Changelog for ClickHaskell-0.2.0
0.2.0 -- 23-03-2023
ClickHaskell documentation got it's own domain name:
- Improved multithreading connection usage (+ added test)
- Unexpected behavior on expected and result column type mismatches (+ added test)
- Query serialization support for UUID (+ added test)
- Export of client errors for exception handling
- Dropped vector dependency
- Introduced memory consumption test (64M limit) on parallel reading and writing of 1 million rows
- Added new reading wrapper for generateRandom function
- Depricating
prefixes on typesChUInt*
(to Word* type synonyms),ChInt*
(to Int* standart types),ChDate*
(to Date and DateTime) - openNativeConnection now passes $HOME and $USERNAME variables to query info
Breaking changes:
New UserErrors on types and columns names missmatches
This change helps protect a user from unexpected behavior
error occurs when the expected type doesn't match the resulting oneUnmatchedColumn
error occurs when the expected column name doesn't match the resulting onedata ExpectedName = MkExpectedName { expectedName :: ChInt64 } deriving (Generic) deriving anyclass (ReadableFrom (Columns ExpectedColumns)) type ExpectedColumns = '[ Column "expectedName" ChInt64] -- Will throw UnmatchedColumn void $ select @ExpectedColumns @ExpectedName connection (toChType "SELECT * FROM generateRandom('unexpectedName Int64', 1, 10, 2) LIMIT 1") pure -- Will throw UnmatchedType void $ select @ExpectedColumns @ExpectedName connection "SELECT * FROM generateRandom('expectedName String', 1, 10, 2) LIMIT 1" pure
Migration to streaming API
The result of selects now exposes the block by block handling result. So you need to pass the handler and to process the list of results
result <- sum <$> select @ExampleColumns @ExampleData connection "\ \SELECT * \ \FROM generateRandom('a1 Int64', 1, 10, 2) \ \LIMIT 1_000_00 \ \ "
now looks like
result <- sum <$> select @ExampleColumns @ExampleData connection "\ \SELECT * \ \FROM generateRandom('a1 Int64', 1, 10, 2) \ \LIMIT 1_000_00 \ \ " (pure . sum)
DateTime type now parametrized with timezone
Every DateTime type annotations
type A = ChDateTime -- DateTime type B = ChDateTime -- DateTime('UTC')
should be changed with
type A = ChDateTime "" -- DateTime type B = ChDateTime "UTC" -- DateTime('UTC')
Migration to single module distribution
You need to move all imports such as
import ClickHaskell.DbTypes (ChInt8)
to ClickHaskell module
import ClickHaskell (ChInt8)
0.1.0 -- 04-12-2024
Initial release