local logger = require("lapis.logging") local url = require("socket.url") local session = require("lapis.session") local Router do local _obj_0 = require("lapis.router") Router = _obj_0.Router end local html_writer do local _obj_0 = require("lapis.html") html_writer = _obj_0.html_writer end local parse_cookie_string, to_json, build_url, auto_table do local _obj_0 = require("lapis.util") parse_cookie_string, to_json, build_url, auto_table = _obj_0.parse_cookie_string, _obj_0.to_json, _obj_0.build_url, _obj_0.auto_table end local insert do local _obj_0 = table insert = _obj_0.insert end local json = require("cjson") local capture_errors, capture_errors_json, respond_to local set_and_truthy set_and_truthy = function(val, default) if default == nil then default = true end if val == nil then return default end return val end local run_before_filter run_before_filter = function(filter, r) local _write = r.write local written = false r.write = function(...) written = true return _write(...) end filter(r) r.write = nil return written end local Request do local _base_0 = { add_params = function(self, params, name) self[name] = params for k, v in pairs(params) do do local front = k:match("^([^%[]+)%[") if front then local curr = self.params for match in k:gmatch("%[(.-)%]") do local new = curr[front] if new == nil then new = { } curr[front] = new end curr = new front = match end curr[front] = v else self.params[k] = v end end end end, render = function(self, opts) if opts == nil then opts = false end if opts then self.options = opts end session.write_session(self) self:write_cookies() if self.options.status then self.res.status = self.options.status end do local obj = self.options.json if obj then self.res.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" self.res.content = to_json(obj) return end end do local ct = self.options.content_type if ct then self.res.headers["Content-Type"] = ct end end if not self.res.headers["Content-Type"] then self.res.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html" end do local redirect_url = self.options.redirect_to if redirect_url then if redirect_url:match("^/") then redirect_url = self:build_url(redirect_url) end self.res:add_header("Location", redirect_url) self.res.status = self.res.status or 302 return "" end end local has_layout = self.app.layout and set_and_truthy(self.options.layout, true) if has_layout then self.layout_opts = { inner = nil } end local widget = self.options.render if widget == true then widget = self.route_name end if widget then if type(widget) == "string" then widget = require(tostring(self.app.views_prefix) .. "." .. tostring(widget)) end local view = widget(self.options.locals) if self.layout_opts then self.layout_opts.view_widget = view end view:include_helper(self) self:write(view) end if has_layout then local inner = self.buffer self.buffer = { } local layout_path = self.options.layout local layout_cls if type(layout_path) == "string" then layout_cls = require(tostring(self.app.views_prefix) .. "." .. tostring(layout_path)) else layout_cls = self.app.layout end self.layout_opts.inner = self.layout_opts.inner or function() return raw(inner) end local layout = layout_cls(self.layout_opts) layout:include_helper(self) layout:render(self.buffer) end if next(self.buffer) then local content = table.concat(self.buffer) if self.res.content then self.res.content = self.res.content .. content else self.res.content = content end end end, html = function(self, fn) return html_writer(fn) end, url_for = function(self, first, ...) if type(first) == "table" then return self.app.router:url_for(first:url_params(self, ...)) else return self.app.router:url_for(first, ...) end end, build_url = function(self, path, options) if path and path:match("^%a+:") then return path end local parsed do local _tbl_0 = { } for k, v in pairs(self.req.parsed_url) do _tbl_0[k] = v end parsed = _tbl_0 end parsed.query = nil if path then local _path, query = path:match("^(.-)%?(.*)$") path = _path or path parsed.query = query end parsed.path = path if parsed.port == "80" then parsed.port = nil end if options then for k, v in pairs(options) do parsed[k] = v end end return build_url(parsed) end, write = function(self, ...) local _list_0 = { ... } for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local thing = _list_0[_index_0] local t = type(thing) if t == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(thing) if mt and mt.