# Terraform HTTP Backend Pass **Catchy name! What does it do?** According to [terraform docs](https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/settings/backends/index.html): > Each Terraform configuration can specify a backend, which defines where and > how operations are performed, where state snapshots are stored, etc. There are a few backends which terraform provides, none of which are very customizable. The [http backend](https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/settings/backends/http.html), however, provides a way to define where (and how) state snapshots are stored. It additionally allows for a locking the state while some operation is being perfomed. This project aims to provide a backend to store the terraform state in a git repository. As the state can contain sensitive information, it should be encrypted before storing, for which [`pass`](https://www.passwordstore.org/) is used. ## How to use 1. Install the backend in one of these ways: - Using [Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/): ```bash stack install terraform-http-backend-pass ``` - Using [Cabal](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/): ```bash cabal install terraform-http-backend-pass ``` - Using [nix](https://nixos.org/): ```bash nix registry add terraform-http-backend-pass git+https://git.coop/akshay/terraform-http-backend-pass nix build 'terraform-http-backend-pass#' --profile $HOME/.nix-profile ``` 2. Create a pass repository: ```bash export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/desired/path/to/store pass init pass git init ``` 3. Push the repository somewhere, set push upstream: ```bash export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/desired/path/to/store pass git remote add origin pass git push -u origin master ``` 4. Start the backend: ```bash terraform-http-backend-pass --repositoryPath /desired/path/to/store --port 8888 ``` 5. Setup terraform with backend information: ```tf terraform { backend "http" { # Or, something else if the server is not running on localhost address = "http://localhost:8888" } } ``` The address can also be specified dynamically using the `-backend-config` option while running `terraform init` 6. Use terraform as usual: ```bash terraform init terraform apply ```