Agda-2.7.0: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




useNamesFromPattern :: [NamedArg Pattern] -> Telescope -> Telescope Source #

Rename the variables in a telescope using the names from a given pattern.

If there are not at least as many patterns as entries as in the telescope, the names of the remaining entries in the telescope are unchanged. If there are too many patterns, there should be a type error later.

useOriginFrom :: (LensOrigin a, LensOrigin b) => [a] -> [b] -> [a] Source #

noProblemRest :: Problem a -> Bool Source #

Are there any untyped user patterns left?

initLHSState Source #


:: Telescope

The initial telescope delta of parameters.

-> [ProblemEq]

The problem equations inherited from the parent clause (living in delta).

-> [NamedArg Pattern]

The user patterns.

-> Type

The type the user patterns eliminate (living in delta).

-> (LHSState a -> TCM a)

Continuation for when checking the patterns is complete.

-> TCM (LHSState a)

The initial LHS state constructed from the user patterns.

Construct an initial LHSState from user patterns. Example: @

Case : {A : Set} → Maybe A → Set → Set → Set Case nothing B C = B Case (just _) B C = C

sample : {A : Set} (m : Maybe A) → Case m Bool (Maybe A → Bool) sample (just a) (just b) = true sample (just a) nothing = false sample nothing = true The problem generated for the first clause of sample with patterns just a, just b would be: lhsTel = [A : Set, m : Maybe A] lhsOutPat = [A, "m"] lhsProblem = Problem [A = _, "just a" = "a"] ["_", "just a"] ["just b"] [] lhsTarget = "Case m Bool (Maybe A -> Bool)" @

updateProblemRest :: forall m a. (PureTCM m, MonadError TCErr m, MonadTrace m, MonadFresh NameId m) => LHSState a -> m (LHSState a) Source #

Try to move patterns from the problem rest into the problem. Possible if type of problem rest has been updated to a function type.