module Agda.Syntax.Abstract.UsedNames ( allUsedNames ) where import Data.Foldable (foldMap) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Agda.Syntax.Common import Agda.Syntax.Abstract import Agda.Syntax.Concrete (FieldAssignment'(..)) import Agda.Utils.List1 (List1) import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- | All names used in an abstract expression. This is used when rendering clauses to figure out -- which (implicit) pattern variables must be preserved. For example, the for @f : Nat → Nat@, the -- clause @f {n} = 0@ can be printed as @f = 0@ (dropping the @n@), but @f {n} = n@ must preserve -- the @n@. allUsedNames :: Expr -> Set Name allUsedNames = usedNames . boundAndUsed data BoundAndUsedNames = BoundAndUsedNames { boundNames :: Set Name , usedNames :: Set Name } -- | Bound names in first argument scope over second argument. instance Semigroup BoundAndUsedNames where BoundAndUsedNames bound1 used1 <> BoundAndUsedNames bound2 used2 = BoundAndUsedNames (bound1 <> bound2) (used1 <> Set.difference used2 bound1) instance Monoid BoundAndUsedNames where mempty = BoundAndUsedNames mempty mempty mappend = (<>) singleUse :: Name -> BoundAndUsedNames singleUse x = BoundAndUsedNames mempty (Set.singleton x) singleBind :: Name -> BoundAndUsedNames singleBind x = BoundAndUsedNames (Set.singleton x) mempty noBindings :: BoundAndUsedNames -> BoundAndUsedNames noBindings names = names{ boundNames = mempty } -- | Bound names in first argument do *not* scope over second argument. parB :: BoundAndUsedNames -> BoundAndUsedNames -> BoundAndUsedNames parB (BoundAndUsedNames bound1 used1) (BoundAndUsedNames bound2 used2) = BoundAndUsedNames (bound1 <> bound2) (used1 <> used2) parBindings :: (BoundAndUsed a, BoundAndUsed b) => a -> b -> BoundAndUsedNames parBindings a b = boundAndUsed a `parB` boundAndUsed b parBoundAndUsed :: (Foldable f, BoundAndUsed a) => f a -> BoundAndUsedNames parBoundAndUsed = foldr parBindings mempty class BoundAndUsed a where boundAndUsed :: a -> BoundAndUsedNames default boundAndUsed :: (a ~ f b, Foldable f, BoundAndUsed b) => a -> BoundAndUsedNames boundAndUsed = foldMap boundAndUsed instance BoundAndUsed BoundAndUsedNames where boundAndUsed = id instance BoundAndUsed a => BoundAndUsed (Arg a) instance BoundAndUsed a => BoundAndUsed (Named n a) instance BoundAndUsed a => BoundAndUsed (List1 a) instance BoundAndUsed a => BoundAndUsed [a] instance BoundAndUsed a => BoundAndUsed (Maybe a) instance (BoundAndUsed a, BoundAndUsed b) => BoundAndUsed (Either a b) where boundAndUsed = either boundAndUsed boundAndUsed instance BoundAndUsed ModuleName where boundAndUsed _ = mempty instance (BoundAndUsed a, BoundAndUsed b) => BoundAndUsed (a, b) where boundAndUsed (a, b) = boundAndUsed a <> boundAndUsed b instance BoundAndUsed Expr where boundAndUsed = noBindings . \ case Var x -> singleUse x Def'{} -> mempty Proj{} -> mempty Con{} -> mempty PatternSyn{} -> mempty Macro{} -> mempty Lit{} -> mempty QuestionMark{} -> mempty Underscore{} -> mempty Dot _ expr -> boundAndUsed expr App _ expr arg -> boundAndUsed (expr, arg) WithApp _ expr exprs -> boundAndUsed (expr, exprs) Lam _ bind expr -> boundAndUsed (bind, expr) AbsurdLam{} -> mempty ExtendedLam _ _ _ _ cs -> boundAndUsed cs Pi _ tel expr -> boundAndUsed (tel, expr) Generalized _ expr -> boundAndUsed expr Fun _ arg expr -> boundAndUsed (arg, expr) Let _ binds expr -> boundAndUsed (binds, expr) Rec _ as -> boundAndUsed as RecUpdate _ expr as -> boundAndUsed expr <> boundAndUsed as ScopedExpr _ expr -> boundAndUsed expr Quote{} -> mempty QuoteTerm{} -> mempty Unquote{} -> mempty DontCare expr -> boundAndUsed expr instance BoundAndUsed lhs => BoundAndUsed (Clause' lhs) where -- Note: where declarations are ignored. We use this only on expressions coming from -- InternalToAbstract where there are no where decls. boundAndUsed Clause{ clauseLHS = lhs, clauseRHS = rhs } = boundAndUsed (lhs, rhs) instance BoundAndUsed RHS where boundAndUsed = \ case RHS body _ -> boundAndUsed body AbsurdRHS -> mempty WithRHS _ es cs -> boundAndUsed (es, cs) RewriteRHS eqns _ rhs _ -> boundAndUsed (eqns, rhs) instance BoundAndUsed LHS where boundAndUsed = boundAndUsed . lhsCore instance BoundAndUsed e => BoundAndUsed (LHSCore' e) where boundAndUsed = \ case LHSHead _ ps -> parBoundAndUsed ps LHSProj _ lhs ps -> lhs `parBindings` parBoundAndUsed ps LHSWith lhs wps ps -> lhs `parBindings` parBoundAndUsed wps `parBindings` parBoundAndUsed ps instance (BoundAndUsed x, BoundAndUsed p, BoundAndUsed e) => BoundAndUsed (RewriteEqn' q x p e) where boundAndUsed (Rewrite es) = boundAndUsed $ snd <$> es boundAndUsed (Invert _ bs) = parBoundAndUsed (namedThing <$> bs) <> boundAndUsed (nameOf <$> bs) boundAndUsed (LeftLet bs) = boundAndUsed bs instance BoundAndUsed LetBinding where boundAndUsed = \ case -- Note: binder last since it's not recursive LetBind _ _ x ty e -> boundAndUsed ((ty, e), x) LetPatBind _ p e -> boundAndUsed (e, p) LetApply _ _ _ app _ _ -> boundAndUsed app LetOpen{} -> mempty LetDeclaredVariable{} -> mempty -- Only used for highlighting instance BoundAndUsed LamBinding where boundAndUsed (DomainFree _ b) = boundAndUsed b boundAndUsed (DomainFull b) = boundAndUsed b instance BoundAndUsed TypedBinding where boundAndUsed (TBind _ _ bs ty) = boundAndUsed (ty, bs) boundAndUsed (TLet _ bs) = boundAndUsed bs instance BoundAndUsed name => BoundAndUsed (Binder' name) where boundAndUsed (Binder p x) = parBindings p x instance BoundAndUsed BindName where boundAndUsed x = singleBind (unBind x) instance BoundAndUsed e => BoundAndUsed (Pattern' e) where boundAndUsed = \ case VarP x -> boundAndUsed x ConP _ _ ps -> parBoundAndUsed ps ProjP{} -> mempty DefP _ _ ps -> parBoundAndUsed ps WildP{} -> mempty AsP _ x p -> parBindings x p DotP _ e -> boundAndUsed e AbsurdP{} -> mempty LitP{} -> mempty PatternSynP _ _ ps -> parBoundAndUsed ps RecP _ as -> parBoundAndUsed as EqualP _ eqs -> parBoundAndUsed eqs WithP _ p -> boundAndUsed p AnnP _ ty p -> boundAndUsed (ty, p) instance BoundAndUsed e => BoundAndUsed (FieldAssignment' e) where boundAndUsed (FieldAssignment _ e) = boundAndUsed e instance BoundAndUsed ModuleApplication where boundAndUsed (SectionApp tel _ es) = noBindings $ boundAndUsed (tel, es) boundAndUsed RecordModuleInstance{} = mempty