{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-} import Control.Exception (SomeException(..)) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Crypto.Random import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC import Data.Default.Class import Data.IORef import Network.Socket (socket, close, connect) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Timeout import Network.TLS import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher import Common import HexDump import Imports defaultBenchAmount = 1024 * 1024 defaultTimeout = 2000 bogusCipher cid = cipher_AES128_SHA1 { cipherID = cid } runTLS debug ioDebug params hostname portNumber f = E.bracket setup teardown $ \sock -> do ctx <- contextNew sock params contextHookSetLogging ctx getLogging f ctx where getLogging = ioLogging $ packetLogging $ def packetLogging logging | debug = logging { loggingPacketSent = putStrLn . ("debug: >> " ++) , loggingPacketRecv = putStrLn . ("debug: << " ++) } | otherwise = logging ioLogging logging | ioDebug = logging { loggingIOSent = mapM_ putStrLn . hexdump ">>" , loggingIORecv = \hdr body -> do putStrLn ("<< " ++ show hdr) mapM_ putStrLn $ hexdump "<<" body } | otherwise = logging setup = do ai <- makeAddrInfo (Just hostname) portNumber sock <- socket (addrFamily ai) (addrSocketType ai) (addrProtocol ai) let sockaddr = addrAddress ai connect sock sockaddr return sock teardown sock = close sock sessionRef ref = SessionManager { sessionEstablish = \sid sdata -> writeIORef ref (sid,sdata) , sessionResume = \sid -> readIORef ref >>= \(s,d) -> if s == sid then return (Just d) else return Nothing , sessionResumeOnlyOnce = \_ -> fail "sessionResumeOnlyOnce not implemented for simple client" , sessionInvalidate = \_ -> return () } getDefaultParams flags host store sStorage certCredsRequest session earlyData = (defaultParamsClient serverName BC.empty) { clientSupported = def { supportedVersions = supportedVers , supportedCiphers = myCiphers , supportedGroups = getGroups flags } , clientWantSessionResume = session , clientUseServerNameIndication = NoSNI `notElem` flags , clientShared = def { sharedSessionManager = sessionRef sStorage , sharedCAStore = store , sharedValidationCache = validateCache } , clientHooks = def { onCertificateRequest = fromMaybe (onCertificateRequest def) certCredsRequest } , clientDebug = def { debugSeed = foldl getDebugSeed Nothing flags , debugPrintSeed = if DebugPrintSeed `elem` flags then (\seed -> putStrLn ("seed: " ++ show (seedToInteger seed))) else (\_ -> return ()) } , clientEarlyData = earlyData } where serverName = foldl f host flags where f _ (SNI n) = n f acc _ = acc validateCache | validateCert = def | otherwise = ValidationCache (\_ _ _ -> return ValidationCachePass) (\_ _ _ -> return ()) myCiphers = foldl accBogusCipher getSelectedCiphers flags where accBogusCipher acc (BogusCipher c) = case reads c of [(v, "")] -> acc ++ [bogusCipher v] _ -> acc accBogusCipher acc _ = acc getUsedCipherIDs = foldl f [] flags where f acc (UseCipher am) = case readCiphers am of Just l -> l ++ acc Nothing -> acc f acc _ = acc getSelectedCiphers = case getUsedCipherIDs of [] -> ciphersuite_all l -> mapMaybe (\cid -> find ((== cid) . cipherID) ciphersuite_all) l getDebugSeed :: Maybe Seed -> Flag -> Maybe Seed getDebugSeed _ (DebugSeed seed) = seedFromInteger `fmap` readNumber seed getDebugSeed acc _ = acc tlsConnectVer | Tls13 `elem` flags = TLS13 | Tls12 `elem` flags = TLS12 | Tls11 `elem` flags = TLS11 | Ssl3 `elem` flags = SSL3 | Tls10 `elem` flags = TLS10 | otherwise = TLS13 supportedVers | NoVersionDowngrade `elem` flags = [tlsConnectVer] | otherwise = filter (<= tlsConnectVer) allVers allVers = [TLS13, TLS12, TLS11, TLS10, SSL3] validateCert = not (NoValidateCert `elem` flags) getGroups flags = case getGroup >>= readGroups of Nothing -> defaultGroups Just [] -> defaultGroups Just groups -> groups where defaultGroups = supportedGroups def getGroup = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Group g) = Just g f