BNF Converter: C# GPLEX Generator
Copyright (C) 2006 Author: Johan Broberg
Modified from CFtoFlex
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
BNF Converter Module
Description : This module generates the GPLEX file.
Author : Johan Broberg (johan@pontemonti.com)
License : GPL (GNU General Public License)
Created : 23 November, 2006
Modified : 17 December, 2006 by Johan Broberg
module BNFC.Backend.CSharp.CFtoGPLEX (cf2gplex) where
import BNFC.CF
import BNFC.Backend.CSharp.RegToGPLEX
import BNFC.Backend.Common.NamedVariables
import Data.List
import BNFC.Backend.CSharp.CSharpUtils
--The environment must be returned for the parser to use.
cf2gplex :: Namespace -> CF -> (String, SymEnv)
cf2gplex namespace cf = (unlines [
prelude namespace,
prettyprinter $ (lexSymbols env) ++ (gplex namespace cf env'),
], env')
env = makeSymEnv (symbols cf ++ reservedWords cf) (0 :: Int)
env' = env ++ (makeSymEnv (tokenNames cf) (length env))
-- GPPG doesn't seem to like tokens beginning with an underscore, so they (the underscores, nothing else) have been removed.
makeSymEnv [] _ = []
makeSymEnv (s:symbs) n = (s, "SYMB_" ++ (show n)) : (makeSymEnv symbs (n+1))
prelude :: Namespace -> String
prelude namespace = unlines [
"/* This GPLex file was machine-generated by the BNF converter */",
"%namespace " ++ namespace,
" /// ",
" /// Buffer for escaped characters in strings.",
" /// ",
" private System.Text.StringBuilder strBuffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();",
" /// ",
" /// Change to enable output - useful for debugging purposes",
" /// ",
" public bool Trace = false;",
" /// ",
" /// Culture-independent IFormatProvider for numbers. ",
" /// This is just a \"wrapper\" for System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.",
" /// ",
" /// ",
" /// This should be used when parsing numbers. Otherwise the parser might fail: ",
" /// culture en-US uses a dot as decimal separator, while for example sv-SE uses a comma. ",
" /// BNFC uses dot as decimal separator for Double values, so if your culture is sv-SE ",
" /// the parse will fail if this InvariantInfo isn't used.",
" /// ",
" private static System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo InvariantFormatInfo = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;",
" /// ",
" /// Convenience method to create scanner AND initialize it correctly.",
" /// As long as you don't want to enable trace output, this is all you ",
" /// need to call and give to the parser to be able to parse.",
" /// ",
" public static Scanner CreateScanner(Stream stream)",
" {",
" Scanner scanner = new Scanner(stream);",
" scanner.Begin();",
" return scanner;",
" }",
" /// ",
" /// Sets the scanner to the correct initial state (YYINITIAL). ",
" /// You should call this method prior to calling parser.Parse().",
" /// ",
" public void Begin()",
" {",
" }",
" /// ",
" /// Convenience method to \"reset\" the buffer for escaped characters in strings.",
" /// ",
" private void BufferReset()",
" {",
" this.strBuffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();",
" }",
--For now all categories are included.
--Optimally only the ones that are used should be generated.
