time-warp- Distributed systems execution emulation

Copyright(c) Serokell, 2016
LicenseGPL-3 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerSerokell <hi@serokell.io>
PortabilityPOSIX, GHC
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides RPC capabilities. It allows to write scenarios over distributed systems, which can then be launched as either real program or emulation with network nastiness manually controlled.

Usage example:

sumMethod :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> ServerT m Int
sumMethod a b = return $ a + b

callSum :: Int -> Int -> Client Int
callSum = call "sum"

exampleLaunch :: (MonadRpc m, MonadTimed m, MonadIO m) => m ()
exampleLaunch = do
    -- launch server
    work (for 1 minute) $ do
        idr <- serverTypeRestriction2
        serve 1234 [method "sum" $ idr sumMethod]
    -- make 3 requests with delay
    fork_ $
        forM_ [1..3] $
            \i -> do
                wait (for 3 sec)
                res <- execClient ("", 1234) $ callSum (-1) i
                liftIO $ timestamp $ "Answer is " ++ show res

This scenario then can be launched as real program:

>>> runTimedIO . runMsgPackRpc $ exampleLaunch
[3000012µs] Answer is 0
[6000013µs] Answer is 1
[9000015µs] Answer is 2

Or as emulation, which works immediately:

>>> runTimedT . runPureRpc (mkStdGen 23423) (10 :: Microsecond, 50 :: Microsecond) $ exampleLaunch
[3000023µs] Answer is 0
[6000072µs] Answer is 1
[90000102µs] Answer is 2
