{- | Copyright: (c) 2020 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik HTML to be generated in the report. -} module Stan.Report.Html ( stanHtml ) where import Prelude hiding (div, head) import Relude.Extra.Enum (universe) import Clay (compact, renderWith) import Text.Blaze.Html import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (ins, map, summary) import Stan.Analysis (Analysis (..)) import Stan.Analysis.Pretty (AnalysisNumbers (..), ProjectHealth (..), analysisToNumbers, prettyHealth, toProjectHealth) import Stan.Analysis.Summary (Summary (..), createSummary) import Stan.Category (Category (..)) import Stan.Config (Config, ConfigP (..)) import Stan.Config.Pretty (ConfigAction, configActionClass, configToTriples, prettyConfigAction) import Stan.Core.Id (Id (..)) import Stan.Core.ModuleName (ModuleName (..)) import Stan.FileInfo (FileInfo (..), extensionsToText) import Stan.Info (ProjectInfo (..), StanEnv (..), StanSystem (..), StanVersion (..), stanSystem, stanVersion) import Stan.Inspection (Inspection (..)) import Stan.Inspection.All (getInspectionById, inspectionsMap) import Stan.Observation (Observation (..), ignoredObservations, prettyObservationSource) import Stan.Report.Css (stanCss) import Stan.Severity (Severity (..), severityDescription) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Slist as S import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A stanHtml :: Analysis -> Config -> [Text] -> StanEnv -> ProjectInfo -> Html stanHtml an config warnings env project = docTypeHtml (stanHead >> stanBody) where stanBody :: Html stanBody = body $ do stanHeader stanMain an config warnings env project stanFooter stanJs stanHeader :: Html stanHeader = header ! A.class_ "centre" $ do divClass "row" (h1 "Stan Report") nav ! A.class_ "row" $ do navItem "General Info" navItem "Observations" navItem "Configurations" navItem "Report Explained" where navItem :: Text -> Html navItem h = divClass "col-3 nav-item" (a ! A.href (fromText $ "#" <> hToId h) $ toHtml h) stanMain :: Analysis -> Config -> [Text] -> StanEnv -> ProjectInfo -> Html stanMain an config warnings env project = main ! A.class_ "container" $ do divClass "row" stanIntro divIdClassH "Stan Info" "row" (stanInfo env) divIdClass "general-info" "row" $ do divIdClassH "Project Info" "col-6" (stanProject project) divIdClassH "Analysis Info" "col-6" (stanAnalysis analysisNumbers) divIdClassH "Static Analysis Summary" "row" (stanSummary an analysisNumbers) -- divIdClassH "Graphs" "row" (p_ "Maybe later") divIdClassH "Observations" "row" (stanObservations an) divIdClassH "Configurations" "row" (stanConfig an config warnings) -- divIdClassH "Summary" "row" (p_ "Later") divIdClassH "Report Explained" "" $ do divIdClassH "Inspections" "row" $ stanInspections (analysisInspections an) divIdClassH "Severity" "row" stanSeverityExplained where analysisNumbers :: AnalysisNumbers analysisNumbers = analysisToNumbers an stanIntro :: Html stanIntro = p $ do toHtml @Text "This is the Haskell Static Analysis report generated by " a ! A.href "https://kowainik.github.io/projects/stan" ! A.class_ "ins-link" $ toHtml @Text "Stan" stanInfo :: StanEnv -> Html stanInfo StanEnv{..} = do let StanVersion{..} = stanVersion let StanSystem{..} = stanSystem divClass "row" $ blockP $ fold [ "In this section, you can find the general information about the used " , "Stan tool, compile-time and run-time environment " , "variables and settings, including build information, system data and " , "execution configurations." ] divClass "col-10" $ table ! (A.class_ "border-shadow" <> A.style "table-layout:fixed") $ do colgroup (col ! A.style "width:25%" >> col) tr2 "Stan Version" tableRow "Version" svVersion tableRow "Git Revision" svGitRevision tableRow "Release Date" svCommitDate tr2 "System Info" tableRow "Operating System" ssOs tableRow "Architecture" ssArch tableRow "Compiler" ssCompiler tableRow "Compiler Version" ssCompilerVersion tr2 "Environment" tableRow "Environment Variables" seEnvVars tableRow "TOML configuration files" (traverse_ toHtml seTomlFiles) tableRow "CLI arguments" (List.unwords seCliArgs) where tr2 x = tr $ td ! (A.colspan "2" <> A.class_ "centre grey-bg") $ strong x stanProject :: ProjectInfo -> Html stanProject ProjectInfo{..