-- Some code snippets are adapted from the fsnotify package. -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/fsnotify- -- -- | -- Module : Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows -- Copyright : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies -- (c) 2012, Mark Dittmer -- License : BSD-3-Clause -- Maintainer : streamly@composewell.com -- Stability : pre-release -- Portability : GHC -- -- =Overview -- -- Use 'watchRecursive'or 'watch' with a list of file system dir paths you -- want to watch as argument. It returns a stream of 'Event' representing the -- file system events occurring under the watched paths. -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} -- Stream.mapM_ (putStrLn . 'showEvent') $ 'watchRecursive' [Array.fromList "path"] -- @ -- -- 'Event' is an opaque type. Accessor functions (e.g. 'showEvent' above) -- provided in this module are used to determine the attributes of the event. -- -- =Design notes -- -- For Windows reference documentation see: -- -- * -- * -- -- We try to keep the macOS\/Linux/Windows event handling APIs and defaults -- semantically and syntactically as close as possible. -- -- =Availability -- -- As per the Windows reference docs, the fs event notification API is -- available in: -- -- * Minimum supported client: Windows XP [desktop apps | UWP apps] -- * Minimum supported server: Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps | UWP apps module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows ( -- * Subscribing to events -- ** Default configuration Config , defaultConfig -- ** Watch Behavior , setRecursiveMode -- ** Events of Interest , setFileNameEvents , setDirNameEvents , setAttrsModified , setSecurityModified , setSizeModified , setLastWriteTimeModified , setAllEvents -- ** Watch APIs , watch , watchRecursive , watchWith -- * Handling Events , Event(..) , getRoot , getRelPath , getAbsPath -- ** Item CRUD events , isCreated , isDeleted , isModified , isMoved , isMovedFrom , isMovedTo -- ** Exception Conditions , isEventsLost -- * Debugging , showEvent ) where import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), complement) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Word (Word8) import Foreign.C.String (peekCWStringLen) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes) import Foreign.Storable (peekByteOff) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr, castPtr, nullPtr, nullFunPtr, plusPtr) import System.Win32.File ( FileNotificationFlag , LPOVERLAPPED , closeHandle , createFile , fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS , fILE_LIST_DIRECTORY , fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME , fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME , fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES , fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE , fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE , fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY , fILE_SHARE_READ , fILE_SHARE_WRITE , oPEN_EXISTING ) import System.Win32.Types (BOOL, DWORD, HANDLE, LPVOID, LPDWORD, failIfFalse_) import Streamly.Data.Array (Array) import Streamly.Data.Stream (Stream) import Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude (eager) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Streamly.Data.Array as A (fromList) import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as S import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude as S import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as U import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Utf8 as UTF8 (pack, toArray) import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Array as A (read) -- | Watch configuration, used to specify the events of interest and the -- behavior of the watch. -- -- /Pre-release/ -- data Config = Config { watchRec :: BOOL , createFlags :: DWORD } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Boolean settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setFlag :: DWORD -> Bool -> Config -> Config setFlag mask status cfg@Config{..} = let flags = if status then createFlags .|. mask else createFlags .&. complement mask in cfg {createFlags = flags} -- | Set watch event on directory recursively. -- -- /default: False/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setRecursiveMode :: Bool -> Config -> Config setRecursiveMode recursive cfg@Config{} = cfg {watchRec = recursive} -- | Generate notify events on file create, rename or delete. -- -- From Windows API documentation: Any file name change in the watched -- directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return. -- Changes include renaming, creating, or deleting a file. -- -- /default: True/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setFileNameEvents :: Bool -> Config -> Config setFileNameEvents = setFlag fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME -- | Generate notify events on directory create, rename or delete. -- -- From Windows API documentaiton: Any directory-name change in the watched -- directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return. -- Changes include creating or deleting a directory. -- -- /default: True/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setDirNameEvents :: Bool -> Config -> Config setDirNameEvents = setFlag fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME -- | Generate an 'isModified' event on any attribute change in the watched -- directory or subtree. -- -- /default: False/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setAttrsModified :: Bool -> Config -> Config setAttrsModified = setFlag fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES -- | Generate an 'isModified' event when the file size is changed. -- -- From Windows API documentation: Any file-size change in the watched -- directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return. -- The operating system detects a change in file size only when the file is -- written to the disk. For operating systems that use extensive caching, -- detection occurs only when the cache is sufficiently flushed. -- -- /default: False/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setSizeModified :: Bool -> Config -> Config setSizeModified = setFlag fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE -- | Generate an 'isModified' event when the last write timestamp of the file -- inode is changed. -- -- From Windows API documentation: Any change to the last write-time of files -- in the watched directory or subtree causes a change notification wait -- operation to return. The operating system detects a change to the last -- write-time only when the file is written to the disk. For operating systems -- that use extensive caching, detection occurs only when the cache is -- sufficiently flushed. -- -- /default: False/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setLastWriteTimeModified :: Bool -> Config -> Config setLastWriteTimeModified = setFlag fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE -- | Generate an 'isModified' event when any security-descriptor change occurs -- in the watched directory or subtree. -- -- /default: False/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setSecurityModified :: Bool -> Config -> Config setSecurityModified = setFlag fILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY -- | Set all tunable events 'True' or 'False'. Equivalent to setting: -- -- * setFileNameEvents -- * setDirNameEvents -- * setAttrsModified -- * setSizeModified -- * setLastWriteTimeModified -- * setSecurityModified -- -- /Pre-release/ -- setAllEvents :: Bool -> Config -> Config setAllEvents s = setFileNameEvents s . setDirNameEvents s . setAttrsModified s . setSizeModified s . setLastWriteTimeModified s . setSecurityModified s -- | The tunable events that are enabled by default are: -- -- * setFileNameEvents True -- * setDirNameEvents True -- * setSizeModified True -- * setLastWriteTimeModified True -- -- /Pre-release/ -- defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = setFileNameEvents True $ setDirNameEvents True $ setSizeModified True $ setLastWriteTimeModified True $ Config {watchRec = False, createFlags = 0} getConfigFlag :: Config -> DWORD getConfigFlag Config{..} = createFlags getConfigRecMode :: Config -> BOOL getConfigRecMode Config{..} = watchRec data Event = Event { eventFlags :: DWORD , eventRelPath :: String , eventRootPath :: String , totalBytes :: DWORD } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) -- For reference documentation see: -- -- See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-winnt-file_notify_information data FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION = FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION { fniNextEntryOffset :: DWORD , fniAction :: DWORD , fniFileName :: String } deriving Show type LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE = FunPtr ((DWORD, DWORD, LPOVERLAPPED) -> IO ()) -- | A handle for a watch. getWatchHandle :: FilePath -> IO (HANDLE, FilePath) getWatchHandle dir = do h <- createFile dir -- Access mode fILE_LIST_DIRECTORY -- Share mode (fILE_SHARE_READ .|. fILE_SHARE_WRITE) -- Security attributes Nothing -- Create mode, we want to look at an existing directory oPEN_EXISTING -- File attribute, NOT using OVERLAPPED since we work synchronously fILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS -- No template file Nothing return (h, dir) -- For reference documentation see: -- -- See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-readdirectorychangesw -- Note that this API uses UTF-16 for file system paths: -- 1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/unicode-in-the-windows-api -- 2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/unicode foreign import ccall safe "windows.h ReadDirectoryChangesW" c_ReadDirectoryChangesW :: HANDLE -> LPVOID -> DWORD -> BOOL -> DWORD -> LPDWORD -> LPOVERLAPPED -> LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE -> IO BOOL readDirectoryChangesW :: HANDLE -> Ptr FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION -> DWORD -> BOOL -> FileNotificationFlag -> LPDWORD -> IO () readDirectoryChangesW h buf bufSize wst f br = let res = c_ReadDirectoryChangesW h (castPtr buf) bufSize wst f br nullPtr nullFunPtr in failIfFalse_ "ReadDirectoryChangesW" res peekFNI :: Ptr FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION -> IO FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION peekFNI buf = do neof <- peekByteOff buf 0 acti <- peekByteOff buf 4 fnle <- peekByteOff buf 8 -- Note: The path is UTF-16 encoded C WChars, peekCWStringLen converts -- UTF-16 to UTF-32 Char String fnam <- peekCWStringLen -- start of array (buf `plusPtr` 12, -- fnle is the length in *bytes*, and a WCHAR is 2 bytes fromEnum (fnle :: DWORD) `div` 2) return $ FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION neof acti fnam readChangeEvents :: Ptr FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION -> String -> DWORD -> IO [Event] readChangeEvents pfni root bytesRet = do fni <- peekFNI pfni let entry = Event { eventFlags = fniAction fni , eventRelPath = fniFileName fni , eventRootPath = root , totalBytes = bytesRet } nioff = fromEnum $ fniNextEntryOffset fni entries <- if nioff == 0 then return [] else readChangeEvents (pfni `plusPtr` nioff) root bytesRet return $ entry : entries readDirectoryChanges :: String -> HANDLE -> Bool -> FileNotificationFlag -> IO [Event] readDirectoryChanges root h wst mask = do let maxBuf = 63 * 1024 allocaBytes maxBuf $ \buffer -> do alloca $ \bret -> do readDirectoryChangesW h buffer (toEnum maxBuf) wst mask bret bytesRet <- peekByteOff bret 0 readChangeEvents buffer root bytesRet -- XXX Try to get these from windows header files type FileAction = DWORD fILE_ACTION_ADDED :: FileAction fILE_ACTION_ADDED = 1 fILE_ACTION_REMOVED :: FileAction fILE_ACTION_REMOVED = 2 fILE_ACTION_MODIFIED :: FileAction fILE_ACTION_MODIFIED = 3 fILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME :: FileAction fILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME = 4 fILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME :: FileAction fILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME = 5 eventStreamAggr :: (HANDLE, FilePath, Config) -> Stream IO Event eventStreamAggr (handle, rootPath, cfg) = do let recMode = getConfigRecMode cfg flagMasks = getConfigFlag cfg repeatM = S.sequence . S.repeat S.concatMap S.fromList $ repeatM $ readDirectoryChanges rootPath handle recMode flagMasks pathsToHandles :: NonEmpty FilePath -> Config -> Stream IO (HANDLE, FilePath, Config) pathsToHandles paths cfg = do let pathStream = S.fromList (NonEmpty.toList paths) st2 = S.mapM getWatchHandle pathStream fmap (\(h, f) -> (h, f, cfg)) st2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- utf8ToString :: Array Word8 -> FilePath utf8ToString = runIdentity . S.fold Fold.toList . U.decodeUtf8 . A.read utf8ToStringList :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> NonEmpty FilePath utf8ToStringList = NonEmpty.map utf8ToString -- | Close a Directory handle. -- closePathHandleStream :: Stream IO (HANDLE, FilePath, Config) -> IO () closePathHandleStream = let f (h, _, _) = closeHandle h in S.fold (Fold.drainMapM f) -- XXX -- Document the path treatment for Linux/Windows/macOS modules. -- Remove the utf-8 encoding requirement of paths? It can be encoding agnostic -- "\" separated bytes, the application can decide what encoding to use. -- Instead of always using widechar (-W) APIs can we call the underlying APIs -- based on the configured code page? -- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/globalizing/use-utf8-code-page -- -- | Start monitoring a list of directory paths for file system events with the -- supplied configuration modifier operation over the' defaultConfig'. The -- paths could be directories or symbolic links to directories. -- -- When recursive mode is True, the whole directory tree under the path is -- watched recursively. When recursive mode is False, only the files and -- directories directly under the watched directory are monitored, contents of -- subdirectories are not monitored. Monitoring starts from the current time -- onwards. The paths are specified as UTF-8 encoded 'Array' of 'Word8'. -- -- /Symbolic Links:/ If the pathname to be watched is a symbolic link then -- watch the target of the symbolic link instead of the symbolic link itself. -- Note that the path location in the events is through the original symbolic -- link path rather than the resolved path. -- -- @ -- watchWith -- ('setAttrsModified' True . 'setLastWriteTimeModified' False) -- [Array.fromList "dir"] -- @ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- watchWith :: (Config -> Config) -> NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event watchWith f paths = S.bracketIO before after (S.parConcatMap (eager True) eventStreamAggr) where before = return $ pathsToHandles (utf8ToStringList paths) $ f defaultConfig after = closePathHandleStream -- | Same as 'watchWith' using 'defaultConfig' and recursive mode. -- -- >>> watchRecursive = watchWith (setRecursiveMode True) -- -- /Pre-release/ -- watchRecursive :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event watchRecursive = watchWith (setRecursiveMode True) -- | Same as 'watchWith' using defaultConfig and non-recursive mode. -- -- >>> watch = watchWith id -- -- /Pre-release/ -- watch :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> Stream IO Event watch = watchWith id getFlag :: DWORD -> Event -> Bool getFlag mask Event{..