module Main where import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TextLazy import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TextLazyBuilder import Numeric.Compat import Test.QuickCheck.Classes import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) import qualified TextBuilderDev as B import qualified TextBuilderDev.TastyExtras as Extras import Prelude hiding (choose, showBin) main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "All tests" $ [ testProperty "ASCII ByteString" $ let gen = listOf $ do list <- listOf (choose (0, 127)) return (ByteString.pack list) in forAll gen $ \chunks -> mconcat chunks === Text.encodeUtf8 (B.buildText (foldMap B.asciiByteString chunks)), testProperty "Intercalation has the same effect as in Text" $ \separator texts -> Text.intercalate separator texts === B.buildText (B.intercalate (B.text separator) (fmap B.text texts)), testProperty "intercalateMap sep mapper == intercalate sep . fmap mapper" $ \separator ints -> Text.intercalate separator (fmap (fromString . show @Int) ints) === B.buildText (B.intercalateMap (B.text separator) B.decimal ints), testProperty "Packing a list of chars is isomorphic to appending a list of builders" $ \chars -> Text.pack chars === B.buildText (foldMap B.char chars), testProperty "Concatting a list of texts is isomorphic to fold-mapping with builders" $ \texts -> mconcat texts === B.buildText (foldMap B.text texts), testProperty "Concatting a list of texts is isomorphic to concatting a list of builders" $ \texts -> mconcat texts === B.buildText (mconcat (map B.text texts)), testProperty "Concatting a list of trimmed texts is isomorphic to concatting a list of builders" $ \texts -> let trimmedTexts = fmap (Text.drop 3) texts in mconcat trimmedTexts === B.buildText (mconcat (map B.text trimmedTexts)), testProperty "TextBuilderDev.null is isomorphic to Text.null" $ \(text :: Text) -> B.null (B.toTextBuilder text) === Text.null text, testProperty "(TextBuilderDev.unicodeCodePoint <>) is isomorphic to Text.cons" $ withMaxSuccess bigTest $ \(text :: Text) (c :: Char) -> B.buildText (B.unicodeCodePoint (Char.ord c) <> B.text text) === Text.cons c text, testGroup "Time interval" $ [ testCase "59s" $ assertEqual "" "00:00:00:59" $ B.buildText $ B.intervalInSeconds 59, testCase "minute" $ assertEqual "" "00:00:01:00" $ B.buildText $ B.intervalInSeconds 60, testCase "90s" $ assertEqual "" "00:00:01:30" $ B.buildText $ B.intervalInSeconds 90, testCase "hour" $ assertEqual "" "00:01:00:00" $ B.buildText $ B.intervalInSeconds 3600, testCase "day" $ assertEqual "" "01:00:00:00" $ B.buildText $ B.intervalInSeconds 86400 ], testGroup "By function name" $ [ testGroup "utf8CodeUnitsN" $ [ testProperty "Text.cons isomporphism" $ withMaxSuccess bigTest $ \(text :: Text) (c :: Char) -> let cp = Char.ord c cuBuilder | cp < 0x80 = B.utf8CodeUnits1 (cuAt 0) | cp < 0x800 = B.utf8CodeUnits2 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) | cp < 0x10000 = B.utf8CodeUnits3 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) (cuAt 2) | otherwise = B.utf8CodeUnits4 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) (cuAt 2) (cuAt 3) where -- Use Data.Text.Encoding for comparison codeUnits = Text.encodeUtf8 $ Text.singleton c cuAt = (codeUnits `ByteString.index`) in B.buildText (cuBuilder <> B.text text) === Text.cons c text, testProperty "Text.singleton isomorphism" $ withMaxSuccess bigTest $ \(c :: Char) -> let text = Text.singleton c codeUnits = Text.encodeUtf8 text cp = Char.ord c cuBuilder | cp < 0x80 = B.utf8CodeUnits1 (cuAt 0) | cp < 0x800 = B.utf8CodeUnits2 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) | cp < 0x10000 = B.utf8CodeUnits3 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) (cuAt 2) | otherwise = B.utf8CodeUnits4 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) (cuAt 2) (cuAt 3) where cuAt = ByteString.index codeUnits in B.buildText cuBuilder === text ], testGroup "utf16CodeUnitsN" $ [ testProperty "is isomorphic to Text.cons" $ withMaxSuccess bigTest $ \(text :: Text) (c :: Char) -> let cp = Char.ord c cuBuilder | cp < 0x10000 = B.utf16CodeUnits1 (cuAt 0) | otherwise = B.utf16CodeUnits2 (cuAt 0) (cuAt 1) where -- Use Data.Text.Encoding for comparison codeUnits = Text.encodeUtf16LE $ Text.singleton c cuAt i = (fromIntegral $ codeUnits `ByteString.index` (2 * i)) .