} = do divClass "row" (blockP "Information about the analysed project") tableWithShadow "" $ do colgroup (col ! A.class_ "info-name" >> col ! A.class_ "info-data") tableRow "Project name" piName tableRow "Cabal Files" (List.unwords piCabalFiles) tableRow "HIE Files Directory" piHieDir tableRow "Files Number" piFileNumber stanAnalysis :: AnalysisNumbers -> Html stanAnalysis AnalysisNumbers{..} = do divClass "row" (blockP "Summary stats from the static analysis") tableWithShadow "" $ do tableRow "Modules" anModules tableRow "LoC" anLoc tableRow "Extensions" anExts tableRow "SafeHaskell Extensions" anSafeExts tableRow "Available inspections" (HM.size inspectionsMap) tableRow "Checked inspections" anIns tableRow "Found Observations" anFoundObs tableRow "Ignored Observations" anIgnoredObs stanSummary :: Analysis -> AnalysisNumbers -> Html stanSummary analysis AnalysisNumbers{..} = do divClass "row" (blockP "Here you can find the overall conclusion based on the various metadata and gathered information during the work of Stan on this project.") ul ! A.class_ "col-10" $ do liSum $ do h4 (toHtml $ "Project health: " <> prettyHealth anHealth) span $ toHtml @Text $ fold [ "This number was calculated based on the total number of used inspections " , "and the number of triggered inspections in the project. The calculated number " , "also defines the overall project health status." ] liSum $ do h4 (toHtml $ "The project " <> showProjectHealth projectHealth) span $ toHtml $ showHealthConclusions projectHealth summary where projectHealth :: ProjectHealth projectHealth = toProjectHealth anHealth showProjectHealth :: ProjectHealth -> Text showProjectHealth = \case Unhealthy -> "is unhealthy" LowHealth -> "has low health" MediumHealth -> "has medium health" Healthy -> "is healthy" showHealthConclusions :: ProjectHealth -> Text showHealthConclusions = fold . \case Unhealthy -> [ "According to the Stan analysis, the project has a lot of vulnerabilities. " , "But this also means that there is a room for improving code quality! " , "Don't give up and continue doing great work!" ] LowHealth -> [ "According to the Stan analysis, the project has issues of a different variety. But you can improve that! " , "Stan provides solutions to the observed problems to help you improve the code quality." ] MediumHealth -> [ "Stan discovered several potential issues in the project. " , "Nice job, the overall project quality is good. And you can easily make it even better!" ] Healthy -> [ "Excellent work! Stan haven't found any vulnerabilities in the code." ] summary :: Html summary = case createSummary analysis of Nothing -> liSum $ do h4 "Congratulations! Your project has zero vulnerabilities!" span "Stan carefully run all configured inspection and found 0 observations and vulnerabilities to the project." Just Summary{..} -> do liSum $ do h4 $ toHtml ("Watch out for " <> unId summaryInspectionId) span $ do toHtml @Text "By the result of Stan analysis, the most common inspection for this project is " inspectionLink summaryInspectionId liSum $ do h4 $ toHtml ("Vulnerable module: " <> unModuleName summaryModule) span $ do toHtml @Text "The " code (toHtml $ unModuleName summaryModule) toHtml @Text " module is the most vulnerable one in the project, as it got the most number of observations" liSum $ do h4 (toHtml $ "Popular category: " <> unCategory summaryCategory) categories "inline" $ one summaryCategory toHtml @Text "The project has the most problems with inspections from this category" liSum $ do h4 $ toHtml ("Severity: " <> show @Text summarySeverity) toHtml @Text "The highest severity of found vulnerabilities is " severity (show @Text summarySeverity) liSum :: Html -> Html liSum = li ! A.class_ "sum" stanObservations :: Analysis -> Html stanObservations Analysis{..