{- | Module : System.Posix.Recursive.Unsafe-- Copyright : (c) Marek Fajkus License : BSD3 Maintainer : marek.faj@gmail.com All modules profided by @unix-recursive@ expose similar API. Make sure you're using the module wich best fits your needs based on: * Working with 'RawFilePath' (faster and more packed) or 'FilePath' (slower but easier to work with safely) * Exception free (Default) or @Unsafe@ variants of functions = Usage This module is designed to be imported as @qualified@: > import qualified System.Posix.Recursive.Unsafe as PosixRecursive __Results__ All functions return will return root path (the one they accept in argument) as a first item in the list: > head <$> PosixRecursive.list "System" > >>> "System" Other than that, this library __provides no guarantees about the order in which files appear in the resulting list__ to make it possible to change the underlaying strategy in future versions. __Laziness__ All IO operations are __guaranteed to be lazy and have constanct space characteristic__. Only the IO required by lazy computation will be performed so for instance running code like: > take 20 <$> PosixRecursive.listDirectories "/" Will perform only minimal ammount of IO needed to collect 20 directories on a root partition -} module System.Posix.Recursive.Unsafe ( -- * Basic Listing -- $basic_listing list, followList, listMatching, followListMatching, -- * File Type Based Listing -- $type_based listDirectories, listRegularFiles, listSymbolicLinks, -- * Custom Listing -- $custom Conf (..), defConf, listCustom, ) where import Control.Exception (bracket) import Data.Foldable (fold) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) import qualified System.Posix.Directory as Posix import qualified System.Posix.Files as Posix import System.Posix.Recursive (Conf (..), defConf) -- Helpers foldMapA :: (Monoid b, Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f b foldMapA = (fmap fold .) . traverse {-# INLINE listDir #-} listDir :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listDir predicate path = bracket (Posix.openDirStream path) Posix.closeDirStream (go []) where go :: [FilePath] -> Posix.DirStream -> IO [FilePath] go acc dirp = do e <- Posix.readDirStream dirp if null e then pure acc else if e /= "." && e /= ".." then let fullPath = path <> "/" <> e in if predicate fullPath then go (fullPath : acc) dirp else go acc dirp else go acc dirp {- $basic_listing Functions for listing contents of directory recursively. These functions list all the content they encounter while traversing the file system tree including directories, files, symlinks, broken symlinks. __Functions from this module will throw 'IOError' if it can't open the directory__ (i.e. becacuse permission error or other process removing the given path). Functions from this section is gurantee to always return the root path as a first element even if this path does not exist. > PosixRecursive.list "i-dont-exist" > >>> ["i-dont-exist"] In these cases the root path is considered the same way as symlink to non existing location. -} {-# INLINE listAll' #-} listAll' :: Bool -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listAll' followSymlinks predicate path = do file <- getFileStatus path if Posix.isDirectory file then do content <- listDir predicate path next <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ foldMapA (listAll' followSymlinks predicate) content pure $ content ++ next else pure [] where {-# INLINE getFileStatus #-} getFileStatus | followSymlinks = Posix.getFileStatus | otherwise = Posix.getSymbolicLinkStatus {-# INLINE listAll'' #-} listAll'' :: Bool -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listAll'' followSymlinks predicate path = (path :) <$> listAll' followSymlinks predicate path -- | Like 'list' but uses provided function to test in which 'FilePath' to recurse into. listMatching :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listMatching = listAll'' False -- | Like 'followList' but uses provided function to test in which 'FilePath' to recurse into. followListMatching :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] followListMatching = listAll'' True {- | List all files, directories & symlinks recursively. Symlinks are not followed. See 'followList'. -} list :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] list = listAll'' False (const True) {- | List all files, directories & symlinks recursively. Unlike 'list', symlinks are followed recursively as well. -} followList :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] followList = listAll'' True (const True) {- $custom All /File Type Based Listing/ functions are based on top of this interface. This part of API exposes exposes access for writing custom filtering functions. All paths are tested for filter functions so unreadble files won't appear in the result list: > PosixRecursive.listCustom PosixRecursive.defConf "i-dont-exist" > >>> [] It's not possible to turn of this behaviour because this functions must get the 'FileStatus' type which requires reading each entry. -} {-# INLINE listAccessible' #-} listAccessible' :: Conf -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listAccessible' Conf{..} path = do file <- getFileStatus path next <- if Posix.isDirectory file then do content <- listDir filterPath path unsafeInterleaveIO $ foldMapA (listAccessible' Conf{..}) content else pure [] include <- includeFile file path if include then pure $ path : next else pure next where {-# INLINE getFileStatus #-} getFileStatus | followSymlinks = Posix.getFileStatus | otherwise = Posix.getSymbolicLinkStatus -- | Recursively list files using custom filters. listCustom :: Conf -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listCustom = listAccessible' {- $type_based Functions for listing specific file type. Reading the file type requires ability to read the file. __These functions will throw 'IOError' when tring to open unreadable file.__ Include test is applied even for the root entry (path past in as an argument). This means that non existing paths are filtered. > PosixRecursive.listDirectories "i-dont-exist" > >>> [] -} -- | List sub directories of given directory. listDirectories :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listDirectories = listAccessible' defConf{includeFile = \file _ -> pure $ Posix.isDirectory file} -- | Lists only files (while recursing into directories still). listRegularFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listRegularFiles = listAccessible' defConf{includeFile = \file _ -> pure $ Posix.isRegularFile file} -- | Lists only symbolic links (while recursing into directories still). listSymbolicLinks :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listSymbolicLinks = listAccessible' defConf{includeFile = \file _ -> pure $ Posix.isSymbolicLink file}