{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wunused-imports #-} -- | Collecting fixity declarations (and polarity pragmas) for concrete -- declarations. module Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Fixity ( Fixities, Polarities, MonadFixityError(..) , DoWarn(..) , fixitiesAndPolarities ) where import Prelude hiding (null) import Control.Monad import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Agda.Syntax.Builtin (builtinById, isBuiltinNoDef) import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Concrete import Agda.Syntax.Position import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity.Occurrence (Occurrence) import Agda.Utils.CallStack (HasCallStack) import Agda.Utils.Functor import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1 import Agda.Utils.Null import Agda.Utils.Impossible type Fixities = Map Name Fixity' type Polarities = Map Name [Occurrence] class Monad m => MonadFixityError m where throwMultipleFixityDecls :: [(Name, [Fixity'])] -> m a throwMultiplePolarityPragmas :: [Name] -> m a warnUnknownNamesInFixityDecl :: HasCallStack => [Name] -> m () warnUnknownNamesInPolarityPragmas :: HasCallStack => [Name] -> m () warnUnknownFixityInMixfixDecl :: HasCallStack => [Name] -> m () warnPolarityPragmasButNotPostulates :: HasCallStack => [Name] -> m () -- | Add more fixities. Throw an exception for multiple fixity declarations. -- OR: Disjoint union of fixity maps. Throws exception if not disjoint. plusFixities :: MonadFixityError m => Fixities -> Fixities -> m Fixities plusFixities m1 m2 -- If maps are not disjoint, report conflicts as exception. | not (null isect) = throwMultipleFixityDecls isect -- Otherwise, do the union. | otherwise = return $ Map.unionWithKey mergeFixites m1 m2 where -- Merge two fixities, assuming there is no conflict mergeFixites name (Fixity' f1 s1 r1) (Fixity' f2 s2 r2) = Fixity' f s $ fuseRange r1 r2 where f | null f1 = f2 | null f2 = f1 | otherwise = __IMPOSSIBLE__ s | null s1 = s2 | null s2 = s1 | otherwise = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- Compute a list of conflicts in a format suitable for error reporting. isect = [ (x, map (Map.findWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ x) [m1,m2]) | (x, False) <- Map.assocs $ Map.intersectionWith compatible m1 m2 ] -- Check for no conflict. compatible (Fixity' f1 s1 _) (Fixity' f2 s2 _) = (null f1 || null f2) && (null s1 || null s2) -- | While 'Fixities' and Polarities are not semigroups under disjoint -- union (which might fail), we get a semigroup instance for the -- monadic @m (Fixities, Polarities)@ which propagates the first -- error. newtype MonadicFixPol m = MonadicFixPol { runMonadicFixPol :: m (Fixities, Polarities) } returnFix :: Monad m => Fixities -> MonadicFixPol m returnFix fx = MonadicFixPol $ return (fx, Map.empty) returnPol :: Monad m => Polarities -> MonadicFixPol m returnPol pol = MonadicFixPol $ return (Map.empty, pol) instance MonadFixityError m => Semigroup (MonadicFixPol m) where c1 <> c2 = MonadicFixPol $ do (f1, p1) <- runMonadicFixPol c1 (f2, p2) <- runMonadicFixPol c2 f <- plusFixities f1 f2 p <- mergePolarities p1 p2 return (f, p) where mergePolarities p1 p2 | Map.null i = return (Map.union p1 p2) | otherwise = throwMultiplePolarityPragmas $ map fst $ Map.toList i where -- Only the keys are used. i = Map.intersection p1 p2 instance MonadFixityError m => Monoid (MonadicFixPol m) where mempty = MonadicFixPol $ return (Map.empty, Map.empty) mappend = (<>) data DoWarn = NoWarn | DoWarn deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Get the fixities and polarity pragmas from the current block. -- Doesn't go inside modules and where blocks. -- The reason for this is that these declarations have to appear at the same -- level (or possibly outside an abstract or mutual block) as their target -- declaration. fixitiesAndPolarities :: MonadFixityError m => DoWarn -> [Declaration] -> m (Fixities, Polarities) fixitiesAndPolarities doWarn ds = do (fixs, pols) <- runMonadicFixPol $ fixitiesAndPolarities' ds let DeclaredNames declared postulates privateNames = foldMap declaredNames ds let publicNames = declared Set.\\ privateNames -- If we have names in fixity declarations which are not defined in the -- appropriate scope, raise a warning and delete them from fixs. fixs <- ifNull (Map.keysSet fixs Set.\\ declared) (return fixs) $ \ unknownFixs -> do when (doWarn == DoWarn) $ warnUnknownNamesInFixityDecl $ Set.toList unknownFixs -- Note: Data.Map.restrictKeys requires containers >= -- return $ Map.restrictKeys fixs declared return $ Map.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> Set.member k declared) fixs -- Same for undefined names in polarity declarations. pols <- ifNull (Map.keysSet pols Set.\\ declared) (return pols) $ \ unknownPols -> do when (doWarn == DoWarn) $ warnUnknownNamesInPolarityPragmas $ Set.toList unknownPols -- Note: Data.Map.restrictKeys requires containers >= -- return $ Map.restrictKeys polarities declared return $ Map.