} = do divClass "row" $ blockP $ fold [ "Based on the analysis results, Stan found different vulnerabilities " , "distributed among the analysed files. In Stan terminology, we call such " , "vulnerability as Observation. Below you can see the more detailed " , "information about each observation, and find the possible ways to fix " , "them for your project." ] traverse_ stanPerFile $ filter (not . null . fileInfoObservations) $ Map.elems analysisFileMap stanPerFile :: FileInfo -> Html stanPerFile FileInfo{..} = divIdClass "file" "row" $ do h3 ! A.class_ "grey-bg" $ toHtml $ "📄 " <> fileInfoPath ul $ do li $ tableWithShadow "col-6" $ do tableRow "Module" $ code $ toHtml $ unModuleName fileInfoModuleName tableRow "Lines of Code" fileInfoLoc li $ divClass "extensions" $ do stanExtensions ".cabal" (extensionsToText fileInfoCabalExtensions) stanExtensions "module" (extensionsToText fileInfoExtensions) li ! A.class_ "col-12 obs-li" $ divClass "observations col-12" $ do h4 "Observations" traverse_ stanObservation $ S.sortOn observationSrcSpan fileInfoObservations stanExtensions :: Text -> [Text] -> Html stanExtensions from exts = divClass "col-6" $ do button ! A.class_ "collapsible" $ toHtml $ "Extensions from " <> from ol ! A.class_ "content" $ traverse_ (li . toHtml) exts inspectionLink :: Id Inspection -> Html inspectionLink ins = a ! A.class_ "ins-link" ! A.href (fromText $ "#" <> insId) $ toHtml insId where insId :: Text insId = unId ins stanObservation :: Observation -> Html stanObservation o@Observation{..} = divIdClass (unId observationId) "observation row" $ do general pre $ toHtml (unlines $ prettyObservationSource False o) solutionsDiv inspection where general = divClass "observation-general" $ tableWithShadow "" $ do tableR "ID" (unId observationId) tableR "Severity" (severityFromIns inspection) tableR "Description" (inspectionDescription inspection) tableR "Inspection ID" (inspectionLink observationInspectionId) tableR "Category" (categories "inline" $ inspectionCategory inspection) tableR "File" observationFile tableR :: ToMarkup a => Text -> a -> Html tableR name val = tr $ do td ! A.class_ "info-name very-light-bg" $ toHtml name td ! A.class_ "info-data" $ toHtml val inspection :: Inspection inspection = getInspectionById observationInspectionId severityFromIns :: Inspection -> Html severityFromIns ins = severity $ show @Text $ inspectionSeverity ins severity :: Text -> Html severity severityTxt = span ! A.class_ "severity" $ do span ! A.class_ (fromText $ "severity" <> severityTxt) $ toHtml @Text "" span ! A.class_ "severityText" $ toHtml severityTxt categories :: Text -> NonEmpty Category -> Html categories cl cats = ul ! A.class_ (fromText $ "cats " <> cl) $ traverse_ ((li ! A.class_ "cat") . toHtml . unCategory) $ toList cats solutionsDiv :: Inspection -> Html solutionsDiv ins = memptyIfTrue (null solutions) $ divClass "solutions border-shadow" $ do h4 "Possible solutions" uList solutions where solutions :: [Text] solutions = inspectionSolution ins stanInspections :: HashSet (Id Inspection) -> Html stanInspections ins = do divClass "row" (blockP "List of Inspections used for analysing the project") div $ traverse_ stanInspection $ sortWith unId $ toList ins stanInspection :: Id Inspection -> Html stanInspection (getInspectionById -> ins@Inspection{..}) = do button ! A.class_ "collapsible" ! A.id (fromText insId) $ toHtml ("Explore Inspection " <> insId) divClass "content row" $ divIdClass (insId <> "-content") "inspection col-12" $ do h3 $ toHtml ("Inspection " <> insId) p $ strong $ toHtml inspectionName p $ em $ toHtml inspectionDescription div (severityFromIns ins) div (categories "" inspectionCategory) solutionsDiv ins where insId :: Text insId = unId inspectionId stanConfig :: Analysis -> Config -> [Text] -> Html stanConfig Analysis{..