{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | -- Module : Crypto.Ethereum.Keyfile -- Copyright : Alexander Krupenkin 2018 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : mail@akru.me -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Ethereum Secret Storage implementation. -- Spec https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition. -- module Crypto.Ethereum.Keyfile ( -- * Encrypted Ethereum private key EncryptedKey(..) , Cipher(..) , Kdf(..) -- * Secret storage packers , decrypt , encrypt ) where import Crypto.Cipher.AES (AES128) import Crypto.Cipher.Types (IV, cipherInit, ctrCombine, makeIV) import Crypto.Error (throwCryptoError) import qualified Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2 as Pbkdf2 (Parameters (..), fastPBKDF2_SHA256) import qualified Crypto.KDF.Scrypt as Scrypt (Parameters (..), generate) import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom (getRandomBytes)) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value, object, withObject, (.:), (.=)) import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, convert) import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (drop, take, unpack) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.UUID.Types (UUID) import Data.UUID.Types.Internal (buildFromBytes) import Crypto.Ethereum.Utils (keccak256) import Data.ByteArray.HexString (HexString) -- | Key derivation function parameters and salt. data Kdf = Pbkdf2 !Pbkdf2.Parameters !HexString | Scrypt !Scrypt.Parameters !HexString -- | Cipher parameters. data Cipher = Aes128Ctr { cipherIv :: !(IV AES128) , cipherText :: !HexString } -- | Secret Storage representation on memory. data EncryptedKey = EncryptedKey { encryptedKeyId :: !UUID -- ^ Random key ID , encryptedKeyVersion :: !Int -- ^ Version (suppoted version 3 only) , encryptedKeyCipher :: !Cipher -- ^ Cipher (supported AES-128-CTR only) , encryptedKeyKdf :: !Kdf -- ^ Key derivation function , encryptedKeyMac :: !HexString -- ^ MAC } instance Eq EncryptedKey where a == b = encryptedKeyId a == encryptedKeyId b instance Show EncryptedKey where show EncryptedKey{..} = "EncryptedKey " ++ show encryptedKeyId instance FromJSON EncryptedKey where parseJSON = encryptedKeyParser instance ToJSON EncryptedKey where toJSON = encryptedKeyBuilder encryptedKeyBuilder :: EncryptedKey -> Value encryptedKeyBuilder EncryptedKey{..} = object [ "id" .= encryptedKeyId , "version" .= encryptedKeyVersion , "crypto" .= object [ "cipher" .= cipherName encryptedKeyCipher , "cipherparams" .= cipherParams encryptedKeyCipher , "ciphertext" .= cipherText encryptedKeyCipher , "kdf" .= kdfName encryptedKeyKdf , "kdfparams" .= kdfParams encryptedKeyKdf , "mac" .= encryptedKeyMac ] ] where cipherName :: Cipher -> Text cipherName Aes128Ctr{..} = "aes-128-ctr" cipherParams :: Cipher -> Value cipherParams Aes128Ctr{..} = object [ "iv" .= (convert cipherIv :: HexString) ] kdfName :: Kdf -> Text kdfName = \case Pbkdf2 _ _ -> "pbkdf2" Scrypt _ _ -> "scrypt" kdfParams :: Kdf -> Value kdfParams = \case Pbkdf2 params salt -> object [ "salt" .= salt , "dklen" .= Pbkdf2.outputLength params , "c" .= Pbkdf2.iterCounts params ] Scrypt params salt -> object [ "salt" .= salt , "dklen" .= Scrypt.outputLength params , "p" .= Scrypt.p params , "r" .= Scrypt.r params , "n" .