Name: type-digits Version: 0.1 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Nicolas Frisby Maintainer: Nicolas Frisby Category: Type System Synopsis: /Arbitrary/ type-level digits Description: Arbitrary ype-level digits, for when the radix itself doesn't actually matter. It's currently base-128, because that seemed to best expedite the compilation of the modules using this package. Please let me know what you find if you experiment with this. 'Type.Digits.radix' is the (arbitrary) radix. 'Type.Digits.digit' computes the 'NameG' of a digit from its value (assuming its less than the radix). Combinators are provided to compute a full type-level numeral from values (potentially) larger than the radix. Cabal-Version: >= Build-Type: Simple Library Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, template-haskell Build-Depends: type-spine < 0.2, tagged-th < 0.2 Exposed-Modules: Type.Digits, Type.Digits.Aux