{- TooManyCells.MakeTree.ClusterPeaks Gregory W. Schwartz Collects functions pertaining to printing cluster fragments and obtaining peaks per cluster. -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module TooManyCells.Peaks.ClusterPeaks ( saveClusterFragments , peakCallFiles ) where -- Remote import BirchBeer.Types (Cluster (..), Label, LabelMap (..), Id (..)) import Codec.Compression.GZip (compress, decompress) import Control.Concurrent.Async.Pool (withTaskGroup, mapTasks) import Control.Monad (unless, when, void) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT, MaybeT (..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT, MonadResource) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, isNothing, isJust, fromJust) import Data.Streaming.Zlib (WindowBits (..)) import Data.Tuple (swap) import GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities) import Safe (headMay, atMay) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile) import System.Process (callCommand) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import TextShow (showt) import Turtle import Turtle.Line import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import qualified Streaming.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap import qualified Data.IntSet as ISet import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Text.Printf as TP import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Streaming as S import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S import qualified System.Directory as FP import qualified System.FilePath as FP import qualified Filesystem.Path as FSP import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Turtle.Bytes as TB -- Local import TooManyCells.File.Types import TooManyCells.MakeTree.Types import TooManyCells.Matrix.Types import TooManyCells.Matrix.Utility import TooManyCells.Peaks.Types -- | External sort fragment file. externalFragmentsSort :: IO.FilePath -> IO () externalFragmentsSort file = void . callCommand $ TP.printf "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -o %s %s" file file -- | External sort compressed fragment file. externalCompressedFragmentsSort :: IO.FilePath -> IO () externalCompressedFragmentsSort file = do void . callCommand $ TP.printf "gzip -d %s" file void . callCommand $ TP.printf "cat %s | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | gzip -c > %s" (FP.dropExtension file) file void . callCommand $ TP.printf "rm %s" (FP.dropExtension file) -- | Get cluster fragment sizes from a split stream. getClusterTotalMap :: (MonadResource m) => HMap.HashMap T.Text [Int] -> S.Stream (S.Of [T.Text]) m r -> m (IMap.IntMap Double) getClusterTotalMap cellClusterMap = S.fold_ (\acc x -> IMap.insertWith (+) x 1 acc) mempty id . S.concat . S.mapMaybe getCluster where getCluster :: [T.Text] -> Maybe [Int] getCluster row = atMay row 3 >>= flip HMap.lookup cellClusterMap -- | Get the genome coverage bedgraph. toGenomecov :: GenomecovCommand -> GenomeFile -> IMap.IntMap Double -> IO.FilePath -> IO.FilePath -> IO (Maybe ()) toGenomecov (GenomecovCommand gcc) (GenomeFile gf) clusterTotalMap outputPath file = runMaybeT $ do output <- MaybeT . return . fmap ((FP.) outputPath . (<> "_cov.bdg")) . headMay . splitOn "." . FP.takeFileName $ file wigOut <- MaybeT . return . fmap ((FP.) outputPath . (<> "_cov.bw")) . headMay . splitOn "." . FP.takeFileName $ file cluster <- MaybeT . return $ readMaybe =<< (flip atMay 1 . splitOn "_" . FP.takeFileName $ file) scale <- MaybeT . return . fmap (1000000 /) $ IMap.lookup cluster