__call then t = "function" end end local _exp_0 = t if "string" == _exp_0 then insert(self.buffer, thing) elseif "table" == _exp_0 then for k, v in pairs(thing) do if type(k) == "string" then self.options[k] = v else self:write(v) end end elseif "function" == _exp_0 then self:write(thing(self.buffer)) elseif "nil" == _exp_0 then local _ = nil else error("Don't know how to write: (" .. tostring(t) .. ") " .. tostring(thing)) end end end, write_cookies = function(self) if not (next(self.cookies)) then return end local extra = self.app.cookie_attributes if extra then extra = "; " .. table.concat(self.app.cookie_attributes, "; ") end for k, v in pairs(self.cookies) do local cookie = tostring(url.escape(k)) .. "=" .. tostring(url.escape(v)) .. "; Path=/; HttpOnly" if extra then cookie = cookie .. extra end self.res:add_header("Set-Cookie", cookie) end end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 local _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, app, req, res) self.app, self.req, self.res = app, req, res self.buffer = { } self.params = { } self.options = { } self.cookies = auto_table(function() return parse_cookie_string(self.req.headers.cookie) end) self.session = session.lazy_session(self) end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Request" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Request = _class_0 end local Application do local _base_0 = { Request = Request, layout = require("lapis.views.layout"), error_page = require("lapis.views.error"), views_prefix = "views", enable = function(self, feature) local fn = require("lapis.features." .. tostring(feature)) if type(fn) == "function" then return fn(self) end end, match = function(self, route_name, path, handler) if handler == nil then handler = path path = route_name route_name = nil end self.ordered_routes = self.ordered_routes or { } local key if route_name then local tuple = self.ordered_routes[route_name] do local old_path = tuple and tuple[next(tuple)] if old_path then if old_path ~= path then error("named route mismatch (" .. tostring(old_path) .. " != " .. tostring(path) .. ")") end end end if tuple then key = tuple else tuple = { [route_name] = path } self.ordered_routes[route_name] = tuple key = tuple end else key = path end if not (self[key]) then insert(self.ordered_routes, key) end self[key] = handler self.router = nil return handler end, build_router = function(self) self.router = Router() self.router.default_route = function(self) return false end local add_route add_route = function(path, handler) local t = type(path) if t == "table" or t == "string" and path:match("^/") then return self.router:add_route(path, self:wrap_handler(handler)) end end local add_routes add_routes = function(cls) for path, handler in pairs(cls.__base) do add_route(path, handler) end do local ordered = self.ordered_routes if ordered then for _index_0 = 1, #ordered do local path = ordered[_index_0] add_route(path, self[path]) end else for path, handler in pairs(self) do add_route(path, handler) end end end do local parent = cls.__parent if parent then return add_routes(parent) end end end return add_routes(self.__class) end, wrap_handler = function(self, handler) return function(params, path, name, r) do local _with_0 = r _with_0.route_name = name _with_0:add_params(r.req.params_get, "GET") _with_0:add_params(r.req.params_post, "POST") _with_0:add_params(params, "url_params") if self.before_filters then local _list_0 = self.before_filters for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local filter = _list_0[_index_0] if run_before_filter(filter, r) then return r end end end _with_0:write(handler(r)) return _with_0 end end end, dispatch = function(self, req, res) local err, trace, r local success = xpcall((function() r = self.Request(self, req, res) if not (self.router:resolve(req.parsed_url.path, r)) then local handler = self:wrap_handler(self.default_route) handler({ }, nil, "default_route", r) end r:render() return logger.request(r) end), function(_err) err = _err trace = debug.traceback("", 2) end) if not (success) then self.handle_error(r, err, trace) end return res end, serve = function(self) end, default_route = function(self) if self.req.parsed_url.path:match("./$") then local stripped = self.req.parsed_url.path:match("^(.+)/+$") return { redirect_to = self:build_url(stripped, { query = self.req.parsed_url.query }), status = 301 } else return self.app.handle_404(self) end end, handle_404 = function(self) return error("Failed to find route: " .. tostring(self.req.cmd_url)) end, handle_error = function(self, err, trace, error_page) if error_page == nil then error_page = self.app.error_page end local r = self.app.Request(self, self.req, self.res) r:write({ status = 500, layout = false, content_type = "text/html", error_page({ status = 500, err = err, trace = trace }) }) r:render() logger.request(r) return r end } _base_0.