acc _ = acc data Flag = Verbose | Debug | IODebug | NoValidateCert | Session | Http11 | Ssl3 | Tls10 | Tls11 | Tls12 | Tls13 | SNI String | NoSNI | Uri String | NoVersionDowngrade | UserAgent String | Input String | Output String | Timeout String | BogusCipher String | ClientCert String | TrustAnchor String | BenchSend | BenchRecv | BenchData String | UseCipher String | ListCiphers | ListGroups | DebugSeed String | DebugPrintSeed | Group String | Help | UpdateKey deriving (Show,Eq) options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "verbose output on stdout" , Option ['d'] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "TLS debug output on stdout" , Option [] ["io-debug"] (NoArg IODebug) "TLS IO debug output on stdout" , Option ['s'] ["session"] (NoArg Session) "try to resume a session" , Option ['Z'] ["zerortt"] (ReqArg Input "inpfile") "input for TLS 1.3 0RTT data" , Option ['O'] ["output"] (ReqArg Output "stdout") "output " , Option ['g'] ["group"] (ReqArg Group "group") "group" , Option ['t'] ["timeout"] (ReqArg Timeout "timeout") "timeout in milliseconds (2s by default)" , Option ['u'] ["update-key"] (NoArg UpdateKey) "Updating keys after sending the first request then sending the same request again (TLS 1.3 only)" , Option [] ["no-validation"] (NoArg NoValidateCert) "disable certificate validation" , Option [] ["client-cert"] (ReqArg ClientCert "cert-file:key-file") "add a client certificate to use with the server" , Option [] ["trust-anchor"] (ReqArg TrustAnchor "pem-or-dir") "use provided CAs instead of system certificate store" , Option [] ["http1.1"] (NoArg Http11) "use http1.1 instead of http1.0" , Option [] ["ssl3"] (NoArg Ssl3) "use SSL 3.0" , Option [] ["sni"] (ReqArg SNI "server-name") "use non-default server name indication" , Option [] ["no-sni"] (NoArg NoSNI) "don't use server name indication" , Option [] ["user-agent"] (ReqArg UserAgent "user-agent") "use a user agent" , Option [] ["tls10"] (NoArg Tls10) "use TLS 1.0" , Option [] ["tls11"] (NoArg Tls11) "use TLS 1.1" , Option [] ["tls12"] (NoArg Tls12) "use TLS 1.2" , Option [] ["tls13"] (NoArg Tls13) "use TLS 1.3 (default)" , Option [] ["bogocipher"] (ReqArg BogusCipher "cipher-id") "add a bogus cipher id for testing" , Option ['x'] ["no-version-downgrade"] (NoArg NoVersionDowngrade) "do not allow version downgrade" , Option [] ["uri"] (ReqArg Uri "URI") "optional URI requested by default /" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "request help" , Option [] ["bench-send"] (NoArg BenchSend) "benchmark send path. only with compatible server" , Option [] ["bench-recv"] (NoArg BenchRecv) "benchmark recv path. only with compatible server" , Option [] ["bench-data"] (ReqArg BenchData "amount") "amount of data to benchmark with" , Option [] ["use-cipher"] (ReqArg UseCipher "cipher-id") "use a specific cipher" , Option [] ["list-ciphers"] (NoArg ListCiphers) "list all ciphers supported and exit" , Option [] ["list-groups"] (NoArg ListGroups) "list all groups supported and exit" , Option [] ["debug-seed"] (ReqArg DebugSeed "debug-seed") "debug: set a specific seed for randomness" , Option [] ["debug-print-seed"] (NoArg DebugPrintSeed) "debug: set a specific seed for randomness" ] noSession = Nothing runOn (sStorage, certStore) flags port hostname | BenchSend `elem` flags = runBench True | BenchRecv `elem` flags = runBench False | otherwise = do certCredRequest <- getCredRequest doTLS certCredRequest noSession Nothing `E.catch` \(SomeException e) -> print e when (Session `elem` flags) $ do putStrLn "\nResuming the session..." session <- readIORef sStorage earlyData <- case getInput of Nothing -> return Nothing Just i -> Just <$> B.readFile i doTLS certCredRequest (Just session) earlyData `E.catch` \(SomeException e) -> print e where runBench isSend = runTLS (Debug `elem` flags) (IODebug `elem` flags) (getDefaultParams flags hostname certStore sStorage Nothing noSession Nothing) hostname port $ \ctx -> do handshake ctx if isSend then loopSendData getBenchAmount