name: total-maps version: synopsis: Dense and sparse total maps. description: Total maps are maps that contain a value for every key. This library provides various flavors of total maps. . Dense maps store values for all keys. Sparse maps store a default value and the values which differ from the default. Sparse maps trade the lack of Traversable for a very fast Foldable instance (if the data is really sparse). . Bounded maps require the key type to be enumerable and bounded (have a finite number of values) for most of their functionality. Subset maps do not require the key to be bounded, instead they are parametized by a finite set of valid keys. The key subset is retrieved with help of the excellent 'reflection' library. . The Data.Total.Array modules provide total map implementations based on vectors. It should usually be faster then Maps, unless you need to adjust single elements. . Maps in this library provide most of their functions in typeclasses and so the modules are designed to be imported unqualified. license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Paweł Nowak maintainer: copyright: 2015 Paweł Nowak category: Data,Data Structures,Containers build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 library exposed-modules: Data.Total.Subset Data.Total.Map Data.Total.Map.Subset Data.Total.Map.Sparse Data.Total.Array Data.Total.Array.Subset Data.Total.Internal.SparseFold default-extensions: FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, AutoDeriveTypeable build-depends: base <5, containers >=0.3 && <1, reflection == 1.*, keys ==3.*, linear >=1.1 && <2, bytes >=0.2 && <1, distributive ==0.*, adjunctions ==4.*, semigroups ==0.*, vector >=0.10 && <1 hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010