= Scrypt.n params ] encryptedKeyParser :: Value -> Parser EncryptedKey encryptedKeyParser = withObject "EncryptedKey" $ \v -> do uuid <- v .: "id" version <- v .: "version" crypto <- v .: "crypto" cipher <- parseCipher crypto kdf <- parseKdf crypto mac <- withObject "Crypto" (.: "mac") crypto return $ EncryptedKey uuid version cipher kdf mac parseCipher :: Value -> Parser Cipher parseCipher = withObject "Cipher" $ \v -> do name <- v .: "cipher" case name :: Text of "aes-128-ctr" -> do params <- v .: "cipherparams" hexiv <- params .: "iv" text <- v .: "ciphertext" case makeIV (hexiv :: HexString) of Just iv -> return (Aes128Ctr iv text) Nothing -> fail $ "Unable to make IV from " ++ show hexiv _ -> fail $ show name ++ " not implemented yet" parseKdf :: Value -> Parser Kdf parseKdf = withObject "Kdf" $ \v -> do name <- v .: "kdf" params <- v .: "kdfparams" dklen <- params .: "dklen" salt <- params .: "salt" case name :: Text of "pbkdf2" -> do iterations <- params .: "c" prf <- params .: "prf" case prf :: Text of "hmac-sha256" -> return $ Pbkdf2 (Pbkdf2.Parameters iterations dklen) salt _ -> fail $ show prf ++ " not implemented yet" "scrypt" -> do p <- params .: "p" r <- params .: "r" n <- params .: "n" return $ Scrypt (Scrypt.Parameters n r p dklen) salt _ -> fail $ show name ++ " not implemented yet" defaultKdf :: HexString -> Kdf defaultKdf = Scrypt (Scrypt.Parameters n r p dklen) where dklen = 32 n = 262144 r = 1 p = 8 deriveKey :: (ByteArrayAccess password, ByteArray ba) => Kdf -> password -> ba deriveKey kdf password = case kdf of Pbkdf2 params salt -> Pbkdf2.fastPBKDF2_SHA256 params password salt Scrypt params salt -> Scrypt.generate params password salt -- | Decrypt Ethereum private key. -- -- Typically Web3 Secret Storage is JSON-encoded. 'EncryptedKey' data type has 'FromJSON' instance -- to helps decode it from JSON-encoded string or file. -- -- @ -- let decryptJSON pass = flip decrypt pass <=< decode -- @ -- decrypt :: (ByteArrayAccess password, ByteArray privateKey) => EncryptedKey -> password -> Maybe privateKey decrypt EncryptedKey{..} password | mac == encryptedKeyMac = Just (convert privateKey) | otherwise = Nothing where privateKey = ctrCombine cipher iv ciphertext cipher = throwCryptoError $ cipherInit (BA.take 16 derivedKey) :: AES128 derivedKey = deriveKey encryptedKeyKdf password ciphertext = cipherText encryptedKeyCipher mac = keccak256 (BA.drop 16 derivedKey <> ciphertext) iv = cipherIv encryptedKeyCipher -- | Encrypt Ethereum private key. -- -- @ -- let encryptJSON pass key = encode <$> encrypt key pass -- @ encrypt :: (ByteArray privateKey, ByteArrayAccess password, MonadRandom m) => privateKey -> password -> m EncryptedKey encrypt privateKey password = do kdf <- defaultKdf <$> getRandomBytes 16 iv <- randomIV let derivedKey = deriveKey kdf password cipher = throwCryptoError $ cipherInit (BA.take 16 derivedKey) :: AES128 ciphertext = ctrCombine cipher iv privateKey mac = keccak256 (BA.drop 16 derivedKey <> ciphertext) uuid <- randomUUID return $ EncryptedKey uuid 3 (Aes128Ctr iv $ convert ciphertext) kdf mac where randomUUID = do uuid <- getRandomBytes 16 let bs = BA.unpack (uuid :: HexString) return $ buildFromBytes 4 (head bs) (bs !! 1) (bs !! 2) (bs !! 3) (bs !! 4) (bs !! 5) (bs !! 6) (bs !! 7) (bs !! 8) (bs !! 9) (bs !! 10) (bs !! 11) (bs !! 12) (bs !! 13) (bs !! 14) (bs !! 15) randomIV = do iv <- getRandomBytes 16 return $ fromJust $ makeIV (iv :: HexString)