module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.LocalTime(
days, months, years
) where
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Time
import Data.Fixed
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Control.Lens
import Data.Colour (opaque)
import Data.Colour.Names (black, lightgrey)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Types
instance PlotValue LocalTime where
toValue = doubleFromLocalTime
fromValue = localTimeFromDouble
autoAxis = autoTimeAxis
doubleFromLocalTime :: LocalTime -> Double
doubleFromLocalTime lt = fromIntegral (toModifiedJulianDay (localDay lt))
+ fromRational (timeOfDayToDayFraction (localTimeOfDay lt))
localTimeFromDouble :: Double -> LocalTime
localTimeFromDouble v =
LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay i) (dayFractionToTimeOfDay (toRational d))
(i,d) = properFraction v
type TimeSeq = LocalTime-> ([LocalTime],[LocalTime])
coverTS :: TimeSeq -> LocalTime -> LocalTime -> [LocalTime]
coverTS tseq min max = min' ++ enumerateTS tseq min max ++ max'
min' = if elemTS min tseq then [] else take 1 (fst (tseq min))
max' = if elemTS max tseq then [] else take 1 (snd (tseq max))
enumerateTS :: TimeSeq -> LocalTime -> LocalTime -> [LocalTime]
enumerateTS tseq min max =
reverse (takeWhile (>=min) ts1) ++ takeWhile (<=max) ts2
(ts1,ts2) = tseq min
elemTS :: LocalTime -> TimeSeq -> Bool
elemTS t tseq = case tseq t of
(_,(t0:_)) | t == t0 -> True
_ -> False
type TimeLabelFn = LocalTime -> String
data TimeLabelAlignment = UnderTicks
| BetweenTicks
deriving (Show)
timeAxis :: TimeSeq -> TimeSeq -> TimeLabelFn -> TimeLabelAlignment ->
TimeSeq -> TimeLabelFn -> TimeLabelAlignment ->
AxisFn LocalTime
timeAxis tseq lseq labelf lal cseq contextf clal pts = AxisData {
_axis_visibility = def,
_axis_viewport = vmap(min', max'),
_axis_tropweiv = invmap(min', max'),
_axis_ticks = [ (t,2) | t <- times] ++ [ (t,5) | t <- ltimes, visible t],
_axis_labels = [ [ (t,l) | (t,l) <- labels labelf ltimes lal, visible t]
, [ (t,l) | (t,l) <- labels contextf ctimes clal, visible t]
_axis_grid = [ t | t <- ltimes, visible t]
(min,max) = case pts of
[] -> (refLocalTime,refLocalTime)
ps -> (minimum ps, maximum ps)
refLocalTime = LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) midnight
times = coverTS tseq min max
ltimes = coverTS lseq min max
ctimes = coverTS cseq min max
min' = minimum times
max' = maximum times
visible t = min' <= t && t <= max'
labels f ts lal =
[ (align lal m1' m2', f m1)
| (m1,m2) <- zip ts (tail ts)
, let m1' = if m1<min' then min' else m1
, let m2' = if m2>max' then max' else m2 ]
align BetweenTicks m1 m2 = avg m1 m2
align UnderTicks m1 m2 = m1
avg m1 m2 = localTimeFromDouble $ m1' + (m2' m1')/2
m1' = doubleFromLocalTime m1
m2' = doubleFromLocalTime m2
normalizeTimeOfDay :: LocalTime -> LocalTime
normalizeTimeOfDay t@(LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s))
| s < 0 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h (m1) (s+60)))
| m < 0 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay (h1) (m+60) s))
| h < 0 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime (addDays (1) day) (TimeOfDay (h+24) m s))
| s >= 60 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h (m+s`div'`60)
| m >= 60 = normalizeTimeOfDay (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay (h+m`div`60)
(m`mod`60) s))
| h >= 24 = LocalTime (addDays (fromIntegral (h`div`24)) day)
(TimeOfDay (h`mod`24) m s)
| otherwise = t
addTod :: Int -> Int -> Pico -> LocalTime -> LocalTime
addTod dh dm ds (LocalTime day (TimeOfDay h m s)) = normalizeTimeOfDay t'
where t' = LocalTime day (TimeOfDay (h+dh) (m+dm) (s+ds))
truncateTo :: (HasResolution a) => Fixed a -> Fixed a -> Fixed a
truncateTo t step = t t `mod'` step
secondSeq :: Pico -> TimeSeq
secondSeq step t = (iterate rev t1, tail (iterate fwd t1))
where h0 = todHour (localTimeOfDay t)
m0 = todMin (localTimeOfDay t)
s0 = todSec (localTimeOfDay t) `truncateTo` (fromIntegral 1 / 1000)
t0 = LocalTime (localDay t) (TimeOfDay h0 m0 s0)
t1 = if t0 < t then t0 else (rev t0)
rev = addTod 0 0 (negate step)
fwd = addTod 0 0 (step)
millis1, millis10, millis100, seconds, fiveSeconds :: TimeSeq
millis1 = secondSeq (fromIntegral 1 / 1000)
millis10 = secondSeq (fromIntegral 1 / 100)
millis100 = secondSeq (fromIntegral 1 / 10)
seconds = secondSeq (fromIntegral 1)
fiveSeconds = secondSeq (fromIntegral 5)
minuteSeq :: Int -> TimeSeq
