text-show-instances-3.3: Additional instances for text-show

Copyright(C) 2014-2016 Ryan Scott
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerRyan Scott
Safe HaskellNone




Monomorphic TextShow functions for monad transformers.

Since: 2



liftShowbErrorTPrec :: (TextShow e, TextShow1 m) => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> ErrorT e m a -> Builder Source #

Convert an ErrorT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

liftShowbExceptTPrec :: (TextShow e, TextShow1 m) => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> ExceptT e m a -> Builder Source #

Convert an ExceptT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

liftShowbIdentityTPrec :: TextShow1 f => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> IdentityT f a -> Builder Source #

Convert an IdentityT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

liftShowbListTPrec :: TextShow1 m => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> ListT m a -> Builder Source #

Convert a ListT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

liftShowbMaybeTPrec :: TextShow1 m => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> MaybeT m a -> Builder Source #

Convert a MaybeT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

liftShowbWriterTLazyPrec :: (TextShow w, TextShow1 m) => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> WriterT w m a -> Builder Source #

Convert a lazy WriterT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

liftShowbWriterTStrictPrec :: (TextShow w, TextShow1 m) => (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> WriterT w m a -> Builder Source #

Convert a strict WriterT value to a Builder with the given show functions and precedence.

Since: 3

Orphan instances

TextShow1 m => TextShow1 (MaybeT m) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> MaybeT m a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [MaybeT m a] -> Builder #

TextShow1 m => TextShow1 (ListT m) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> ListT m a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [ListT m a] -> Builder #

(TextShow1 m, TextShow a) => TextShow (MaybeT m a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> MaybeT m a -> Builder #

showb :: MaybeT m a -> Builder #

showbList :: [MaybeT m a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> MaybeT m a -> Text #

showt :: MaybeT m a -> Text #

showtList :: [MaybeT m a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> MaybeT m a -> Text #

showtl :: MaybeT m a -> Text #

showtlList :: [MaybeT m a] -> Text #

(TextShow1 m, TextShow a) => TextShow (ListT m a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> ListT m a -> Builder #

showb :: ListT m a -> Builder #

showbList :: [ListT m a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> ListT m a -> Text #

showt :: ListT m a -> Text #

showtList :: [ListT m a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> ListT m a -> Text #

showtl :: ListT m a -> Text #

showtlList :: [ListT m a] -> Text #

TextShow1 f => TextShow1 (IdentityT * f) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> IdentityT * f a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [IdentityT * f a] -> Builder #

(TextShow w, TextShow1 m) => TextShow1 (WriterT w m) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> WriterT w m a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [WriterT w m a] -> Builder #

(TextShow w, TextShow1 m) => TextShow1 (WriterT w m) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> WriterT w m a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [WriterT w m a] -> Builder #

(TextShow e, TextShow1 m) => TextShow1 (ErrorT e m) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> ErrorT e m a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [ErrorT e m a] -> Builder #

(TextShow e, TextShow1 m) => TextShow1 (ExceptT e m) Source # 


liftShowbPrec :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> Int -> ExceptT e m a -> Builder #

liftShowbList :: (Int -> a -> Builder) -> ([a] -> Builder) -> [ExceptT e m a] -> Builder #

(TextShow1 f, TextShow a) => TextShow (IdentityT * f a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> IdentityT * f a -> Builder #

showb :: IdentityT * f a -> Builder #

showbList :: [IdentityT * f a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> IdentityT * f a -> Text #

showt :: IdentityT * f a -> Text #

showtList :: [IdentityT * f a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> IdentityT * f a -> Text #

showtl :: IdentityT * f a -> Text #

showtlList :: [IdentityT * f a] -> Text #

(TextShow w, TextShow1 m, TextShow a) => TextShow (WriterT w m a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> Builder #

showb :: WriterT w m a -> Builder #

showbList :: [WriterT w m a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> Text #

showt :: WriterT w m a -> Text #

showtList :: [WriterT w m a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> Text #

showtl :: WriterT w m a -> Text #

showtlList :: [WriterT w m a] -> Text #

(TextShow w, TextShow1 m, TextShow a) => TextShow (WriterT w m a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> Builder #

showb :: WriterT w m a -> Builder #

showbList :: [WriterT w m a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> Text #

showt :: WriterT w m a -> Text #

showtList :: [WriterT w m a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> WriterT w m a -> Text #

showtl :: WriterT w m a -> Text #

showtlList :: [WriterT w m a] -> Text #

(TextShow e, TextShow1 m, TextShow a) => TextShow (ErrorT e m a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> ErrorT e m a -> Builder #

showb :: ErrorT e m a -> Builder #

showbList :: [ErrorT e m a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> ErrorT e m a -> Text #

showt :: ErrorT e m a -> Text #

showtList :: [ErrorT e m a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> ErrorT e m a -> Text #

showtl :: ErrorT e m a -> Text #

showtlList :: [ErrorT e m a] -> Text #

(TextShow e, TextShow1 m, TextShow a) => TextShow (ExceptT e m a) Source # 


showbPrec :: Int -> ExceptT e m a -> Builder #

showb :: ExceptT e m a -> Builder #

showbList :: [ExceptT e m a] -> Builder #

showtPrec :: Int -> ExceptT e m a -> Text #

showt :: ExceptT e m a -> Text #

showtList :: [ExceptT e m a] -> Text #

showtlPrec :: Int -> ExceptT e m a -> Text #

showtl :: ExceptT e m a -> Text #

showtlList :: [ExceptT e m a] -> Text #