# [Streamly][] Quick Tutorial ## About This Document This guide introduces programming with [Streamly][] using a few practical examples: * We will start with a simple program that [counts the number of words in a text](#modular-word-counting). We will then transform this program into a [concurrent](#concurrent-word-counting) program that can efficiently use multiprocessing hardware. * Next, we will create a [concurrent network server](#a-concurrent-network-server). We then show how to write a network server that [merges multiple streams](#merging-incoming-streams) concurrently. * Our third example shows how to list a directory tree concurrently, by reading [multiple directories in parallel](#listing-directories-recursivelyconcurrently). * Finally, we will look at how to [rate limit](#rate-limiting) stream processing. It [concludes](#further-reading) with suggestions for further reading. ## Getting Started ### Installing Streamly If you wish to follow along and run examples in this guide, please see the [Before You Begin](/docs/User/Tutorials/before-you-begin.md) guide for instructions on how to use the `streamly` package interactively or in a project. ### An overview of the types used in these examples As an expository device, we have indicated the types at the intermediate stages of stream computations as comments in the examples below. The meaning of these types are: * A `Stream IO a` is a representation of a sequence of values of type `a` in the IO Monad. * A `Fold IO a b` is a representation of a function that converts a stream of type `a` to a final accumulator of type `b` in the IO Monad. ## The Examples The code snippets below should work in GHCi if all of those are typed in sequence. For brevity, imports that are already used in earlier snippets are omitted from the latter ones. ### Modular Word Counting A `Fold` in Streamly is a composable stream consumer. For our first example, we will use `Fold`s to count the number of bytes, words and lines present in a file. We will then compose individual `Fold`s together to count words, bytes and lines at the same time. Please see the file [WordCountModular.hs][] for the complete example program. #### Count Bytes (wc -c) We start with a code fragment that counts the number of bytes in a file: ```haskell ghci import Data.Function ((&)) import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.File as File wcb :: String -> IO Int wcb file = File.read file -- Stream IO Word8 & Stream.fold Fold.length -- IO Int ``` ### Count Lines (wc -l) The next code fragment shows how to count the number of lines in a file: ```haskell ghci import Data.Word (Word8) import Streamly.Data.Fold (Fold) -- ASCII character 10 is a newline. countl :: Int -> Word8 -> Int countl n ch = if ch == 10 then n + 1 else n -- The `nlines` fold accepts a stream of `Word8` and returns a line count (`Int`). nlines :: Monad m => Fold m Word8 Int nlines = Fold.foldl' countl 0 wcl :: String -> IO Int wcl file = File.read file -- Stream IO Word8 & Stream.fold nlines -- IO Int ``` ### Count Words (wc -w) Our final code fragment counts the number of whitespace-separated words in a stream: ```haskell ghci import Data.Char (chr, isSpace) countw :: (Int, Bool) -> Word8 -> (Int, Bool) countw (n, wasSpace) ch = if isSpace $ chr $ fromIntegral ch then (n, True) else (if wasSpace then n + 1 else n, False) -- The `nwords` fold accepts a stream of `Word8` and returns a word count (`Int`). nwords :: Monad m => Fold m Word8 Int nwords = fst <$> Fold.foldl' countw (0, True) wcw :: String -> IO Int wcw file = File.read file -- Stream IO Word8 & Stream.fold nwords -- IO Int ``` ### Counting Bytes, Words and Lines Together By using the `Tee` combinator we can compose the three folds that count bytes, lines and words individually into a single fold that counts all three at once. The applicative instance of `Tee` distributes its input to all the supplied folds (`Fold.length`, `nlines`, and `nwords`) and then combines the outputs from the folds using the supplied combiner function (`(,,)`). ```haskell ghci import Streamly.Data.Fold (Tee(..)) -- The fold accepts a stream of `Word8` and returns the three counts. countAll :: Fold IO Word8 (Int, Int, Int) countAll = unTee $ (,,) <$> Tee Fold.length <*> Tee nlines <*> Tee nwords wc :: String -> IO (Int, Int, Int) wc file = File.read file -- Stream IO Word8 & Stream.fold countAll -- IO (Int, Int, Int) ``` This example demonstrates the excellent modularity offered by [Streamly][]'s simple and concise API. ### The Performance of Word Counting We compare two equivalent implementations: one using [Streamly][], and the other using C. The performance of the [Streamly word counting implementation][WordCount.hs] (using ghc-9.4.4 and fusion-plugin) is: ``` $ time WordCount-hs gutenberg-500MB.txt 11242220 97050938 574714449 gutenberg-500MB.txt real 0m2.033s user 0m1.821s sys 0m0.209s ``` The performance of an equivalent [wc implementation in C][WordCount.c] is: ``` $ time WordCount-c gutenberg-500MB.txt 11242220 97050938 574714449 gutenberg-500MB.txt real 0m2.113s user 0m1.928s sys 0m0.185s ``` ### Concurrent Word Counting In our next example we show how the task of counting words, lines, and bytes could be done in parallel on multiprocessor hardware. To count words in parallel we first divide the stream into chunks (arrays), do the counting within each chunk, and then add all the counts across chunks. We use the same code as above except that we use arrays for our input data. Please see the file [WordCountParallel.hs][] for