name: streams category: Control, Comonads version: license: BSD3 cabal-version: >= 1.6 license-file: LICENSE author: Edward A. Kmett maintainer: Edward A. Kmett stability: provisional homepage: copyright: Copyright 2011 Edward Kmett Copyright 2010 Tony Morris, Oliver Taylor, Eelis van der Weegen Copyright 2007-2010 Wouter Swierstra, Bas van Dijk Copyright 2008 Iavor S. Diatchki synopsis: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads build-type: Simple extra-source-files: README description: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads. . * "Data.Stream.Branching" provides an \"f-Branching Stream\" comonad, aka the cofree comonad, or generalized rose tree. . > data Stream f a = a :< f (Stream a) . * "Data.Stream.Future" provides a coinductive anti-causal stream, or non-empty 'ZipList'. The comonad provides access to only the tail of the stream. Like a conventional 'ZipList', this is /not/ a monad. . > data Future a = Last a | a :< Future a . * "Data.Stream.Future.Skew" provides a non-empty skew-binary random-access-list with the semantics of @Data.Stream.Future@. As with "Data.Stream.Future" this stream is not a 'Monad', since the 'Applicative' instance zips streams of potentially differing lengths. The random-access-list structure provides a number of operations logarithmic access time, but makes 'Data.Stream.Future.Skew.cons' less productive. Where applicable "Data.Stream.Infinite.Skew" may be more efficient, due to a lazier and more efficient 'Applicative' instance. . > . * "Data.Stream.NonEmpty" provides a non-empty list comonad where the Applicative and Monad work like those of the @[a]@. Being non-empty, it trades in the 'Alternative' and 'Monoid' instances of @[a]@ for weaker append-based 'FunctorAlt' and 'Semigroup' instances while becoming a member of 'Comonad' and 'ComonadApply'. Acting like a list, the semantics of '<*>' and '<.>' take a cross-product of membership from both 'NonEmpty' lists rather than zipping like a 'Future' . > data NonEmpty a = a :| [a] . * "Data.Stream.Infinite" provides a coinductive infinite anti-causal stream. The 'Comonad' provides access to the tail of the stream and the 'Applicative' zips streams together. Unlike 'Future', infinite stream form a 'Monad'. The monad diagonalizes the 'Stream', which is consistent with the behavior of the 'Applicative', and the view of a 'Stream' as a isomorphic to the reader monad from the natural numbers. Being infinite in length, there is no 'Alternative' instance, but instead the 'FunctorAlt' instance provides access to the 'Semigroup' of interleaving streams. . > data Stream a = a :< Stream a . * "Data.Stream.Infinite.Skew" provides an infinite skew-binary random-access-list with the semantics of "Data.Stream.Infinite" Since every stream is infinite, the 'Applicative' instance can be considerably less strict than the corresponding instance for "Data.Stream.Future.Skew" and performs asymptotically better. . > . * "Data.Stream.Infinite.Functional.Zipper" provides a bi-infinite sequence, represented as a pure function with an accumulating parameter added to optimize moving the current focus. . > data Zipper a = !Integer :~ (Integer -> a) . * "Data.Stream.Supply" provides a comonadic supply of unique values, which are generated impurely as the tree is explored. . /Changes since 0.5.1/: . * Removed a redundant UNPACK pragma . /Changes since 0.5/: . * Data.Stream.Supply added . /Changes since 0.1/: . * A number of strictness issues with 'NonEmpty' were fixed . * More documentation source-repository head type: git location: git:// library build-depends: base >= 4 && < 4.4, comonad >= 1.0 && < 1.1, distributive >= 0.1 && < 0.2, semigroupoids >= 1.0 && < 1.2, semigroups >= 0.3.4 && < 0.4 extensions: CPP if impl(ghc) cpp-options: -DLANGUAGE_DeriveDataTypeable extensions: FlexibleContexts, DeriveDataTypeable exposed-modules: Data.Stream.Branching Data.Stream.Future Data.Stream.Future.Skew Data.Stream.NonEmpty Data.Stream.Infinite Data.Stream.Infinite.Skew Data.Stream.Infinite.Functional.Zipper Data.Stream.Supply ghc-options: -Wall