module Text.BlogLiterately.Transform
, optionsXF
, profileXF
, highlightOptsXF
, passwordXF
, titleXF
, rawtexifyXF
, wptexifyXF
, ghciXF
, uploadImagesXF
, highlightXF
, centerImagesXF
, citationsXF
, specialLinksXF
, mkSpecialLinksXF
, standardSpecialLinks
, luckyLink
, wikiLink
, postLink
, Transform(..), pureTransform, ioTransform, runTransform, runTransforms
, xformDoc
, fixLineEndings
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Lens (has, isn't, use, (%=), (&),
(.=), (.~), (^.), _1, _2,
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (isDigit, toLower)
import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf,
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Network.HTTP (getRequest, getResponseBody,
import System.Directory (doesFileExist,
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension, (<.>), (</>))
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import Text.CSL.Pandoc (processCites')
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Text.Pandoc hiding (openURL)
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError)
import Text.Parsec (ParseError)
import Text.BlogLiterately.Block (onTag)
import Text.BlogLiterately.Ghci (formatInlineGhci)
import Text.BlogLiterately.Highlight (HsHighlight (HsColourInline),
import Text.BlogLiterately.Image (uploadAllImages)
import Text.BlogLiterately.LaTeX (rawTeXify, wpTeXify)
import Text.BlogLiterately.Options
import Text.BlogLiterately.Options.Parse (readBLOptions)
import Text.BlogLiterately.Post (findTitle, getPostURL)
data Transform = Transform
{ getTransform :: StateT (BlogLiterately, Pandoc) IO ()
, xfCond :: BlogLiterately -> Bool
pureTransform :: (BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> Pandoc)
-> (BlogLiterately -> Bool) -> Transform
pureTransform transf cond = Transform (gets fst >>= \bl -> _2 %= transf bl) cond
ioTransform :: (BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc)
-> (BlogLiterately -> Bool) -> Transform
ioTransform transf cond = Transform (StateT . fmap (fmap $ (,) ()) $ transf') cond
where transf' (bl,p) = ((,) bl) <$> transf bl p
runTransform :: Transform -> StateT (BlogLiterately, Pandoc) IO ()
runTransform t = do
bl <- gets fst
when (xfCond t bl) $ getTransform t
runTransforms :: [Transform] -> BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> IO (BlogLiterately, Pandoc)
runTransforms ts bl p = execStateT (mapM_ runTransform ts) (bl,p)
rawtexifyXF :: Transform
rawtexifyXF = pureTransform (const rawTeXify) rawlatex'
wptexifyXF :: Transform
wptexifyXF = pureTransform (const wpTeXify) wplatex'
ghciXF :: Transform
ghciXF = ioTransform (formatInlineGhci . file') ghci'
uploadImagesXF :: Transform
uploadImagesXF = ioTransform uploadAllImages uploadImages'
highlightXF :: Transform
highlightXF = pureTransform
(\bl -> colourisePandoc (hsHighlight' bl) (otherHighlight' bl))
(const True)
centerImagesXF :: Transform
centerImagesXF = pureTransform (const centerImages) (const True)
centerImages :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
centerImages = bottomUp centerImage
centerImage :: [Block] -> [Block]
centerImage (img@(Para [Image _attr _altText (_imgUrl, _imgTitle)]) : bs) =
RawBlock (Format "html") "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">"
: img
: RawBlock (Format "html") "</div>"
: bs
centerImage bs = bs
specialLinksXF :: Transform
specialLinksXF = mkSpecialLinksXF standardSpecialLinks
standardSpecialLinks :: [SpecialLink]
standardSpecialLinks =
[ luckyLink
, wikiLink
, postLink
, githubLink
, hackageLink
type SpecialLink = (String, String -> BlogLiterately -> IO String)
mkSpecialLinksXF :: [SpecialLink] -> Transform
mkSpecialLinksXF links = ioTransform (specialLinks links) (const True)
specialLinks :: [SpecialLink] -> BlogLiterately -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
specialLinks links bl = bottomUpM specialLink
specialLink :: Inline -> IO Inline
specialLink i@(Link attrs alt (url, title))
| Just (typ, target) <- getSpecial url