clusterTotalMap _ <- MaybeT . fmap Just $ externalCompressedFragmentsSort file _ <- MaybeT . fmap Just . callCommand $ TP.printf gcc file gf scale output -- _ <- MaybeT . fmap Just $ externalFragmentsSort output -- Removing as sorting ruins track line _ <- MaybeT . fmap Just . callCommand $ TP.printf "bedGraphToBigWig %s %s %s" output gf wigOut return () -- | Write the line of the Fragment or BedGraph file, depending on -- normalization. writeLine :: (MonadResource m) => HMap.HashMap T.Text [Int] -> ClusterHandleMap -> [T.Text] -> m (Maybe ()) writeLine cellClusterMap (ClusterHandleMap chm) all@(chrom:start:end:barcode:duplicateCount:_) = S.liftIO . runMaybeT $ do clusters <- MaybeT . return $ HMap.lookup barcode cellClusterMap let outputRow = compress . flip B.append "\n" . B.intercalate "\t" $ fmap (B.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8) all write :: Int -> MaybeT IO () write c = do h <- MaybeT . return $ IMap.lookup c chm MaybeT . fmap Just $ B.hPutStr h outputRow -- Fragment file mapM_ write clusters -- writeLine (Just ctm) cellClusterMap outputPath all@(chrom:start:end:barcode:_:_) = S.liftIO . runMaybeT $ do -- cluster <- MaybeT . return $ HMap.lookup barcode cellClusterMap -- clusterSize <- MaybeT . return $ IMap.lookup cluster ctm -- let val = (1 / clusterSize) * 1000000 -- per million -- file = outputPath FP. T.unpack ("cluster_" <> showt cluster <> "_fragments.bdg") -- -- Write header if file does not exist. -- outputPathExists <- MaybeT . fmap Just $ FP.doesFileExist file -- MaybeT . fmap Just . unless outputPathExists $ -- B.appendFile file -- . B.fromStrict -- . T.encodeUtf8 -- $ "track type=bedGraph name=" <> "cluster_" <> showt cluster <> "\n" -- -- BedGraph file -- MaybeT -- . fmap Just -- . B.appendFile file -- . B.intercalate "\t" -- $ (fmap (B.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8) [chrom, start, end, showt val]) -- <> ["\n"] writeLine _ _ xs = error $ "writeLine: Unexpected number of columns, did you use the fragments.tsv.gz 10x format? Input: " <> show xs -- | Get cluster handle map to have several handles open. getClusterHandleMap :: IO.FilePath -> [Int] -> IO ClusterHandleMap getClusterHandleMap outputPath = fmap (ClusterHandleMap . IMap.fromList) . mapM (\x -> IO.openBinaryFile (getFileName x) IO.AppendMode >>= return . (x,)) where getFileName cluster = outputPath FP. T.unpack ("cluster_" <> showt cluster <> "_fragments.tsv.gz") -- | Get the list of cluster output files. getClusterFiles :: IO.FilePath -> [Int] -> [IO.FilePath] getClusterFiles outputPath = fmap getFileName where getFileName cluster = outputPath FP. T.unpack ("cluster_" <> showt cluster <> "_fragments.tsv.gz") -- | Save the fragments per cluster. Loads in the original fragments file to -- stream out cluster specific fragments. saveClusterFragments :: OutputDirectory -> BedGraphFlag -> GenomeFile -> GenomecovCommand -> Maybe LabelMap -> AllNodesFlag -> PeakNodes -> PeakNodesLabels -> ClusterResults -> Either MatrixFileType MatrixFileType -> IO () saveClusterFragments output (BedGraphFlag bgf) genome gcc lm (AllNodesFlag anf) (PeakNodes pkns) (PeakNodesLabels pknls) cr (Left (CompressedFragments (FragmentsFile file))) = do -- Where to place output files let outputPath = unOutputDirectory output FP. "cluster_fragments" restartDir outputPath -- Check for occurrence of label map. when (isNothing lm && (not $ IMap.null pknls)) $ hPutStrLn IO.stderr "--labels-file argument required for --peak-node-labels. Ignoring filter ..." let checkLabel :: CellInfo -> Int -> Maybe Bool checkLabel