text-show-3.4.1: Efficient conversion of values into Text

Copyright(C) 2014-2016 Ryan Scott
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerRyan Scott
Safe HaskellNone




Monomorphic TextShow functions for Haskell newtypes corresponding to C types in the Foreign Function Interface (FFI).

Since: 2



showbCCharPrec :: Int -> CChar -> Builder Source #

Convert a CChar to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCSCharPrec :: Int -> CSChar -> Builder Source #

Convert a CSChar to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCUChar :: CUChar -> Builder Source #

Convert a CUChar to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCShortPrec :: Int -> CShort -> Builder Source #

Convert a CShort to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCUShort :: CUShort -> Builder Source #

Convert a CUShort to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCIntPrec :: Int -> CInt -> Builder Source #

Convert a CInt to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCUInt :: CUInt -> Builder Source #

Convert a CUInt to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCLongPrec :: Int -> CLong -> Builder Source #

Convert a CLong to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCULong :: CULong -> Builder Source #

Convert a CULong to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCPtrdiffPrec :: Int -> CPtrdiff -> Builder Source #

Convert a CPtrdiff to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCSize :: CSize -> Builder Source #

Convert a CSize to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCWcharPrec :: Int -> CWchar -> Builder Source #

Convert a CWchar to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCSigAtomicPrec :: Int -> CSigAtomic -> Builder Source #

Convert a CSigAtomic to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCLLongPrec :: Int -> CLLong -> Builder Source #

Convert a CLLong to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCULLong :: CULLong -> Builder Source #

Convert a CULLong to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCIntPtrPrec :: Int -> CIntPtr -> Builder Source #

Convert a CIntPtr to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCUIntPtr :: CUIntPtr -> Builder Source #

Convert a CUIntPtr to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCIntMaxPrec :: Int -> CIntMax -> Builder Source #

Convert a CIntMax to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCUIntMax :: CUIntMax -> Builder Source #

Convert a CUIntMax to a Builder.

Since: 2

showbCClockPrec :: Int -> CClock -> Builder Source #

Convert a CClock to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCTimePrec :: Int -> CTime -> Builder Source #

Convert a CTime to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCUSeconds :: CUSeconds -> Builder Source #

Convert a CUSeconds value to a Builder. This function is only available with base- or later.

Since: 2

showbCSUSecondsPrec :: Int -> CSUSeconds -> Builder Source #

Convert a CSUSeconds value to a Builder with the given precedence. This function is only available with base- or later.

Since: 2

showbCFloatPrec :: Int -> CFloat -> Builder Source #

Convert a CFloat to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

showbCDoublePrec :: Int -> CDouble -> Builder Source #

Convert a CDouble to a Builder with the given precedence.

Since: 2

Orphan instances

TextShow CChar Source # 
TextShow CSChar Source # 
TextShow CUChar Source # 
TextShow CShort Source # 
TextShow CUShort Source # 
TextShow CInt Source # 
TextShow CUInt Source # 
TextShow CLong Source # 
TextShow CULong Source # 
TextShow CLLong Source # 
TextShow CULLong Source # 
TextShow CFloat Source # 
TextShow CDouble Source # 
TextShow CPtrdiff Source # 
TextShow CSize Source # 
TextShow CWchar Source # 
TextShow CSigAtomic Source # 
TextShow CClock Source # 
TextShow CTime Source # 
TextShow CUSeconds Source # 
TextShow CSUSeconds Source # 
TextShow CIntPtr Source # 
TextShow CUIntPtr Source # 
TextShow CIntMax Source # 
TextShow CUIntMax Source #