module Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Compiler ( ghcBackend , ghcInvocationStrings ) where import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except ( throwError ) import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) ) import Control.Monad.Reader ( MonadReader(..), asks, ReaderT, runReaderT, withReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans ( lift ) import Control.Monad.Writer ( MonadWriter(..), WriterT, runWriterT ) import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Agda.Utils.Haskell.Syntax as HS import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.Environment (setEnv) import System.FilePath hiding (normalise) import System.IO (utf8) import Agda.Compiler.CallCompiler import Agda.Compiler.Common import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Coerce import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Misc import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pretty import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Primitives import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.HaskellTypes import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Pragmas import Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Strict import Agda.Compiler.ToTreeless import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Unused import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Erase import Agda.Compiler.Backend import Agda.Interaction.Options import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Common.Pretty (prettyShow, render) import Agda.Syntax.Internal as I import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Names (namesIn) import qualified Agda.Syntax.Treeless as T import Agda.Syntax.Literal import Agda.Syntax.TopLevelModuleName import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes import Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive (getBuiltinName) import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty hiding ((<>)) import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope import Agda.TypeChecking.Warnings import Agda.Utils.FileName (isNewerThan) import Agda.Utils.Function import Agda.Utils.Functor import Agda.Utils.Float import Agda.Utils.IO.Directory import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.List import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1 import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Monad import Agda.Utils.Singleton import qualified Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 as UTF8 import Paths_Agda import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- The backend callbacks -------------------------------------------------- ghcBackend :: Backend ghcBackend = Backend ghcBackend' ghcBackend' :: Backend' GHCFlags GHCEnv GHCModuleEnv GHCModule GHCDefinition ghcBackend' = Backend' { backendName = "GHC" , backendVersion = Nothing , options = defaultGHCFlags , commandLineFlags = ghcCommandLineFlags , isEnabled = flagGhcCompile , preCompile = ghcPreCompile , postCompile = ghcPostCompile , preModule = ghcPreModule , postModule = ghcPostModule , compileDef = ghcCompileDef , scopeCheckingSuffices = False , mayEraseType = ghcMayEraseType } --- Command-line flags --- data GHCFlags = GHCFlags { flagGhcCompile :: Bool , flagGhcCallGhc :: Bool , flagGhcBin :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Use the compiler at PATH instead of "ghc" , flagGhcFlags :: [String] , flagGhcStrictData :: Bool -- ^ Make inductive constructors strict? , flagGhcStrict :: Bool -- ^ Make functions strict? } deriving Generic instance NFData GHCFlags defaultGHCFlags :: GHCFlags defaultGHCFlags = GHCFlags { flagGhcCompile = False , flagGhcCallGhc = True , flagGhcBin = Nothing , flagGhcFlags = [] , flagGhcStrictData = False , flagGhcStrict = False } -- | The option to activate the GHC backend. -- ghcInvocationFlag :: OptDescr (Flag GHCFlags) ghcInvocationFlag = Option ['c'] ["compile", "ghc"] (NoArg enable) "compile program using the GHC backend" where enable o = pure o{ flagGhcCompile = True } ghcCommandLineFlags :: [OptDescr (Flag GHCFlags)] ghcCommandLineFlags = [ ghcInvocationFlag , Option [] ["ghc-dont-call-ghc"] (NoArg dontCallGHC) "don't call GHC, just write the GHC Haskell files." , Option [] ["ghc-flag"] (ReqArg ghcFlag "GHC-FLAG") "give the flag GHC-FLAG to GHC" , Option [] ["with-compiler"] (ReqArg withCompilerFlag "PATH") "use the compiler available at PATH" , Option [] ["ghc-strict-data"] (NoArg strictData) "make inductive constructors strict" , Option [] ["ghc-strict"] (NoArg strict) "make functions strict" ] where dontCallGHC o = pure o{ flagGhcCallGhc = False } ghcFlag f o = pure o{ flagGhcFlags = flagGhcFlags o ++ [f] } strictData o = pure o{ flagGhcStrictData = True } strict o = pure o{ flagGhcStrictData = True , flagGhcStrict = True } withCompilerFlag :: FilePath -> Flag GHCFlags withCompilerFlag fp o = case flagGhcBin o of Nothing -> pure o { flagGhcBin = Just fp } Just{} -> throwError "only one compiler path allowed" -- | Option strings to activate the GHC backend. -- ghcInvocationStrings :: [String] ghcInvocationStrings = optionStrings ghcInvocationFlag -- | Get all flags that activate the given option. -- optionStrings :: OptDescr a -> [String] optionStrings (Option short long _ _) = map (\ c -> '-' : c : []) short ++ long --- Context types --- -- | Monads that can read @GHCOptions@ class Monad m => ReadGHCOpts m where askGhcOpts :: m GHCOptions instance Monad m => ReadGHCOpts (ReaderT GHCOptions m) where askGhcOpts = ask instance Monad m => ReadGHCOpts (ReaderT GHCEnv m) where askGhcOpts = withReaderT ghcEnvOpts askGhcOpts instance Monad m => ReadGHCOpts (ReaderT GHCModuleEnv m) where askGhcOpts = withReaderT ghcModEnv askGhcOpts data GHCModule = GHCModule { ghcModModuleEnv :: GHCModuleEnv , ghcModMainFuncs :: [MainFunctionDef] -- ^ The `main` function definition(s), if both the module is -- the @IsMain@ module (root/focused) and a suitable `main` -- function was defined. } instance Monad m => ReadGHCOpts (ReaderT GHCModule m) where askGhcOpts = withReaderT ghcModModuleEnv askGhcOpts instance Monad m => ReadGHCModuleEnv (ReaderT GHCModule m) where askGHCModuleEnv = withReaderT ghcModModuleEnv askGHCModuleEnv data GHCDefinition = GHCDefinition { ghcDefUsesFloat :: UsesFloat , ghcDefDecls :: [HS.Decl] , ghcDefDefinition :: Definition , ghcDefMainDef :: Maybe MainFunctionDef , ghcDefImports :: Set TopLevelModuleName } --- Top-level compilation --- ghcPreCompile :: GHCFlags -> TCM GHCEnv ghcPreCompile flags = do cubical <- optCubical <$> pragmaOptions let notSupported s = typeError $ GenericError $ "Compilation of code that uses " ++ s ++ " is not supported." case cubical of Nothing -> return () Just CErased -> return () Just CFull -> notSupported "--cubical" outDir <- compileDir let ghcOpts = GHCOptions { optGhcCallGhc = flagGhcCallGhc flags , optGhcBin = fromMaybe "ghc" (flagGhcBin flags) , optGhcFlags = flagGhcFlags flags , optGhcCompileDir = outDir , optGhcStrictData = flagGhcStrictData flags , optGhcStrict = flagGhcStrict flags } mbool <- getBuiltinName builtinBool mtrue <- getBuiltinName builtinTrue mfalse <- getBuiltinName builtinFalse mlist <- getBuiltinName builtinList mnil <- getBuiltinName builtinNil mcons <- getBuiltinName builtinCons mmaybe <- getBuiltinName builtinMaybe mnothing <- getBuiltinName builtinNothing mjust <- getBuiltinName builtinJust mnat <- getBuiltinName builtinNat minteger <- getBuiltinName builtinInteger mword64 <- getBuiltinName builtinWord64 minf <- getBuiltinName builtinInf msharp <- getBuiltinName builtinSharp mflat <- getBuiltinName builtinFlat minterval <- getBuiltinName builtinInterval mizero <- getBuiltinName builtinIZero mione <- getBuiltinName builtinIOne misone <- getBuiltinName builtinIsOne mitisone <- getBuiltinName builtinItIsOne misone1 <- getBuiltinName builtinIsOne1 misone2 <- getBuiltinName builtinIsOne2 misoneempty <- getBuiltinName builtinIsOneEmpty mpathp <- getBuiltinName builtinPathP msub <- getBuiltinName builtinSub msubin <- getBuiltinName builtinSubIn mid <- getBuiltinName builtinId mconid <- getPrimitiveName' builtinConId istcbuiltin <- do builtins <- mapM getBuiltinName [ builtinAgdaTCMReturn , builtinAgdaTCMBind , builtinAgdaTCMUnify , builtinAgdaTCMTypeError , builtinAgdaTCMInferType , builtinAgdaTCMCheckType , builtinAgdaTCMNormalise , builtinAgdaTCMReduce , builtinAgdaTCMCatchError , builtinAgdaTCMQuoteTerm , builtinAgdaTCMUnquoteTerm , builtinAgdaTCMQuoteOmegaTerm , builtinAgdaTCMGetContext , builtinAgdaTCMExtendContext , builtinAgdaTCMInContext , builtinAgdaTCMFreshName , builtinAgdaTCMDeclareDef , builtinAgdaTCMDeclarePostulate , builtinAgdaTCMDeclareData , builtinAgdaTCMDefineData , builtinAgdaTCMDefineFun , builtinAgdaTCMGetType , builtinAgdaTCMGetDefinition , builtinAgdaTCMBlock , builtinAgdaTCMCommit , builtinAgdaTCMIsMacro , builtinAgdaTCMWithNormalisation , builtinAgdaTCMWithReconstructed , builtinAgdaTCMWithExpandLast , builtinAgdaTCMWithReduceDefs , builtinAgdaTCMAskNormalisation , builtinAgdaTCMAskReconstructed , builtinAgdaTCMAskExpandLast , builtinAgdaTCMAskReduceDefs , builtinAgdaTCMFormatErrorParts , builtinAgdaTCMDebugPrint , builtinAgdaTCMNoConstraints , builtinAgdaTCMRunSpeculative , builtinAgdaTCMExec , builtinAgdaTCMGetInstances , builtinAgdaTCMPragmaForeign , builtinAgdaTCMPragmaCompile , builtinAgdaBlocker , builtinAgdaBlockerAll , builtinAgdaBlockerAny , builtinAgdaBlockerMeta ] return $ flip HashSet.member $ HashSet.fromList $ catMaybes builtins let defArity q = arity . defType <$> getConstInfo q listArity <- traverse defArity mlist maybeArity <- traverse defArity mmaybe return $ GHCEnv { ghcEnvOpts = ghcOpts , ghcEnvBool = mbool , ghcEnvTrue = mtrue , ghcEnvFalse = mfalse , ghcEnvMaybe = mmaybe , ghcEnvNothing = mnothing , ghcEnvJust = mjust , ghcEnvList = mlist , ghcEnvNil = mnil , ghcEnvCons = mcons , ghcEnvNat = mnat , ghcEnvInteger = minteger , ghcEnvWord64 = mword64 , ghcEnvInf = minf , ghcEnvSharp = msharp , ghcEnvFlat = mflat , ghcEnvInterval = minterval , ghcEnvIZero = mizero , ghcEnvIOne = mione , ghcEnvIsOne = misone , ghcEnvItIsOne = mitisone , ghcEnvIsOne1 = misone1 , ghcEnvIsOne2 = misone2 , ghcEnvIsOneEmpty = misoneempty , ghcEnvPathP = mpathp , ghcEnvSub = msub , ghcEnvSubIn = msubin , ghcEnvId = mid , ghcEnvConId = mconid , ghcEnvIsTCBuiltin = istcbuiltin , ghcEnvListArity = listArity , ghcEnvMaybeArity = maybeArity } ghcPostCompile :: GHCEnv -> IsMain -> Map TopLevelModuleName GHCModule -> TCM () ghcPostCompile _cenv _isMain mods = do -- FIXME: @curMName@ and @curIF@ are evil TCM state, but there does not appear to be --------- another way to retrieve the compilation root ("main" module or interaction focused). rootModuleName <- curMName rootModule <- ifJust (Map.lookup rootModuleName mods) pure $ genericError $ "Module " <> prettyShow rootModuleName <> " was not compiled!" flip runReaderT rootModule $ do copyRTEModules callGHC --- Module compilation --- ghcPreModule :: GHCEnv -> IsMain -- ^ Are we looking at the main module? -> TopLevelModuleName -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Path to the @.agdai@ file. -> TCM (Recompile GHCModuleEnv GHCModule) -- ^ Could we confirm the existence of a main function? ghcPreModule cenv isMain m mifile = (do let check = ifM uptodate noComp yesComp cubical <- optCubical <$> pragmaOptions case cubical of -- Code that uses --cubical is not compiled. Just CFull -> noComp Just CErased -> check Nothing -> check) `runReaderT` GHCModuleEnv cenv (HsModuleEnv m (isMain == IsMain)) where uptodate = case mifile of Nothing -> pure False Just ifile -> liftIO =<< isNewerThan <$> curOutFile <*> pure ifile ifileDesc = fromMaybe "(memory)" mifile noComp = do reportSLn "compile.ghc" 2 . (++ " : no compilation is needed.") . prettyShow =<< curMName menv <- ask mainDefs <- ifM curIsMainModule (mainFunctionDefs <$> curIF) (pure []) return . Skip $ GHCModule menv mainDefs yesComp = do m <- prettyShow <$> curMName out <- curOutFile alwaysReportSLn "compile.ghc" 1 $ repl [m, ifileDesc, out] "Compiling <<0>> in <<1>> to <<2>>" asks Recompile ghcPostModule :: GHCEnv -> GHCModuleEnv -> IsMain -- ^ Are we looking at the main module? -> TopLevelModuleName -> [GHCDefinition] -- ^ Compiled module content. -> TCM GHCModule ghcPostModule _cenv menv _isMain _moduleName ghcDefs = do builtinThings <- getsTC stBuiltinThings -- Accumulate all of the modules, definitions, declarations, etc. let (usedFloat, decls, defs, mainDefs, usedModules) = mconcat $ (\(GHCDefinition useFloat' decls' def' md' imps') -> (useFloat', decls', [def'], maybeToList md', imps')) <$> ghcDefs let imps = mazRTEFloatImport usedFloat ++ imports builtinThings usedModules defs i <- curIF -- Get content of FOREIGN pragmas. let (headerPragmas, hsImps, code) = foreignHaskell i flip runReaderT menv $ do hsModuleName <- curHsMod writeModule $ HS.Module hsModuleName (map HS.OtherPragma headerPragmas) imps (map fakeDecl (hsImps ++ code) ++ decls) return $ GHCModule menv mainDefs ghcCompileDef :: GHCEnv -> GHCModuleEnv -> IsMain -> Definition -> TCM GHCDefinition ghcCompileDef _cenv menv _isMain def = do ((usesFloat, decls, mainFuncDef), (HsCompileState imps)) <- definition def `runHsCompileT` menv return $ GHCDefinition usesFloat decls def (checkedMainDef <$> mainFuncDef) imps -- | We do not erase types that have a 'HsData' pragma. -- This is to ensure a stable interface to third-party code. ghcMayEraseType :: QName -> TCM Bool ghcMayEraseType q = getHaskellPragma q <&> \case -- Andreas, 2019-05-09, issue #3732. -- We restrict this to 'HsData' since types like @Size@, @Level@ -- should be erased although they have a 'HsType' binding to the -- Haskell unit type. Just HsData{} -> False _ -> True -- Compilation ------------------------------------------------------------ imports :: BuiltinThings PrimFun -> Set TopLevelModuleName -> [Definition] -> [HS.ImportDecl] imports builtinThings usedModules defs = hsImps ++ imps where hsImps :: [HS.ImportDecl] hsImps = [unqualRTE, decl mazRTE] unqualRTE :: HS.ImportDecl unqualRTE = HS.ImportDecl mazRTE False $ Just $ (False, [ HS.IVar $ HS.Ident x | x <- [mazCoerceName, mazErasedName, mazAnyTypeName] ++ map treelessPrimName rtePrims ]) rtePrims = [T.PAdd, T.PSub, T.PMul, T.PQuot, T.PRem, T.PGeq, T.PLt, T.PEqI, T.PAdd64, T.PSub64, T.PMul64, T.PQuot64, T.PRem64, T.PLt64, T.PEq64, T.PITo64, T.P64ToI] -- Excludes T.PEqF, which is defined in MAlonzo.RTE.Float imps :: [HS.ImportDecl] imps = map decl $ uniq $ importsForPrim builtinThings defs ++ map mazMod mnames decl :: HS.ModuleName -> HS.ImportDecl decl m = HS.ImportDecl m True Nothing mnames :: [TopLevelModuleName] mnames = Set.elems usedModules uniq :: [HS.ModuleName] -> [HS.ModuleName] uniq = List1.head . . List.sort -- Should we import MAlonzo.RTE.Float newtype UsesFloat = UsesFloat Bool deriving (Eq, Show) pattern YesFloat :: UsesFloat pattern YesFloat = UsesFloat True pattern NoFloat :: UsesFloat pattern NoFloat = UsesFloat False instance Semigroup UsesFloat where UsesFloat a <> UsesFloat b = UsesFloat (a || b) instance Monoid UsesFloat where mempty = NoFloat mappend = (<>) mazRTEFloatImport :: UsesFloat -> [HS.ImportDecl] mazRTEFloatImport (UsesFloat b) = [ HS.ImportDecl mazRTEFloat True Nothing | b ] -------------------------------------------------- -- Main compiling clauses -------------------------------------------------- definition :: Definition -> HsCompileM (UsesFloat, [HS.Decl], Maybe CheckedMainFunctionDef) -- ignore irrelevant definitions {- Andreas, 2012-10-02: Invariant no longer holds definition kit (Defn NonStrict _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = __IMPOSSIBLE__ -} definition Defn{defArgInfo = info, defName = q} | not $ usableModality info = do reportSDoc "compile.ghc.definition" 10 $ ("Not compiling" <+> prettyTCM q) <> "." return (mempty, mempty, Nothing) definition def@Defn{defName = q, defType = ty, theDef = d} = do reportSDoc "compile.ghc.definition" 10 $ vcat [ ("Compiling" <+> prettyTCM q) <> ":" , nest 2 $ pretty d ] pragma <- liftTCM $ getHaskellPragma q env <- askGHCEnv let is p = Just q == p env typeCheckedMainDef <- checkTypeOfMain def let mainDecl = maybeToList $ checkedMainDecl <$> typeCheckedMainDef let retDecls ds = return (mempty, ds) (uncurry (,,typeCheckedMainDef)) . second ((mainDecl ++) . infodecl q) <$> case d of _ | Just (HsDefn r hs) <- pragma -> setCurrentRange r $ if is ghcEnvFlat then genericError "\"COMPILE GHC\" pragmas