ctx else loopRecvData getBenchAmount ctx bye ctx where dataSend = BC.replicate 4096 'a' loopSendData bytes ctx | bytes <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do sendData ctx $ LC.fromChunks [(if bytes > B.length dataSend then dataSend else BC.take bytes dataSend)] loopSendData (bytes - B.length dataSend) ctx loopRecvData bytes ctx | bytes <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do d <- recvData ctx loopRecvData (bytes - B.length d) ctx doTLS certCredRequest sess earlyData = E.bracket setup teardown $ \out -> do let query = LC.pack ( "GET " ++ findURI flags ++ (if Http11 `elem` flags then (" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " ++ hostname) else " HTTP/1.0") ++ userAgent ++ "\r\n\r\n") when (Verbose `elem` flags) (putStrLn "sending query:" >> LC.putStrLn query >> putStrLn "") runTLS (Debug `elem` flags) (IODebug `elem` flags) (getDefaultParams flags hostname certStore sStorage certCredRequest sess earlyData) hostname port $ \ctx -> do handshake ctx when (Verbose `elem` flags) $ printHandshakeInfo ctx case earlyData of Just edata -> do minfo <- contextGetInformation ctx case minfo of Nothing -> return () -- what should we do? Just info -> unless (infoIsEarlyDataAccepted info) $ do putStrLn "Resending 0RTT data ..." sendData ctx $ LC.fromStrict edata _ -> return () sendData ctx $ query loopRecv out ctx when (UpdateKey `elem` flags) $ do _tls13 <- updateKey ctx TwoWay sendData ctx $ query loopRecv out ctx bye ctx `E.catch` \(SomeException e) -> putStrLn $ "bye failed: " ++ show e return () setup = maybe (return stdout) (flip openFile AppendMode) getOutput teardown out = when (isJust getOutput) $ hClose out loopRecv out ctx = do d <- timeout (timeoutMs * 1000) (recvData ctx) -- 2s per recv case d of Nothing -> when (Debug `elem` flags) (hPutStrLn stderr "timeout") >> return () Just b | BC.null b -> return () | otherwise -> BC.hPutStrLn out b >> loopRecv out ctx getCredRequest = case clientCert of Nothing -> return Nothing Just s -> case break (== ':') s of (_ ,"") -> error "wrong format for client-cert, expecting 'cert-file:key-file'" (cert,':':key) -> do ecred <- credentialLoadX509 cert key case ecred of Left err -> error ("cannot load client certificate: " ++ err) Right cred -> do let certRequest _ = return $ Just cred return $ Just certRequest (_ ,_) -> error "wrong format for client-cert, expecting 'cert-file:key-file'" findURI [] = "/" findURI (Uri u:_) = u findURI (_:xs) = findURI xs userAgent = maybe "" (\s -> "\r\nUser-Agent: " ++ s) mUserAgent mUserAgent = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (UserAgent ua) = Just ua f acc _ = acc getInput = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Input i) = Just i f acc _ = acc getOutput = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Output o) = Just o f acc _ = acc timeoutMs = foldl f defaultTimeout flags where f _ (Timeout t) = read t f acc _ = acc clientCert = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (ClientCert c) = Just c f acc _ = acc getBenchAmount = foldl f defaultBenchAmount flags where f acc (BenchData am) = case readNumber am of Nothing -> acc Just i -> i f acc _ = acc getTrustAnchors flags = getCertificateStore (foldr getPaths [] flags) where getPaths (TrustAnchor path) acc = path : acc getPaths _ acc = acc printUsage = putStrLn $ usageInfo "usage: simpleclient [opts] [port]\n\n\t(port default to: 443)\noptions:\n" options main = do args <- getArgs let (opts,other,errs) = getOpt Permute options args when (not $ null errs) $ do putStrLn $ show errs exitFailure when (Help `elem` opts) $ do printUsage exitSuccess when (ListCiphers `elem` opts) $ do printCiphers exitSuccess when (ListGroups `elem` opts) $ do printGroups exitSuccess certStore <- getTrustAnchors opts sStorage <- newIORef (error "storage ioref undefined") case other of [hostname] -> runOn (sStorage, certStore) opts 443 hostname [hostname,port] -> runOn (sStorage, certStore) opts (fromInteger $ read port) hostname _ -> printUsage >> exitFailure