minuteSeq step t = (iterate rev t1, tail (iterate fwd t1))
where h0 = todHour (localTimeOfDay t)
m0 = todMin (localTimeOfDay t)
t0 = LocalTime (localDay t) (TimeOfDay h0 m0 0)
t1 = if t0 < t then t0 else (rev t0)
rev = addTod 0 (negate step) (fromIntegral 0)
fwd = addTod 0 step (fromIntegral 0)
minutes, fiveMinutes :: TimeSeq
minutes = minuteSeq 1
fiveMinutes = minuteSeq 5
hours :: TimeSeq
hours t = (iterate rev t1, tail (iterate fwd t1))
where h0 = todHour (localTimeOfDay t)
t0 = LocalTime (localDay t) (TimeOfDay h0 0 0)
t1 = if t0 < t then t0 else (rev t0)
rev = addTod (1) 0 (fromIntegral 0)
fwd = addTod 1 0 (fromIntegral 0)
days :: TimeSeq
days t = (map toTime $ iterate rev t1, map toTime $ tail (iterate fwd t1))
where t0 = localDay t
t1 = if (toTime t0) < t then t0 else (rev t0)
rev = pred
fwd = succ
toTime d = LocalTime d midnight
months :: TimeSeq
months t = (map toTime $ iterate rev t1, map toTime $ tail (iterate fwd t1))
where t0 = let (y,m,d) = toGregorian $ localDay t in fromGregorian y m 1
t1 = if toTime t0 < t then t0 else (rev t0)
rev = addGregorianMonthsClip (1)
fwd = addGregorianMonthsClip 1
toTime d = LocalTime d midnight
years :: TimeSeq
years t = (map toTime $ iterate rev t1, map toTime $ tail (iterate fwd t1))
where t0 = let (y,m,d) = toGregorian $ localDay t in y
t1 = if toTime t0 < t then t0 else (rev t0)
rev = pred
fwd = succ
toTime y = LocalTime (fromGregorian y 1 1) midnight
noTime :: TimeSeq
noTime t = ([],[])
autoTimeAxis :: AxisFn LocalTime
autoTimeAxis pts
| null pts = timeAxis days days (ft "%d-%b-%y") UnderTicks
noTime (ft "") UnderTicks []
| tdiff==0 && 100*dsec<1= timeAxis millis1 millis1 (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks
noTime (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && 10*dsec<1 = timeAxis millis10 millis10 (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks
noTime (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<1 = timeAxis millis10 millis100 (ft "%S%Q") UnderTicks
seconds (ft "%M:%S") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<5 = timeAxis millis100 seconds (ft "%M:%S%Q") UnderTicks
seconds (ft "%M:%S") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<32 = timeAxis seconds seconds (ft "%Ss") UnderTicks
minutes (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:%M") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dsec<120 = timeAxis seconds fiveSeconds (ft "%Ss") UnderTicks
minutes (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:%M") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dmin<7 = timeAxis fiveSeconds minutes (ft "%Mm") UnderTicks
hours (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:00") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dmin<32 = timeAxis minutes minutes (ft "%Mm") UnderTicks
hours (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:00") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff==0 && dmin<90 = timeAxis minutes fiveMinutes (ft "%Mm") UnderTicks
hours (ft "%d-%b-%y %H:00") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 2 && dhour<4 = timeAxis fiveMinutes hours (ft "%H:%M") UnderTicks
days (ft "%d-%b-%y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 2 && dhour<32 = timeAxis hours hours (ft "%H:%M") UnderTicks
days (ft "%d-%b-%y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 4 = timeAxis hours days (ft "%d-%b-%y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 12 = timeAxis days days (ft "%d-%b") BetweenTicks
years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 45 = timeAxis days days (ft "%d") BetweenTicks
months (ft "%b-%y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 95 = timeAxis days months (ft "%b-%y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 450 = timeAxis months months (ft "%b-%y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 735 = timeAxis months months (ft "%b") BetweenTicks
years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks pts
| tdiff < 1800 = timeAxis months years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
| otherwise = timeAxis years years (ft "%Y") BetweenTicks
noTime (ft "") BetweenTicks pts
tdiff = diffDays (localDay t1) (localDay t0)
dhour = if tdiff==0 then h1h0 else 24*fromIntegral tdiff +h1h0
dmin = 60*dhour+(m1m0)
dsec = fromIntegral (60*dmin) + (s1s0)
(TimeOfDay h0 m0 s0) = localTimeOfDay t0
(TimeOfDay h1 m1 s1) = localTimeOfDay t1
t1 = maximum pts
t0 = minimum pts
ft = formatTime defaultTimeLocale