are not allowed for the FLAT builtin." else do -- Make sure we have imports for all names mentioned in the type. hsty <- haskellType q mapM_ (`xqual` HS.Ident "_") (namesIn ty :: Set QName) -- Check that the function isn't INLINE (since that will make this -- definition pointless). inline <- (^. funInline) . theDef <$> getConstInfo q when inline $ warning $ UselessInline q retDecls $ fbWithType hsty (fakeExp hs) -- Compiling Bool Datatype{} | is ghcEnvBool -> do sequence_ [primTrue, primFalse] -- Just to get the proper error for missing TRUE/FALSE let d = dname q Just true <- getBuiltinName builtinTrue Just false <- getBuiltinName builtinFalse cs <- mapM (compiledcondecl Nothing) [false, true] retDecls $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q "Bool" 0 , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] ++ cs -- Compiling List Datatype{ dataPars = np } | is ghcEnvList -> do sequence_ [primNil, primCons] -- Just to get the proper error for missing NIL/CONS caseMaybe pragma (return ()) $ \ p -> setCurrentRange p $ warning . GenericWarning =<< do fsep $ pwords "Ignoring GHC pragma for builtin lists; they always compile to Haskell lists." let d = dname q t = unqhname TypeK q Just nil <- getBuiltinName builtinNil Just cons <- getBuiltinName builtinCons let vars f n = map (f . ihname A) [0 .. n - 1] cs <- mapM (compiledcondecl Nothing) [nil, cons] retDecls $ [ HS.TypeDecl t (vars HS.UnkindedVar (np - 1)) (HS.FakeType "[]") , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d (vars HS.PVar np) (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] ++ cs -- Compiling Maybe Datatype{ dataPars = np } | is ghcEnvMaybe -> do sequence_ [primNothing, primJust] -- Just to get the proper error for missing NOTHING/JUST caseMaybe pragma (return ()) $ \ p -> setCurrentRange p $ warning . GenericWarning =<< do fsep $ pwords "Ignoring GHC pragma for builtin maybe; they always compile to Haskell lists." let d = dname q t = unqhname TypeK q Just nothing <- getBuiltinName builtinNothing Just just <- getBuiltinName builtinJust let vars f n = map (f . ihname A) [0 .. n - 1] cs <- mapM (compiledcondecl Nothing) [nothing, just] retDecls $ [ HS.TypeDecl t (vars HS.UnkindedVar (np - 1)) (HS.FakeType "Maybe") , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d (vars HS.PVar np) (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] ++ cs -- Compiling Inf _ | is ghcEnvInf -> do _ <- primSharp -- To get a proper error for missing SHARP. Just sharp <- getBuiltinName builtinSharp sharpC <- (compiledcondecl Nothing) sharp let d = dname q err = "No term-level implementation of the INFINITY builtin." retDecls $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q "MAlonzo.RTE.Infinity" 2 , HS.FunBind [HS.Match d [HS.PVar (ihname A 0)] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp ("error " ++ show err))) emptyBinds] , sharpC ] -- The interval is compiled as the type of booleans: 0 is -- compiled as False and 1 as True. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvInterval -> do sequence_ [primIZero, primIOne] Just i0 <- getBuiltinName builtinIZero Just i1 <- getBuiltinName builtinIOne cs <- mapM (compiledcondecl (Just 0)) [i0, i1] retDecls $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q "Bool" 0 , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] ++ cs -- IsOne is compiled as the constant function to the unit type. -- Partial/PartialP are compiled as functions from the unit type -- to the underlying type. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvIsOne -> do retDecls $ [ HS.TypeDecl (unqhname TypeK q) [HS.UnkindedVar (ihname A 0)] (HS.FakeType "()") , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] -- itIsOne. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvItIsOne -> do retDecls $ [ HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] ] -- IsOne1/IsOne2. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvIsOne1 || is ghcEnvIsOne2 -> do retDecls $ [ HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp "\\_ _ _ -> ()")) emptyBinds] ] -- isOneEmpty. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvIsOneEmpty -> do retDecls $ [ HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp "\\_ x _ -> x ()")) emptyBinds] ] -- PathP is compiled as a function from the interval (booleans) -- to the underlying type. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvPathP -> do sequence_ [primInterval] Just int <- getBuiltinName builtinInterval int <- xhqn TypeK int retDecls $ [ HS.TypeDecl (unqhname TypeK q) [HS.UnkindedVar (ihname A i) | i <- [0..3]] (HS.TyFun (HS.TyCon int) mazAnyType) , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp "\\_ _ _ _ -> ()")) emptyBinds] ] -- Sub is compiled as the underlying type. