name: stripe-haskell version: synopsis: Stripe API for Haskell license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: David Johnson maintainer: copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 David M. Johnson homepage: bug-reports: category: Web build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 Description: . <> . [100% Stripe API Coverage - ] All Stripe commands are supported, including but not limited to Charges, Refunds, Customers, Cards, Subscriptions, Plans, Coupons, Discounts, Invoices, Invoice Items, Disputes, Transfers, Recipients, Application Fees, Application Fee Refunds, Account, Balance, Events and Tokens. . [100% Haddock Coverage] All code written for this library is documented to completion with the haddock documentation tool . [100+ Hspec Tests] Thoroughly unit-tested with hspec. All API commands are unit-tested before inclusion into the API (see the tests directory). To run the tests, perform the following: . > cabal clean && cabal configure --enable-tests && cabal build tests && dist/build/tests/tests -- You will be prompted to enter your *TEST* key . [Pagination - ] Pagination is possible on all API calls that return a JSON array. Any API call that returns a `StripeList` is eligible for pagination. To use in practice do the following: . > import Web.Stripe > import Web.Stripe.Customer > > main :: IO () > main = do > let config = StripeConfig "secret key" > result <- stripe config $ getCustomers > (Just 30 :: Maybe Limit) -- Defaults to 10 if Nothing, 100 is Max > (StartingAfter $ CustomerId "customer_id0") > (EndingBefore $ CustomerId "customer_id30") > case result of > Right stripelist -> print (list stripelist :: [Customer]) > Left stripeError -> print stripeError > . [Versioning - ] All versioning is hard-coded (for safety). Stripe API versions specified in the HTTP headers of Stripe requests take precedence over the API version specified in your Stripe Dashboard. In an attempt to ensure API consistency and correct parsing of returned JSON, all Stripe versions are hard-coded, and are inaccessible to the end-users of this library. When a new Stripe API version is released this library will increment the hard-coded API version. . [Expansion - ] Object expansion is supported on Stripe objects eligible for expansion though the `ExpandParams` type. Object expansion allows normal Stripe API calls to return expanded objects inside of other objects. For example, a `Customer` object contains a Card ID hash on the default_card field. This default_card hash can be expanded into a full `Card` object inside a `Customer` object. As an example: . > import Web.Stripe > import Web.Stripe.Customer > > main :: IO () > main = do > let config = StripeConfig "secret key" > result <- stripe config $ getCustomerExpandable > (CustomerId "customerid") > (["default_card"] :: ExpandParams) > case result of > Right customer -> print (defaultCard customer) -- Will be an `ExpandedCard` > Left stripeError -> print stripeError > . [MetaData - ] Stripe objects allow the embedding of arbitrary metadata. Any Stripe object that supports the embedding of metadata is available via this API. As an example: . > import Web.Stripe > import Web.Stripe.Coupon > > main :: IO () > main = do > let config = StripeConfig "secret key" > result <- stripe config $ updateCoupon (CouponId "couponid") [("key1", "value2"), ("key2", "value2")] > case result of > Right coupon -> print $ couponMetaData coupon > Left stripeError -> print stripeError . [Issues - ] Any API recommendations or bugs can be reported on the GitHub issue tracker. Pull requests welcome! . extra-source-files: Test-Suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: tests build-depends: aeson == 0.9.* , base >=4.6 && < 5 , bytestring == 0.10.* , either == 4.4.* , hspec == 2.2.* , http-streams == 0.8.* , HsOpenSSL == 0.11.* , random == 1.1.* , stripe-haskell , text == 1.2.* , time == 1.5.* , transformers == 0.4.* default-language: Haskell2010 other-modules: Test.Account Test.ApplicationFee Test.ApplicationFeeRefund Test.Balance Test.Bitcoin Test.Card Test.Charge Test.Config Test.Coupon Test.Customer Test.Discount Test.Dispute Test.Event Test.Invoice Test.InvoiceItem Test.Plan Test.Raw Test.Recipient Test.Refund Test.Subscription Test.Token Test.Transfer Test.Util ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: aeson == 0.9.* , base >=4.6 && < 5 , bytestring == 0.10.* , either == 4.4.* , http-streams == 0.8.* , HsOpenSSL == 0.11.* , random == 1.1.* , io-streams == 1.3.* , mtl == 2.2.* , text == 1.2.* , time == 1.5.* , transformers == 0.4.* , unordered-containers == 0.2.* default-language: Haskell2010 other-modules: Web.Stripe.Client Web.Stripe.Client.Internal Web.Stripe.Client.Error Web.Stripe.Client.Types Web.Stripe.Client.Util Web.Stripe.Types Web.Stripe.Types.Util exposed-modules: Web.Stripe Web.Stripe.Account Web.Stripe.ApplicationFee Web.Stripe.ApplicationFeeRefund Web.Stripe.Balance Web.Stripe.Bitcoin Web.Stripe.Card Web.Stripe.Charge Web.Stripe.Coupon Web.Stripe.Customer Web.Stripe.Discount Web.Stripe.Dispute Web.Stripe.Event Web.Stripe.Invoice Web.Stripe.InvoiceItem Web.Stripe.Plan Web.Stripe.Recipient Web.Stripe.Refund Web.Stripe.Subscription Web.Stripe.Token Web.Stripe.Transfer ghc-options: -Wall -rtsopts source-repository head type: git location: git://