module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Types(
) where
import Data.Time
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List(sort,intersperse)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Colour (opaque)
import Data.Colour.Names (black, lightgrey)
import Data.Default.Class
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable
class Ord a => PlotValue a where
toValue :: a -> Double
fromValue:: Double -> a
autoAxis :: AxisFn a
data AxisVisibility = AxisVisibility
_axis_show_line :: Bool
, _axis_show_ticks :: Bool
, _axis_show_labels :: Bool
data AxisData x = AxisData {
_axis_visibility :: AxisVisibility,
_axis_viewport :: Range -> x -> Double,
_axis_tropweiv :: Range -> Double -> x,
_axis_ticks :: [(x,Double)],
_axis_labels :: [[(x, String)]],
_axis_grid :: [ x ]
data AxisStyle = AxisStyle {
_axis_line_style :: LineStyle,
_axis_label_style :: FontStyle,
_axis_grid_style :: LineStyle,
_axis_label_gap :: Double
type AxisFn x = [x] -> AxisData x
data AxisT x = AxisT RectEdge AxisStyle Bool (AxisData x)
axisToRenderable :: AxisT x -> Renderable x
axisToRenderable at = Renderable {
minsize = minsizeAxis at,
render = renderAxis at
axisGridHide :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridHide ad = ad{ _axis_grid = [] }
axisGridAtTicks :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridAtTicks ad = ad{ _axis_grid = map fst (_axis_ticks ad) }
axisGridAtBigTicks :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridAtBigTicks ad = ad{ _axis_grid =
map fst $
filter ((> minimum (map (abs.snd) (_axis_ticks ad))).snd) $
_axis_ticks ad }
axisGridAtLabels :: AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisGridAtLabels ad = ad{ _axis_grid = map fst vs }
vs = case _axis_labels ad of
[] -> []
ls -> head ls
axisLabelsOverride :: [(x,String)] -> AxisData x -> AxisData x
axisLabelsOverride o ad = ad{ _axis_labels = [o] }
minsizeAxis :: AxisT x -> ChartBackend RectSize
minsizeAxis (AxisT at as rev ad) = do
let labelVis = _axis_show_labels $ _axis_visibility $ ad
tickVis = _axis_show_ticks $ _axis_visibility $ ad
labels = if labelVis then labelTexts ad else []
ticks = if tickVis then _axis_ticks ad else []
labelSizes <- withFontStyle (_axis_label_style as) $ do
mapM (mapM textDimension) labels
let ag = _axis_label_gap as
let tsize = maximum ([0] ++ [ max 0 (l) | (v,l) <- ticks ])
let hw = maximum0 (map ( fst) labelSizes)
let hh = ag + tsize + (sum . intersperse ag . map ( snd) $ labelSizes)
let vw = ag + tsize + (sum . intersperse ag . map ( fst) $ labelSizes)
let vh = maximum0 (map ( snd) labelSizes)
let sz = case at of
E_Top -> (hw,hh)
E_Bottom -> (hw,hh)
E_Left -> (vw,vh)
E_Right -> (vw,vh)
return sz
labelTexts :: AxisData a -> [[String]]
labelTexts ad = map (map snd) (_axis_labels ad)
maximum0 [] = 0
maximum0 vs = maximum vs
axisOverhang :: (Ord x) => AxisT x -> ChartBackend (Double,Double)
axisOverhang (AxisT at as rev ad) = do
let labels = map snd . sort . concat . _axis_labels $ ad
labelSizes <- withFontStyle (_axis_label_style as) $ do
mapM textDimension labels