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> Set.member k declared) pols -- If we have public mixfix identifiers without a corresponding fixity -- declaration, we raise a warning ifNull (Set.filter isOpenMixfix publicNames Set.\\ Map.keysSet fixs) (return ()) $ when (doWarn == DoWarn) . warnUnknownFixityInMixfixDecl . Set.toList -- Check that every polarity pragma is used for a postulate. ifNull (Map.keysSet pols Set.\\ postulates) (return ()) $ when (doWarn == DoWarn) . warnPolarityPragmasButNotPostulates . Set.toList return (fixs, pols) fixitiesAndPolarities' :: MonadFixityError m => [Declaration] -> MonadicFixPol m fixitiesAndPolarities' = foldMap $ \case -- These declarations define polarities: Pragma (PolarityPragma _ x occs) -> returnPol $ Map.singleton x occs -- These declarations define fixities: Syntax x syn -> returnFix $ Map.singleton x (Fixity' noFixity syn $ getRange x) Infix f xs -> returnFix $ Map.fromList $ for (List1.toList xs) $ \ x -> (x, Fixity' f noNotation $ getRange x) -- We look into these blocks: Mutual _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' InterleavedMutual _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' Abstract _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' Private _ _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' InstanceB _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' Macro _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' Opaque _ ds' -> fixitiesAndPolarities' ds' -- All other declarations are ignored. -- We expand these boring cases to trigger a revisit -- in case the @Declaration@ type is extended in the future. TypeSig {} -> mempty FieldSig {} -> mempty Generalize {} -> mempty Field {} -> mempty FunClause {} -> mempty DataSig {} -> mempty DataDef {} -> mempty Data {} -> mempty RecordSig {} -> mempty RecordDef {} -> mempty Record {} -> mempty LoneConstructor {} -> mempty PatternSyn {} -> mempty Postulate {} -> mempty Primitive {} -> mempty Open {} -> mempty Import {} -> mempty ModuleMacro {} -> mempty Module {} -> mempty UnquoteDecl {} -> mempty UnquoteDef {} -> mempty UnquoteData {} -> mempty Pragma {} -> mempty Unfolding {} -> mempty data DeclaredNames = DeclaredNames { _allNames, _postulates, _privateNames :: Set Name } instance Semigroup DeclaredNames where DeclaredNames xs ps as <> DeclaredNames ys qs bs = DeclaredNames (xs <> ys) (ps <> qs) (as <> bs) instance Monoid DeclaredNames where mempty = DeclaredNames Set.empty Set.empty Set.empty mappend = (<>) allPostulates :: DeclaredNames -> DeclaredNames allPostulates (DeclaredNames xs ps as) = DeclaredNames xs (xs <> ps) as allPrivateNames :: DeclaredNames -> DeclaredNames allPrivateNames (DeclaredNames xs ps as) = DeclaredNames xs ps (xs <> as) declaresNames :: [Name] -> DeclaredNames declaresNames xs = DeclaredNames (Set.fromList xs) Set.empty Set.empty declaresName :: Name -> DeclaredNames declaresName x = declaresNames [x] -- | Compute the names defined in a declaration. We stay in the current scope, -- i.e., do not go into modules. declaredNames :: Declaration -> DeclaredNames declaredNames = \case TypeSig _ _ x _ -> declaresName x FieldSig _ _ x _ -> declaresName x Field _ fs -> foldMap declaredNames fs FunClause (LHS p [] []) _ _ _ | IdentP _ (QName x) <- removeParenP p -> declaresName x FunClause{} -> mempty DataSig _ _ x _ _ -> declaresName x DataDef _ _ _ cs -> foldMap declaredNames cs Data _ _ x _ _ cs -> declaresName x <> foldMap declaredNames cs RecordSig _ _ x _ _ -> declaresName x RecordDef _ x ds _ _ -> declaresNames $ maybeToList (recDirConstructor ds) Record _ _ x ds _ _ _ -> declaresNames $ x : maybeToList (recDirConstructor ds) Infix _ _ -> mempty Syntax _ _ -> mempty PatternSyn _ x _ _ -> declaresName x Mutual _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds InterleavedMutual _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds LoneConstructor _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Abstract _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Private _ _ ds -> allPrivateNames $ foldMap declaredNames ds InstanceB _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Macro _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Postulate _ ds -> allPostulates $ foldMap declaredNames ds Primitive _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Generalize _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Opaque _ ds -> foldMap declaredNames ds Open{} -> mempty Unfolding{} -> mempty Import{} -> mempty ModuleMacro{} -> mempty Module{} -> mempty UnquoteDecl _ xs _ -> declaresNames xs UnquoteDef{} -> mempty UnquoteData _ x cs _ -> declaresNames (x:cs) -- BUILTIN pragmas which do not require an accompanying definition declare -- the (unqualified) name they mention. Pragma (BuiltinPragma _ b (QName x)) | any isBuiltinNoDef . builtinById $ rangedThing b -> declaresName x Pragma{} -> mempty recDirConstructor :: [RecordDirective] -> Maybe Name recDirConstructor = listToMaybe . mapMaybe \case Constructor x _ -> Just x _ -> Nothing