} config warnings = divClass "col-12" $ do divClass "row" $ blockP $ fold [ "This section describes the final Stan configuration that was used on " , "the project and explains how this result was assembled. Stan runtime " , "settings have many parts, and each of them can come from different " , "configuration sources. Stan is using Environment variables, TOML " , "configuration file and CLI arguments to get the final results. If some " , "option is specified through the multiple sources, the most prioritized " , "one is used. " ] divClass "row" $ table $ do tr (th "Action" >> th "Filter" >> th "Scope") traverse_ toRows (configToTriples config) divClass "ignored-observations row" $ do toUl ignoredIds "Ignored Observations" "These observations are flagged as ignored through the configurations and are not considered in the final report" toUl unknownIds "Unrecognised Observations" "Some observation IDs specified in the configurations are not found" divClass "config-warnings row" $ do h4 "Configuration Process Information" p $ "Information and warnings that were gathered during the configuration assemble process. " <> "This helps to understand how different parts of the configurations were retrieved." uList warnings where toRows :: (ConfigAction, Text, Text) -> Html toRows (act, fil, sc) = tr ! A.class_ (fromText $ configActionClass act) $ do td ! A.class_ "centre" $ span $ strong $ toHtml $ prettyConfigAction act td $ toHtml fil td $ toHtml sc toUl :: [Id a] -> Text -> Text -> Html toUl ids headerTxt desc = memptyIfTrue (null ids) $ divClass "ignored-obs" $ do h4 $ toHtml headerTxt p $ toHtml desc uList $ map unId ids ignoredIds, unknownIds :: [Id Observation] (ignoredIds, unknownIds) = ignoredObservations (configIgnored config) analysisIgnoredObservations stanSeverityExplained :: Html stanSeverityExplained = do divClass "col-5" $ blockP "We are using the following severity system to indicate the observation level" tableWithShadow "col-7" $ do tr ! greyBg $ (th "Severity" >> th "Description") traverse_ toSeverityRow (universe @Severity) where toSeverityRow :: Severity -> Html toSeverityRow s = tr $ do td (severity $ show s) td (toHtml $ severityDescription s) stanFooter :: Html stanFooter = footer $ do divClass "container" $ do divClass "row footer-link" $ do span "This report was generated by " a ! A.href "https://github.com/kowainik/stan" $ toHtml @Text "Stan — Haskell Static Analysis Tool." divClass "row footer-link" $ do span "Stan is created and maintained by " a ! A.href "https://kowainik.github.io" $ toHtml @Text "Kowainik" nav ! A.class_ "row centre" $ h3 $ strong "© Kowainik 2020" stanHead :: Html stanHead = head $ do meta ! (A.httpEquiv "Content-Type" <> A.content "text/html; charset=UTF-8") meta ! (A.httpEquiv "X-UA-Compatible" <> A.content "IE=Edge") nameContent "viewport" "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" nameContent "description" "Stan Report" nameContent "keywords" "Haskell, Static Analysis" nameContent "author" "Kowainik" title "Stan Report" style (toHtml $ renderWith compact [] stanCss) where nameContent x y = meta ! (A.name x <> A.content y) stanJs :: Html stanJs = script $ toHtml $ List.unlines [ "var coll = document.getElementsByClassName(\"collapsible\");" , "var i;" , "" , "for (i = 0; i < coll.length; i++) {" , " coll[i].addEventListener(\"click\", function() {" , " this.classList.toggle(\"active\");" , " var content = this.nextElementSibling;" , " if (content.style.maxHeight){" , " content.style.maxHeight = null;" , " } else {" , " content.style.maxHeight = content.scrollHeight + \"px\";" , " }" , " });" , "}" ] divClass :: Text -> Html -> Html divClass c = div ! A.class_ (fromText c) divIdClass :: Text -> Text -> Html -> Html divIdClass aId c = div ! (A.id (fromText aId) <> A.class_ (fromText c)) divIdClassH :: Text -> Text -> Html -> Html divIdClassH h c rest = divIdClass (hToId h) c (h2 (toHtml h) >> rest) blockP :: Text -> Html blockP = blockquote . p . toHtml tableRow :: ToMarkup a => Text -> a -> Html tableRow name val = tr $ do td ! A.class_ "info-name" $ toHtml name td ! A.class_ "info-data very-light-bg" $ toHtml val tableWithShadow :: Text -> Html -> Html tableWithShadow cl = table ! A.class_ (fromText $ "border-shadow " <> cl) uList :: ToMarkup a => [a] -> Html uList = ul . traverse_ (li . toHtml) greyBg :: Attribute greyBg = A.class_ "grey-bg" hToId :: Text -> Text hToId = T.intercalate "-" . map T.toLower . words fromText :: IsString s => Text -> s fromText = fromString . toString