case labelSizes of
[] -> return (0,0)
ls -> let l1 = head ls
l2 = last ls
ohangv = return (snd l1 / 2, snd l2 / 2)
ohangh = return (fst l1 / 2, fst l2 / 2)
in case at of
E_Top -> ohangh
E_Bottom -> ohangh
E_Left -> ohangv
E_Right -> ohangh
renderAxis :: AxisT x -> RectSize -> ChartBackend (PickFn x)
renderAxis at@(AxisT et as rev ad) sz = do
let ls = _axis_line_style as
vis = _axis_visibility ad
when (_axis_show_line vis) $ do
withLineStyle (ls {_line_cap = LineCapSquare}) $ do
p <- alignStrokePoints [Point sx sy,Point ex ey]
strokePointPath p
when (_axis_show_ticks vis) $ do
withLineStyle (ls {_line_cap = LineCapButt}) $ do
mapM_ drawTick (_axis_ticks ad)
when (_axis_show_labels vis) $ do
withFontStyle (_axis_label_style as) $ do
labelSizes <- mapM (mapM textDimension) (labelTexts ad)
let sizes = map ((+ag) coord) labelSizes
let offsets = scanl (+) ag sizes
mapM_ drawLabels (zip offsets (_axis_labels ad))
return pickfn
(sx,sy,ex,ey,tp,axisPoint,invAxisPoint) = axisMapping at sz
drawTick (value,length) =
let t1 = axisPoint value
t2 = t1 `pvadd` (vscale length tp)
in alignStrokePoints [t1,t2] >>= strokePointPath
(hta,vta,coord,awayFromAxis) = case et of
E_Top -> (HTA_Centre, VTA_Bottom, snd, \v -> (Vector 0 (v)))
E_Bottom -> (HTA_Centre, VTA_Top, snd, \v -> (Vector 0 v))
E_Left -> (HTA_Right, VTA_Centre, fst, \v -> (Vector (v) 0))
E_Right -> (HTA_Left, VTA_Centre, fst, \v -> (Vector v 0))
avoidOverlaps labels = do
rects <- mapM labelDrawRect labels
return $ map snd . head . filter (noOverlaps . map fst)
$ map (\n -> eachNth n rects) [0 .. length rects]
labelDrawRect (value,s) = do
let pt = axisPoint value `pvadd` (awayFromAxis ag)
r <- textDrawRect hta vta pt s
return (hBufferRect r,(value,s))
drawLabels (offset,labels) = do
labels' <- avoidOverlaps labels
mapM_ drawLabel labels'
drawLabel (value,s) = do
drawTextA hta vta (axisPoint value `pvadd` (awayFromAxis offset)) s
textDimension s
ag = _axis_label_gap as
pickfn = Just . invAxisPoint
hBufferRect :: Rect -> Rect
hBufferRect (Rect p (Point x y)) = Rect p $ Point x' y
where x' = x + w/2
w = x (p_x p)
noOverlaps :: [Rect] -> Bool
noOverlaps [] = True
noOverlaps [_] = True
noOverlaps (x:y:l) | rectsOverlap x y = False
| otherwise = noOverlaps (y:l)
rectsOverlap :: Rect -> Rect -> Bool
rectsOverlap (Rect p1 p2) r = any (withinRect r) ps
where (Point x1 y1) = p1
(Point x2 y2) = p2
p3 = Point x1 y2
p4 = Point x2 y1
ps = [p1,p2,p3,p4]
eachNth n = skipN
n' = n 1
skipN [] = []
skipN (x:xs) = x : skipN (drop n' xs)
withinRect :: Rect -> Point -> Bool
withinRect (Rect (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) (Point x y)
= and [x >= x1 && x <= x2,
y >= y1 && y <= y2]
axisMapping :: AxisT z -> RectSize
-> (Double,Double,Double,Double,Vector,z->Point,Point->z)
axisMapping (AxisT et as rev ad) (x2,y2) = case et of
E_Top -> (x1,y2,x2,y2, (Vector 0 1), mapx y2, imapx)
E_Bottom -> (x1,y1,x2,y1, (Vector 0 (1)), mapx y1, imapx)
E_Left -> (x2,y2,x2,y1, (Vector (1) 0), mapy x2, imapy)
E_Right -> (x1,y2,x1,y1, (Vector (1) 0), mapy x1, imapy)