= mkLink <$> case lookup (map toLower typ) links of
Just mkURL -> mkURL target bl
Nothing -> return target
mkLink u = Link attrs alt (u, title)
specialLink i = return i
getSpecial url
| "::" `isInfixOf` url =
let (typ:rest) = splitOn "::" url
in Just (typ, intercalate "::" rest)
| otherwise = Nothing
luckyLink :: SpecialLink
luckyLink = ("lucky", getLucky)
getLucky searchTerm _ = do
results <- openURL $ "" ++ searchTerm
let tags = parseTags results
anchor = take 1 . dropWhile (~/= "<a>") . dropWhile (~/= "<h3 class='r'>") $ tags
url = case anchor of
[t@(TagOpen{})] -> takeWhile (/='&') . dropWhile (/='h') . fromAttrib "href" $ t
_ -> searchTerm
return url
openURL :: String -> IO String
openURL x = getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP (getRequest x)
wikiLink :: SpecialLink
wikiLink = ("wiki", \target _ -> return $ "" ++ target)
postLink :: SpecialLink
postLink = ("post", getPostLink)
getPostLink target bl =
fromMaybe target <$>
case (all isDigit target, bl ^. blog) of
(_ , Nothing ) -> return Nothing
(True , Just url) -> getPostURL url target (user' bl) (password' bl)
(False, Just url) -> findTitle 20 url target (user' bl) (password' bl)
githubLink :: SpecialLink
githubLink = ("github", getGithubLink)
getGithubLink target bl =
case splitOn "/" target of
(user : repo : ghTarget) -> return $ github </> user </> repo </> mkTarget ghTarget
_ -> return $ github </> target
github = ""
mkTarget [] = ""
mkTarget (('@': hash) : _) = "commit" </> hash
mkTarget (('#': issue) : _) = "issues" </> issue
hackageLink :: SpecialLink
hackageLink = ("hackage", getHackageLink)
getHackageLink pkg bl = return $ hackagePrefix ++ pkg
hackagePrefix = ""
titleXF :: Transform
titleXF = Transform extractTitle (const True)
extractTitle = do
(Pandoc (Meta m) _) <- gets snd
case M.lookup "title" m of
Just (MetaString s) ->
setTitle s
Just (MetaInlines is) ->
setTitle (intercalate " " [s | Str s <- is])
_ -> return ()
setTitle s = _1.title %= (`mplus` Just s)
optionsXF :: Transform
optionsXF = Transform optionsXF' (const True)
optionsXF' = do
(errs, opts) <- queryWith extractOptions <$> gets snd
mapM_ (liftIO . print) errs
_1 %= (<> opts)
_2 %= bottomUp killOptionBlocks
extractOptions :: Block -> ([ParseError], BlogLiterately)
extractOptions = onTag "blopts" (const readBLOptions) (const mempty)
killOptionBlocks :: Block -> Block
killOptionBlocks = onTag "blopts" (const (const Null)) id
passwordXF :: Transform
passwordXF = Transform passwordPrompt passwordCond
passwordCond bl = ((bl ^. blog) & has _Just)
&& ((bl ^. password) & isn't _Just)
passwordPrompt = do
liftIO $ putStr "Password: " >> hFlush stdout
pwd <- liftIO getLine
_1 . password .= Just pwd
highlightOptsXF :: Transform
highlightOptsXF = Transform doHighlightOptsXF (const True)
doHighlightOptsXF = do
prefs <- (liftIO . getStylePrefs) =<< use (_1 . style)
(_1 . hsHighlight) %= Just . maybe (HsColourInline prefs)
(_HsColourInline .~ prefs)
citationsXF :: Transform
citationsXF = ioTransform (const processCites') citations'
profileXF :: Transform
profileXF = Transform doProfileXF (const True)
doProfileXF = do
bl <- use _1
bl' <- liftIO $ loadProfile bl
_1 .= bl'
loadProfile :: BlogLiterately -> IO BlogLiterately
loadProfile bl =
case bl^.profile of
Nothing -> return bl
Just profileName -> do
appDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "BlogLiterately"
let profileCfg = appDir </> profileName <.> "cfg"
e <- doesFileExist profileCfg
case e of
False -> do
putStrLn $ profileCfg ++ ": file not found"
True -> do
(errs, blProfile) <- readBLOptions <$> readFile profileCfg
mapM_ print errs
return $ mappend blProfile bl
standardTransforms :: [Transform]
standardTransforms =
, profileXF
, passwordXF
, titleXF
, rawtexifyXF
, wptexifyXF
, ghciXF
, uploadImagesXF
, centerImagesXF
, specialLinksXF
, highlightOptsXF
, highlightXF
, citationsXF
xformDoc :: BlogLiterately -> [Transform] -> String -> IO (Either PandocError (BlogLiterately, String))
xformDoc bl xforms = runIO .