the complete working code for this example, including the imports that we have omitted below. First we create a new data type `Counts` that holds all the context. ```haskell ghci -- Counts lines words chars lastCharWasSpace data Counts = Counts !Int !Int !Int !Bool deriving Show {-# INLINE count #-} count :: Counts -> Char -> Counts count (Counts l w c wasSpace) ch = let l1 = if ch == '\n' then l + 1 else l (w1, wasSpace1) = if isSpace ch then (w, True) else (if wasSpace then w + 1 else w, False) in Counts l1 w1 (c + 1) wasSpace1 ``` The `countArray` function counts the line, word, char counts in one chunk: ```haskell ghci import Streamly.Data.Array (Array) import qualified Streamly.Data.Array as Array import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as Unicode countArray :: Array Word8 -> IO Counts countArray arr = Array.read arr -- Stream IO Word8 & Unicode.decodeLatin1 -- Stream IO Char & Stream.fold (Fold.foldl' count (Counts 0 0 0 True)) -- IO Counts ``` Here the function `count` and the `Counts` data type are defined in the `WordCount` helper module defined in [WordCount.hs][]. When combining the counts in two contiguous chunks, we need to check whether the first element of the next chunk is a whitespace character in order to determine if the same word continues in the next chunk or whether the chunk starts with a new word. The `partialCounts` function adds a `Bool` flag to `Counts` returned by `countArray` to indicate whether the first character in the chunk is a space. ```haskell ghci partialCounts :: Array Word8 -> IO (Bool, Counts) partialCounts arr = do let r = Array.getIndex 0 arr case r of Just x -> do counts <- countArray arr return (isSpace (chr (fromIntegral x)), counts) Nothing -> return (False, Counts 0 0 0 True) ``` `addCounts` then adds the counts from two consecutive chunks: ```haskell ghci addCounts :: (Bool, Counts) -> (Bool, Counts) -> (Bool, Counts) addCounts (sp1, Counts l1 w1 c1 ws1) (sp2, Counts l2 w2 c2 ws2) = let wcount = if not ws1 && not sp2 -- No space between two chunks. then w1 + w2 - 1 else w1 + w2 in (sp1, Counts (l1 + l2) wcount (c1 + c2) ws2) ``` To count in parallel we now only need to divide the stream into arrays, apply our counting function to each array, and then combine the counts from each chunk. ```haskell ghci {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} import GHC.Conc (numCapabilities) import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude as Stream wc :: String -> IO (Bool, Counts) wc file = do File.readChunks file -- Stream IO (Array Word8) & Stream.parMapM cfg partialCounts -- Stream IO (Bool, Counts) & Stream.fold add -- IO (Bool, Counts) where cfg = Stream.maxThreads numCapabilities . Stream.ordered True add = Fold.foldl' addCounts (False, Counts 0 0 0 True) ``` We can replace `parMapM` with `mapM` to get a serial version of the program. A benchmark with 2 CPUs: ``` $ time WordCount-hs-parallel gutenberg-500MB.txt 11242220 97050938 574714449 gutenberg-500MB.txt real 0m1.443s user 0m2.095s sys 0m0.202s ``` These example programs have assumed ASCII encoded input data. For UTF-8 streams, we have a [concurrent wc implementation][WordCountParallelUTF8.hs] with UTF-8 decoding. This concurrent implementation performs as well as the standard `wc` program in serial benchmarks. In concurrent mode [Streamly][]'s implementation can utilise multiple processing cores if these are present, and can thereby run much faster than the standard binary. Streamly provides concurrency facilities similar to [OpenMP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenMP) and [Cilk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cilk) but with a more declarative style of expression. With Streamly you can write concurrent programs with ease, with support for different types of concurrent scheduling. ### A Concurrent Network Server We now move to a slightly more complicated example: we simulate a dictionary lookup server which can serve word meanings to multiple clients concurrently. Please see the file [WordServer.hs][] for the complete code for this example. ```haskell ghci import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Exception (finally) import Network.Socket (Socket, close) import qualified Streamly.Data.Parser as Parser import qualified Streamly.Network.Inet.TCP as TCP import qualified Streamly.Network.Socket as Socket import qualified Streamly.Unicode.Stream as Unicode -- Simulate network/db query by adding a delay. fetch :: String -> IO (String, String) fetch w = threadDelay 1000000 >> return (w,w) -- Read lines of whitespace separated list of words from a socket, fetch the -- meanings of each word concurrently and return the meanings separated by -- newlines, in same order as the words were received. Repeat until the -- connection is closed. lookupWords :: Socket -> IO () lookupWords sk = Socket.read sk -- Stream IO Word8 & Unicode.decodeLatin1 -- Stream IO Char & Stream.wordsBy isSpace Fold.toList -- Stream IO String & Stream.parMapM cfg fetch -- Stream IO (String, String) & fmap show -- Stream IO String & Stream.intersperse "\n" -- Stream IO String & Unicode.encodeStrings Unicode.encodeLatin1 -- Stream IO (Array Word8) & Stream.fold (Socket.writeChunks sk) where cfg = Stream.ordered True serve :: Socket -> IO () serve sk = finally (lookupWords sk) (close sk) -- | Run a server on port 8091. Accept and handle connections concurrently. The -- connection handler is "serve" (i.e. lookupWords). You can use "telnet" or -- "nc" as a client to try it out. main :: IO () main = TCP.accept 8091 -- Stream IO Socket & Stream.parMapM id serve -- Stream IO () & Stream.fold Fold.drain -- IO () ``` ### Merging Incoming Streams In the next example, we show how to merge logs coming from multiple nodes in your network. These logs are merged at line boundaries and the merged logs are written to a file or to a network destination. This example uses the `concatMapWith` combinator to merge multiple streams concurrently. Please see the file [MergeServer.hs][] for the complete working code, including the imports that we have omitted below. ```haskell ghci {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} import Streamly.Data.Stream (Stream) import System.IO (IOMode(AppendMode), Handle, withFile) import qualified Streamly.Network.Socket as Socket import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as Handle -- | Read a line stream from a socket. -- Note: lines are buffered, and we could add a limit to the -- buffering for safety. readLines :: Socket -> Stream IO (Array Char) readLines sk = Socket.read sk -- Stream IO Word8 & Unicode.decodeLatin1 -- Stream IO Char & Stream.foldMany line -- Stream IO (Array Char) where line = Fold.takeEndBy (== '\n') Array.write recv :: Socket -> Stream IO (Array Char) recv sk = Stream.finallyIO (close sk) (readLines sk) -- | Starts a server at port 8091 listening for lines with space separated -- words. Multiple clients can connect to the server and send streams of lines. -- The server handles all the connections concurrently, merges the incoming -- streams at line boundaries and writes the merged stream to a file. server :: Handle -> IO () server file = TCP.accept 8090 -- Stream IO Socket & Stream.parConcatMap (Stream.eager True) recv -- Stream IO (Array Char) & Stream.unfoldMany Array.reader -- Stream IO Char & Unicode.encodeLatin1 -- Stream IO Word8 & Stream.fold (Handle.write file) -- IO () main :: IO () main = withFile "output.txt" AppendMode server ``` ### Listing Directories Recursively/Concurrently Our next example lists a directory tree recursively, and concurrently. This example uses the tree traversing combinator `parConcatIterate`. This combinator maps a stream generator function on the input stream and then recursively on the generated stream as well and flattens the results. We map a directory to a stream generating its children and a file to a nil stream. This results in a concurrent recursive depth first traversal of the directory tree. Please see [ListDir.hs][] for the complete working code. ```haskell ghci import System.IO (stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(LineBuffering)) import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Dir as Dir (readEitherPaths) main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering let start = Stream.fromPure (Left ".") f = either Dir.readEitherPaths (const Stream.nil) ls = Stream.parConcatIterate id f start in Stream.fold (Fold.drainMapM print) ls ``` ### Rate Limiting For concurrent streams, a stream evaluation rate can be specified. For example, to print "tick" once every second you can simply write: ```haskell ghci import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream as Stream (timestamped) main :: IO () main = Stream.parRepeatM (Stream.avgRate 1) (pure "tick") -- Stream IO String & Stream.timestamped -- Stream IO (AbsTime, String) & Stream.fold (Fold.drainMapM print) -- IO () ``` Please see the file [Rate.hs][] for the complete working code. The concurrency of the stream is automatically controlled to match the specified rate. [Streamly][]'s rate control works precisely even at throughputs as high as millions of yields per second. For more sophisticated rate control needs please see the Streamly [reference documentation][Streamly]. ### Reactive Programming Streamly supports reactive (time domain) programming because of its support for declarative concurrency. Please see the `Streamly.Data.Stream.Prelude` module for time-specific and sampling combinators. The examples [AcidRain.hs][] and [CirclingSquare.hs][] demonstrate reactive programming using [Streamly][]. ### More Examples If you would like to view more examples, please visit the [Streamly Examples][streamly-examples] web page. [Streamly]: https://streamly.composewell.com/ [streamly-examples]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples [streaming-benchmarks]: https://github.com/composewell/streaming-benchmarks [concurrency-benchmarks]: https://github.com/composewell/concurrency-benchmarks [WordCountModular.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/WordCountModular.hs [WordCount.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/WordCount.hs [WordCount.c]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/WordCount.c [WordCountParallel.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/WordCountParallel.hs [WordCountParallelUTF8.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/WordCountParallelUTF8.hs [WordServer.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/WordServer.hs [MergeServer.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/MergeServer.hs [ListDir.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/ListDir.hs [Rate.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/blob/master/examples/Rate.hs [AcidRain.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/tree/master/examples/AcidRain.hs [CirclingSquare.hs]: https://github.com/composewell/streamly-examples/tree/master/examples/CirclingSquare.hs [LICENSE]: /LICENSE [CONTRIBUTING.md]: /CONTRIBUTING.md [docs]: docs/