cMacros :: String
cMacros = unlines
"alpha [a-zA-Z]",
"alphaCapital [A-Z]",
"alphaSmall [a-z]",
"digit [0-9]",
"ident [a-zA-Z0-9'_]",
-- start states, must be defined one at a time
"%s CHAR",
"%s STRING",
lexSymbols :: SymEnv -> [(String, String)]
lexSymbols ss = map transSym ss
transSym (s,r) =
("\"" ++ s' ++ "\"" , "if(Trace) System.Console.Error.WriteLine(yytext); return (int)Tokens." ++ r ++ ";")
s' = escapeChars s
gplex :: Namespace -> CF -> SymEnv -> [(String, String)]
gplex namespace cf env = concat [
lexComments (comments cf),
ifC catString strStates,
ifC catChar charStates,
ifC catDouble [("{digit}+\".\"{digit}+(\"e\"(\\-)?{digit}+)?" , "if(Trace) System.Console.Error.WriteLine(yytext); yylval.double_ = Double.Parse(yytext, InvariantFormatInfo); return (int)Tokens.DOUBLE_;")],
ifC catInteger [("{digit}+" , "if(Trace) System.Console.Error.WriteLine(yytext); yylval.int_ = Int32.Parse(yytext, InvariantFormatInfo); return (int)Tokens.INTEGER_;")],
ifC catIdent [("{alpha}{ident}*" , "if(Trace) System.Console.Error.WriteLine(yytext); yylval.string_ = yytext; return (int)Tokens.IDENT_;")],
[("[ \\t\\r\\n\\f]" , "/* ignore white space. */;")],
[("." , "return (int)Tokens.error;")]
ifC cat s = if isUsedCat cf cat then s else []
userDefTokens = map tokenline (tokenPragmas cf)
tokenline (name, exp) = ("" ++ printRegGPLEX exp , action name)
action n = "if(Trace) System.Console.Error.WriteLine(yytext); yylval." ++ varName (show$normCat n) ++ " = new " ++ identifier namespace (show n) ++ "(yytext); return (int)Tokens." ++ sName n ++ ";"
sName n = case lookup (show n) env of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> show n
-- These handle escaped characters in Strings.
strStates = [
("\"\\\"\"" , "BEGIN(STRING);"),
("\\\\" , "BEGIN(ESCAPED);"),
("\\\"" , "yylval.string_ = this.strBuffer.ToString(); BufferReset(); BEGIN(YYINITIAL); return (int)Tokens.STRING_;"),
("." , "this.strBuffer.Append(yytext);"),
("n" , "this.strBuffer.Append(\"\\n\"); BEGIN(STRING);"),
("\\\"" , "this.strBuffer.Append(\"\\\"\"); BEGIN(STRING);"),
("\\\\" , "this.strBuffer.Append(\"\\\\\"); BEGIN(STRING);"),
("t" , "this.strBuffer.Append(\"\\t\"); BEGIN(STRING);"),
("." , "this.strBuffer.Append(yytext); BEGIN(STRING);")
-- These handle escaped characters in Chars.
charStates = [
("\"'\"" , "BEGIN(CHAR);"),
("\\\\" , "BEGIN(CHARESC);"),
("[^']" , "BEGIN(CHAREND); yylval.char_ = yytext[0]; return (int)Tokens.CHAR_;"),
("n" , "BEGIN(CHAREND); yylval.char_ = '\\n'; return (int)Tokens.CHAR_;"),
("t" , "BEGIN(CHAREND); yylval.char_ = '\\t'; return (int)Tokens.CHAR_;"),
("." , "BEGIN(CHAREND); yylval.char_ = yytext[0]; return (int)Tokens.CHAR_;"),
("\"'\"" , "BEGIN(YYINITIAL);")
lexComments :: ([(String, String)], [String]) -> [(String, String)]
lexComments (m,s) = (map lexSingleComment s) ++ (concatMap lexMultiComment m)
lexSingleComment :: String -> (String, String)
lexSingleComment c =
("\"" ++ c ++ "\"[^\\n]*\\n" , "/* BNFC single-line comment */;")
--There might be a possible bug here if a language includes 2 multi-line comments.
--They could possibly start a comment with one character and end it with another.
--However this seems rare.
lexMultiComment :: (String, String) -> [(String, String)]
lexMultiComment (b,e) = [
("\"" ++ b ++ "\"" , "BEGIN(COMMENT);"),
("\"" ++ e ++ "\"" , "BEGIN(YYINITIAL);"),
("." , "/* BNFC multi-line comment */;"),
("[\\n]" , "/* BNFC multi-line comment */;")
-- Used to print the lexer rules; makes sure that all rules are equally indented, to make the GPLEX file a little more readable.
prettyprinter :: [(String, String)] -> String
prettyprinter xs = unlines $ map prettyprinter' xs
padlength = 1 + (last $ sort $ map length $ map fst xs)
prettyprinter' (x, y) = x ++ replicate (padlength - length x) ' ' ++ y