( fixLineEndings
>>> T.pack
>>> parseFile parseOpts
>=> (liftIO . runTransforms xforms bl)
>=> (\(bl', p) -> (bl',) <$> writeHtml5String (writeOpts bl') p)
>=> _2 (return . T.unpack)
parseFile :: ReaderOptions -> Text -> PandocIO Pandoc
parseFile opts =
case bl^.format of
Just "rst" -> readRST opts
Just _ -> readMarkdown opts
Nothing ->
case takeExtension (file' bl) of
".rst" -> readRST opts
".rest" -> readRST opts
".txt" -> readRST opts
_ -> readMarkdown opts
parseOpts = let e0 = enableExtension Ext_smart $
case bl^.litHaskell of
Just False -> readerExtensions def
_ -> enableExtension Ext_literate_haskell
(readerExtensions def)
e1 = case bl^.rawlatex of
Just True -> enableExtension Ext_tex_math_dollars $
enableExtension Ext_tex_math_single_backslash $
readerExtensions def
_ -> readerExtensions def
in def { readerExtensions = e0 <> e1 }
writeOpts bl = def
{ writerReferenceLinks = True
, writerTableOfContents = toc' bl
, writerHTMLMathMethod =
case math' bl of
"" -> PlainMath
opt -> mathOption opt
, writerTemplate = Just blHtmlTemplate
mathOption opt
| opt `isPrefixOf` "latexmathml" ||
opt `isPrefixOf` "asciimathml" = LaTeXMathML (mathUrlMaybe opt)
| opt `isPrefixOf` "mathml" = MathML
| opt `isPrefixOf` "mimetex" =
WebTeX (mathUrl "/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?" opt)
| opt `isPrefixOf` "webtex" = WebTeX (mathUrl webTeXURL opt)
| opt `isPrefixOf` "jsmath" = JsMath (mathUrlMaybe opt)
| opt `isPrefixOf` "mathjax" = MathJax (mathUrl mathJaxURL opt)
| opt `isPrefixOf` "gladtex" = GladTeX
| otherwise = PlainMath
webTeXURL = ""
mathJaxURL = ""
++ "?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"
urlPart = drop 1 . dropWhile (/='=')
mathUrlMaybe opt = case urlPart opt of "" -> Nothing; x -> Just x
mathUrl dflt opt = case urlPart opt of "" -> dflt; x -> x
fixLineEndings :: String -> String
fixLineEndings [] = []
fixLineEndings ('\r':'\n':cs) = '\n':fixLineEndings cs
fixLineEndings (c:cs) = c:fixLineEndings cs
blHtmlTemplate = unlines
[ "$if(highlighting-css)$"
, " <style type=\"text/css\">"
, "$highlighting-css$"
, " </style>"
, "$endif$"
, "$for(css)$"
, " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$css$\" $if(html5)$$else$type=\"text/css\" $endif$/>"
, "$endfor$"
, "$if(math)$"
, " $math$"
, "$endif$"
, "$if(toc)$"
, "<div id=\"$idprefix$TOC\">"
, "$toc$"
, "</div>"
, "$endif$"
, "$body$"