cellInfo cluster = do validLabs <- IMap.lookup cluster pknls label <- join $ fmap ( Map.lookup (Id . unCell $ L.view barcode cellInfo) . unLabelMap ) lm return $ Set.member label validLabs clusterAssocList = fmap (\ (!cellInfo, !c) -> ( unCell $ _barcode cellInfo , bool (filter (fromMaybe True . checkLabel cellInfo)) id (IMap.null pknls) -- Specific node label selection. . bool (filter (flip ISet.member pkns)) id (ISet.null pkns) -- Specific node selection. . fmap unCluster $ bool (take 1 c) c anf ) ) . _clusterList $ cr cellClusterMap :: HMap.HashMap T.Text [Int] cellClusterMap = HMap.fromList clusterAssocList processedStream = S.map (T.splitOn "\t") . S.filter ((/=) (Just '#') . fmap fst . T.uncons) -- No commented . S.map T.decodeUtf8 . S.mapped BS.toStrict . BS.lines . decompressStreamAll (WindowBits 31) -- For gunzip . BS.readFile $ file clusters = Set.toList . Set.fromList . mconcat . HMap.elems $ cellClusterMap -- Open the cluster file handles. clusterHandleMap <- getClusterHandleMap outputPath clusters hPutStrLn IO.stderr "Streaming fragments to cluster fragment files ..." -- Stream in file for fragments. runResourceT . S.effects . S.mapMaybeM (writeLine cellClusterMap clusterHandleMap) . S.filter (maybe False (not . T.null) . headMay) $ processedStream hPutStrLn IO.stderr "Closing cluster fragment files ..." -- Close the cluster file handles. mapM_ IO.hClose . unClusterHandleMap $ clusterHandleMap -- Sort cluster files. hPutStrLn IO.stderr "Sorting cluster fragment files ..." mapM_ externalCompressedFragmentsSort . getClusterFiles outputPath $ clusters -- Stream in file for bedgraph. when bgf $ do hPutStrLn IO.stderr "Creating bedgraphs ..." let bedPath = unOutputDirectory output FP. "cluster_bedgraphs" restartDir bedPath clusterTotalMap <- runResourceT . getClusterTotalMap cellClusterMap $ processedStream files <- fmap (fmap (outputPath FP.)) . FP.listDirectory $ outputPath cores <- getNumCapabilities withTaskGroup cores $ \workers -> void . mapTasks workers . fmap (toGenomecov gcc genome clusterTotalMap bedPath) $ files -- mapTasks_ not working -- runResourceT -- . S.effects -- . S.mapMaybeM (writeLine (Just clusterTotalMap) cellClusterMap bedPath) -- $ processedStream saveClusterFragments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "saveClusterFragments: Does not supported this matrix type. See too-many-cells -h for each entry point for more information" -- | Run the specified command on a file. Command should have \"%s\" where the -- output file and then input file (order is important) should be. -- For instance: `command --output %s --other --args --input %s`. peakCallFile :: PeakCommand -> GenomeFile -> IO.FilePath -> IO.FilePath -> IO IO.FilePath peakCallFile (PeakCommand c) (GenomeFile gf) outputDir file = withSystemTempFile "temp_fragments.tsv" $ \temp h -> do let output = (FP.) outputDir . intercalate ("_") . (<> ["peaks"]) . take 1 . splitOn "_fragments.tsv.gz" . FP.takeFileName $ file wigIn = output FP. (name <> "_treat_pileup.bdg") wigOut = output FP. (name <> "_treat_pileup.bw") name = fromMaybe (error "peakCallFile: Bad file name for fragments.") . headMay . splitOn "_fragments.tsv.gz" . FP.takeFileName $ file B.readFile file >>= B.hPut h . decompress >> IO.hClose h -- Decompress file in temporary directory _ <- callCommand $ TP.printf c temp name output _ <- externalFragmentsSort wigIn -- _ <- callCommand $ TP.printf "bedGraphToBigWig %s %s %s" wigIn gf wigOut return $ output FP. (name <> "_peaks.narrowPeak") -- | Convert between filepaths. toTurtleFile :: IO.FilePath -> Turtle.FilePath toTurtleFile = Turtle.fromText . T.pack -- | Convert narrowPeak to bdg format. narrowPeakToBdg :: Turtle.FilePath -> IO Turtle.FilePath narrowPeakToBdg file = do let outFile = FSP.replaceExtension file "bdg" sh $ output outFile . fmap fromJust . mfilter isJust . fmap ( join . fmap (textToLine . T.intercalate "\t") . (\xs -> mapM (atMay xs) [0, 1, 2, 4]) . T.splitOn "\t" . lineToText ) . input $ file return outFile -- | Return the union of peaks from all requested nodes. unionPeaks :: OutputDirectory -> [IO.FilePath] -> IO IO.FilePath unionPeaks (OutputDirectory path) files = do let outputPath = toTurtleFile $ path outputFile = outputPath Turtle. "union.bdg" union [x] _ = input x union xs stdin = inproc "bedtools" (["unionbedg", "-i"] <> fmap (format fp) xs) stdin bdgFiles <- mapM (narrowPeakToBdg . Turtle.fromText . T.pack) files sh $ do mktree outputPath output outputFile . inproc "bedtools" ["merge", "-i", "stdin"] . union bdgFiles $ mempty return . T.unpack . format fp $ outputFile -- | Return the original fragments file with unioned peaks. unionPeaksFragments :: OutputDirectory -> IO.FilePath -> [Either MatrixFileType MatrixFileType] -> IO () unionPeaksFragments (OutputDirectory path) unionFile files = sh $ do let outputFile = toTurtleFile $ path FP. "union_fragments.tsv.gz" getInputFile (Left (CompressedFragments (FragmentsFile file))) = file getInputFile _ = error "unionPeaksFragments: Does not supported this matrix type. See too-many-cells -h for each entry point for more information" TB.output outputFile . TB.compress 6 (TB.WindowBits 31) . TB.fromUTF8 . fmap ( flip T.append "\n" . T.intercalate "\t" . fromMaybe (error "unionPeaksFragments: Not enough columns.") . (\xs -> mapM (atMay xs) [0, 1, 2, 6, 7]) . T.splitOn "\t" . lineToText ) . inproc "bedtools" ( ["intersect", "-wa", "-wb", "-a", T.pack unionFile, "-b"] <> fmap (T.pack . getInputFile) files ) $ mempty -- | Run a specified command on all cluster files asynchronously. peakCallFiles :: PeakCommand -> GenomeFile -> OutputDirectory -> [Either MatrixFileType MatrixFileType] -> IO () peakCallFiles pc gf (OutputDirectory path) fragmentsFiles = do let output = path FP. "cluster_peaks" fragmentsPath = path FP. "cluster_fragments" restartDir output files <- fmap (fmap (fragmentsPath FP.)) . FP.listDirectory $ fragmentsPath cores <- getNumCapabilities peakFiles <- withTaskGroup cores $ \workers -> mapTasks workers . fmap (peakCallFile pc gf output) $ files -- mapTasks_ not working unionFile <- unionPeaks (OutputDirectory output) peakFiles unionPeaksFragments (OutputDirectory output) unionFile fragmentsFiles -- | Delete a directory if it exists. restartDir :: IO.FilePath -> IO () restartDir dir = do dirExists <- FP.doesDirectoryExist dir when dirExists $ FP.removeDirectoryRecursive dir FP.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir return () -- -- | Filter a BED file by labels. -- labelFilterBed :: LabelMap -- -> Set.Set Label -- -> Either MatrixFileType MatrixFileType -- -> FP.FilePath -- -> IO FP.FilePath -- labelFilterBed lm labels (Left (CompressedFragments (FragmentsFile file))) inFile = sh $ do -- let validCells = Set.fromList -- . fmap fst -- . filter (flip Set.member labels . snd) -- . Map.toAscList -- . unLabelMap -- $ lm -- out <- mktempfile ".temp" "temp.bed" -- output out -- . inproc "bedtools" ["intersect", "-a", "stdin", "-b", inFile] -- . mfilter (maybe False (flip Set.member validCells) . atMay 3 . T.splitOn "\t") -- . toLines -- . TB.decompress (WindowBits 31) -- . TB.input -- $ file