(x1,y1) = (0,0)
xr = reverse (x1,x2)
yr = reverse (y2,y1)
mapx y x = Point (_axis_viewport ad xr x) y
mapy x y = Point x (_axis_viewport ad yr y)
imapx (Point x _) = _axis_tropweiv ad xr x
imapy (Point _ y) = _axis_tropweiv ad yr y
reverse r@(r0,r1) = if rev then (r1,r0) else r
renderAxisGrid :: RectSize -> AxisT z -> ChartBackend ()
renderAxisGrid sz@(w,h) at@(AxisT re as rev ad) = do
withLineStyle (_axis_grid_style as) $ do
mapM_ (drawGridLine re) (_axis_grid ad)
(sx,sy,ex,ey,tp,axisPoint,invAxisPoint) = axisMapping at sz
drawGridLine E_Top = vline
drawGridLine E_Bottom = vline
drawGridLine E_Left = hline
drawGridLine E_Right = hline
vline v = let v' = p_x (axisPoint v)
in alignStrokePoints [Point v' 0,Point v' h] >>= strokePointPath
hline v = let v' = p_y (axisPoint v)
in alignStrokePoints [Point 0 v',Point w v'] >>= strokePointPath
makeAxis :: PlotValue x => (x -> String) -> ([x],[x],[x]) -> AxisData x
makeAxis labelf (labelvs, tickvs, gridvs) = AxisData {
_axis_visibility = def,
_axis_viewport = newViewport,
_axis_tropweiv = newTropweiv,
_axis_ticks = newTicks,
_axis_grid = gridvs,
_axis_labels = [newLabels]
newViewport = vmap (min',max')
newTropweiv = invmap (min',max')
newTicks = [ (v,2) | v <- tickvs ] ++ [ (v,5) | v <- labelvs ]
newLabels = [ (v,labelf v) | v <- labelvs ]
min' = minimum labelvs
max' = maximum labelvs
makeAxis' :: Ord x => (x -> Double) -> (Double -> x) -> (x -> String)
-> ([x],[x],[x]) -> AxisData x
makeAxis' t f labelf (labelvs, tickvs, gridvs) = AxisData {
_axis_visibility = def,
_axis_viewport = linMap t (minimum labelvs, maximum labelvs),
_axis_tropweiv = invLinMap f t (minimum labelvs, maximum labelvs),
_axis_ticks = zip tickvs (repeat 2) ++ zip labelvs (repeat 5),
_axis_grid = gridvs,
_axis_labels = [[ (v,labelf v) | v <- labelvs ]]
defaultAxisLineStyle :: LineStyle
defaultAxisLineStyle = solidLine 1 $ opaque black
defaultGridLineStyle :: LineStyle
defaultGridLineStyle = dashedLine 1 [5,5] $ opaque lightgrey
defaultAxisStyle :: AxisStyle
defaultAxisStyle = def
instance Default AxisStyle where
def = AxisStyle
{ _axis_line_style = defaultAxisLineStyle
, _axis_label_style = def
, _axis_grid_style = defaultGridLineStyle
, _axis_label_gap = 10
instance Default AxisVisibility where
def = AxisVisibility
{ _axis_show_line = True
, _axis_show_ticks = True
, _axis_show_labels = True
vmap :: PlotValue x => (x,x) -> Range -> x -> Double
vmap (v1,v2) (v3,v4) v = v3 + (toValue v toValue v1) * (v4v3)
/ (toValue v2 toValue v1)
invmap :: PlotValue x => (x,x) -> Range -> Double -> x
invmap (v3,v4) (d1,d2) d = fromValue (toValue v3 + ( (dd1) * doubleRange
/ (d2d1) ))
where doubleRange = toValue v4 toValue v3
linMap :: (a -> Double) -> (a,a) -> Range -> a -> Double
linMap f (x1,x2) (d1,d2) x =
d1 + (d2 d1) * (f x f x1) / (f x2 f x1)
invLinMap :: (Double -> a) -> (a -> Double) -> (a,a) -> Range -> Double -> a
invLinMap f t (v3,v4) (d1,d2) d =
f (t v3 + ( (dd1) * doubleRange / (d2d1) ))
doubleRange = t v4 t v3
$( makeLenses ''AxisVisibility )
$( makeLenses ''AxisData )
$( makeLenses ''AxisStyle )