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvSub -> do retDecls $ [ HS.TypeDecl (unqhname TypeK q) [HS.UnkindedVar (ihname A i) | i <- [0..3]] (HS.TyVar (ihname A 1)) , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp "\\_ _ _ _ -> ()")) emptyBinds] ] -- subIn. Axiom{} | is ghcEnvSubIn -> do retDecls $ [ HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp "\\_ _ _ x -> x")) emptyBinds] ] -- Id x y is compiled as a pair of a boolean and whatever -- Path x y is compiled to. Datatype{} | is ghcEnvId -> do sequence_ [primInterval] Just int <- getBuiltinName builtinInterval int <- xhqn TypeK int -- re #3733: implement reflId retDecls $ [ HS.TypeDecl (unqhname TypeK q) [] -- [HS.UnkindedVar (ihname A i) | i <- [0..3]] (HS.TyApp (HS.FakeType "(,) Bool") (HS.TyFun (HS.TyCon int) mazAnyType)) , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp "\\_ _ _ _ -> ()")) emptyBinds] ] -- conid. Primitive{} | is ghcEnvConId -> do strict <- optGhcStrictData <$> askGhcOpts let var = applyWhen strict HS.PBangPat . HS.PVar retDecls $ [ HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [ var (ihname A i) | i <- [0..1] ] (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ HS.App (HS.App (HS.FakeExp "(,)") (HS.Var (HS.UnQual (ihname A 0)))) (HS.Var (HS.UnQual (ihname A 1)))) emptyBinds] ] -- TC builtins are compiled to erased, which is an ∞-ary -- function. Axiom{} | ghcEnvIsTCBuiltin env q -> do retDecls $ [ HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (HS.FakeExp mazErasedName)) emptyBinds] ] DataOrRecSig{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ Axiom{} -> do ar <- liftTCM $ typeArity ty retDecls $ [ compiledTypeSynonym q ty ar | Just (HsType r ty) <- [pragma] ] ++ fb axiomErr Primitive{ primName = s } -> (mempty,) . fb <$> (liftTCM . primBody) s PrimitiveSort{} -> retDecls [] Function{} -> function pragma $ functionViaTreeless q Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni, dataClause = cl , dataPathCons = pcs } | Just hsdata@(HsData r ty hsCons) <- pragma -> setCurrentRange r $ do reportSDoc "compile.ghc.definition" 40 $ hsep $ [ "Compiling data type with COMPILE pragma ...", pretty hsdata ] liftTCM $ computeErasedConstructorArgs q cs <- liftTCM $ getNotErasedConstructors q ccscov <- constructorCoverageCode q (np + ni) cs ty hsCons cds <- mapM (compiledcondecl Nothing) cs let result = concat $ [ tvaldecl q Inductive (np + ni) [] (Just __IMPOSSIBLE__) , [ compiledTypeSynonym q ty np ] , cds , ccscov ] retDecls result Datatype{ dataPars = np, dataIxs = ni, dataClause = cl , dataPathCons = pcs } -> do liftTCM $ computeErasedConstructorArgs q cs <- liftTCM $ getNotErasedConstructors q cds <- mapM (flip condecl Inductive) cs retDecls $ tvaldecl q Inductive (np + ni) cds cl Constructor{} -> retDecls [] GeneralizableVar{} -> retDecls [] Record{ recPars = np, recClause = cl, recConHead = con, recInduction = ind } -> let -- Non-recursive record types are treated as being -- inductive. inductionKind = fromMaybe Inductive ind in case pragma of Just (HsData r ty hsCons) -> setCurrentRange r $ do let cs = [conName con] liftTCM $ computeErasedConstructorArgs q ccscov <- constructorCoverageCode q np cs ty hsCons cds <- mapM (compiledcondecl Nothing) cs retDecls $ tvaldecl q inductionKind np [] (Just __IMPOSSIBLE__) ++ [compiledTypeSynonym q ty np] ++ cds ++ ccscov _ -> do liftTCM $ computeErasedConstructorArgs q cd <- condecl (conName con) inductionKind retDecls $ tvaldecl q inductionKind (I.arity ty) [cd] cl AbstractDefn{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ where function :: Maybe HaskellPragma -> HsCompileM (UsesFloat, [HS.Decl]) -> HsCompileM (UsesFloat, [HS.Decl]) function mhe fun = do (imp, ccls) <- fun case mhe of Just (HsExport r name) -> setCurrentRange r $ do env <- askGHCEnv if Just q == ghcEnvFlat env then genericError "\"COMPILE GHC as\" pragmas are not allowed for the FLAT builtin." else do t <- setCurrentRange r $ haskellType q let tsig :: HS.Decl tsig = HS.TypeSig [HS.Ident name] t def :: HS.Decl def = HS.FunBind [HS.Match (HS.Ident name) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs (hsCoerce $ hsVarUQ $ dname q)) emptyBinds] return (imp, [tsig,def] ++ ccls) _ -> return (imp, ccls) functionViaTreeless :: QName -> HsCompileM (UsesFloat, [HS.Decl]) functionViaTreeless q = do strict <- optGhcStrict <$> askGhcOpts let eval = if strict then EagerEvaluation else LazyEvaluation caseMaybeM (liftTCM $ toTreeless eval q) (pure mempty) $ \ treeless -> do used <- fromMaybe [] <$> getCompiledArgUse q let dostrip = ArgUnused `elem` used -- Compute the type approximation def <- getConstInfo q (argTypes0, resType) <- hsTelApproximation $ defType def let pars = case theDef def of Function{ funProjection = Right Projection{ projIndex = i } } | i > 0 -> i - 1 _ -> 0 argTypes = drop pars argTypes0 argTypesS = filterUsed used argTypes (e, useFloat) <- if dostrip then closedTerm (stripUnusedArguments used treeless) else closedTerm treeless let (ps, b) = lamView e lamView e = case e of HS.Lambda ps b -> (ps, b) b -> ([], b) tydecl f ts t = HS.TypeSig [f] (foldr HS.TyFun t ts) funbind f ps b = HS.FunBind [HS.Match f ps (HS.UnGuardedRhs b) emptyBinds] tyfunbind f ts t ps b = let ts' = ts ++ (replicate (length ps - length ts) mazAnyType) in [tydecl f ts' t, funbind f ps b] -- The definition of the non-stripped function (ps0, _) <- lamView <$> closedTerm_ (foldr ($) T.TErased $ replicate (length used) T.TLam) let b0 = foldl HS.App (hsVarUQ $ duname q) [ hsVarUQ x | (~(HS.PVar x), ArgUsed) <- zip ps0 used ] ps0' = zipWith (\p u -> case u of ArgUsed -> p ArgUnused -> HS.PIrrPat p) ps0 used return (useFloat, if dostrip then tyfunbind (dname q) argTypes resType ps0' b0 ++ tyfunbind (duname q) argTypesS resType ps b else tyfunbind (dname q) argTypes resType ps b) fbWithType :: HS.Type -> HS.Exp -> [HS.Decl] fbWithType ty e = HS.TypeSig [dname q] ty : fb e fb :: HS.Exp -> [HS.Decl] fb e = [HS.FunBind [HS.Match (dname q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs e) emptyBinds]] axiomErr :: HS.Exp axiomErr = rtmError $ Text.pack $ "postulate evaluated: " ++ prettyShow q constructorCoverageCode :: QName -> Int -> [QName] -> HaskellType -> [HaskellCode] -> HsCompileM [HS.Decl] constructorCoverageCode q np cs hsTy hsCons = do liftTCM $ checkConstructorCount q cs hsCons ifM (liftTCM $ noCheckCover q) (return []) $ do ccs <- List.concat <$> zipWithM checkConstructorType cs hsCons cov <- liftTCM $ checkCover q hsTy np cs hsCons return $ ccs ++ cov -- | Environment for naming of local variables. -- Invariant: @reverse ccCxt ++ ccNameSupply@ data CCEnv = CCEnv { _ccNameSupply :: NameSupply -- ^ Supply of fresh names , _ccContext :: CCContext -- ^ Names currently in scope } type NameSupply = [HS.Name] type CCContext = [HS.Name] ccNameSupply :: Lens' CCEnv NameSupply ccNameSupply f e = (\ ns' -> e { _ccNameSupply = ns' }) <$> f (_ccNameSupply e) ccContext :: Lens' CCEnv CCContext ccContext f e = (\ cxt -> e { _ccContext = cxt }) <$> f (_ccContext e) -- | Initial environment for expression generation. initCCEnv :: CCEnv initCCEnv = CCEnv { _ccNameSupply = map (ihname V) [0..] -- DON'T CHANGE THESE NAMES! , _ccContext = [] } -- | Term variables are de Bruijn indices. lookupIndex :: Int -> CCContext -> HS.Name lookupIndex i xs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ xs !!! i -- | Constructor coverage monad transformer type CCT m = ReaderT CCEnv (WriterT UsesFloat (HsCompileT m)) -- | Constructor coverage monad type CC = CCT TCM liftCC :: Monad m => HsCompileT m a -> CCT m a liftCC = lift . lift freshNames :: Monad m => Int -> ([HS.Name] -> CCT m a) -> CCT m a freshNames n _ | n < 0 = __IMPOSSIBLE__ freshNames n cont = do (xs, rest) <- splitAt n <$> view ccNameSupply local (over ccNameSupply (const rest)) $ cont xs -- | Introduce n variables into the context. intros :: Monad m => Int -> ([HS.Name] -> CCT m a) -> CCT m a intros n cont = freshNames n $ \xs -> local (over ccContext (reverse xs ++)) $ cont xs checkConstructorType :: QName -> HaskellCode -> HsCompileM [HS.Decl] checkConstructorType q hs = do ty <- haskellType q return [ HS.TypeSig [unqhname CheckK q] ty , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (unqhname CheckK q) [] (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ fakeExp hs) emptyBinds] ] checkCover :: HasConstInfo m => QName -> HaskellType -> Nat -> [QName] -> [HaskellCode] -> m [HS.Decl] checkCover q ty n cs hsCons = do let tvs = [ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1..n] ] makeClause c hsc = do a <- erasedArity c let pat = HS.PApp (HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident hsc) $ replicate a HS.PWildCard return $ HS.Alt pat (HS.UnGuardedRhs $ HS.unit_con) emptyBinds cs <- zipWithM makeClause cs hsCons let rhs = HS.Case (HS.Var $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident "x") cs return [ HS.TypeSig [unqhname CoverK q] $ fakeType $ unwords (ty : tvs) ++ " -> ()" , HS.FunBind [HS.Match (unqhname CoverK q) [HS.PVar $ HS.Ident "x"] (HS.UnGuardedRhs rhs) emptyBinds] ] closedTerm_ :: T.TTerm -> HsCompileM HS.Exp closedTerm_ t = fst <$> closedTerm t closedTerm :: T.TTerm -> HsCompileM (HS.Exp, UsesFloat) closedTerm v = do v <- liftTCM $ addCoercions v runWriterT (term v `runReaderT` initCCEnv) -- Translate case on bool to if mkIf :: T.TTerm -> CC T.TTerm mkIf t@(TCase e _ d [TACon c1 0 b1, TACon c2 0 b2]) | T.isUnreachable d = do env <- liftCC askGHCEnv let isTrue c = Just c == ghcEnvTrue env isFalse c = Just c == ghcEnvFalse env if | isTrue c1, isFalse c2 -> return $ T.tIfThenElse (TCoerce $ TVar e) b1 b2 | isTrue c2, isFalse c1 -> return $ T.tIfThenElse (TCoerce $ TVar e) b2 b1 | otherwise -> return t mkIf t = return t -- | Extract Agda term to Haskell expression. -- Erased arguments are extracted as @()@. -- Types are extracted as @()@. term :: T.TTerm -> CC HS.Exp term tm0 = mkIf tm0 >>= \ tm0 -> do let ((hasCoerce, t), ts) = coerceAppView tm0 -- let (t0, ts) = tAppView tm0 -- let (hasCoerce, t) = coerceView t0 let coe = applyWhen hasCoerce hsCoerce case (t, ts) of (T.TPrim T.PIf, [c, x, y]) -> coe <$> do HS.If <$> term c <*> term x <*> term y (T.TDef f, ts) -> do used <- liftCC $ fromMaybe [] <$> getCompiledArgUse f -- #2248: no unused argument pruning for COMPILE'd functions isCompiled <- liftTCM $ isJust <$> getHaskellPragma f let given = length ts needed = length used missing = drop given used if not isCompiled && ArgUnused `elem` used then if ArgUnused `elem` missing then term (etaExpand (needed - given) tm0) else do f <- liftCC $ HS.Var <$> xhqn (FunK NoUnused) f -- use stripped function -- Andreas, 2019-11-07, issue #4169. -- Insert coercion unconditionally as erasure of arguments -- that are matched upon might remove the unfolding of codomain types. -- (Hard to explain, see test/Compiler/simple/Issue4169.) hsCoerce f `apps` filterUsed used ts else do f <- liftCC $ HS.Var <$> xhqn (FunK PossiblyUnused) f -- use original (non-stripped) function coe f `apps` ts (T.TCon c, ts) -> do erased <- liftCC $ getErasedConArgs c let missing = drop (length ts) erased notErased = not if all notErased missing then do f <- liftCC $ HS.Con <$> conhqn c hsCoerce f `apps` [ t | (t, False) <- zip ts erased ] else do let n = length missing unless (n >= 1) __IMPOSSIBLE__ -- We will add at least on TLam, not getting a busy loop here. term $ etaExpand (length missing) tm0 -- Other kind of application: fall back to apps. (t, ts) -> noApplication t >>= \ t' -> coe t' `apps` ts where apps = foldM (\ h a -> HS.App h <$> term a) etaExpand n t = mkTLam n $ raise n t `T.mkTApp` map T.TVar (downFrom n) -- | Translate a non-application, non-coercion, non-constructor, non-definition term. noApplication :: T.TTerm -> CC HS.Exp noApplication = \case T.TApp{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ T.TCoerce{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ T.TCon{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ T.TDef{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ T.TVar i -> hsVarUQ . lookupIndex i <$> view ccContext T.TLam t -> intros 1 $ \ [x] -> hsLambda [HS.PVar x] <$> term t T.TLet t1 t2 -> do t1' <- term t1 intros 1 $ \[x] -> do hsLet x t1' . hsCoerce <$> term t2 T.TCase sc ct def alts -> do sc' <- term $ T.TVar sc alts' <- traverse (alt sc) alts def' <- term def let defAlt = HS.Alt HS.PWildCard (HS.UnGuardedRhs def') emptyBinds return $ HS.Case (hsCoerce sc') (alts' ++ [defAlt]) T.TLit l -> literal l T.TPrim p -> return $ compilePrim p T.TUnit -> return $ HS.unit_con T.TSort -> return $ HS.unit_con T.TErased -> return $ hsVarUQ $ HS.Ident mazErasedName T.TError e -> return $ case e of T.TUnreachable -> rtmUnreachableError T.TMeta s -> rtmHole s hsCoerce :: HS.Exp -> HS.Exp hsCoerce t = HS.App mazCoerce t compilePrim :: T.TPrim -> HS.Exp compilePrim s = HS.Var $ hsName $ treelessPrimName s alt :: Int -> T.TAlt -> CC HS.Alt alt sc a = do case a of T.TACon {T.aCon = c} -> do intros (T.aArity a) $ \ xs -> do erased <- liftCC $ getErasedConArgs c env <- liftCC askGHCEnv hConNm <- if | Just c == ghcEnvNil env -> return $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Ident "[]" | Just c == ghcEnvCons env -> return $ HS.UnQual $ HS.Symbol ":" | otherwise -> liftCC $ conhqn c mkAlt (HS.PApp hConNm $ [HS.PVar x | (x, False) <- zip xs erased]) T.TAGuard g b -> do g <- term g b <- term b return $ HS.Alt HS.PWildCard (HS.GuardedRhss [HS.GuardedRhs [HS.Qualifier g] b]) emptyBinds T.TALit { T.aLit = LitQName q } -> mkAlt (litqnamepat q) T.TALit { T.aLit = LitMeta _ m } -> mkAlt (litmetapat m) T.TALit { T.aLit = l@LitFloat{}, T.aBody = b } -> do tell YesFloat l <- literal l mkGuarded (treelessPrimName T.PEqF) l b T.TALit { T.aLit = LitString s , T.aBody = b } -> mkGuarded "(==)" (litString s) b T.TALit {} -> mkAlt (HS.PLit $ hslit $ T.aLit a) where mkGuarded eq lit b = do b <- term b let varName = HS.Ident "l" -- only used locally in the guard pv = HS.PVar varName v = hsVarUQ varName guard = HS.Var (HS.UnQual (HS.Ident eq)) `HS.App` v `HS.App` lit return $ HS.Alt pv (HS.GuardedRhss [HS.GuardedRhs [HS.Qualifier guard] b]) emptyBinds mkAlt :: HS.Pat -> CC HS.Alt mkAlt pat = do body' <- term $ T.aBody a let body'' = case body' of HS.Lambda{} -> hsCoerce body' _ -> body' return $ HS.Alt pat (HS.UnGuardedRhs body'') emptyBinds literal :: forall m. Monad m => Literal -> CCT m HS.Exp literal l = case l of LitNat _ -> return $ typed "Integer" LitWord64 _ -> return $ typed "MAlonzo.RTE.Word64" LitFloat x -> floatExp x "Double" LitQName x -> return $ litqname x LitString s -> return $ litString s LitMeta _ m -> return $ HS.FakeExp "(,)" `HS.App` hsTypedInt (metaId m) `HS.App` (hsTypedInt (moduleNameHash $ metaModule m)) _ -> return $ l' where l' = HS.Lit $ hslit l typed = HS.ExpTypeSig l' . HS.TyCon . rtmQual -- ASR (2016-09-14): See Issue #2169. -- Ulf, 2016-09-28: and #2218. floatExp :: Double -> String -> CCT m HS.Exp floatExp x s | isPosInf x = rte "positiveInfinity" | isNegInf x = rte "negativeInfinity" | isNegZero x = rte "negativeZero" | isNaN x = rte "nan" | otherwise = return $ typed s where rte s = do tell YesFloat; return $ HS.Var $ HS.Qual mazRTEFloat $ HS.Ident s hslit :: Literal -> HS.Literal hslit = \case LitNat x -> HS.Int x LitWord64 x -> HS.Int (fromIntegral x) LitFloat x -> HS.Frac (toRational x) LitChar x -> HS.Char x LitQName x -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ LitString _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ LitMeta{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__ litString :: Text -> HS.Exp litString s = HS.Ann (HS.Lit (HS.String s)) (HS.TyCon (HS.Qual (HS.ModuleName "Data.Text") (HS.Ident "Text"))) litqname :: QName -> HS.Exp litqname x = rteCon "QName" `apps` [ hsTypedInt n , hsTypedInt m , HS.Lit $ HS.String $ Text.pack $ prettyShow x , rteCon "Fixity" `apps` [ litAssoc (fixityAssoc fx) , litPrec (fixityLevel fx) ] ] where apps = foldl HS.App rteCon name = HS.Con $ HS.Qual mazRTE $ HS.Ident name NameId n (ModuleNameHash m) = nameId $ qnameName x fx = theFixity $ nameFixity $ qnameName x litAssoc NonAssoc = rteCon "NonAssoc" litAssoc LeftAssoc = rteCon "LeftAssoc" litAssoc RightAssoc = rteCon "RightAssoc" litPrec Unrelated = rteCon "Unrelated" litPrec (Related l) = rteCon "Related" `HS.App` hsTypedDouble l litqnamepat :: QName -> HS.Pat litqnamepat x = HS.PApp (HS.Qual mazRTE $ HS.Ident "QName") [ HS.PLit (HS.Int $ fromIntegral n) , HS.PLit (HS.Int $ fromIntegral m) , HS.PWildCard, HS.PWildCard ] where NameId n (ModuleNameHash m) = nameId $ qnameName x litmetapat :: MetaId -> HS.Pat litmetapat (MetaId m h) = HS.PApp (hsName "(,)") [ HS.PLit (HS.Int $ fromIntegral m) , HS.PLit (HS.Int $ fromIntegral $ moduleNameHash h) ] condecl :: QName -> Induction -> HsCompileM HS.ConDecl condecl q _ind = do opts <- askGhcOpts def <- getConstInfo q let Constructor{ conPars = np, conSrcCon, conErased = erased } = theDef def (argTypes0, _) <- hsTelApproximation (defType def) let strict = if conInductive conSrcCon == Inductive && optGhcStrictData opts then HS.Strict else HS.Lazy argTypes = [ (Just strict, t) | (t, False) <- zip (drop np argTypes0) (fromMaybe [] erased ++ repeat False) ] return $ HS.ConDecl (unqhname ConK q) argTypes