :: FilePath -> IO [HieFile] readHieFiles hieDir = do unlessM (doesDirectoryExist hieDir) $ do errorMessage $ "Directory with HIE files doesn't exist: " <> toText hieDir infoMessage "Use the '--hiedir' CLI option to specify path to the directory with HIE files" exitFailure nameCache <- createNameCache hieContent <- getDirRecursive hieDir let isHieFile f = (&&) (takeExtension f == ".hie") <$> doesFileExist f hiePaths <- filterM isHieFile hieContent when (null hiePaths) $ warningMessage $ "The directory with HIE files doesn't contain any HIE files: " <> toText hieDir forM hiePaths $ \hiePath -> do (hieFileResult, _newCache) <- readHieFile nameCache hiePath pure $ hie_file_result hieFileResult createNameCache :: IO NameCache createNameCache = do uniqSupply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'z' pure $ initNameCache uniqSupply [] -- | Get the number of lines of code in the file by analising 'HieFile'. countLinesOfCode :: HieFile -> Int countLinesOfCode HieFile{..} = length $ BS8.lines hie_hs_src {- | Take sub-bytestring according to a given span. When the given source is empty returns 'Nothing'. TODO: currently works only with single-line spans -} slice :: RealSrcSpan -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString slice span = fmap ( BS.take (srcSpanEndCol span - srcSpanStartCol span) . BS.drop (srcSpanStartCol span - 1) ) . flip (!!?) (srcSpanStartLine span - 1) . BS8.lines {- | Compare two AST nodes on equality. This is a more relaxed version of the 'Eq' instance for 'HieAST' because it doesn't compare source locations. This function is useful if you want to check whether two AST nodes represent the same AST. This function needs to take the original 'HieFile' because constants are not stored in 'HieAST' and to compare constants we need to compare parts of source code. -} eqAst :: forall a . Eq a => HieFile -> HieAST a -> HieAST a -> Bool eqAst HieFile{..} = eqNodes where eqNodes :: HieAST a -> HieAST a -> Bool eqNodes (Node info1 span1 children1) (Node info2 span2 children2) = eqInfo info1 info2 && checkWith eqNodes children1 children2 where eqInfo :: NodeInfo a -> NodeInfo a -> Bool eqInfo (NodeInfo anns1 types1 ids1) (NodeInfo anns2 types2 ids2) = anns1 == anns2 && types1 == types2 && ids1 == ids2 && if Set.member literalAnns anns1 then slice span1 hie_hs_src == slice span2 hie_hs_src else True