wumpus-drawing-0.6.0: High-level drawing objects built on Wumpus-Basic.

Stabilityhighly unstable




Alternative to the DrawingPrimitives module in Wumpus-Basic.

The drawing primitives here are either slightly higher level or less general (more quirky).

This module is expected to be imported qualified - other modules (e.g. shapes and paths) are likely to export conflicting names.


Monoid mappend

(<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> aSource

Alias for mappend in Monoid.

  <> (infixr 6)


hline :: InterpretUnit u => u -> LocGraphic uSource

Draw a horizontal line.

vline :: InterpretUnit u => u -> LocGraphic uSource

Draw a vertical line.

pivotLine :: (Floating u, InterpretUnit u) => u -> u -> Radian -> LocGraphic uSource

pivotLine : left_length * right_length * incline -> LocGraphic

Draw a pivot line. The start point is a pivot along the line, not the end. The left and right distances are the extension of the line from the pivot.

oStraightLines :: InterpretUnit u => [Point2 u] -> Graphic uSource

Draw an open path formed from straight line segments.

cStraightLines :: InterpretUnit u => DrawStyle -> [Point2 u] -> Graphic uSource

Draw an closed path formed from straight line segments.


blRectangle :: InterpretUnit u => DrawStyle -> u -> u -> LocGraphic uSource

Draw a rectangle, start point is bottom left.

ctrRectangle :: (Fractional u, InterpretUnit u) => DrawStyle -> u -> u -> LocGraphic uSource

Draw a rectangle, start point is bottom left.

Arc and wedge

arc :: (Floating u, InterpretUnit u) => u -> Radian -> LocThetaGraphic uSource

arc : radius * apex_angle

wedge :: (Floating u, InterpretUnit u) => DrawStyle -> u -> Radian -> LocThetaGraphic uSource

wedge : radius * apex_angle