{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-error=incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Control.Static.UnitTests where -- external, testing import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit -- external import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict (RWST (..), evalRWST) import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState (..)) import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter (..)) import Control.Static (ClosureApply, DSerialise, RepVal (..), applyClosure, envTabCons, envTabNil, evalSomeClosure, mkClosureTab, repClosureTab) import Control.Static.TH (mkDefStaticTab, mkStatics, mkStaticsWithRefs, staticKeyType, staticRef) -- These unit tests are written to showcase all the features & possibilities of -- using this library. It is certainly not the simplest way of achieving what -- it is actually doing. When using this library, bear this in mind and don't -- just blindly copy the below - aim to simplify as much of it as possible. data TEnv m g = TEnv { pushTask :: !(ClosureApply g -> m ()) , pushLog :: !(String -> m ()) } writeLog :: MonadWriter [String] m => () -> String -> m [Int] writeLog _ x = tell [x] >> pure [] mkStatics ['writeLog] -- note: the above call to mkStatics is actually redundant; mkDefStaticTab -- automatically will do this for any passed-in names that did not already have -- statics created for them. We call it here for demonstration purposes. collatzCycle0 :: [Integer] collatzCycle0 = [0] collatzCycle1 :: [Integer] collatzCycle1 = [1, 4, 2] collatzCycle2 :: [Integer] collatzCycle2 = [-1, -2] collatzCycle3 :: [Integer] collatzCycle3 = [-5, -14, -7, -20, -10] collatzCycle4 :: [Integer] collatzCycle4 = [-17, -50, -25, -74, -37, -110, -55, -164, -82, -41] ++ [-122, -61, -182, -91, -272, -136, -68, -34] mkStaticsWithRefs $ \(~[collatz', collatzOdd', collatzEven']) -> [d| collatz :: RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatzOdd) => RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatzEven) => Monad m => TEnv m g -> Integer -> m [Int] collatz env x = do pushLog $ "got: " <> show x if | x `elem` collatzCycle0 -> pure [0] | x `elem` collatzCycle1 -> pure [1] | x `elem` collatzCycle2 -> pure [2] | x `elem` collatzCycle3 -> pure [3] | x `elem` collatzCycle4 -> pure [4] | x `mod` 2 == 1 -> do pushTask (applyClosure $(pure collatzOdd') x) pure [] | otherwise -> do pushTask (applyClosure $(pure collatzEven') x) pure [] where TEnv {..} = env collatzOdd :: RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatz) => Monad m => TEnv m g -> Integer -> m [Int] collatzOdd env x = do pushLog $ "got odd: " <> show x pushTask (applyClosure $(pure collatz') (3 * x + 1)) pure [] where TEnv {..} = env collatzEven :: RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatz) => Monad m => TEnv m g -> Integer -> m [Int] collatzEven env x = do pushLog $ "got even: " <> show x pushTask (applyClosure $(pure collatz') (x `div` 2)) pure [] where TEnv {..} = env |] mkDefStaticTab ['writeLog, 'collatz, 'collatzOdd, 'collatzEven] -- In most use-cases, you don't need to distinguish between the tasks, and -- 'TaskArg' (further below) is simpler and better . On the off-chance that you -- do need to, this is how you would do that, using @$(staticKeyType 'KEY)@. data Task = TaskLog !String | TaskCollatz !Integer | TaskCollatzOdd !Integer | TaskCollatzEven !Integer deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) instance RepVal Task String $(staticKeyType 'writeLog) where toRep _ = TaskLog fromRep _ (TaskLog i) = Right i fromRep _ t = Left $ "expect TaskLog, got " <> show t instance RepVal Task Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatz) where toRep _ = TaskCollatz fromRep _ (TaskCollatz i) = Right i fromRep _ t = Left $ "expect TaskCollatz, got " <> show t instance RepVal Task Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatzOdd) where