# This is the main nix file for Termonad. It will build the `termonad` # executable. It will place it in a "wrapped" environment so that Termonad can # find GHC and a few Haskell libraries. This wrapped Termonad will be able to # rebuild its configuration file (which should be located at # `~/.config/termonad/termonad.hs`). # # Termonad can be built with the command `nix-build` in the main top # directory. # # The `termonad` executable will be created at `result/bin/termonad`. With # this default setup, you will be able to use the haskell packages `lens` and # `colour` in your `~/.config/termonad/termonad.hs` file, as well as the # Termonad package itself. # # If you want to install termonad into your environment, you can use `nix-env` # from the main top directory: # # $ nix-env --file default.nix --install { nixpkgs ? null , additionalOverlays ? [] , compiler ? null , buildExamples ? false , enableSixelSupport ? false }@args: (import .nix-helpers/nixpkgs.nix args).termonad