web-rep-0.1.3: representations of a web pag

Safe HaskellNone




repInput :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => Parser a -> (a -> Text) -> Input a -> a -> SharedRep m a Source #

create a sharedRep from an Input

repMessage :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => Parser a -> (a -> Text) -> Input a -> a -> a -> SharedRep m a Source #

does not put a value into the HashMap on instantiation, consumes the value when found in the HashMap, and substitutes a default on lookup failure

sliderI :: (Monad m, ToHtml a, Integral a, Show a) => Maybe Text -> a -> a -> a -> a -> SharedRep m a Source #

dropdown :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => Parser a -> (a -> Text) -> Maybe Text -> [Text] -> a -> SharedRep m a Source #

dropdownSum :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => Parser a -> (a -> Text) -> Maybe Text -> [Text] -> a -> SharedRep m a Source #

maybeRep :: Monad m => Maybe Text -> Bool -> SharedRep m a -> SharedRep m (Maybe a) Source #

represent a Maybe type using a checkbox hiding the underlying content on Nothing

fiddle :: Monad m => Concerns Text -> SharedRep m (Concerns Text, Bool) Source #

representation of web concerns (css, js & html)

viaFiddle :: Monad m => SharedRep m a -> SharedRep m (Bool, Concerns Text, a) Source #

turns a SharedRep into a fiddle