-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Concurrent.TBox.Internal.Class
-- Copyright   :  Peter Robinson 2009
-- License     :  LGPL
-- Maintainer  :  Peter Robinson <thaldyron@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (requires STM)
-- The type class 'TBox'.
module Control.Concurrent.TBox.Internal.Class
import Control.Concurrent.AdvSTM
import Prelude hiding(readIO)

-- | An instance of 'TBox' is a (Adv)STM variable that might contain a value of 
-- some type 'a'. In contrast to a plain 'TVar (Maybe a)', a 
-- 'TBox' has IO hooks that are executed transparently on writes and reads,
-- which makes it particularly suitable for implementing a persistent and thread-safe storage.
-- The type variable 'k' can be used to provide additional storage information, e.g.,
-- a filepath. 
-- /Important:/ Note that the read/write functions of this type class, i.e.,
-- 'readIO', 'readSTM', 'writeIO', 'writeSTM', 'clearIO', 'clearSTM' should 
-- /only/ be used to derive new 
-- instances and do not serve to modify the state of a 'TBox'.
-- The interface defined in module 'TBox.Operations' provides 
-- operations on 'TBox's that guarantee consistency.
-- See the module 'Control.Concurrent.TFile' for a sample instance.
class TBox t k a where
  -- | Takes a key and an initial value
  new   :: k -> a -> AdvSTM (t k a)
  -- | Takes a key and an initial value. Has a default implementation.
  newIO :: k -> a -> IO (t k a)
  newIO k a = atomically (new k a)

  -- | Takes a key and returns an empty 't'
  newEmpty   :: k -> AdvSTM (t k a)
  -- | Takes a key and returns an empty 't'. Has a default implementation.
  newEmptyIO :: k -> IO (t k a)
  newEmptyIO = atomically . newEmpty

--  -- | Return the key
--  getKey :: t k a -> AdvSTM k

  -- | Used in 'TBox.write'.
  writeSTM :: t k a -> a -> AdvSTM ()
  -- | Used in 'TBox.write' during the commit phase. 
  -- Is guaranteed to be executed exactly once /iff/ the transaction commits.
  writeIO  :: t k a -> a -> IO () 

  -- | Used in 'TBox.read'
  readSTM  :: t k a -> AdvSTM (Maybe a)
  -- | Used in 'TBox.read' when retrying the transaction, which happens when the 
  -- 'TBox' has been marked \"dirty\".
  -- Note: Might be executed multiple times for the
  -- same 'TBox' in a single transaction. See 'unsafeRetryWith'.
  readIO   :: t k a -> IO (Maybe a)

  -- | Used in 'TBox.clear'
  clearSTM :: t k a -> AdvSTM ()
  -- | Used in 'TBox.clear' during the commit phase.
  -- Is guaranteed to be executed exactly once /iff/ the transaction commits.
  clearIO :: t k a -> IO ()

  -- | If 'isDirty' yields 'True', the 'readIO' hook will be 
  -- run on the next read.
  isDirty  :: t k a -> AdvSTM Bool
  -- | Change the \"dirty\" status of the 'TBox'.
  setDirty :: t k a -> Bool -> AdvSTM ()

-- TODO: what about modify?
  modifySTM :: t k a -> (a -> a) -> AdvSTM ()
  modifyIO  :: t k a -> (a -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
  modifySTM t f = readSTM t >>= writeSTM t . f
  modifyIO t f  = readIO t >>= writeIO t