|. ((fromIntegral $ codeUnits `ByteString.index` (2 * i + 1)) `shiftL` 8) in B.buildText (cuBuilder <> B.text text) === Text.cons c text ], testCase "thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal" $ do assertEqual "" "0" (B.buildText (B.thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal ',' 0)) assertEqual "" "123" (B.buildText (B.thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal ',' 123)) assertEqual "" "1,234" (B.buildText (B.thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal ',' 1234)) assertEqual "" "1,234,567" (B.buildText (B.thousandSeparatedUnsignedDecimal ',' 1234567)), testCase "padFromLeft" $ do assertEqual "" "00" (B.buildText (B.padFromLeft 2 '0' "")) assertEqual "" "00" (B.buildText (B.padFromLeft 2 '0' "0")) assertEqual "" "01" (B.buildText (B.padFromLeft 2 '0' "1")) assertEqual "" "12" (B.buildText (B.padFromLeft 2 '0' "12")) assertEqual "" "123" (B.buildText (B.padFromLeft 2 '0' "123")), testCase "padFromRight" $ do assertEqual "" "00" (B.buildText (B.padFromRight 2 '0' "")) assertEqual "" "00" (B.buildText (B.padFromRight 2 '0' "0")) assertEqual "" "10" (B.buildText (B.padFromRight 2 '0' "1")) assertEqual "" "12" (B.buildText (B.padFromRight 2 '0' "12")) assertEqual "" "123" (B.buildText (B.padFromRight 2 '0' "123")) assertEqual "" "1 " (B.buildText (B.padFromRight 3 ' ' "1")), testProperty "decimal" $ \(x :: Integer) -> (fromString . show) x === (B.buildText (B.decimal x)), testGroup "hexadecimal" $ [ testProperty "show isomorphism" $ \(x :: Integer) -> x >= 0 ==> (fromString . showHex x) "" === (B.buildText . B.hexadecimal) x, testCase "Positive" $ assertEqual "" "1f23" (B.buildText (B.hexadecimal 0x01f23)), testCase "Negative" $ assertEqual "" "-1f23" (B.buildText (B.hexadecimal (-0x01f23))) ], testCase "dataSizeInBytesInDecimal" $ do assertEqual "" "999B" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 999)) assertEqual "" "1kB" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 1000)) assertEqual "" "1.1kB" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 1100)) assertEqual "" "1.1MB" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 1150000)) assertEqual "" "9.9MB" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 9990000)) assertEqual "" "10MB" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 10100000)) assertEqual "" "1,000YB" (B.buildText (B.dataSizeInBytesInDecimal ',' 1000000000000000000000000000)), testCase "fixedDouble" $ do assertEqual "" "0.0" (B.buildText (B.fixedDouble 1 0.05)) assertEqual "" "0.1" (B.buildText (B.fixedDouble 1 0.06)) assertEqual "" "10.0000" (B.buildText (B.fixedDouble 4 10)) assertEqual "" "0.9000" (B.buildText (B.fixedDouble 4 0.9)), testCase "doublePercent" $ do assertEqual "" "90.4%" (B.buildText (B.doublePercent 1 0.904)), testGroup "unsignedBinary" $ [ testProperty "Produces the same output as showBin" $ \(x :: Natural) -> fromString (showBin x "") === B.buildText (B.unsignedBinary x) ], testGroup "finiteBitsUnsignedBinary" $ [ testProperty "Produces the same output as showBin" $ \(x :: Word) -> fromString (showBin x "") === B.buildText (B.finiteBitsUnsignedBinary x) ], testGroup "fixedUnsignedDecimal" $ [ testProperty "Same as printf" $ \(size :: Word8, val :: Natural) -> let rendered = show val renderedLength = length rendered intSize = fromIntegral size padded = if renderedLength > intSize then drop (renderedLength - intSize) rendered else replicate (intSize - renderedLength) '0' <> rendered in fromString padded === B.buildText (B.fixedUnsignedDecimal (fromIntegral size) val) ], testGroup "utcTimeInIso8601" $ [ testProperty "Same as iso8601Show" $ \x -> let roundedToSecondsTime = x {utctDayTime = (fromIntegral . round . utctDayTime) x} in (fromString . flip mappend "Z" . take 19 . iso8601Show) roundedToSecondsTime === B.buildText (B.utcTimeInIso8601 roundedToSecondsTime) ] ], testGroup "IsomorphicToTextBuilder instances" $ [ Extras.isomorphismLaws "Text" $ Proxy @Text, Extras.isomorphismLaws "Lazy Text" $ Proxy @TextLazy.Text, Extras.isomorphismLaws "Lazy Text Builder" $ Proxy @TextLazyBuilder.Builder, Extras.isomorphismLaws "String" $ Proxy @String ], testLaws $ showLaws (Proxy @B.TextBuilder), testLaws $ eqLaws (Proxy @B.TextBuilder), testLaws $ semigroupLaws (Proxy @B.TextBuilder), testLaws $ monoidLaws (Proxy @B.TextBuilder) ] where bigTest = 10000 testLaws :: Laws -> TestTree testLaws Laws {..} = testProperties lawsTypeclass lawsProperties