} = eventFlags == mask -- XXX Change the type to Array Word8 to make it compatible with other APIs. -- -- | Get the file system object path for which the event is generated, relative -- to the watched root. The path is a UTF-8 encoded array of bytes. -- -- /Pre-release/ -- getRelPath :: Event -> Array Word8 getRelPath Event{..} = (UTF8.toArray . UTF8.pack) eventRelPath -- XXX Change the type to Array Word8 to make it compatible with other APIs. -- -- | Get the watch root directory to which this event belongs. -- -- /Pre-release/ -- getRoot :: Event -> Array Word8 getRoot Event{..} = (UTF8.toArray . UTF8.pack) eventRootPath -- | Get the absolute file system object path for which the event is generated. -- -- When the watch root is a symlink, the absolute path returned is via the -- original symlink and not through the resolved path. -- -- /Pre-release/ -- getAbsPath :: Event -> Array Word8 getAbsPath ev = getRoot ev <> backSlash <> getRelPath ev where backSlash = A.fromList [ fromIntegral (ord '\\') ] -- XXX need to document the exact semantics of these. -- -- | This event is generated when a file or directory is created in a watched -- directory or directory tree when in recursive watch mode. Creating a hard -- link also generates this event. -- -- /Occurs when either 'setFileNameEvents' or 'setDirNameEvents' is enabled/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isCreated :: Event -> Bool isCreated = getFlag fILE_ACTION_ADDED -- | This event is generated when a file or directory is deleted from the -- watched directory or directory tree when in recursive mode. This event is -- generated even when a hard link is deleted. -- -- /Occurs when either 'setFileNameEvents' or 'setDirNameEvents' is enabled/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isDeleted :: Event -> Bool isDeleted = getFlag fILE_ACTION_REMOVED -- | Generated for the original path when an object is moved from under a -- monitored directory. -- -- /Occurs when either 'setFileNameEvents' or 'setDirNameEvents' is enabled/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isMovedFrom :: Event -> Bool isMovedFrom = getFlag fILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME -- | Generated for the new path when an object is moved under a monitored -- directory. -- -- /Occurs when either 'setFileNameEvents' or 'setDirNameEvents' is enabled/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isMovedTo :: Event -> Bool isMovedTo = getFlag fILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME -- | Generated for a path that is moved from or moved to the monitored -- directory. -- -- >>> isMoved ev = isMovedFrom ev || isMovedTo ev -- -- /Occurs when either 'setFileNameEvents' or 'setDirNameEvents' is enabled/ -- /Occurs only for an object inside the watched directory/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isMoved :: Event -> Bool isMoved ev = isMovedFrom ev || isMovedTo ev -- XXX This event is generated only for files and not directories? -- -- | This event occurs when a file or directory contents, timestamps or -- attributes are modified. Since it can occur on multiple changes, you may -- have to check the attributes to know what exactly changed when multiple type -- of modified events are enabled. -- -- In non-recursive mode this event does not occur for directories. In -- recursive mode this event occurs for the parent directory if a file or -- directory inside it is created or renamed. -- -- /Occurs when one of the @set*Modified@ events is enabled/ -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isModified :: Event -> Bool isModified = getFlag fILE_ACTION_MODIFIED -- | If the kernel event buffer overflows, entire contents of the buffer are -- discarded, therefore, events are lost. The user application must scan -- everything under the watched paths to know the current state of the file -- system tree. -- -- /Pre-release/ -- isEventsLost :: Event -> Bool isEventsLost Event{..} = totalBytes == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Debugging ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert an 'Event' record to a String representation. showEvent :: Event -> String showEvent ev@Event{..} = "--------------------------" ++ "\nRoot = " ++ utf8ToString (getRoot ev) ++ "\nPath = " ++ utf8ToString (getRelPath ev) ++ "\ngetAbsPath = " ++ utf8ToString (getAbsPath ev) ++ "\nFlags " ++ show eventFlags ++ showev isEventsLost "Overflow" ++ showev isCreated "Created" ++ showev isDeleted "Deleted" ++ showev isModified "Modified" ++ showev isMovedFrom "MovedFrom" ++ showev isMovedTo "MovedTo" ++ "\n" where showev f str = if f ev then "\n" ++ str else ""