toRep _ = TaskCollatzOdd fromRep _ (TaskCollatzOdd i) = Right i fromRep _ t = Left $ "expect TaskCollatzOdd, got " <> show t instance RepVal Task Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatzEven) where toRep _ = TaskCollatzEven fromRep _ (TaskCollatzEven i) = Right i fromRep _ t = Left $ "expect TaskCollatzEven, got " <> show t -- You can either define your own 'g' like here, or use one of the provided -- ones, like 'DSerialise' or 'DBinary'. data TaskArg = ArgString !String | ArgInteger !Integer deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) instance RepVal TaskArg String k where toRep _ = ArgString fromRep _ (ArgString i) = Right i fromRep _ t = Left $ "expect ArgString, got " <> show t instance RepVal TaskArg Integer k where toRep _ = ArgInteger fromRep _ (ArgInteger i) = Right i fromRep _ t = Left $ "expect ArgInteger, got " <> show t monadEnv :: RepVal g String $(staticKeyType 'writeLog) => MonadState [ClosureApply g] m => String -> TEnv m g monadEnv prefix = let pushTask t = state (\tt -> ((), tt ++ [t])) pushLog s = pushTask (applyClosure $(staticRef 'writeLog) s) in TEnv { .. } runAllTasks :: forall g tm . RepVal g String $(staticKeyType 'writeLog) => RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatz) => RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatzOdd) => RepVal g Integer $(staticKeyType 'collatzEven) => MonadWriter [String] (tm IO) => MonadState [ClosureApply g] (tm IO) => MonadFail (tm IO) => (String -> TEnv (tm IO) g) -> (tm IO Int -> [ClosureApply g] -> IO (Int, [String])) -> [ClosureApply g] -> Int -> [String] -> IO () runAllTasks mkEnv evalT initCl expectRuns expectLogs = do (actualRuns, actualLogs) <- evalT (go 0) initCl assertEqual "runs" expectRuns actualRuns assertEqual "logs" expectLogs actualLogs where go i = state popTask >>= \case Nothing -> pure i Just t -> do res <- run t let msg = (\c -> "result: cycle #" <> show c) <$> res state $ pushTasks $ applyClosure $(staticRef 'writeLog) <$> msg go (i + 1) popTask [] = (Nothing, []) popTask (h : tl) = (Just h, tl) pushTasks tt' tt = ((), tt ++ tt') run cl = case evalSomeClosure closureTab cl of Left e -> fail (show e) Right r -> r closureTab = repClosureTab @_ @g $ mkClosureTab staticTab $ envTabCons $(staticRef 'writeLog) () $ envTabCons $(staticRef 'collatz) (mkEnv "collatz") $ envTabCons $(staticRef 'collatzOdd) (mkEnv "collatzOdd") $ envTabCons $(staticRef 'collatzEven) (mkEnv "collatzEven") $ envTabNil tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Control.Static.UnitTests" [ testCase "smoke @Task" $ do runAllTasks @Task @(RWST () [String] [ClosureApply Task]) monadEnv (`evalRWST` ()) [applyClosure $(staticRef 'collatz) (4 :: Integer)] 3 ["got: 4", "result: cycle #1"] , testCase "smoke @TaskArg" $ do runAllTasks @TaskArg @(RWST () [String] [ClosureApply TaskArg]) monadEnv (`evalRWST` ()) [applyClosure $(staticRef 'collatz) (30 :: Integer)] 67 ( ["got: 30", "got even: 30", "got: 15", "got odd: 15", "got: 46"] ++ ["got even: 46", "got: 23", "got odd: 23", "got: 70", "got even: 70"] ++ ["got: 35", "got odd: 35", "got: 106", "got even: 106", "got: 53"] ++ ["got odd: 53", "got: 160", "got even: 160", "got: 80", "got even: 80"] ++ ["got: 40", "got even: 40", "got: 20", "got even: 20", "got: 10"] ++ ["got even: 10", "got: 5", "got odd: 5", "got: 16", "got even: 16"] ++ ["got: 8", "got even: 8", "got: 4", "result: cycle #1"] ) , testCase "smoke @DSerialise" $ do runAllTasks @DSerialise @(RWST () [String] [ClosureApply DSerialise]) monadEnv (`evalRWST` ()) [applyClosure $(staticRef 'collatz) (-30 :: Integer)] 39 ( ["got: -30", "got even: -30", "got: -15", "got odd: -15", "got: -44"] ++ ["got even: -44", "got: -22", "got even: -22", "got: -11"] ++ ["got odd: -11", "got: -32", "got even: -32", "got: -16"] ++ ["got even: -16", "got: -8", "got even: -8", "got: -4", "got even: -4"] ++ ["got: -2", "result: cycle #2"] ) ]