__index = _base_0 local _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self) return self:build_router() end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Application" }, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 local self = _class_0 self.find_action = function(self, name) self._named_route_cache = self._named_route_cache or { } local route = self._named_route_cache[name] if not (route) then for app_route in pairs(self.__base) do if type(app_route) == "table" then local app_route_name = next(app_route) self._named_route_cache[app_route_name] = app_route if app_route_name == name then route = app_route end end end end return route and self[route], route end local _list_0 = { "get", "post", "delete", "put" } for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local meth = _list_0[_index_0] local upper_meth = meth:upper() self.__base[meth] = function(self, route_name, path, handler) if handler == nil then handler = path path = route_name route_name = nil end self.responders = self.responders or { } local existing = self.responders[route_name or path] local tbl = { [upper_meth] = handler } if existing then setmetatable(tbl, { __index = function(self, key) if key:match("%u") then return existing end end }) end local responder = respond_to(tbl) self.responders[route_name or path] = responder return self:match(route_name, path, responder) end end self.before_filter = function(self, fn) self.__base.before_filters = self.__base.before_filters or { } return insert(self.before_filters, fn) end self.include = function(self, other_app, opts, into) if into == nil then into = self.__base end if type(other_app) == "string" then other_app = require(other_app) end local path_prefix = opts and opts.path or other_app.path local name_prefix = opts and opts.name or other_app.name for path, action in pairs(other_app.__base) do local _continue_0 = false repeat local t = type(path) if t == "table" then if path_prefix then local name = next(path) path[name] = path_prefix .. path[name] end if name_prefix then local name = next(path) path[name_prefix .. name] = path[name] path[name] = nil end elseif t == "string" and path:match("^/") then if path_prefix then path = path_prefix .. path end else _continue_0 = true break end do local before_filters = other_app.before_filters if before_filters then local fn = action action = function(r) for _index_0 = 1, #before_filters do local filter = before_filters[_index_0] if run_before_filter(filter, r) then return end end return fn(r) end end end into[path] = action _continue_0 = true until true if not _continue_0 then break end end end Application = _class_0 end do local default_head default_head = function() return { layout = false } end respond_to = function(tbl) if not (tbl.HEAD) then tbl.HEAD = default_head end local out out = function(self) local fn = tbl[self.req.cmd_mth] if fn then do local before = tbl.before if before then if run_before_filter(before, self) then return end end end return fn(self) else return error("don't know how to respond to " .. tostring(self.req.cmd_mth)) end end do local error_response = tbl.on_error if error_response then out = capture_errors(out, error_response) end end return out, tbl end end local default_error_response default_error_response = function() return { render = true } end capture_errors = function(fn, error_response) if error_response == nil then error_response = default_error_response end if type(fn) == "table" then error_response = fn.on_error or error_response fn = fn[1] end return function(self, ...) local co = coroutine.create(fn) local out = { coroutine.resume(co, self) } if not (out[1]) then error(debug.traceback(co, out[2])) end if coroutine.status(co) == "suspended" then if out[2] == "error" then self.errors = out[3] return error_response(self) else return error("Unknown yield") end else return unpack(out, 2) end end end capture_errors_json = function(fn) return capture_errors(fn, function(self) return { json = { errors = self.errors } } end) end local yield_error yield_error = function(msg) return coroutine.yield("error", { msg }) end local assert_error assert_error = function(thing, msg, ...) if not (thing) then yield_error(msg) end return thing, msg, ... end local json_params json_params = function(fn) return function(self, ...) do local content_type = self.req.headers["content-type"] if content_type then if string.find(content_type:lower(), "application/json", nil, true) then local obj pcall(function() local err obj, err = json.decode(ngx.req.get_body_data()) end) if obj then self:add_params(obj, "json") end end end end return fn(self, ...) end end return { Request = Request, Application = Application, respond_to = respond_to, capture_errors = capture_errors, capture_errors_json = capture_errors_json, json_params = json_params, assert_error = assert_error, yield_error = yield_error }