# 0.5 * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE. `element` now returns `[Node]`. This makes the library safer. It's not possible to construct a malformed `Element` anymore using the names exported by the library. It is also ergonomic, since most functions with which you would want to use a manually constructed `Element` expect a `[Node]` anyway. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE. `element'` now returns `Either String Node`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE. `text` now returns `[Node]`. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE. Removed `IsString Node` instance. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE. Use lazy `Text` inside `Text` nodes. This improves `Text` concatenation performance, performed internally by `Xmlbf`, and makes more intelligent use of memory when dealing with long texts. * COMPILER ASSISTED BREAKING CHANGE. Removed `pRead`. You are encouraged to use `pFail` or `mzero` if you want to write a failing parser. * BREAKING CHANGE. `pText` now skips empty text nodes. * Added `node`. * Added `pFail`. * Added `text'`. * Added `pChildren`. * Added `pAnyElement`. * Added `pName`. * Added `NFData` instance for `Node`. * `encode` doesn't render self-closing tags anymore. Instead, each element has its corresponding closing tag. # 0.4.1 * Generalized type of `pRead`. # 0.4 * BREAKING CHANGE. `pElement` now skips leading whitespace before an element. * Fixed nested element parsing (#6) # 0.3 * BREAKING CHANGE. Renamed `df` and `dfM` to `dfpos` and `dfposM` respectively. * Added `dfpre` and `dfpreM`. * Improved `Show` instance for `Node`. * Added `element'`. # 0.2 * `Text` constructor hidden in favor of a `text` function plus a `Text` pattern synonym, just like with `element` and `Element`. * Documentation: Render `Element` pattern synonym. # 0.1 * First version.