# Running `nix-shell` in the same directory as this file will enter an # environment in which you can easily hack on or build termonad. It provides: # * Termonad's system dependencies. # * GHC with all of termonad's haskell dependencies. # * Local haddocks for those dependencies. # * Hoogle with an index generated from those haddocks. # * Cabal. # * ghcid. # * open-haddock. # # In this environment you should be able to e.g. # * Build termonad: # $ cabal new-build # * Open a repl with access to the termonad libraries: # $ cabal new-repl # * Use `ghcid`: # $ ghcid --command='cabal new-repl' # * Open local haddocks for e.g. GI.Vte.Objects.Terminal: # $ open-haddock GI.Vte.Objects.Terminal # or for the gi-gtk package: # $ open-haddock gi-gtk # # If you pass nix-shell the arguments `--arg indexTermonad true`, then hoogle # will also index the Termonad libraries, however this will mean the environment # will need to be rebuilt every time the termonad source changes. { nixpkgs ? null , additionalOverlays ? [] , compiler ? null , buildExamples ? false , enableSixelSupport ? false , indexTermonad ? false }@args: (import .nix-helpers/nixpkgs.nix args).termonadShell