compiledcondecl :: Maybe Nat -- ^ The constructor's arity (after erasure). -> QName -> HsCompileM HS.Decl compiledcondecl mar q = do ar <- case mar of Nothing -> liftTCM $ erasedArity q Just ar -> return ar hsCon <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> getHaskellConstructor q let patVars = map (HS.PVar . ihname A) [0 .. ar - 1] return $ HS.PatSyn (HS.PApp (HS.UnQual $ unqhname ConK q) patVars) (HS.PApp (hsName hsCon) patVars) compiledTypeSynonym :: QName -> String -> Nat -> HS.Decl compiledTypeSynonym q hsT arity = HS.TypeDecl (unqhname TypeK q) (map HS.UnkindedVar vs) (foldl HS.TyApp (HS.FakeType hsT) $ map HS.TyVar vs) where vs = [ ihname A i | i <- [0 .. arity - 1]] tvaldecl :: QName -> Induction -- ^ Is the type inductive or coinductive? -> Nat -> [HS.ConDecl] -> Maybe Clause -> [HS.Decl] tvaldecl q ind npar cds cl = HS.FunBind [HS.Match vn pvs (HS.UnGuardedRhs HS.unit_con) emptyBinds] : maybe [HS.DataDecl kind tn [] cds' []] (const []) cl where (tn, vn) = (unqhname TypeK q, dname q) pvs = [ HS.PVar $ ihname A i | i <- [0 .. npar - 1]] -- Inductive data types consisting of a single constructor with a -- single argument are translated into newtypes. (kind, cds') = case (ind, cds) of (Inductive, [HS.ConDecl c [(_, t)]]) -> (HS.NewType, [HS.ConDecl c [(Nothing, t)]]) -- The strictness annotations are removed for newtype -- constructors. _ -> (HS.DataType, cds) infodecl :: QName -> [HS.Decl] -> [HS.Decl] infodecl _ [] = [] infodecl q ds = HS.Comment (prettyShow q) : ds -------------------------------------------------- -- Writing out a haskell module -------------------------------------------------- type MonadGHCIO m = (MonadIO m, ReadGHCOpts m) copyRTEModules :: MonadGHCIO m => m () copyRTEModules = do dataDir <- liftIO getDataDir let srcDir = dataDir "MAlonzo" "src" dstDir <- optGhcCompileDir <$> askGhcOpts liftIO $ copyDirContent srcDir dstDir writeModule :: MonadGHCIO m => HS.Module -> m () writeModule (HS.Module m ps imp ds) = do -- Note that GHC assumes that sources use ASCII or UTF-8. out <- snd <$> outFileAndDir m strict <- optGhcStrict <$> askGhcOpts let languagePragmas = (HS.LanguagePragma . singleton . HS.Ident) $ List.sort $ [ "QualifiedDo" | strict ] ++ -- If --ghc-strict is used, then the language extension -- QualifiedDo is activated. At the time of writing no -- code is generated that depends on this extension -- (except for the pragmas), but --ghc-strict is broken -- with at least some versions of GHC prior to version 9, -- and QualifiedDo was introduced with GHC 9. [ "BangPatterns" , "EmptyDataDecls" , "EmptyCase" , "ExistentialQuantification" , "ScopedTypeVariables" , "NoMonomorphismRestriction" , "RankNTypes" , "PatternSynonyms" , "OverloadedStrings" ] let ghcOptions = HS.OtherPragma [ "" -- to separate from LANGUAGE pragmas , "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-overlapping-patterns #-}" -- Andreas, 2022-01-26, issue #5758: -- Place this in generated file rather than -- passing it only when calling GHC from within Agda. -- This will silence the warning for the Agda-generated .hs -- files while it can be on for other .hs files in the same -- project. (E.g., when using cabal/stack to compile.) ] liftIO $ UTF8.writeFile out $ (++ "\n") $ prettyPrint $ -- TODO: It might make sense to skip bang patterns for the unused -- arguments of the "non-stripped" functions. applyWhen strict makeStrict $ HS.Module m (concat [languagePragmas, ghcOptions, ps]) imp ds outFileAndDir :: MonadGHCIO m => HS.ModuleName -> m (FilePath, FilePath) outFileAndDir m = do mdir <- optGhcCompileDir <$> askGhcOpts let (fdir, fn) = splitFileName $ repldot pathSeparator $ prettyPrint m let dir = mdir fdir fp = dir replaceExtension fn "hs" liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir return (mdir, fp) where repldot c = $ \ c' -> if c' == '.' then c else c' curOutFileAndDir :: (MonadGHCIO m, ReadGHCModuleEnv m) => m (FilePath, FilePath) curOutFileAndDir = outFileAndDir =<< curHsMod curOutFile :: (MonadGHCIO m, ReadGHCModuleEnv m) => m FilePath curOutFile = snd <$> curOutFileAndDir callGHC :: ReaderT GHCModule TCM () callGHC = do opts <- askGhcOpts agdaOpts <- lift commandLineOptions hsmod <- prettyPrint <$> curHsMod agdaMod <- curAgdaMod let outputName = Text.unpack $ List1.last $ moduleNameParts agdaMod (mdir, fp) <- curOutFileAndDir let ghcopts = optGhcFlags opts modIsMain <- curIsMainModule modHasMainFunc <- asks (not . null . ghcModMainFuncs) let isMain = modIsMain && modHasMainFunc -- both need to be IsMain -- Warn if no main function and not --no-main when (modIsMain /= isMain) $ genericWarning =<< fsep (pwords "No main function defined in" ++ [prettyTCM agdaMod <> "."] ++ pwords "Use --no-main to suppress this warning.") let overridableArgs = [ "-O"] ++ (if isMain then ["-o", mdir outputName] else []) ++ [ "-Werror"] otherArgs = [ "-i" ++ mdir] ++ (if isMain then ["-main-is", hsmod] else []) ++ [ fp , "--make" , "-fwarn-incomplete-patterns" ] args = overridableArgs ++ ghcopts ++ otherArgs let ghcBin = optGhcBin opts -- Make GHC use UTF-8 when writing to stdout and stderr. liftIO $ setEnv "GHC_CHARENC" "UTF-8" -- Note: Some versions of GHC use stderr for progress reports. For -- those versions of GHC we don't print any progress information -- unless an error is encountered. let doCall = optGhcCallGhc opts cwd = if optGHCiInteraction agdaOpts || optJSONInteraction agdaOpts then Just mdir else Nothing liftTCM $ callCompiler doCall ghcBin args cwd (Just utf8)